• Published 21st Aug 2017
  • 1,773 Views, 98 Comments

Dark Star of Shadows - Super Ponyman

There will always be good and evil in Equestia, but one cannot exist without the other. When the shadow king Sombra returns after hiding for four years, he plots his revenge. This time, he has a student of his own, and he shows no mercy

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Chapter 19: Endgame, Part 1: Showdown with Shadows

Author's Note:

Here it is... the last chapter, but I've split it into 3 parts. This is it, the big battle for Equestria. King Sombra's up first!

Whoever wins will decide the fate of the world,

Will Daybreaker and King Sombra succeed and burn the world to ashes?

Or will Burning Star and the Free Equestrians destroy King Sombra and free Celestia from Daybreaker's torment?

(Twilight Sparkle's Castle, Twilight's Bedroom)

Twilight Sparkle awoke with a burning pain in her stomach and a throbbing pain in her head, almost as if the moon was dropped on her.

"Oooh... my head... what happened last night..." she moaned in pain, clutching her head. She reached for the clock on the left side of the bed, but she touched something soft.

Twilight Sparkle looked closer, she saw a pair of black wings, they were wrapped around her chest. Burning Star got up and said groggily, "Morning Twilight... You sure know how to show somepony a good time huh... I have a huge cramp in my wings."

Twilight Sparkle felt the sudden realization of what happened last night hit her and hit her HARD! She asked Burning Star, "Uh Burning Star? Did we..."

Burning Star cut her off, "Yes."

Twilight felt a blush on her face, "and you agreed to..."

He cut her off again, "Yeah."

Twilight's entire face turned bright red. "So that's why your in..."

Burning Star pulled his wing out from underneath her and put a hoof to her mouth. "Instead of stammering out words and half sentences, let me just say it Twilight, we had sex."

Twilight Sparkle's eyes shrank to pinpricks as she looked at Burning Star. He had a smug grin on his face, he knew that he was thinking something inappropriate.

He finally opened his Mouth, "what's the matter Twilight? First time with a Stallion? Because I've done it plenty..."

Burning Star received a large slap to the face that knocked him off the bed, Twilight got up and stomped downstairs for breakfast.

Burning Star had a smile that could win an award for the most smug smile ever, "What a Shame, she was so good too..."

Burning Star sat on the other side of the long dining room table, everypony else got up as well and were sitting in their chairs. Spike was serving waffles with honey and apple juice, NOT cider.

Burning Star got up and said in his speech voice, "I think now that we are all working together that I should reveal why I'm really doing this."

Tirek nodded, dropping his fork. "Yeah! I have a feeling you're still hiding something from us. So spit it out already!"

Rarity put her hoof on Tirek's shoulder to try and calm him, and he sat down.

Burning Star continued, "I should come clean about who I really am."

Burning Star stood up, still speaking. "My name "Burning Star" isn't actually my true name, its a title I made for myself to intimidate other ponies. I mean it makes sense as well, my cutie Mark is a five pointed star made out of fire."

Applejack asked the obvious question, "Then what's your real Name then?"

Burning Star announced in a booming voice, mimicking the Royal Canterlot voice. "After doing some research, I stumbled upon something big. My full name is Dawn Sol Star, son of Fire Pan the unicorn and Shining Wings the Pegasus, and last descendant of King Da'irko, the first king of Equestria."

Burning Star walked over to Twilight Sparkle, "My heritage makes me the original pony meant to rule Equestria. If Celestia and Luna were not the rulers, I would be considered a prince of the Old Equestria Royal Family."

Cadence spoke up, "Wait. Did you say King Da'irko?"

Burning Star nodded, "Yes. Why do you ask Cadence?"

Cadence got up and announced to the table, "that means that you are also the living descendant of King Sombra as well!"

Everypony's jaw dropped to the floor. Shadow Armor got up and bowed before Dawn Star, "My King... I will fight for you."

Everypony else got up and bowed as well. Dawn Star was confused, "Why are they all bowing to me?"

Everypony heard a voice in their minds, "Yes! I thought that you were my descendant!"

Applejack noticed its voice tone, "Where Are you King Sombra?!"

Everypony freaked out, then they all heard the voice of the Shadow King again.

"Excuse me, I'm being terribly rude. I'm in your heads, everypony."

Twilight Sparkle questioned King Sombra's voice, "How did you get into our heads?"

King Sombra's voice said in a worried tone, "Unfortunately for everypony, Daybreaker has used a spell to take control of my body. So I did the only logical thing, I used my magic to spectate my consciousness from my body and I infiltrated all your minds. Do not worry, I am not here to take control of your minds."

Fluttershy cringed, "w-what do you mean Daybreaker controls your body?"

King Sombra cleared his nonexistent throat, "She used what is called "Ultimate Hypnosis" on my body. So, I came here to inform you about something."

Dawn Star asked King Sombra's voice, "What?"

King Sombra said to everypony, "Go to the Crystal Castle, I have a surprise to show you all."

The group nodded, and Twilight Sparkle and Dawn Star teleported everypony to the Crystal Empire.

(Crystal Castle, Throne Room)

When everypony rematerialized, King Sombra's voice spoke up, "Ok. Dawn Star, use your magic to lift up the throne."

Dawn Star nodded, and grabbed the throne with his magic. It lifted as if it was a sheet of paper, revealing a set of stairs.

"Ok, everypony head down there, that's where my secret is."

When everypony reached the bottom of the stairs, they reached a door, Twilight Sparkle opened the door and everypony gasped in Awe.

It was a large cavern filled with glowing blue crystals, along the walls were sets of armor, weapons, what looked like Magitek wings, everything.

King Sombra said, "this is my secret armory, I built it for ponies that proved themselves worthy to take me on, and now it's yours."

Rarity said, "Well what do we do with all this?"

Dawn Star walked in front of everypony and said, "We arm ourselves for battle. Suit Up!"

Within a few minutes, everypony was heading towards racks of armor and weapons. They began to put it on, and it began to grow or shrink to fit the pony's size.

When everypony returned from the armory, they were decked out in sets of armor and some carried weapons with them.

Rarity wore a pair of Crystalline Shoulder pads and a Dark Purple Armor Cap.

Applejack had Hoof-fighting Bandages around her hooves, as well as a leather tunic bearing red and green markings

Fluttershy wore light metal armor that had a pair of Magitek wings attached to them. She bore a multicolored symbol on her front hooves. It was Discord mimicking a tattoo.

Pinkie Pie had light metal armor on as well, but it was very pink. She had small party cannons on her back.

Rainbow Dash wore Sleek Dark Blue Armor that complimented her Rainbow-Colored Mane, she also had a Pair of Magitek wings.

Shining Armor and Shadow Armor both wore the exact same set of armor, but Shadow Armor's plate armor was dyed Silver and Red compared to Shining Armor's Purple and Gold. Shining Armor carried a sword at his side while Shadow Armor carried a Black Crystal Double Axe.

Cadence wore Pink and Gold body armor, with a Heart shaped chest guard, she carried a Spear with her.

Chrysalis wore Black plate armor with Forest Green Highlights running up the legs. Below her eyes was a band of green war paint.

Tirek had the hardest time fining armor, but he eventually settled on a set of heavy black and red plate armor. It had a helmet that had holes for his horns and he carried a massive club with him.

Twilight exited last, she wore dark purple plate armor with golden highlights and carried a halberd with her. She asked everypony, "We all suited up?" They all nodded.

Rainbow Dash asked Twilight, "Where's Dawn Star?"

They heard King Sombra's voice, "He's taking a while because he has a special set of gear."

Suddenly, Dawn Star flew out of the stairwell. Everypony looked up and stepped back in awe.

Dawn Star wore what looked like King Sombra's armor, it had the neck guard, Metal Greaves, Chest Guard, and Helmet. But instead of Silver with Blood Red highlights, it was bright orange with blue highlights. He had tribal markings running down the sides of his body, reaching under his eyes and down to his hooves, bearing the resemblance to flames. He wore wing guards with what looked like exhaust ports on them, presumably because his Fire powers would be trapped in his armor.

Dawn Star broke the silence and said, "Alright. We all ready for battle?"

Everypony nodded, and Dawn Star flung open the door, he saw a dark cloud off in the distance. It smashed through the wall surrounding the Crystal Empires main city and began to race up the streets towards the castle. "There's King Sombra..."

Dawn Star looked to the air and saw a bright red fireball above the dark cloud. "And there is Daybreaker..."

Everypony heard King Sombra's mind voice, "Alright now, we have to stop my body from destroying this city."

Dawn Star sounded the charge with a loud roar, and he began to fly down the stairs. Everypony else followed him, hearing him singing something, in fact they heard it in their minds.

Dawn Star sung out, "I can't do this alone. Even though I am strong! Need something more than me, somepony to push me to victory!"

Everypony felt a sudden wave of determination wash over them, they wanted to work together to fight Sombra and his forces.

They heard more lyrics, "Let's see what we can do. Together! Me and You! Can't be afraid to try. Kiss your fears goodbye!"

They finally collided with the first wave of King Sombra's soldiers, everypony immediately began fighting, still hearing Dawn Star signing.

"No looking back! You and I are on the attack. Full speed ahead! Running to the Sunset!"

Tirek crushed a group of soldiers with his club before vaporizing another 3 dozen with the Magic blast from his horns.

He then said with pride, "Such a different feeling!"

Chrysalis blasted Acid out of her horn, melting the black crystal soldiers. She then sung in her echoing voice. "Both of us believing."

The voice of King Sombra then sung in a deep voice, "That we can make it better."

Twilight Sparkle finally smashed through the front lines and was face to face with King Sombra's body. He had eyes filled with orange light and was carrying a Black Crystal Scythe. Dawn Star landed next to her, drawing his Weapon, a massive Single-edged sword.

King Sombra's body spoke in the voice of Daybreaker. "So! You dare to stand against me?"

Twilight Sparkle stepped forward, "Yes. I will fight for friendship, for freedom, for Equestria!"

Daybreaker roared, "So be it, I will make your deaths very painful!"

King Sombra's body lunged at Twilight Sparkle. Dawn Star slammed his blade into King Sombra's back, cutting a deep gash into his armor.

Dawn Star roared out the next verse, "TOGETHER!" As everypony charged down King Sombra, determined to strike him down.

He continued, "We can show the world what we can do! your next to me and I'm next to you. Push me on though until the battles Won!"

Tirek smashed King Sombra with his club, while Chrysalis blasted a storm of magic missiles. Both these attacks collided with King Sombra, sending him flying.

Dawn Star took a blow from King Sombra's scythe, cutting his helmet. Although he was in pain, he still kept singing.

"No one's going to give nothing to us! Into each other we put our trust!"

Shining Armor and Shadow Armor unleashed beams of magic to pierce King Sombra's body. The two knights sung out, "STANDING UNITED, AFTER THE FIGHT!"

Dawn Star began to finish up the Song, "all alone, we will never be! All of us, are holding the key!"

Twilight Sparkle chimed in, "We see today! A world we couldn't see..."

Dawn Star unleashed a storm of fire upon King Sombra. "Everypony, Now!"

The Main Six pummeled King Sombra with Attack after attack after attack, they then heard King Sombra's voice in thier head. "Ok! I can get back into my body!"

King Sombra's body jerked back and forth as his eyes turned back to normal, he stood up and said "Well done Everypony."

Daybreaker screamed, clearly not amused by King Sombra getting his body back and losing the battle.

"You! You! YOU INSUFFERABLE PONIES! I'll kill you all!"

She pointed at Twilight Sparkle and Dawn Star, "STARTING WITH YOU TWO!"

Daybreaker dived down the two alicorns, horn extended and eyes full of rage, she fired a beam of Magic that rocketed through the air at Twilight's body. Twilight Sparkle couldn't get out of the way, then something blocked the attack.

Twilight heard a pained grunt as Tirek stepped in front of the Attack, he collapsed in pain as Twilight saw a large hole in his chest.

Daybreaker fired again at Dawn Star, this time much faster.

King Sombra shouted out, "NO!" King Sombra blocked the attack by diving in front of the blast. Both Tirek and King Sombra were lying on the ground, large holes in thier chests.

Daybreaker laughed, "Oh this is just perfect! The two most powerful villains to ever walk Equestria, before me of course, just sacrificed thier lives for the heroes."

She slowly clapped her hooves together, "How Pathetic..."

Daybreaker flew off, "Ta-ta Ponies! I'm off to claim what is rightfully MINE!" She laughed and sped off, leaving King Sombra and Tirek lying on the ground dying.

Dawn Star looked down on his ancestor and said, tears in his eyes, "Sombra... no. Why did you save me?"

King Sombra reached up and said, pain In his voice, "because I had to. I figured If I could do something good for once, then maybe I'll be remembered differently... You're safe right?"

Dawn Star sat, holding his mentor, "Yes. I'm safe thanks to you..."

Twilight ran over to Tirek, tears in her eyes, "TIREK! NO!"

Tirek his hand out and said to Twilight Sparkle, "I agree with Sombra... I thought that if I did one good deed, then maybe I'll be remembered as a hero... I guess I did good, right?"

Twilight grasped Tirek's hand, "Yeah... you did good."

Tirek took a last breath, and then died in front of Twilight Sparkle. She cried into his chest. Dawn Star pulled her away and said, "May Faust guide him to the heavens."

King Sombra called Twilight, Dawn Star, and everypony else over "I have something to say to all of you... I have chosen to leave my possessions to all of you."

King Sombra turned towards Fluttershy, "To you Fluttershy, I leave my grimoire on the beasts and monsters of Equestria. May it prove useful to you." A large book appeared out of nowhere and landed next to Flutthershy.

"T-thank you..." she said, trying to look brave.

He turned next to Rarity, "To you, I leave the spell to unlock the doors of my vaults. Use the riches wisely..." a scroll appeared

"Thank You King Sombra." Said Rarity, trying not to cry.

He turned next to Applejack, "To you, Farmer. I leave my land, grow your apples and prosper there..."

A piece of paper with a map of King Sombra's land appeared

Applejack tipped her hat and said, "thanks partner..."

He looked towards Pinkie Pie, "To you, I leave my vast array of recipes from the Royal Kitchen, turn your little shop into a chain restaurant." A book popped in with a cooking pot on the cover.

Pinkie's hair was drooped over, "Okay..."

King Sombra turned to Rainbow Dash, "to you I leave my Scythe, may you become a true hero..."

King Sombra levitated his Scythe towards Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash was on the ground with her head bowed, "Thanks King. You aren't that bad after all..."

He finally got to Twilight, "To you, Twilight Sparkle. I leave you the spell to unlock my archives, there you will find spellbooks that will teach you the fundamentals of Dark Magic and how to control it properly."

A scroll popped in Front of Twilight, "Thank you King Sombra... I will use this well." She said, bowing her head.

He got up on his feet and limped over to Dawn Star, he then whispered to him.

"To you, my student. I leave you my greatest gift..." Dawn Star looked on with sadness, his mentor was dying.

King Sombra reached up to his head, and took off his crown. Everypony looked on in shock

He then said, "I, King Sombra of the Crystal Empire. Being of Sound mind and sound body, crown you, Dawn Star, King of Castle Nevermore. May your rule be fair and just... Long live the king..."

King Sombra collapsed to the ground, and died.

Dawn Star wept, so did the others. They had lost both Sombra and Tirek.

He then said, sorrow in his voice

"Before I say goodbye to you... one more last fist bump..."