• Published 22nd Oct 2017
  • 1,132 Views, 89 Comments

Discovering Friendship Explained - Saro0fdemonz

Ever had a question you wanted to ask us? ASK IT HERE! - An interactive story allowing readers and the characters to talk to one another.

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Comment Questions - Kids

Pinkie, how'd you feel when you learned Celestia is your Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother?

OH my gosh! It's such an amazing thing! I mean, I knew my family was pretty big but I never really knew just HOW big and I've heard the stories about Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandma Eris but I never knew her Mama was the Princess! I wonder if that makes me Royalty? Could I throw ROYAL BIRTHDAY PARTIES?! Oh my gosh! I gotta know!

It kinda makes me wonder though...Did my Mama's magic manage to save me because she wanted it so badly? Or is it cause I have the blood of a Celestian? How much of my weirdness is cause there's a few Gods in my family? Kinda worries me to be honest.

Pinkie Pie, can you die? But a happy follow up question! What would you name possible future kid/kids(one per gender if possible)

I...I think I answered this one already...I don't really know if I can die and I dunno just how far my body can go or how much I can handle. I'm a little too scared to really try and find out.

But I love the other question! I've always thought of maybe one day having a daughter. I'd name her Honey and she'd be my buzzy little Honey Bee! I never really thought up a name for if I ever had a son...I'll have to figure one out, hmmmm...

Oh, um, well, i-if I had a Daughter, I would name her HoneyCrisp or Gentle Dawn. A-And if I had a Son I would name him Sunshine or Gale Wind.

Not bad Shy. If I had a kid, besides Scoots, I'd name my son Rainbow Blitz.

Really Darling?

It's my Pop's name. It's an awesome name

I'm sorry, I was unaware it held such weight...

Yea, well, whatever. If I had another daughter I'd probably call her somethin' pretty cool. Somethin' like Sunburst Blaze.

I've personally never really thought of having any children. Which is to say I have no answer to this question, my apologies.

Violet. I would name my Daughter Violet, or Nova. My son's name would be Comet.

Wow that was kinda quick Twi'...Did you uh...Did you want to have kids?

W-What?! I-I mean, we already have Scootaloo and Nyx I don't think we could really handle...

Calm down Twi, it was just a question. We'll talk later, k?

Well shoot, ah've always wondered 'bout settlin' down. 'Course ya'll already know, my Daughter's name is Applebloom. We Apple's have always been 'bout Family an takin' care o' one another. Ah reckon if'n ah ever had a son, ah'd give him a name like Brock.

Oh! Like a Brock Apple? I've never had one before, I hear its a little sweet but with a flavor all its own.

Well o' course like an Apple, 'Sides, it represents a kind of strength ah'd want my son t' have.

Honestly I figured you'd just name him after your brother or something.

Not everyone needs to share names Dashie.

I think this question has given us all something to think about. Perhaps we should call it quits here?

Good idea Rares. Thanks for the questions. Leave us some more an we'll get around to answerin' em.