• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 6,483 Views, 35 Comments

Children of Harmony - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Twilight ended up in another world with kids of her now. Now her daughter will help save Equestria and learn what it's live living there.

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Chapter 66: Friends Rescue Attempt

The five friends find themselves at Naga's castle, and know that somewhere inside is is still being held prisoner. Now they just need to know how they can get inside and rescue their friend.

"So now that we're all at Naga's castle, how exactly are we going to get inside?" Ruby asks.

"And even if we do get inside, how are we going to get Sakura out of the castle without Naga or anypony who is under his control seein us?" Baked Apple adds.

"What are we going to do?" Eden worriedly asks.

Ace groans, and says, "You're right, we can't get inside without getting ourselves caught."

"Don't worry everypony, I'm on it!" Raspberry answers, wearing a black spy suit and green goggles.

"Raspberry, you look ridiculous," Ruby firmly says.

"What are you wearing?" Ace asks, starting to laugh.

"A spy suit. I brought it in case of an emergency," Raspberry answers.

Eden calmly speaks up, "How about we figure out where Sakura is? Ace and I can fly up to see where she is."

"Works for me," Baked Apple agrees.

Then Ace says, "You three better hide so Naga or any pony see us."

"Right," the three reply.

Raspberry presents a basket of goodies, and says, "If you find Sakura, give her this."

"Alright?" Eden questions, and takes the basket.

Baked Apple and the others hide in a nearby bush and tree as Ace and Eden fly to Naga's castle. They need to be extra careful because they don't want to be spotted by Naga or the ponies being trapped in his power.

Still in the room and looking at the window from the bed she is laying on, Sakura is looking at the evening sky. She wishes she can go back home to her friends, family, and all the other ponies she has been friends with. Sadly, Naga has Sakura secured so she is unable to use your wings and magic, and she can't get out of her room because it's locked.

"What am I going to do? I can't get out of the room, and I'm unable to use my wings and magic to escape. I wish I can go home," Sakura says to herself.

Then she asks, "I wonder what the others are doing?"

Sakura turns her body around away from the window and hugs her knees in sadness. She then begin to shed tears and beginning to lose all hope of escaping. However, she ends up hearing some tapping sound coming from the window.

Just then, a familiar and sweet voice catches her attention, "Um Sakura, are… are you in here? If you don't mind me asking."

Sakura quickly sits up to hear the voice, "Eden!"

Sakura turns to the window to see Eden and Ace flying while being on the outside of the window.

"That's right, who do you expect?" Ace remarks.

"Ace? You're here too?!" Sakura asks, feeling happy.

"We're so glad to see you Sakura," Eden happily replies.

"Yeah. We really miss you," Ace adds.

"I'm so glad to see you too. What are you doing here?" Sakura asks.

"Rescuing you of course," Ace says.

Then Sakura asks, "Where are Baked Apple and the others?"

"They're hiding in the bushes close by," Ace answers.

Then Eden presents the basket, and says, "Here you go, Raspberry wanted us to deliver this to you."

"Thank you," Sakura replies as she takes the basket.

Luckily, she is able to take the basket through the bars that seals the window.

Eden asks in concern, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I swear if he hurt you, I'll…" Ace says in anger.

But Sakura cuts in, "No, he didn't hurt me. But he did coiled me up a few times, and tried to hypnotized me a few times. I
was able to not get under his spell again."

"That jerk," Ace mutters in anger.

Then Ace says, "But don't worry, we're going to get you out of here."

"It's not just me you need to rescue, but Starlight and all the ponies that Naga enslaved here," Sakura says.

"Seriously!" Ace and Eden asks in shock.

"That's right," Sakura says.

Just then Eden remembers, "That's right, Starlight and all the ponies are under Naga's control."

"By the way, if you guys are here. Why aren't our parents and the princesses are here?" Sakura asks.

"We didn't want to rist anypony getting captured and we didn't fully know where you are atht time. So we left without telling them," Ace explains.

Sakura looks at them deadpanned, "You do know your parents aren't going to like this, right?"

"I know, but we got to bust you and everypony else out," Ace asks.

"But how are we going to get in?" Eden asks.

"Well, there is an entrance close by, but the whole castle is crawling by guards," Sakura answers.

"And we got to get you in and out before Naga finds out we're here," Eden says.

Then Sakura asks, "Can we take Starlight with us at least. She's very good with magic and knows a lot about the castle. I'm
sure she'll be able to help us if we just ask."

"I sure hope so," Ace says.

"Me too. I'm afraid Naga hypnotic powers has a lot of influence on her," Sakura says in concern.

"You're right about that. We can only hope Starlight is not under Naga's control when we find her," Ace says.

"Be careful," Sakura says.

Ace and Eden nod their heads and fly back to the others. Back in the bushes, Baked Apple and the others are waiting for
Ace and Eden. they try their best to remain hidden until their friends come back with the results.

"Oh, I do hope Ace and Eden can find her," Ruby says.

"I know what you mean, but we still need to remain here until Ace and Eden comes back," Baked Apple says.

"But what if they don't?" Ruby asks in concern.

"Don't worry Ruby, I'm sure Ace and Eden will be back any minute," Raspberry says with a smile.

"We're back," Ace's voice comes up.

The three friends turn to see Ace and Eden flying back to the bushes. When they land, Ruby and the others come out of
the bush.

"Thanks goodness," Ruby says.

"Did you find Sakura?" Baked Apple asks.

"We found her, but Naga made sure that Sakura can't get away. She can't use her magic or her wings. She can't even get
out through the window or the door," Eden worriedly says.

Ace crosses his hooves in anger, "Yeah. Naga is making sure that Sakura sticks around until his plan is put in motion."

"So what are we going to do?" Ruby asks.

"We have to bust Sakura and Starlight out of the castle," Ace says.

"But how are we going to get inside without the guards seeing us?" Ruby asks.

Then Raspberry questions, "Let's not forget about that evil snake wizard. How are going to make sure he isn't expecting
us there."

"And even if we can get past the guards and Naga, how are we going to get Sakura out of the room she's locked in," Eden

"Let's worry about one problem at a time y'all. First, let's figure out how to get ourselves inside without raising any suspicious," Baked Apple says.

Then he asks, "Does anyone have one?"

The five friends try to think of a way to get inside the castle without anyone noticing, especially if Naga is around.

Raspberry happily shouts, "I got it!"

"I know just what to do!" Raspberry adds with a smile.

Ace and the others are looking at Raspberry with curious looks on their faces.

"That's your idea Raspberry?" Ace mutters in anger.

"Of course, no one can resist cake," Raspberry replies.

Raspberry and Ace are pulling a wagon with a cake on it, while Baked Apple and Eden push the cart from the back. Ruby is
at front taking the lead, and not wanting to do much work. The cake has three different stacks on it. It has white frostings all over with yellow and pink patterns on it. There are also candles on it.

"But why in the wide world of Equestria would Naga want any cake?" Ruby asks with a stern look on her face.

"Who wouldn't," Raspberry replies.

"Well, let's just hope this plan work," Baked Apple replies, looking concern.

The gang continues to carry the cart that has the giant cake on it. Finally they have arrive at the gate that has two armored
guards on it. Suddenly, the two guards put their spears in front of the door crossing each other's spears.

"Halt! Who goes there?!" Two of the guards demand.

"Hello, we're here to deliver a cake to your ruler of the castle. He made a special delivery for a special party," Raspberry answers.

The two whispers to each other about the cake. Raspberry and the others are starting to grow concern about it.

One of the guards look at the five friends, and says, "You may pass."

The guards open the gate and move aside to the cart can come in. Raspberry and his friends stroll the cart with the cake
inside to the inside of the castle. Once they are inside, they walk down the halls to find a place to put the cake so they can find Sakura.

"I can't believe we got a way with it," Ace says.

"Yes. I am amazed that idea actually worked," Ruby says.

Then Eden asks, "So what do we do now?"

"We need to put the cake somewhere, and then go find Sakura," Baked Apple answers.

"Yeah. Before Naga or any of his guards get suspicious," Ace adds.

"I hope we can get out of this place in one piece," Ruby says, looking worried.

The five friends continue to pull the cart with the cake inside, and to find a place to put it so they can find their friend.

In the locked room, Sakura is simply playing a game of chess with Starlight since everyone else is busy. Of course, Starlight
has been put in charge of Sakura by Naga to keep her entertain, and so she doesn't try to escape. Sakura also explain to
Starlight that her friends are outside, and are here to rescue her.

"So Sakura, how exactly are your friends going to get us out of here?" Starlight asks.

"I don't know, but my friends will come up with something, and get us out of this mess we're in," Sakura answers.

"I just hope we can get out of here before Naga suspects anything," Starlight worriedly says.

"I agree," Sakura replies.

Just then, they begin to hear something coming from the door. They wonder if it's naga or anypony else checking up on them. The door opens, and Raspberry and the gang comes in.

"Hey Sakura, I'd be happy to know that your very best friends are here," Raspberry happily says.

Sakura laughs, "And boy am I glad to see you guys."

"Hi," Starlight nervously says.

"Come on Starlight, let's get out of here before Naga knows my friends are here," Sakura says, getting up from the bed.

Starlight jumps off the bed and follows Sakura and her friends out of the door. They close the door and lock it as if nothing was amiss. Then they begin to run down the hall before any one can see them.

Sakura and her friends, along with Starlight continue to run down the halls to find a way out.

"I'm glad to see you guys got inside without getting spotted," Sakura says.

"But how you got in?" Starlight asks.

"Surprisingly, Raspberry came up with a cake delivery program, and said that a cake is being delivered to Naga," Eden

"We're surprised to see that the plan worked," Baked Apple replies.

"But how are we going to get out?" Sakura asks.

"Don't worry, the exit to the castle is very close we just need to get there before Naga or any pony else sees us," Starlight

Just then, everyone come to a halt to see four ponies dressed in armor at the front door. Then they hold sharp spears at

"So much for nopony seeing us," Eden worriedly replies.

Then Ace screams, "Run!"

With that, the gang turns back and make a run for it. The pony guards begin to chase after them. They end up running in
different halls, different rooms, and other places of the castle. Every time they try to find a way out, ponies who are still hypnotized prevent them from getting out. Sakura and the others continue to run away from the controlled ponies, and
know they need to find a place to hid.

"What can we do?" Eden asks.

"I'm afraid I don't have much of an answer," Starlight answers.

"We need to find a place to hide before Naga knows about this," Sakura says.

"But where can we hide? Everytime we try to find a different room, somepony is in there trying to catch us," Ruby says looking very scared.

"We need to fight them," Ace suggests.

"No. It's not their fault for doing this. They have commands and suggests that Naga planted in their minds," Sakura objects to the idea.

"We can't keep running from them forever," Baked Apple adds.

Raspberry says, "Look, there's somewhere we can hide."

"Good idea," Eden replies.

"And it looks like we don't have much of a choice," Starlight says, looking behind to see ponies chasing them.

Raspberry quickly opens the door, and Sakura along with the others run inside. Raspberry runs inside and quickly closes the door. In the room, Sakura and her friends locked the door and make sure the room is secured, so no one can enter. Sakura and the others sigh in exhaustion and sit on the ground taking deep breaths.

However, they hear hissing sound, and look to see a frightening sight. They see the snake sorcerer, Naga right in front of

With a smirk on his face, and his arms crossed, Naga says, "Hello my little princessss, I ssssee your friendssss have entered into my humble abode."

"Nice job Raspberry," Ace mutters while glaring at Raspberry.

"How am I supposed to know this is his room," Raspberry whispers.

Before the others can react or say a word, Naga holds out his speter, and uses his magic to levitate everyone except Sakura into the air.

"It sssoundsss to me that your ressscue attempt wasss a faliure," Naga remarks.

Sakura gets up, and screams, "Wait! Don't hurt them!"

"Don't worry, your friends won't be harm, but they will need to be put away for a while. Until I concur Equestria," Naga

Naga then uses the magic of the speter to make the others disappear. The others has find themselves reappearing in a
jail cell. They end up falling on top of each other.

In the room, Sakura is shocked to see that her friends are gone.

"Where are my friends?" Sakura asks in concern.

"Not to worry, they're sssafe, just put away where they can't caussse anymore trouble," Nag answers with a smirk.

Sakura becomes feeling nervously see the smirk on Naga's face. Naga begins to slither towards Sakura as he brings his
tail forward and wrap around her shoulders. Naga slithers until he is in front of Sakura and use the tip of his claw to lift Sakura's face to face his.

"By tomorrow, we'll be heading back Canterlot. And then my dear, you will help me become the new ruler of Equestria," Naga says.

"But you can't do that," Sakura worriedly says.

"Oh, but I can. Of course, you my dear are the key to it all," Naga answers.

"But why? I still don't know why you even need me," Sakura asks.

Naga leans close to Sakura as he says, "You'll soon find out, but you will have to trust me."

Sakura manages to slip from Naga's grasp, and begin to walk away, "I don't know if I can trust you."

"Oh, I'm sssure you don't really mean it," Naga says as she slithers to Sakura.

He then use his long coiled neck to make a loop, and lands on top of Sakura's head, covering her eyes in the process. He
then grabs Sakura by the shoulders.

"I know that you feel a bit weary about me keeping you here. But you and I can become good friendsss if you give me a chance. I'm sssure you'll be able to see what I sssee" Naga says as he persuades Sakura.

Sakura moves her arm forward because of her blindness, and tries to feel what is on her head. Sakura manages to feel the coils from both of her hands, and tires to get it off. She continues to budge the coil off of her head, but it's not moving.

Naga chuckles sinsterly, and says, "You can believe in me."

Sakura reaches the coils that are in front of her eyes and is able to move it, but that ends up being a mistake. As she lifts the coils, she ends up coming face to face with Naga as his eyes creates a spiral of colors from his eyes.


Trussst in me

Jussst in me

Sakura ends up looking into Naga's eyes, and her eyes begin to emit the colors as well as she hears Naga's calm and gentle singing voice.


Ssshut your eyesss

And trussst in me

Naga then slithers in front of Sakura and slither back. The tip of his coils comes to the hypnotized Sakura, telling her to come forward.

Naga grabs hold to Sakura by her hands, and has the tip of his tail on her forehead, "Hold still for a moment my dear."

"Of… of course," Sakura says with her eyes closed and still in a daze.

Naga rubs the palm of his hand against Sakura's cheek, and she lets a tired moan and sigh, feeling very relaxed.


You can sssleep sssafe and sssound

Knowing I am around

Naga leans Sakura back, and makes her lay down on the coils that are close by. Then he begins to rock Sakura, making her more tired.


Ssslip into sssilent ssslumber

Sssail on a sssilver missst

Naga looks down on Sakura as she continues to being rocked by the coils.


Ssslowly and sssurely your sssensesss

Will ceassse to resist

Still lying down on the coils, Sakura lets out a sigh as Naga brushes her hair with her claw. It causes Sakura to become
more tired.

"Are you enjoying yourssself?" Naga softly asks.

Sakura sighs as she continues to get more tired.

"Uh huh," Sakura tiredly replies, slowly nodding her head.


Trussst in me

Jussst in me

Naga sits down, and then places the tired Sakura on his lap. As he sings, he begins to wrap Sakura up in his coils. She
becomes more tired, and is about to fall fast asleep.


Ssshut your eyesss

And trussst in me

Soon enough, Sakura is fast asleep in Naga's coils and claws. Naga then takes Sakura to his bed that is close to the floor.
He lays Sakura down and leaves the coils on Sakura so she will continues to sleep.

"By tomorrow, you and Equestria will be mine," Naga says.

Naga leans closer to her, and whispers, "And by that time, you will be permanently under my spell."

Naga chuckles to see that his plan is about to take hold, and sure that no pony is going to stop him.

Back at Ponyville, Twilight along with the other parents, and the royals discovered that Ace and the others are missing.

They looked everywhere but couldn't find them. They all meet inside the Golden Oak Library to discuss their situation.

Ruby worriedly says, "We can't find the children anywhere."

"We looked all over, and they weren't as their usual spots," Big Mac says.

"It's like they're not in Ponyville anymore," Cheese Sandwich.

Realizing the situation, Angel Wing exclaims, "Oh my, they must have gone after Sakura themselves."

"Of course they did, they knew that Sakura need their help and needs it now. We're basily sitting on our flanks," Rainbow shouts in anger.

"But what can we do?" Soarin asks.

"There's my way we can catch them up at this rate," Shining Armor says.

"We'll sent out a search party, and we need to hurry," Moon Sword says.

He turns to Shining Armor and says, "Shining Armor, I'm placing you in charge of the search, and I'll come with you."

Shining Armor salutes, and runs to gather the soldiers and other ponies to help with the search.

In concern, Twilight says in her thoughts, "Sakura, please be okay. And please, let the other children be alright."

Twilight shuts her eyes, and lets out small tears, fearing for her daughter and her friends who are in trouble right now.

Author's Note:

Now Ace and the others have been captured. And Naga's plan will be put in motion. Will Sakura and Equestria be saved or be put under the snake's control

Trust in me from The Jungle Book

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