• Published 22nd Oct 2017
  • 1,132 Views, 89 Comments

Discovering Friendship Explained - Saro0fdemonz

Ever had a question you wanted to ask us? ASK IT HERE! - An interactive story allowing readers and the characters to talk to one another.

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Comment Questions 4 - Pinkie/Spike

EEEEE! Its finally my turn! I was wondering when someone would finally ask me things. Twilight said I'm not allowed in here unless its to answer questions. But she doesn't know that I don't HAVE to use this machine thingy. It's just easier, hehe. Anyway! On to the question!

Pinkie. If you are undead, has that caused any issues outside of the whole 'Getting Shot' thing?

Well Posionmaster1243, I'm not exactly undead. Though, I guess I'm not technically alive either...I mean, I breath, and bleed, and need to eat. But I could go without, but who WOULD?! There's so many great things to eat! So much air to breath! And uh, well, let's just ignore that other one...heh...

The best way to really explain it is to just kind of break down what I am in the simplest way. Like I said, I breath air, I bleed normal blood, and I need food. I can't starve to death, but I'll be weak without food. I can't bleed out, but if I lose enough blood I will pass out. I've never passed out from lack of air though. I can hold my breath for a really really REAAAAALLLLLY long time!

I think Twilight said I was a 'Creature of Chaos' or something like that. Hm, how do I explain it?

OH! Okay, take this cookie jar, right? Now, a living person is like this cookie jar, all full of cookies, don't ask, just lemme finish. Now, as you get older, you lose cookies until eventually, you run out of cookies and you're not alive anymore.

When I was born, I didn't have any cookies in my jar. I was born as an empty cookie jar...And instead of being filled up with Cookies, I was filled up with Chaos. No one really understands how Chaos works, but because Chaos doesn't work like cookies, I haven't lost any, even though I've gotten older.

I have never really tested just how far to the edge I can go. The furthest I've ever gone was the time I was shot in the head and the time I snapped my neck...I'd love to know, but at the same time, it's really risky.

OH! And another thing! Undead zombie people have their flesh falling off because they are rotting bodies. And look at me! No rotting flesh! I even have a bit of pudge, hehe. They also smell really bad and fall apart in water and I LOVE baths! Especially bubble baths!

Another thing, I still FEEL things. Like happy and sad, and even pain. The biggest issue is...Not even I really know whats going on with me and to be honest, it scares me.

I kinda got off track huh? I hoped that answered your question, I'd be happy to answer more!

Well, I guess it's my turn. Hello, my name is Spike, but you all knew that already.

What I want all of you to understand is that everything I am about to tell you is confidential information. The simple fact that this device exists worries me, but it is an important step for our world to advance and learn.

Everything I do is to protect my home and the people I care about. So to this question from Fullmetal Prime

Did you really have a crush on Rarity when you first saw her, or was that part of your cover?

As some of you know, I was good friends with Rarity's father Valiant. In his Will he left his children in my care. Not that they all know it, but I'm technically their God Father. So, yes, having a crush on Rarity was to be my cover so that I could keep a close eye on her without drawing too much unneeded attention to myself.

Heh, she has grown up to be a beautiful woman though. Keep in mind, I watched her grow up. To me, she'll always be that little snippy vampire that always had something to say whenever Vinyl went home. She's much more mature now, but she's...a bit too young for me, and not exactly my type either.

And on top of all of that she is dating Applejack and I'd be an idiot to get between the two of them. Those two...Well, I won't reveal secrets they themselves don't even know.