• Published 22nd Oct 2017
  • 1,132 Views, 89 Comments

Discovering Friendship Explained - Saro0fdemonz

Ever had a question you wanted to ask us? ASK IT HERE! - An interactive story allowing readers and the characters to talk to one another.

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Twilight: Magic

Sorry! Sorry! I'm just rather excited for this. I mean, I've always been a student and never really a teacher except for Rainbow of course aaaand I'm rambling, l-let me start over.

Ahem...Hello there readers! My name as you know is Twilight Sparkle. My friend Rarity presented me and our other friends with this chance to communicate with all of you.

I'm not entirely sure how this device works, but I've been promised it will be explained to me in exchange for my explanations and teachings that I can offer to all of you. I've been told to keep each of these segments to one to three topics at the maximum even though there is so much I would love to talk about.

Perhaps the biggest one I want to discuss is the one closest to me.


Magic is...Such an amazing thing. It can do many fantastic things and of course it does have it's limits...But that is dabbling in forbidden and dangerous territory. Ignoring the dangers, and things you really should not attempt, Magic IS limitless.

The only true limit to Magic is the Pool within each Magian and the skill of each Magian. There are a few key factors here to discuss. Mana, Pools, and Skill.

Mana is all around us. It is a living breathing force of nature that influences almost everything in many different ways. It is not only touched by Magians, but by all races in their own way. The difference with Magians and other races is that Magians can SEE Mana and even pull it within themselves in order to cast spells or to do simple things such as telekinesis. And that brings us to the next point.

Pools. Within each Magian is a pool. Imagine a bowl that you can fill with water. You pour a bit of water out of it at a time and slowly add more when its needed. That is basically the idea of how Magians and Mana work. Each Magian has a different sized pool which allows them to hold varying amounts of Mana.

Certain spells require a larger amount of mana to cast and therefore Magians with the ability to hold more mana often have the ability to cast more complicated spells. This gives some Magians a bit of an unfair advantage over others, but there are some that rise above their lack of Perfect Genetics

And this is where Skill comes in. I was born with a spoon in my mouth, the ability to hold a massive amount of Mana, a thirst to master all avenues of Magic and the Princess herself to teach me all I could ever want to learn. So I am not a great example, despite my skill at magic, I have advantages that others don't.

But there are spells that even I cannot gather enough Mana for. And so skill in casting becomes a necessity. Innovation in magic has allowed for the ability to cast spells in parts, something my father actually discovered in his younger days. While my father's family line is full of Magians with Large Pools, his Pool is surprisingly small, almost like a childs and it has been for his entire life.

But my Father is still a force to be reckoned with in the world of Magic due to his discoveries. The process is simple in theory. With an understanding of what is required in Advanced Spell-casting, one breaks up the spell into connectable parts that match up with how much Mana one can hold.

You don't want to cast a part that requires ALL the Mana you can hold. All Magians hold on to at least a shred of Mana at all times. Draining yourself completely is almost the same as bleeding out...

So the idea is to hold ALMOST as much Mana as possible and use about half of that for the first part of the spell, hold it firm, and regather Mana for the next part. For my father, most spells are broken into about twenty to thirty parts, but he casts them almost as quickly as I can simply gather Mana and lift a book.

He freely shared this technique and ever since it has been taught in Schools across Terra. Sorry, I'm just really proud of him.

In this manner it is possible for any Magian to become skilled enough to cast any type of spell with any amount of Mana. You all might remember a lesson Scootaloo and her friends learned about The Great Pool, and my discussion with Rainbow Dash about how Magians live longer lives.

Those who are greatly intuned with the Mana of the world, as Magians are, are in contact with The Great Pool. You might recall I referred to these Pools as Bowls that hold water, which is why we refer to them as Pools. The Great Pool holds ALL the Mana in the known world.

Yes? How is Mana all around us if its all held in the Great Pool? Excellent Question! Here, let me stand up. Now...where do you think I am standing? Right in front of you, right? Well, you are right, and wrong. I am standing in The Great Pool.

Terra, our home, this world, IS The Great Pool. Or at least a part of it. Think back to the Bowl. Take that Bowl and place a bit of plastic over top. We are standing on top of that bit of Plastic and the Water below us is Mana. Now we poke a few holes in the plastic and heat up the water. It steams and some rises out of those holes and reaches us.

We put ourselves and the bowl in a little bubble and soon the air is full of this steam that cycles around from the clouds, back into the ground and water in a never ending cycle. And so, we are standing within The Great Pool, at the very least, its top layer.

Oh there's so much more I want to discuss, but I think that's all the time I am allowed. Please, if you wish to know anything at all, you can ask any of us and we'll happily answer!

Author's Note:

What should Twilight explain next time? :twilightsmile: