• Published 21st Aug 2017
  • 1,775 Views, 98 Comments

Dark Star of Shadows - Super Ponyman

There will always be good and evil in Equestia, but one cannot exist without the other. When the shadow king Sombra returns after hiding for four years, he plots his revenge. This time, he has a student of his own, and he shows no mercy

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Chapter 17: Black Hearts can Love, too...

Author's Note:

Hello all! It's time for a King Sombra chapter, and he's got a lot to catch up on.

Cadence may not be happy that her husband is with Chrysalis... she may even go dark-hearted... and side with a REAL King.

(The Crystal Castle, Hospital Wing)

King Sombra sat on the side of his bed with his eyes closed. He was practicing one of the most ancient and difficult magic spells, The ability of Foreseeing The Future. He learned this ability when he studied under his father, King Da'irko. A pony he HATED so much.

King Sombra didn't notice Princess Cadence walk in, she walked over to King Sombra with a syringe.

King Sombra recoiled away in fear, Which prompted Shadow Armor to grab Cadence with his magic and slam her to the wall.

Shadow Armor generated a Serrated Knife and held it to her throat, the tooth-covered blade inches from her jugular vein. "You attempt to take the life of My king! Die Princess of Love!"

Cadence smacked Shadow Armor with her hoof, sending him skidding backwards. She pinned the dark knight down with her magic and yelled at him, "HEY! I was just going to take a blood sample from him! Why are you so intent on keeping him safe?!"

Cadence realized that this was King Sombra she was talking about, the most hated and wanted pony in existence, and she said "Sombra, I need to take a blood sample from you. Is that ok?"

King Sombra sent a bolt of lightning at Cadence, backing away in terror, "Get that thing away from me! I don't like those things!"

Cadence raised a eyebrow, "You don't like shots? Why don't you like shots?"

King Sombra got up and cleared his throat, "I have bad memories of shots, Princess... My father was... very fond using them... especially on me."

Cadence walked over and asked, "What are you getting at Sombra?"

King Sombra generated a black crystal up from the ground and projected a hologram from it. "My father was the sadistic King Da'irko."

Cadence was surprised, "your father was King Da'irko?! As in THE King Da'irko?!"

King Sombra frowned, "You talk about him with such high regard... you know about the atrocities that were committed by him?"

Cadence nodded, "Yes. I'm sorry about responding that way, I'm just surprised that sompony like him would even have a son."

Sombra narrowed his eyes, they filled with Dark Magic, "He wasn't biased with his treatment of his subjects, he treated me the same way. I was experimented on. tortured for days, even weeks without end. Although it shattered my body, it sharpened my mind to such a point that I finally had the common sense to end his life..."

Cadence gasped, "You killed your own father! How could you live with yourself afterwards?"

King Sombra put a hoof over her mouth, "He deserved it... and Quiet! I'm not finished with the story!" Sombra swung his horn, changing the scenery.

King Sombra snarled out, "I learned then a valuable lesson that I wished to teach to anypony I met."

King Sombra yelled out in rage and smashed the crystal. "That Family doesn't matter, THEY WILL ALWAYS BETRAY YOU!"

Cadence shed a tear for somepony she never thought she would. Cadence then walked up to Sombra, and wrapped her pink wings around him.

She said in a soothing tone, "Its ok Sombra. Is just a shame you don't share a loving relationship like Shining and me."

King Sombra gave her a evil smile and locked eyes with her, "oh really? You think that Shining wants to be with you, Cadence?"

His eyes glowed, and Cadence's filled with the sickly green King Sombra's eyes had normally. His Sharp red horn touched her smooth pink one, He said, "Allow me to show you the truth about Shining Armor!"

Cadence felt as if she had been separated from her body, then she saw a sight that made her heart sink.

Queen Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen and her worst nightmare, was making out with Shining Armor! Her Shining Armor!

King Sombra smirked, "Its funny how fate works isn't it Cadence? You are the Princess of Love, yet your husband loves another... how ironic that you're the representation of love, yet Shining Armor ends up with the one that takes love away."

Cadence snarled at King Sombra, "This isn't true! Shining would never love Chrysalis after what she did to him! She probably did the same exact thing!"

King Sombra changed the scene, and Cadence's gaze turned from disbelief to sorrow.

Shining Armor and Queen Chrysalis were doing... certain things on Her Bed! HER BED!

King Sombra showed Cadence Shining Armor's face, there was no hypnotized look in his eyes, there was a look of love, love for a being that she thought didn't deserve any love at all.

King Sombra and returned to the plane of reality, And King Sombra noticed tears in Cadence's eyes.

Cadence broke down in tears, before crying out in pain. "NO! How can he love her more than me!"

King Sombra whispered into her ear, "you feel that Princess? You feel that pain, that's your love slowly and painfully withering away, and being replaced with HATE! I can provide release of that hatred, if you join me of course..."

he decided to pour more salt on the wound, "in all honesty, My servant Shadow Armor would be better suited for you. He has power, authority, and cunning. And Unlike Shining Armor, he listens to anypony that can dominate his will."

Cadence looked up towards King Sombra's face, he had Dark Magic in his eyes, and a grin that inadvertently revealed his intentions. He was going to use this vision as a way to turn her to his side so that he could dominate her as his personal Dark Alicorn.

Cadence smiled, "I know what your trying to do Sombra! You're trying to use this as a way to transform me into one of your personal lap ponies!"

King Sombra swallowed hard, he said "What do you mean?" He knew he had been caught.

Cadence flipped the topic on its head, "You see Sombra, I knew of Chrysalis's love for Shining Armor ever since she tried to marry him. It wasn't just a desire to feed her subjects, it was pure and true love!"

King Sombra's eyes returned to normal and shrank to pinpricks, "W-What are you saying?? How long have You known about this?"

Cadence smiled, "I sensed Chrysalis's presence a few weeks ago, we met in secret and talked about Shining Armor's Destiny... I knew that fate would propel him to be with Queen Chrysalis, and I wept for days afterwards. Then, she said to me a few words that will ring true forever!"

King Sombra was pinned up against the wall. Cadence was speaking with great authority, "she said, "Love is not just an attraction and desire to live with somepony, Love is the feeling that you will do anything and everything for the ones you care about."

King Sombra noticed Shadow Armor standing a few steps away from Cadence, his eyes Closed.

King Sombra shouted to his servant, "Shadow Armor! Help me! I'm under attack!"

Shadow Armor opened his eyes, walked over to Cadence and smirked, "I refuse Sombra! Candence is right, love can do anything, even warm my black heart. Black hearts can love too..."

"I created you! I can also destroy you too! King Sombra ignited his horn, intending to crush his creation's heart. Shadow Armor didn't even flinch.

He tried again,


He tried again,


King Sombra looked confused, "You should be dead right now! Why are you not dead!"

King Sombra heard a scream from Nocturne, then her body went limp.

Shadow Armor used his magic to pick up the Body of his Advisor Nocturne, there was a very large stitch in her chest, he lowered his chain mail shirt, there was a large stitch in his chest too.

The Shadow King's heart sank, "NOCTURNE! No!" He tried to lunge at Cadence, but a sharp sword was pressed to his throat by Shadow Armor.

King Sombra finally spoke, nearly speechless. "B-b-b-but how?"

Shadow Armor put a hoof around Cadence's horn. "Cadence managed, through great difficulty and danger, carved the black heart from my chest and swapped it with Nocturne's normal heart, which was not tied to your magic. We have been planning this from the very beginning I met with Cadence..."

Cadence smirked and threw Sombra across the room, "Congrats Sombra, you just killed your assistant."

King Sombra roared and unleashed the full fury of his Dark Magic on Cadence, she shielded it barely and Shadow Armor shouted, "DO IT NOW!"

Shining Armor and Queen Chrysalis burst through the window above Sombra's bed and unleashed beams of Light Blue and Green Magic energy, staggering the Shadow King backwards towards the open balcony, he tried to transform into his shadow form, but he couldn't, the sun was coming up. Damn, they timed this perfectly!

The three ponies and one changeling combined thier beams together, forming a giant ball of white light. King Sombra looked terrified!

Cadence shouted, "ALL TOGETHER NOW!"

The three ponies and one changeling shouted in unison,


King Sombra shouted out, "NOT THIS AGAIN!" As he flew out the balcony door and was flung far over the horizon.

The three ponies and changeling collapsed, wheezing and panting. Shining Armor was the first to get up,

He lifted everyone to their feet and said, "WE DID IT!"

Cadence screamed in glee, "YES! THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE IS SAVED!"

Chrysalis smiled, eyes full of true joy, "WE WON!"

Shadow Armor gave a legitimate happy smile, "I guess we did win. Well done everypony..."

His face went back to his normal brooding expression, "But we still have to deal with Daybreaker now. I propose that we meet up with Your sister, Shining Armor, to discuss our next move, and this time we will make our move as one group."

Shining Armor stick out his hoof, "Sure thing Shadow Armor, may I?"

Shadow Armor shook Shining Armor's hoof. Shining Armor said, "Its good to have friends isn't it?"

Shadow Armor looked around, seeing an Alicorn, A Changeling Queen, and his Copy.

Shadow Armor then said in a clear as day voice,

"Yeah, I guess it does feel nice... to have friends."

(Castle Nevermore)

King Sombra was flung back to his Castle, slamming through the dark crystal wall and landing with a large and painful boom.

He struggled to get up, cursing under his breath. "Well Shit... I didn't see that coming..."

King Sombra looked around, his castle was in ruins, the walls looked like Swiss cheese, the door was blown off its hinges, everything was either shattered, smashed, or burnt to a crisp.

King Sombra said to himself, "What the Buck happened here? Who could of done this much damage?"

A voice called out from the darkness near his throne, "That would be..." the torches on the walls ignited, revealing the terrifying form of a fiery white Alicorn. It was Daybreaker, and she was sitting on his throne!

"ME!" She finished, before laughing like a madpony. King Sombra just stared at her, utterly speechless. Daybreaker returned the stare, neither pony said anything for a good five minutes.

Daybreaker finally broke the silence. "Are you going to say something or are you just to awestruck by my beauty?" She said in a smug tone.

King Sombra got up and walked closer, he said in a slightly annoyed voice. "How did you get in here? I blocked off the castle with a magic barrier."

Daybreaker laughed, "that pathetic excuse for a shield was supposed to prevent me from getting in? You have really lost your touch..."

King Sombra was blocked by a wall of fire. "Not too close, Sombra dear... I know about your abilities to... mentally persuade other ponies."

She dropped the wall of fire and walked closer to him, and whispered into his ear. "Well it won't work on me..." she playfully booped him on the nose before giggling like a little filly.

King Sombra has felt many feelings in his long life, he never imagined fear would be one of them. Not the type of fear that results from receiving pain, the type of fear that can turn entire armies into cowards. The same fear that was being instilled upon him by the Fiery Alicorn's dreadful gaze.

King Sombra swallowed hard and said, "I-I-I am not afraid of you... you are still that weak Princess Celestia." he lied though his teeth, and Daybreaker knew it.

She cupped his face with her hoof and said, "No need to feign bravery Sombra Dear, I know you're terrified of me. You're not sure what I'm going to do to you, and it's scaring you to death, isn't it?"

King Sombra nodded, visibly shaking in his metal greaves, and Daybreaker's face twisted into a flirty grin. "I originally came here to kill you... which I may still do." King Sombra's eyes shrank to pinpricks.

"But, I believe I've got a better idea."

Daybreaker lay across his throne, "Here's the plan Sombra, dear. We both share something in common, we both wish to rule Equestria... I propose that we work together! It will be great!" Daybreaker said, staring down King Sombra, observing all his features. Strong legs, thick muscles, and a smile that could both melt the heart of any mare, or scare the buck out of any stallion.

King Sombra worked up the courage to say, "I'll never join you! I can't rule Equestria if it's burnt to ash! I would have to rebuild it, and I'm lacking on the whole slave labor department."

Daybreaker laughed, "oh I'm not asking you Sombra, dear." She touched her horn to his, and Sombra felt a tingling feeling in his head.

"I'm telling you..."

Daybreaker then kissed King Sombra full on the lips! When they pulled back, Daybreaker smiled as King Sombra's eyes filled with orange light, before his red slit pupils were surrounded by orange flames. He was completely hypnotized!

Daybreaker laughed and said, "Kneel before me..."

Sombra fought for control of his body, but he still knelt before Daybreaker, and she smiled.

Good boy..." she said, then she got up and walked towards King Sombra's Room.

"Now serve your Empress!"

King Sombra's conscience struggled to take control of his body again, but Daybreaker's spell was too strong.

King Sombra walked into the room to see Daybreaker laying down on his bed...

and shut the door.