• Published 22nd Oct 2017
  • 1,132 Views, 89 Comments

Discovering Friendship Explained - Saro0fdemonz

Ever had a question you wanted to ask us? ASK IT HERE! - An interactive story allowing readers and the characters to talk to one another.

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Vinyl's Thoughts

There's somethin' that's been on my mind for a while now, somethin' I only really realized just recently. The real strength of my family. The reason Rare-bear put up such a big fight...And something that really terrifies me.

Sweetie Belle's hidden potential

You all might remember me talkin' about my mom's journal and the spells she cast on herself to make her immune to all sorts of vampire bullshit, right?

Remember how I said that shit almost killed me?

Think about it...For a short while, that magic was tearing me apart, peeling away what I am little by little.

Rarity was born after mom had reworked those spells, meaning she lost nothing of herself, making her stronger than me. At least if she trains like I do. Even without that training she can keep up with me.

And then there is Sweetie Belle

After Rarity was born my mother had the time to really work out the kinks of her spells. Meaning Sweetie Belle is a perfect combination of my mom and dad without any magical interference.

She is the Perfect Filigree...

I just...I fear the day something pisses her off. Maybe I should train her. Dunno...What do you guys think? Her and that little skyborn make for an interesting team.