• Published 21st Aug 2017
  • 1,775 Views, 98 Comments

Dark Star of Shadows - Super Ponyman

There will always be good and evil in Equestia, but one cannot exist without the other. When the shadow king Sombra returns after hiding for four years, he plots his revenge. This time, he has a student of his own, and he shows no mercy

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Chapter 6: Kindling Burning Star's Friendship

Author's Note:

I hope you all are enjoying the story. In this chapter, Burning Star will show off more of that scary speaking, as well as making a reference to a certain edgy character from a video game, and maybe reveal why he is so strong in magic. Enjoy!

(Twilight Sparkle's castle, Twilight's bedroom.)

Twilight Sparkle slowly opened her eyes, all of her friends were sitting beside her with worried expressions on thier faces. Twilight tried to move, but everything hurt.

"Easy there sugarcube, you got into one hell of a literal firefight against that unicorn. You are lucky to be alive, when we found you you were nearly dead. The entire place was engulfed in flames." Applejack said, clearly worried about Twilight.

Rainbow Dash chimed in, "Yeah! You scared us Twi, I thought you wouldn't wake up again. I was... worried about you." Twilight could see the blush of embarrassment on Dashie's face.

Twilight Sparkle sat up and asked her friends, "Where is the unicorn that was laying next to me?"

Fluttershy responded in her signature quiet voice, "We locked him in the Canterlot Dungeon today, if that's ok with you..."

Twilight nodded, "That's fine Fluttershy, I would like to see him when I'm done recovering."

Suddenly, a note appeared out of thin air, it was sealed with Celestia's royal seal.

Twilight broke the seal and read the message out loud

"Dear Twilight Sparkle and friends,"

"I have grave news. The unicorn known as Burning Star has broken free from the dungeon a few hours ago, he is armed with magic and extremely dangerous. Be careful my student."

Everypony was in shock, many of them stood there jaws hanging open.

Rarity was the first to speak,
"But, But, That's Impossible! Canterlot Dungeon is extremely hard to escape, how did he get out so easily?"

Twilight Sparkle said to her friends, "I'm not finished reading, everpony."

Twilight began to read the rest,

"As of right now, Luna and I have suspicions that he will try to run back to the Frozen North, to King Sombra's new fortress, Castle Nevermore. But, he could be heading back to Ponyville, if he is, I've sent my personal guards to your castle." If they cannot beat him, you have my permission to end his existence as quickly as you can.


Rainbow Dash slammed her hoof on the nightstand, knocking over Twilight's lamp.

"Great! Just bucking Perfect! We manage to lock up the most powerful unicorn we have ever met, and he just breaks out of prison the next day!" She said, flaring her wings.

Applejack put a calming hoof on her friends shoulder, "There ain't nothing we can do. We have to wait until he shows up a-gain. Until then, we better get the Elements of Harmony ready."

Rarity started to walk downstairs, "all this talk of prisoners and fire unicorns has made me stressed out, I'm going to take a shower girls."

Rarity began to head downstairs, she passed by Pinkie Pie, who was sleeping on the couch, when she heard somepony singing,

"I see and fear no evil, black writings on the wall. Unleash a million faces, and one by one they fall."

Rarity moved slowly towards the bathroom. "Hello?"

She heard more singing,

"A black hearted evil, a brave hearted hero. I am all, I am all, I am..."

Rarity inched closer, trying to hear who it was. It sounded masculine and deep, but with a hint of sophistication.

"Go ahead try to see through me, do it if you dare. One step forward, two step back now."

Rarity opened the door and saw a shadow behind the curtains to the shower. The heat in the room was high.

"Do it, do it, do it, Do It!"

She grasped the curtains with her magic and ripped them open, she immediately blushed furiously.

Burning Star, the prisoner that she helped lock up, was in Twilight's bathroom and taking a shower, he noticed and turned towards her.

Rarity drank in the physique of Burning Star, he was built like Big Macintosh, and stood taller than him. His jet black fur hid lean and strong muscles. His bright red mane and tail was ungroomed and rugged, probably from not washing it.

"Heya. I needed a shower, so I came here. You ok?"

Rarity screamed and was red with embarrassment. "Oh my... Sweet Celestia, I'm so sorry!"

Burning Star looked confused and said to himself, "What's her problem? Has she never seen a stallion like me before? Oh well... her loss. Such a shame, she was pretty looking."

He closed the door again and pulled the shower curtains back into place and started to sing again.

"Can you see all of me? Walk into my Mystery, step in inside and hold on for dear life! Do you remember me? capture you, or set you free? I am all of, I am all of me!"

Rarity rushed upstairs to Twilight's Room and screamed, "BURNING STAR IS IN THE CASTLE BATHROOM!"

Everyone jumped up and ran downstairs, only to see Burning Star wrapped in a red robe sitting on the couch, drinking soda. He was sitting next to Pinkie Pie's sleeping body.

Burning Star smirked and said, "Hello again, Twilight Sparkle. You miss me, or did the little diva there tell you where I was?"

Burning Star pointed to Rarity, making her huff in frustration.

"What are you doing here and how did you get out of prison?!" Twilight screamed at the top of her lungs, startling Fluttershy and waking the pink party pony up from her nap.

"Hi guys! Why do you all look angry?" She turned around to see Burning Star's smiling face. "Hey! Your the pony that came and sat next to me. You helped me fall asleep. How did you do that?" Pinkie said with her usual happiness.

Burning Star just said, "You looked tired, so I helped you fall asleep."

Burning Star turned towards Twilight Sparkle and snickered, "You left your door unlocked, a very unwise choice since I was coming to meet you again. I broke out of prison by using my Fire powers to melt the window bars, then I snuck out and melted my cuffs. You got to tell Princess Celestia to buff up her security. Oh yeah, speaking of security..."

Burning Star pulled five guards out of the closet. "I believe these mooks are yours. These guards must be the worst security ever, I effortlessly blew them away with a Fire Bomb attack. I hope next time I get some semblance of challenge.

He shoved the guards forwards, Twilight untied them from their chains. They got up, and ran for thier lives. Twilight Sparkle shot her intruder a angry glare.

"You actually had the guts to come back to the same people that locked you up? You're not too bright are you?" Rainbow Dash said, flying close to his face, her magenta eyes staring into his dark blue ones.

Burning Star took another sip of his soda and stood up, smiling at the cyan Pegasus. "You're not too bright either... lowering your guard in front of a powerful Unicorn." He said as he used his magic to freeze her in place, before slamming her into the ceiling, then into to the ground.

"Nopony touches my friend Dashie!" Applejack said as she slammed Burning Star with her back legs, staggering him back.

He shook his head in pain. "Wow, you got a mean rear kick Applejack... not many things can hurt me."

Twilight Sparkle grabbed the fiery unicorn with her magic before he torched the place. "Ok that's enough! Why are you actually here Burning Star?"

Her intruder sat down and took a sip of his soda, "Like I said yesterday before I collapsed from exhaustion, you heard my view of the world, now I want to learn your side."

He opened one of the bags on the side of his cloak and pulled out a raven feather quill and a large black book.

"What is that?" Twilight asked, before seeing the title.

"The Complete Guide to the Races of Equestria." I was writing it earlier."

Her eyes went wide, "You're writing a book! That's why you want to learn about friendship! What are you writing this book for exactly?"

Burning Star answered, slightly unnerved by Twilight's excitement, "So that when Equestria finally collapses and destroys itself, the ponies of the future will know about all the races and cultures that existed in the past."

Burning Star sighed and continued his sentence, "Before I became a student of King Sombra, I wanted to help other ponies understand the world around them, so that they are not confused and wander about aimlessly."

Rainbow Dash looked confused, "Why would we wander around aimlessly?"

Burning Star laughed, loud and proud. "If you actually paid attention "Dashie" you would know why. But apparently you don't care about whose flanks you Kick, do you? No, you do not huh? Guess I would expect it from a Pegasus like you, always having your head in the clouds..."

Rainbow Dash gave Burning Star a venomous stare, Twilight pushed Burning Star and Dashie apart.

"Listen you two! I understand why you don't like each other right now. But this isn't the time to fight. If Burning Star wants to be taught the magic of friendship I say let him!" Twilight said, in the Royal Canterlot voice.

Burning Star smiled and thought to himself, "it seems that the little Alicorn has some authority after all..."

Twilight Sparkle and her friends sat down in their respective seats, while Burning Star stood beside Twilight, a smirk on his face. He knew he had won, the promise of writing a book had made Twilight ignore telling her friends about his history and the conversation he had with her a little while ago...

"Ok, all in favor of giving Burning Star friendship lessons raise thier hoof" Twilight said, three hooves rose. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity.

"All opposed?" Two hooves and one scaly hand rose. Applejack, Spike and Rainbow Dash

Burning Star thought in his head, "It appears as we do not have a majority. How typical... you cannot enforce your power, even on your friends."

He turned towards Twilight, "Well? You're the deciding vote Twilight, What do you say? You want to give me another chance?"

Twilight raised her hoof, "I vote in favor, as long as you trade us information on King Sombra's powers and stuff."

Burning Star nodded his head, "Sure. I'll gladly trade information on him. After all, it would seem only fair."

He leaned in on the group, "As long as you can keep a secret from Celestia, that is..."

Twilight Sparkle inquiried more, "How big of a secret are we talking?"

Burning Star leaned in, "I don't want her to find out that I'm here. Ok? I'd hate to burn all of you to cinders..."

Pinkie Pie smiled, "Sure thing! We all keep a secret right everypony?"

Everybody nodded towards Burning Star.

"Your secret is safe with us!"