• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 6,483 Views, 35 Comments

Children of Harmony - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Twilight ended up in another world with kids of her now. Now her daughter will help save Equestria and learn what it's live living there.

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Chapter 38: Generous Fashion Part 1

On the Friendship Express, Sakura and all of her friends are very excited to be heading to the city of Manehattan. Their fashionable dragon/pony friend, Dragon Ruby is going to enter a fashion week contest. She's been coming up with different designs for some time, and she believes she is ready for the big time. The other are very excited about going to the city especially Sakura, since she has never been to Manhattan before. The train has just make it's stop at the Manehattan station, and the gang are very excited.

We're finally here!" Raspberry cheers while throwing confetti all over the place.

"Welcome to Manhattan Sakura," Ruby adds happily.

Sakura smiles and says, "This place looks great. It kind of reminds me of Tokyo,"

"Is it as crowded has it?" Eden asks.

"In a way, but then again, this place look a lot like Manhattan in New York" Sakura answers.

"What's New York? Baked Apple asks.

"It's state in the United States. It's across the sea from Japan," Sakura explains.

"But how are you able to get there if you can't fly?" Ace asks.

Then Sakura explains, "In my home world we used a machine called a plane or a ship to help us get where we want to go, since cars can't travel on the water. To put it simple in my home we use technology and hand to help bounding and survive, while you do have some similarities, but you also use magic to survive as well."

The others are kind of amazed to hear that Sakura's home world is different, but somewhat similar to Equestria. Even though there are two different worlds, there's going to be something they have in common with each other.

Then Ruby says, "Now that we're here, let's get to the hotel while I go to theater where Fashion Week is being held.

"That's true," Eden replies.

After going to the hotel and getting Ruby's gear ready. Ruby is already here for the competition. She is very excited. While Ruby is busy doing the competition, the others are showing Sakura the city of Manehattan. Right now, Dragon Ruby is with the other contests hearing an earth pony mare named Prime, the information of the rules of the show.

Prime informs, "Everyone will be showing me and all of the ponies your fines outfits as possible. I have the list of order on the board. Whoever the winner is will have their outfits presented by the greats fashion designers for all to see. The rest will go home early. So sad."

Then she announces, "Dismissed!"

With that, everypony begin to work on their clothes. Since Ruby has her done in advance, but still need to add a few touches, she decide to continue her work. Just then a unicorn with golden lock hair, and tan fur, with brown eyes, and her cutie mark is a a white fabric with spun gold thread.

She comes over to Ruby and says, "Hello, I can't help but notice, but are you the daughter of Rarity."

"Yes. I am," Ruby answer as she walk over to the room and have the dresses out of the bags.

Spun gold says in amazement, "My, those dresses look very nice. Where did you get them?"

"My mother and I made these fabric, but I came up with the design plan," Ruby answers.

Spun Gold looks at Ruby and says, "Do you think you can spare some of that fabric, I need them for the outfit."

"I'm sure that your design will be good, maybe better. But yes, you can borrow them," Ruby says as she give Spun Gold some of her fabric.

"Thank you Ruby, you are too kind," Spun gold says feeling glad.

Spun Gold then leaves to take the fabric, while Ruby takes her time to complete the design. It has taken her late into the night, but she manages to finish them.

The next day, Ruby takes her design outfits to the contest, and she is very excited. However she is in for a terrible shock. When she look on stage she can see Prime clapping for Spun Gold's clothesline. However, when she look to see the design, she is shocked to see that the clothes Spun Gold has looks exactly like her.

Ruby goes to confront her while leaving the stage and angrily says, "You've stole my fabric."

"Oh Ruby, I didn't stole them, you gave them to me remember," Spun Gold says not giving a care.

"You said you wanted them for the finishing touches and stuff," Ruby says.

"And I did," Spun Gold says.

Ruby looks at the outfit and asks, "But how were you able to finish them in short amount of time."

"Oh, I didn't do it. It was Stardut. The sweet thing has taken all night to do them," Spun Gold says.

The pony Stardust is an earth pony. She has dark blue skin, light pink eyes, her mane is black and sparkles like stars. Her cutie mark is a fabric of stardust, and with needles making a star.

"I had to make sure that you wouldn't…" Stardust is about reply to the conversation.

"But has been interrupted by Spun Gold as she says, "You are not supposed to speak."

Ruby is starting to get upset and asks, "How could I let this happen?"

"Well darling, it's everypony for herself in the city of Manehattan. Now way that a simple hybrid from Ponyville can ever understand that," Spun Gold says with a smirk on her face.

"I'll tell you one thing, you are not a real designer id you steal other ponies design and have someone else sew them for you!" Ruby spats out and Spun Gold.

She then leaves the theater in tears. She is upset that ended up allowing someone to get the better of her. Stardust sees the tears and sadness from her eyes, and doesn't know what to do about it.

Ruby goes back into the hotel room and collapses on the bed with tears. She feels that her generous nature is ruined, diminished, destroyed. She is completely heartbroken that she has trust someone and has taken advantage of her. At the same time, Sakura and the others come back to the room with smiles on their faces.

"Wow, Manehattan is amazing. I haven't have this much fun since my program in America," Sakura says with excitement.

"Glad you like it, because these two weeks are not over yet," Baked Apple says.

At that time, Sakura and the others are very excited to spend their time at Manehattan. However their enjoyment has been cut short, when Sakura notices Ruby lying on the bed, crying and looks upset about something. The others notice this too, and are wonder what is the matter. So they decide to ask her what's wrong.

"Ruby, what's the matter?" Sakura asks looking concerned.

"Yeah. you look really upset," Raspberry adds with a worried look.

"I won't be able to be in the fashion week," Ruby says through the pillow.

"How come? Raspberry asks.

Then Apple Eden says, "The bellhop brought all the clothes and fabric you need for the show, didn't he?"

"And then Spun Gold stole them!" Ruby screams sounding upset.

"What?!" The others say with a shock in horror.

"I've met one of the contestants named Spun Gold, and I let her used my special one of the kind fabric! She then used them to copy my entire design! And now it looks like I'm the one who copied them! She took advantage of my generosity, and now it's been ruined!" Ruby says while trying breath and shedding tears.

She then collapsed on the bed crying. Sakura sits on the bed hoping to comfort her, but it's not working very well. The others feel very bad for Ruby, but are mad at this Spun Gold for stealing her design and making them her own.

Ace shows a serious look as he heads to the door, and says, "I'll be back."

Ruby looks at Ace still shedding tears and questionably says, "What?"

"Where are you going?" Baked Apple asks.

"To teach that no good Spun Gold a lesson for stealing Ruby's design and making her cry," Ace announces in furry.

"Ace you don't need to do that," Ruby says while wiping the tears.

"She deserves it," Ace angrily says.

"Yeah she does, but if you start picking a fight, Ruby will have more trouble than it's worth," Sakura explains firmly.

"Besides, violence never solves anything," Baked Apple adds.

"Fine," Ace mutters while crossing his forearms.

"But what can we do?" Ruby asks.

"We're going to help you make new clothes for the fashion show," Sakura answers.

Then Baked Apple says, "Darn tootin, all you need is an idea and fabrice, and you'll be in business."

Ruby feels that there is nothing she can do so she can be in the contest. With her feeling doubt about herself, she doesn't seem to be andy hope.

Just then Ruby notice something on the ground and asks, "What's this, Sakura?"

Sakura picks up the book from the ground and says, "It's my pokemon book. It has all the pokemon from the series in my home world."

Ruby look into the pokemon book. She seems to be interested in the pokemon. As she look through the pages, she can feel that a vision of new designs for outfits is filling up her mind. She then knows what to do for the new design for the show.

"You're right. I can do this. In fact, this new line I just come up with will be grand. Maybe even better than the last. I might still have a chance," Ruby says feeling like her she has her fashion spirit again.

She then turns to Sakura and asks, "Sakura, can I use your book, these pokemon will become my new line?"

"Of course you can," Sakura answers with a smile.

"But I'm going to need your help to put this all together," Ruby announces.

"Let's do this!" Raspberry cheers with excitement.

Agreeing to the idea, they decide to help Ruby with the fashion week. With no time to spare they begin to come up with the design. Since Sakura knows about the so call pokemon more than they do, she explain them to Ruby. With that, Ruby decides which pokemon to use for her design.

Later in the night, Sakura and the others are still working on making the clothes and using sewing machine, and thread and needs to get the work done. Ruby is busy buying some more material and accessories to use for the clothes. She is also taking the time to study the pokemon book Sakura has and know which pokemon will be good for clothes. Ruby walks back to with the last of the items to and see the clothes are going well, and see the boys are doing better than expected. The boys can see that sewing is a lot harder than it looks.

"Fashion is a lot harder than it looks," Ace says, while working on the machine.

"Guess that's why sewing are left to mares and fillies," Baked Apple adds, feeling tired.

"You know that we girls are in the same room, right," Sakura says with a straight face.

Ruby puts the basket of fabric on the table, and informs Sakura, "Sakura, I need you to pin these fabric to the patterns."

"On it," Sakura says.

Raspberry stomach starts to growl and says, "I could use something to eat right now."

"Ruby already order something from the hotel," Sakura says to Raspberry.

Just then, the door starts to knock, like it's the signal that food is here. Ruby open the door to see the delivery made with two boxes of pizza.

"Delivery," The stallion says.

"Thank you," Ruby says while using her magic.

She then closes the door behind her and then passes the slice of pizza to herself and the others. Ruby sits down and starts to sew the fabric on the machine and eating her slice of pizza.

Baked Apple eyes widen and surprisingly says, "Whoa Ruby, you're eating and sewing at the same time!"

"Course I am, we don't have much time," Ruby says panicky with pizza in her mouth.

"Yeah, but it's not healthy to eat and work at the same time," Baked Apple replies.

"He's right, you could get sick," Eden says.

"I know that! I just need to get this whole design done for the show tomorrow!" Ruby spats out, sounding very upset.

"Calm down Ruby, we're going to get this done before tomorrow," Sakura says.

"Well, sorry that I am unable to learn the ways of Manehattan. We are going to work all night to get the outfits done. If you all don't want to help then be my guess. It's everypony for herself in this town!" Ruby says with rage.

Sakura grabs Ruby on the shoulder and firmly says, "Ruby, you have to get a hold of yourself! I know you're stressed about what Spun Gold didn, but you need to control yourself. We're going to get these outfits done, and we're going to do it no matter what. I don't know where you got that idea from, but that is not the way for you to act, so relax."

Ruby is not really taking this easy. However seeing Sakura's eyes, Ruby can see that she is very serious about it. Sakura can see that Ruby is letting the stress get the better of her, and think it will be best for her not to worry about this anymore.

"Maybe you should get some rest for the night and try not to worry about it," Sakura calmly says.

Ruby signs in defeat and says, "If you insist Sakura, but I'll be up bright and early tomorrow."

"Deal," Sakura replies, agreeing to the suggestion.

Ruby goes to the other room, and closes the door behind her. As she's going to be heading off to bed, Sakura and the others are wondering if Ruby will feel better once the week is over. Mostly importantly will Ruby will ever be the same after this. They are very worried about her right now.

"I think this whole incident is getting the best of her," Baked Apple says feeling upset about seeing Ruby like this.

"Don't worry, I'm sure once this whole thing is over, Ruby will be her old self again," Sakura says, reassuring the others.

"And when the contest is over, I'm going to give that fashion stealer a good punch in the face for messing with Ruby like that," Ace says while showing the others punching one hoof with the other.

"I heard that, and you will not do such an act, Aerial Ace!" Ruby loudly says through the door.

Ace grumbled with annoyance, "Aw horse apples!"

The other singly giggles that even not around, Ruby still manage to make sure Ace doesn't do something rash. So through the rest of the night, Sakura and the others continue to make the pokemon clothes design, and hopefully Ruby will return to her old self after the contest is over.

The next day, early in the morning, Sakura and the others has just stitch and put the finishing touches on the last outfit. They are feeling very tired. Since they don't stay up very late, it's hard it stay way. However, they know that this is for Ruby's chance to be in the show, even though she acted hard earlier in the night.

"There last one," Sakura tired says.

Just then, Ruby grabs the outfit in a frantic state and panicky says, "Finally!"

Ruby also has the other outfits with her and runs out of the door. Since the contest will be starting very soon. However, she has left the room without saying a thank you and before she can have anything to eat.

Sakura calls out, "Um, your welcome!"

"And good luck!" Raspberry calls out.

Ace lies on the bed and says, "Hope she'll let this whole fashion week behind her once it's finished."

"Me too. I don't like seeing Ruby so stressed," Apple Eden sadly replies.

Sakura feels the same way too. Even though Ruby has been behaving really bad to her and the others, they can understand the stress she's been through. Sakura wishes there is a way to help Ruby calm down. Sure having her turn in early for the night is the only thing she can think of for now, but still wish there's another way to help.

Later that day, the fashion contest is going on. Prime is presenting Spun Gold's line, the one she has stolen from Dragon Ruby. Spun Gold seems to be proud of it, even though it's isn't really her work.

"Let's give another round of applause for Spun Gold and her lovely pieces," Prime announces.

Everyone starts to applause for Spun Gold. After the presentation. Spun Gold and her assistant, Stardust, walk off stage and pass Dragon Ruby. Ruby is still not happy for what Spun Gold has done.

"Try to top that Unless you want to use the copied ones," Spun Gold says with a smirk on her face.

Then Spun Gold and Stardust leave Dragon Ruby. Ruby is still pretty mad at her.

She she angrily says in frustration, and in her thoughts, "Maybe I should have let Aerial Ace punch her in the face, but it wouldn't be proper for a colt to punch a mare."

On stage, Prim announces, "And now for Dragon Ruby brand new, and I mean very new. Poke-sheek."

The curtains open to reveal one of the models. The dress the mare is wearing is a dress is primary green on the top with long sleeve, and the bottom is green and yellow and almost look like leaves. She is also wearing two bright red flow hair clips. She is also wearing a small necklace that looks is a light orange with nine spikes on it. The design is based on Bellossom

Everypony is liking the design that is being presented. The next mare is wearing a pink top and white bottom like dress, on the bottom and sleeves of the dress there are white frills. And on the chest of the dress is an oval gem shaped like an egg and covered by a pink base. This one represent Blissey.

Three more comes out, and they also represent pokemon from Sakura's book. One looks like a Beautifully, one looks like a Lopunny, and the other two looks like Plusle and Minun.

Ruby starts to smile seeing how everypony are liking the clothes and happily says, "They're liking it. I think I may just won this thing. Oh, I can't celebrate with my friends and…"

But just then Ruby notices that Sakura and the others are not at the seats that are reserved for them. She then start to see what has happened. The worst part is, Ruby believes that this is hurt fault why her friends are not here.

"My friends! They didn't come. What have I done?!" Ruby says feeling so ashamed of herself.

Ruby can only think about what she has put the other through. She ended up carrying too much for winning the prize for Fashion week that she ends up treating her friends terrible. She has no clue what to do now. Now that she believes that they don't want to be friends with her anymore.

Author's Note:

What will happen next? See next chapter to find out.

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