• Published 22nd Oct 2017
  • 1,132 Views, 89 Comments

Discovering Friendship Explained - Saro0fdemonz

Ever had a question you wanted to ask us? ASK IT HERE! - An interactive story allowing readers and the characters to talk to one another.

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Nyx's Power

NoxNyx, did you keep any of your powers from your adult form?

Its a bit complicated to really explain. I've ALWAYS had all of those powers and abilities. As a child, my body isn't developed enough to cast most of my brand of magic. It would most likely cause my death and Burn me.

As of right now, all of those abilities are basically sealed away until I need them. I have the keys to the seal and can open it any time I wish...

I can't really talk too much about it, sort of a big secret. But thank you for the question.

Sorry to cut Nyx short but she does have school in the morning. Vinyl is also a bit busy so i'll be forwarding this question.

Dear Vinyl Scratch: Do you or have you thought of making a Bass Cannon?

There is a Bass Canon. We call it BaseOne and I made mention of it before. Its still in development but we do have a prototype. Its been fired a few times and Vinyl seems to love it to death.

It's a bit harsh to be around though. Imagine a gun firing a massive ring of sound echoing all around you. Its enough to cause eardrums to explode. Quite deadly and dangerous to everyone in the area.

As you can imagine, such a weapon has to be used carefully or we'll cause innocent casualties.

Thank you for the questions, keep em coming, we've all got a bit of time to kill. Except Rainbow I suppose, her and Nyx have been pretty busy with all that mind diving.