• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 6,483 Views, 35 Comments

Children of Harmony - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Twilight ended up in another world with kids of her now. Now her daughter will help save Equestria and learn what it's live living there.

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Chapter 33: The Secret Origin of the Shadow King

After the part and a few more days at the empire things are very quiet. Today is the last day at the empire before they are going to go back home. Her mother, aunt, and uncle, are having a meeting with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about the Grand Galloping Gala

Right now, Sakura is in the throne room reading the History of the Crystal Empire. She is very interested in the book and love to learn about the different places in Equestria. Sakura love to learn about the different place and culture from different location.

As Sakura reads the book, she happily says, "Wow! The Crystal Fair sounds so cool. I wish I could see it."

Sakura remember her aunt and uncle telling her and her brothers, sister, and mother about the Crystal Fair and the kind of fun the fair has. Sakura is almost at the end of the book and excited to see the ending. When Sakura turns the last page, she notices that there's a rip at the end of the book.

Sakura questionably says, "That's strange, why is there a page missing?"

Sakura is curious to know why the last page of the book is missing. She think it will be good to ask her aunt and uncle until they are finished with their meeting. Sakura grabs another book about the castle's structure and uniqueness.

After sometime reading, Sakura has reached a page with a picture of the throne in the throne room. Sakura is amazed to see the structure of the palace, the throne, and other features, but something about the throne strike her as odd.

Sakura looks at the throne and the picture of the throne in the book and notice something interesting and strange about it.

Sakura says in her thoughts, "The throne in the picture isn't the same as the real one. I wonder why?"

Sakura takes another look at the throne from the book and notice something that catches her eye. The real throne has this strange crystal on it while the one from the picture doesn't have it at all. She then starts to remember that King Sombra rule over the Empire before he was destroyed. Sakura starts to think that King Sombra placed that crystal there.

Sakura flies up to the crystal to have a better look at it. When she touches the crystal, she feels a powerful, yet dark magic with in the crystal. Sakura removes her hand and looks a bit shocked and scared but the crystal aura.

Sakura says to herself, "This crystal was created by King Sombra's magic."

Sakura is wonder why King Sombra placed this crystal and wonder why it's so powerful. Sakura thinks a little bit about this strange crystal, She then comes up with an idea, but it something she isn't going to like.

"I don't like using it, but this seems important," Sakura says to herself

Then Sakura starts to light up her horn, but the magic from her horn is oozing black and purple like magic. Her eyes turns eyes turn green and her pupils turns read. There's also purple mist coming from her eyes as she focused hard on the spell. She blast her magic at the crystal as hard as she can. The crystal then unleashes a dark shadow and uncover a secret stairway under the throne room.

Sakura is surprised that there is a secret room in the throne room, so she decides to investigate. Sakura use her magic to light up her horn because the underground staircase is very dark and a bit spooky. Sakura can tell that this place hasn't been used for a long time, not since her aunt, uncle, and Spike come down here 20 years ago.

Just as she is walking down stairs Sakura hears a strange tapping sound and it seems to be coming from behind her. Sakura turns around and see that no one is behind her. She assume that it might be the staircase since it's very old. Sakura continues walking down the stairs until she reach the bottom of the stairway.

When Sakura reaches the bottom floor, she sees a wooden door with a black gem over it. Sakura decides to open the door to see what's inside. She opens the door and sees a strange light.

When the light is gone, Sakura finds herself in a strange and dark place.

"What is this?" Sakura asks as she looks around the area.

Just then the shadow monster comes back. Sakura gasps with horrors to see the monster has come back. She tries to use her magic to zap the creature, but it isn't working. Just then the shadow used it's shadowy body wrap around Sakura. Sakura starts to get very scared and tries to get free, but can't get herself free.

As she struggle, Sakura screams, "Let go of me!"

The shadow monster starts to form into Sakura covering her until it reaches to her head.

Sakura screams with horrors, "Noooooooo!"

Sakura falls down off her feet and still in front of the door. Sakura's eyes are red and green. When she come back to her senses, her eyes come back to normal.

Sakura close the doors fast with fear and scaredly says in her thoughts, "This has to be Sombra's magic. A door that leads to someone's worst fears."

Sakura takes her time to calm herself down. She wonder how could someone make a door that can cause a lot of trouble if someone opens it. Sakura is finally calm down

Sakura is facing the door trying to think of a way to open the door without being freaked out again. Sakura is trying to think of an idea to open the door without being affected by the dark magic. She then starts to remember her lessons with Princess Celestia and showing how using light magic and dark magic can affect items and other spells.

Just then Sakura has an idea on how to get the door open. She light up her horn with pure white magic and hit the crystal on top of the door. After casting the spell, Sakura thinks it's time to open the door.

When she opens the door, she can see a room. She can see some books, a desk, and other stuff that are good for a magical unicorn. Sakura is kind of amazed about seeing the room and wonder if anyone knows this room is even here.

Sakura says to herself, "This must be Sombra's secret room. It will be great to have a room like this, but not with so much busts of myself."

Sakura looks around to see if there anything interesting or important for some information. Just then, Sakura notice a book on the desk and think this is something important.

Sakura curiously says, "I wonder if this book is King Sombra's journal. This might be able to tell me more about the empire."

Then Sakura says, "Okay you tyrant, let's see what secret you have."

She then use her magic to open the book to the first page. Sakura is excited yet a little skeptical to see what King Sombra might be hiding from everypony else.

Sakura starts to read the book, she says, "Sombra… It was the only word I could remember when they found me."

Sakura is kind of confused about that part and wonder who that young being is.

Then Sakura reads, "No matter what they asked, the only thing I would say to them was this one word. So they made it my name… Sombra!"

Sakura is shocked to see that the young colt that was found is King Sombra himself. She is starting to see that there is more to King Sombra than others know. Just then the journal starts to glow and launch a magical beam on Sakura horn. Sakura is so shocked by this that she is unable to do anything. Then next thing that she know, her body starts to glow black and purple, and her eyes are glowing white. What really happen is that the book cas cast a spell on Sakura and she is about to find out what that spell is.

Sakura ends up seeing s mall colt being brought to an orphanage by the crystal guards. Sakura can tell by the image that young colt is Sombra at a very young age, around the age as her brother, sister, and notice that he doesn't have red eyes and a red horn when he little, insted he has a normal horn and green eyes. Then Sakura notice a tan like mare walking toward Sombra with a smile. She believe that this mare is the head of the orphanage.

"Sombra? My name is Chestnut Falls. You're going to come live with me for a while, okay?" Chestnut Falls replies with a smile.

"Sombra?" the young colt says feeling clueless.

During the time, Sakura can see that Sombra was having a difficult time learning like he just starting to learn those details in the classroom. Next she is in Sombra's bedroom and Chestnut Fall is helping him do his homework.

Chestnut says, "Sound it out a little bit at a time,"

"Peg-uh-sus," Sombra says as he's trying to pronounce the word.

Chestnut proudly says, "That's right! Pegasus! You're doing so well Sombra!"

The next thing Sakura see she can see Sombra looking happy at the young ponies in the playground. Sombra starts to run towards the ponies hoping to play with him.

"Greetings, friends. Can Sombra play too?" Sombra asks as he run towards the little ponies.

Sakura starts to giggle a bit see Sombra happy. He kind of reminds him of her brother when he gets excited. She turns to see the other children to see what else is going on, but her face turns sad when she see the kids are not showing Sombra any kind smile. In fact, she can tell they seem annoyed by Sombra's presences.

"Why does he talk like that? I don't know why they keep him here, he's not even a crystal pony," A young colt says.

"I don't know what he is. He doesn't even have a his cutie mark," the young filly adds feeling annoyed.

Just then the young ponies starts to leave him which is making Sombra really sad. Sakura can see that we was a victim of bullies. In fact, Sakura remember was this one girl who used to pick on her for being different and smart. When she finally confront her, she finds out that she's jealous of Sakura for being smart and having a good heart towards others. Right now she decides to focus on Sombra's situation and see the kids leaving him like dust.

"Get away, Sombrero. We don't want anypony to see us with the weird pony," The filly says sticking her nose in the air.

"They might think we're weird like you," The colts says with an insulting tone.

They young ponies leave Sombra who is feeling sad. He sit in the playground all by himself feeling sad and lonely.

Sakura starts to feel sad for Sombra that he was made fun of when he was little and upset at the young ponies think he doesn't belong with them in the Crystal Empire. Just then Sakura notice a young filly coming towards Sombra. The filly has almost the same fur color as her mother, but has light blue mane and tail and matching eyes.

The filly walks to Sombra and says, "Don't let them bother you. They said I was weird too. If you want, you can be weird with me and we'll be weird together. Would that be okay?"

Sombra smile that the filly is giving a chance and wants to play with him.

In a cheerful tone, Sombra says, "Sombra will like that."

"Good, just don't talk too loud, my fairy friends don't like it when you do that," Hope replies.

"Oh… fairy friends?" Sombra says sounding confused.

"Yes, they're all around. Be careful not to step on them. They'll get grumpy," the filly adds with a smile.

"Oh… okay," Sombra says still feeling confused.

As the visions are being show to her, Sakura realize what the beam done to her. The spell caused her to see Sombra's past. At the time, Sakura see that the filly's name is Radiant Hope. See the visions of the past, Sakura can see that Sombra and Radiant Hope have become very close with each other. In fact, those two have become best friends.

While playing, Sombra is a princes being trapped in a tower while Hope is a knight trying to have him. Sakura is glad to them having a good time, but become saden when she hear the other children talking bad about them.

"Look at those weirdoes. They deserve each other," The filly says.

"All they do is play their stupid little games together. What Losers!" The other filly adds.

Then the fillies walk away looking annoyed and don't want anything to do with them. Sakura turns back to see the two young ponies having a good time.

Hope is holding a stick in her mouth as she say, "Good king... I mean Prince Sombra. I have come to save you from your tower!"

"Look out. Sir Lady Hope, the dragon is behind you!" Sombra says acting afraid.

Just then Sombra and Hope starts to run around the playground, running and laughing. Even though the other children excluded them, Sombra and Hope manage to make up their own game and have fun, just the two of them.

As they run, Hope happily screams, Run before the dragon gets you! He's right behind us!"

"Ha! Dragon could never defeat me! I'll take him on," Sombra says with pride.

Hope stop and fac Sombra behind her and says, "He eaten you now."

"No he didn't! I used my magic spell on him," Sombra says with protest.

"He didn't care. You're eaten." Hope says.

The next vision is when she sees Sombra and Hope collecting gems and put them in a dragon like jar, which looks alot like the piggy banks back at her home world.

"24, 25, 26!" Sombra says as she count the gems they collect.

"We're going to save enough to eat all the crystal corn!" Hope says with a smile.

After counting their gems they are saving, Hope is reading a book to Sombra about the Crystal Faire and the crystal heart.

"The Crystal Faire restores the spirit of love and unity to the crystal heart so we can protect it from harm," Hope says as she reads the book.

"Harm from what Hope?" Sombra asks.

"It doesn't say… just harmful stuff. I guess, dark spooky stuff," Hope answers.

Then Hope happily says, "And then the princess is there and the ponies all gathered round and the crystal heart glows with magic. It's the most beautiful thing in the world."

Sombra eyes sparkle amazed by the even of the Crystal Faire.

Sombra happily says, "Wow, Hope, I can't wait to see if? Do you think I'll be able to?"

"What, the crystal heart? We can go see it right now! It's always in its place at the base of the castle," Hope replies.

"Can we?" Sombra asks with a smile.

Then next thing Sakura see is Hope and Sombra going to see the crystal heart. Sombra and Hope are at the base of the castle to see the heart. Sakura can tell that the heart is doing something strange.

The crystal heart is showing the ponies a vision mostly a reflection of themselves. When Hope looks at the heart, she can see herself all grown up, about tall as Princess Luna. She is also wearing a golden crown and necklace. Hope looks like a princess in the reflection.

"Wow!" Hope says with amazement.

Sakura is shocked to see that Sombra reflection is very different and can see Sombra is scared of the reflection. The reflection is showing him all grown up as well, but has red eyes, with green eye lids, purple smoke coming out, and a sharp red curve horn on his forehead. Sakura can understand what this is it shows home when he became King Sombra.

"No!" Sombra screams with horrors.

Sombra steps back for the heart in fear, but bump into someone on the way. Sakura is surprised to see the original ruler of the empire before King Sombra took it over and thousand years later her aunt Princess Cadence took over along with her uncle. In fact, Sakura can tell that Princess Amore look a lot like her aunt, she even have part of the princess' name.

Sombra turns around to see the mare and surprisingly says, "Princess Amore!"

"You know, they say the crystal heart reflection has a magical properties. It reflects what in your heart," Princess Amore says.

Hope comes up to the princess with a smile and asks, "Do you mean what we see in the reflection will actually happen?"

"It might. I've believed we have the power to control our futures," Princess Amore answers.

"I hope so! I saw me as a princess!" Hope say with excitement.

Princess Amore smile and says, "Very interesting. What did you see Sombra?"

"Nothing," Sombra answers immediately.

"Nothing?" Princess Amore replies sounding suspicious.

"Just… some darkness, like my shadow or something," Sombra adds sounding a bit nervous.

Princess Amore simply look at Sombra and says, "Interesting. Well, what ever you saw, remember that you have the power to change it."

"But I really didn't see anything, princess, honest," Sombra says in a panic state.

"I believe you Sombra. You'd better get home now," Princess Amore firmly says.

Sombra and Hope leave the heat and the princess and are starting to head back home. Sakura can tell Sombra is bluffing about not seeing the reflection in the heart. Sakura looks at the princess to see her stairing at Sombra with worried look on her can tell she knows something about Sombra and she knows she's going to learn what it is soon enough.

After that, Sakura can see Sombra sleeping peacefully in bed. Sakura seems to be glad that Sombra is having a good friends by his side, but worried on how long he can keep his secret locked up.

Just then Hope slam the doors open barging into the room happily screaming, "It's time for the Crystal Faire!"

Sombra is so spooked by Hope's surprise that he falls off the bead and he is upside down. Sakura laughs a little seeing Hope so happy and excited about the fair.

Sombra scardly says, "Hope! You scared me!"

Sombra comes up to Hope and happily says, "It's the biggest day of the year, Sombra! A little extra excitement will do you some good."

Hope is able to sit right and glad he and his best friend are excited to go to the fair.

Hope rubs Sombra trying to get him to move and happily says, "Now get ready and let's get out there! Last year they ran out of flugelhorns! I'm already the pony without a cutie mark, I will not be the one pony without a flugelhorn."

Hope is very excited to go to the faire, sombra is too. Just then, Sombra starts to feel strange, he seems to be having trouble moving for some reason. It as if Sombra become paralyzed.

"Hope! Hope! Help!" Sombra scaredly screams.

Hope turns to Sombra with a worried look on her face and asks, "What is it, Sombra?"

Sombra scaredly answers, "Hope, I can't move my legs."

After the event, Chestnut look at Sombra to see if she can find something wrong, but so far nothing. Not even all the doctors of the empire can figure out Sombra's sickness. Then even moment of the day Sombra seems to be getting worse, like is having appendicitis or something.

Hope looks at the window and sadly says, "Oh, Sombra, I wish you could see it. It's so beautiful."

After the day, Sombra seems to be back to normal and is able to get some sleep. Hope sleeps after he rest in his bed.

"Next year Sombra," Hope says in her sleep.

Sakura think is strange that Sombra fallen ill of of the sudden and after the crystal faire and the say he is back to normal. During the time, Sakura can see that every day Sombra is having fun and being with his best friends, but when the Crystal Faire arrives he starts to get sick all over again. In fact Sakura is starting to think that Sombra sickness and the Crystal Faire are linked somehow.

The next think Sakura know, she see Hope and Sombra all grown up now. Sombra is getting worse by the minute. Just then Sakura and Hope see something that lead them scared and shocked. Sombra starts float in the air.

"Sombra! what's happening? Hope asks with a shock.

"I don't know. I'm not controlling it," Sombra says fearfully.

If that isn't a problem, Sakura and Hope can see that Sombra is starting to fall apart. Sakura and Hope are not sure what is going on and wonder why is Sombra disappearing.

"Sombra you're disappearing." Hope scaredly says while starting to shed tears.

Sombra eyes widen with horrors and screams, "I'm what? Help me, Hope! Help me!"

"I don't know what to do! Don't leave me Sombra!" Hope screams with fear and starting to shed tears and panicking.

"Save me, Hope!" Sombra screams.

Sakura is starting to get scared and wonder if there is a way to help him. Just then, Hope use her magic to contain Sombra and somehow her magic is starting to heal him. After the magical blast, Sombra is back to normal, and Hope has gained her cutie mark.

Sombra tiredly says, "Hope, you got your cutie mark."

Hope turns to her flank to see her cutie mark has appeared. Sakura can see her cutie mark is a golden caduceus. Over time, Sakura can see that everypony is starting to notice something special about her cutie mark. Hope seems to have a special talent for healing and other medical cared. Sombra is noticing this as well and he is starting to worried about it.

Just then Sakura see that Sombra is walking around the empire until he notice Hope running towards Sombra with excitement. Hope is holding an envelope with her ,bra and Sakura can see that it has the princess' royal seal on it.

Hope says with excitement, "Sombra! You'll never believe it! The most amazing thing has happened!"

Just then Sombra starts to feel very scared, upset, and very worriedly about something. Then Sombra starts to run pass Hope and run away from her.

Hope turns to Sombra as he run and worriedly asks, "Sombra? Sombra where are you going? I didn't even tell you the news!"

The visions are leading Sakura to where Sombra is going. Sombra leaves the empire and run through the harsh wind and snow. Just then he past out for a little while. Sakura is starts to worried about Sombra and think that Sombra is more than just a tyrant, in fact, Sombra seems to be someone who been suffering his whole life and something caused to snap. Form the look where the story is going she's going to find out.

Sombra wakes up to hear a voice calming him.

The female voice says, "Sombra, my dear what is wrong? Why have you come here to see me? Is your work done already?"

"Who?" Sombra asks looking confused.

Sombra gets up to see a red Crystal before him and wonder what the crystal is talking. Sakura is kind of confused that the crystal is talking, but decides to see what is going on.

"Don't you recognised your own mother when you see her? I'm the one that brought you into this world," The voice says.

Sombra starts to get confused and says,"I don't understand. The crystal guards found me out here"

"And haven't you ever wondered how you got here? Haven't you ever wondered why you are different than everyone else. Why you don't have one of those silly little cutie mark like other ponies," The female voice says from the crystal.

"Tell me please!" Sombra begs to the his mother in the red crystal.

The crystal explains, "The answer is so simple, Sombra. You're not like them because you're not one of them. You're not a creature of shining crystal. You're the opposite. A creature of shadow and smoke. You're the thing they hear. An Umbrum. A shadow pony."

"They're not afraid of me," Sombra protests.

"Oh they are. They just can't why. You see, we're the darkness they fight to keep at bay. We haunted their every nightmare. Until they created a weapon to keep us away," The red crystal adds.

Sombra eyes widen and figure out what been happening to him. Sakura is starting to understand what is going on and decides to listen in more.

"The Crystal Heart! That's why the crystal faire makes me sick., because it's supposed to protect them from me. But why? I can't do anything!" Sombra says sounding up set.

"Oh but you can. Your magic is very powerful, but your magic makes you vulnerable to the heart. So we locked it away until now..." The crystal says.

Just then the crystal unleash black magic on to Sombra's horn. Sakura is shocked to see the crystal is transforming Sombra. When the transformation is complete, Sombra has a red horn, red eyes, and green eye lids. Sakura is starting to understand how Sombra become who he is and figure there more to tell.

The red crystal says, "Go easy inew your powers are stronger than you have any way of knowing. You may not be able to control them at first."

Sombra unleashes his magic and create black crystals. Sakura can see that Sombra is learning to use is magic very well and quickly.

"That's it Sombra. Show them your power!" The red crystal says proudly at Sombra's fast learning.

Jus then Sombra transform himself into a shadowy figure just like the one from the reflection,

Sombra turns to the crystal and asks, "What do I do with this power? Why am I the only one with it?"

"You aren't. There is an army of Umbrum waiting below the city. We only wait for you to dig down and set us free, but first, you must destroy Amore's weapon," The red crystal informs Sombra.

"But if I destroy the crystal heart, I'll lose the only friend I have," Sombra says worriedly about losing his best friends.

"You no longer have a choice, Sombra. If you have not removed the heart by the next Crystal faire, it will destroy you," The crystal says warning Sombra about the heart.

Sakura realized that the crystal wants Sombra to do. She can also see that Sombra feels like he doesn't have a choice about the situation. The next thing Sakura see, she can see she is at the base of the castle where the crystal heart is.

Sakura turns to see Sombra wearing a black cloak, and a brown bag around his neck and he's heading towards the crystal heart. Sakura realized this is the moment when Sombra is going to take the heart.

When Sombra reaches the heart he stop for a minute to look at it.

Sombra tries to touch it and screams, "Ouch!"

Sombra can tell that he can't touch it. He use his teeth to grab the bag and scoop the crystal heart inside the bad. After taking the heart from his heart he is decides to leave. Sakura wish there is something she can do, but since she only seeing what happen in the past she can't do anything.

Just then a familiar mare comes over to Sombra and says, "Even now, it's not too late for you Sombra. You can return the heart and walk away."

Sakura and Sombra turn to see Princes Amore standing there. Sombra is shocked and wonder why the princess is here.

"Princess Amore! What are you doing here?" Sombra asks sounding upset.

"Sompony needed my help. So I came," Princess Amore answers calmly.

"I don't need your help!" Sombra protests in anger.

"They why did you believed I was talking about you?" Princess Amore asks sounding firm.

"You have no idea what I've been though, princess," Sombra says in anger.

"Then tell me, Sombra. Don't make a mistake you can't take back. You don't have to be one of those monsters," Princess Amore adds trying to reason with Sombra.

"One of those…?" Sombra is about to say something, but something stop him

"You knew what I was all along and you never told me. You knew why the Crystal Faire made me sick. You knew didn't you?"

"Yes, I did," Princess Amore answers with a serious look on her face.

"All those years of suffering. And you know why because you made it! You made it to hurt me!" Sombra says to Amore in anger and accusing her of wanting to hurt him

"Not you, Sombra. I saw that you had the potential to be better. I see it even now. You can choose-" princess Amroe tries to explain herself.

But Sombra angrily scream in protest, "Enough!"

He then use his magic to blast Princess Amre and turned into a dark crystal stature.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why?" Sombra quietly says.

Sakura feels very scared and pale so see what has become of Sombra and is very scared to see Sombra this angry. It's almost like Sombra is tuning into a monster because he feels like an outcast and been feeling pain and suffering all his life.

Just then Sakura notice that Hope is standing behind Sombra and can see she is completely scared and looking pale. Sakura figure that she witnessed what Sombra has done to the princess.

Hope eyes widen with horror and quietly says with a shock, "Sombra, what have you done?

Hope run towards to the statue starts to feel scared and shedding a little tears.

Hope panicky says, "It's okay. I can fix this! Come on, princess, snap out of it. A little healing spell and we'll be right as rain."

"Everything is right, Hope. Everything is finally the way it was meant to be," Sombra says with an evil grin on his face.

Hope turns to Sombra and worriedly says, "Run away, Sombra. Get away from here before they come for you. They'll hurt you."

"You don't get it, Hope, we'll be the ones doing the hurting from now on. You and me, we're the powerful ones. We can rule as king and queen," Sombra says evilly.

Hope can tell that something is very wrong with Sombra. She never seen him act like this before.

Hope scaredly says, "Oh no. Sombra, what are you talking about."

"You remember, Hope, don't you? How they teased us? How they tormented us? How they made me writhe in pain?" Sombra says sounding very furious.

"Sombra…" Hope says sounding very scared.

Sombra put his hoof under Hope's chin and lift it up so she can look at him.

Sombra calmly says, "Now I've found my power and you're on your way to being a princess. I will bring them under my hoof. I will find my people and you can rule by my side."

Hope can see that Sombra has change so much and isn't acting like himself. Hope starts to shed a little tears and hoping to reason with him.

Hope sadly says, "But… this is Princess Amore's castle. We can restore her. We can bring her back. I can help you Sombra."

Sombra isn't say anything at first, but then Sakura and Hope notice that Sombra is making a vicious evil grin on his face.

Just then Sombra evilly says, "Restore her? Help me? You've got it all wrong, Hope. I don't need help anymore and as for Princess Amore, she's not the sthe sant you think she is. Inside she was…"

Just then Sombra use his magic to blast the statue and angrily says, "Broken!"

Witht that the statue of Princess Amore shatters into small pieces. Sakura and Hope are shocked with horror to see what Sombra has done. Sakura can see that the pieces are being scattered all over Equestria. Sakura is more upset that Sombra isn't going to turn back on his own intentions, not even Hope can stop him

"Restore that!" Sombra evilly says.

Hope is completely terrified that Sombra shattered Princess Amore statue. She tries to convince him to stop all of this but she couldn't stop him. Sombra is too consume by dark magic and wants to suse for his own gain. Hope starts to cry and run away from sombra as fast as she can.

Before she doesn, Hope sadly screams, "They were right about you! You are a monster!"

Sombra doesn't seem to care that Hope feels are hurt. All Sombra says is, "I'm just not a monster, Hope… I'm the King of all Monsters."

Sakura starts to feel scared and starts to shed tears. Sakura can see that Sombra and Hope's friendship has been completely shattered and there's nothing can be done to change it. Soon after that, Sombra has enslaved the empire and can see the ponies are very miscible with Sombra ruling with an iron hoof. That is, until Princess Celestia and Luna banished him to the arctic north and turned him into a shadow.

When the spell is finished showing Sakura the event, Sakura eyes turns back to normal and stop glowing, but she ends up dropping the journal from her hands and collapsed in an instant. The spell and what she just see is too much for her so she is completely passed out.

Just then hoff steps are coming for the stairs and familiar voices are coming from the outside of the door. The ponie are coming down stairs is her mother Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Shining Armor. They are talking about Sakura and how she manage to find her way down here.

"I still can't understand how Sakura was able to find this place." Shining Armor says still kind surprised.

"She must have sensed that the crystal on the throne contained dark magic," Princess Cadence suggests.

"I'm quite impressed by your daughter Twilight," Luna replies.

"Yes. she is so much like you," Celestia adds."

"I know, but she also seems to have my abilities to get into trouble or do something she doesn't know too much about," Twilight says sounding worried.

Shining look at the the door and nervously says, "Yeah… I think this is something you should be worried about."

The others look to where the door is and are kind surprised to see a room is in there.

"That strange I didn't know there was a room here," Cadence says sounding suspicious.

Twilight looks inside the room to notice her daughter is laying on the ground in an unconscious state.

Twilight scaredly screams, "Sakura!"

Twilight runs to Sakura to see if she's okay.

Twilight scaredly holds her daughter and asks, "Sakura, sweetie, are you okay?"

Sakura regains consciousness and opens her eyes to see her mother is holding her.

"I'm okay mom. I just have a major headache," Sakura answers as she rubs her head.

"What happened? Princess Cadence asks.

"And what is this book here" Shining Armor asks while levitating the book.

Sakura quietly asserts, "That book is King Sombra's journal. It cast this spell on me and I was able to see what was in Sombra's past."

eVeryone in the room are shocked about what Sakura is saying. They are more surprised that Sakura is able to find this place and Sombra's journal

"You saw Sombra's past?!" Luna asks with a shock.

Princess Celestia comes up to Sakura and asks, "Sakura, can you tell us what you saw?"

"Okay, but I don't know if you're going to like it," Sakura sadly says.

Sakura explain to her about every the journal shows her. She even mentions about Sombra's only friends Radiant Hope and how his friendship with her is broken. In the end, they basically know the origin of King Sombra and some of the secrets he been keeping. After the event, Twilight takes her daughter to a different guest room to get some rest since the book used a lot of magic on her along with her own to get into the room. Everyone decided that it's for the best to leave the book in the room and seal it for now.

At night, Sakura already have her dinner and is laying down in bed after the incident. Just then Princess Celestia and her mother come in and hoping to take to Sakura about something.

"Hello Sakura, how are you feeling?" Twilight asks.

"I'm feeling much better now," Sakura answers with a smile.

Then Princess Celestia says, "I can see you have fully recovered from your little adventure for today."

"Yeah." Sakura sadly answers.

Princess Celestia can tell that Sakura feels a bit bad for making everyone worried about her.

Princess Celestia put her wing on Sakura and calmly says, "Sakura. I may be proud of you for discovering more about the empire, the king, and such, but I think in future you make sure you have somepony with you so you don't have to go through this little situation."

Sakura smile at Princess Celestia and answers, "Okay."

Twilight comes over to Sakura and says, "That's good, but you still shouldn't have gone into that staircase alone. We were worriedly when we couldn't find you."

"I'm sorry mom," Sakura says feeling bad.

"It's okay sweetheart. We know you never meant for this to happen, but you accomplished a lot for today," Twilight says feeling a bit proud of her daughter.

Princess Celestia smile and says, "Yes, but it's late so it's time for bed."

"Okay," Sakura says.

But before Princess Celestia and Twilight can leave.

Sakura decides to ask Princess Celestia that's been bothering her.

Sakura asks, "Princess Celestia, What did happen to Hope? From I saw she was able to warn you and she became your student."

Princess Celestia turns to Sakura with a calm straight face and answers, "Perhaps we will discuss this in future okay."

"Okay," Sakura answers.

Princess Celestia and Twilight leave the room while Sakura is sitting in bed deep in thought about something. For some strange reason she feels bad for Sombra. Sombra has been suffering all his life and he only cause more pain to himself and wish there is something she can do to change it.

Sakura says to herself, "I can't help but feel bad for him. He never got to see the crystal faire with his best friend and he lost her too. I wish there was a way to reunite them, but Sombra is destroyed and I have no clue what happened to Hope."

Sakura decides that she has enough thinking for the night and decides to get some sleep for the night. With that, she turns off the lamp, tuck herself in and go to sleep for the night.

After sometime, Sakura is fast asleep in her bed. Unknown to her, there is a strange shadow watching her in the shadows. The figure walk closer to her to take a look at Sakura. The shadow is King Sombra and he looks like a ghost, but his horn is real.

Sombra walk to where Sakura is sleeping at so he can look at her more closely. He never seen a creature like her before and she's been able to find his secret chamber and his journal. King Sombra can sense great magic within her, but know that he can't be snooping around to long.

Before he leaves, Sombra simply smile at her and says, "I can see that your princess see good in you, but one day you will become used to me, young Sakura."

"With that Sombra use his magic to turn himself into a shadow and leave back to the secret chamber under the castle. Someday Sombra will come back and might end up becoming whole again.

Author's Note:

This one was one of my hardest chapter. I needed to see how the comic go in order t get the facts. What happens with Sombra is something for another time.

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