• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 6,483 Views, 35 Comments

Children of Harmony - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Twilight ended up in another world with kids of her now. Now her daughter will help save Equestria and learn what it's live living there.

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Chapter 50: The Hearth's Warming Pageant Part 2

On the stage, Pear Tree narrates to the audience, "And so, each leader encountered obstacles along the way, but eventually, they all arrived in a new and wondrous land. Nopony had ever seen paradise before."

The curtains open to the next act of the store. It is Equestria before it has been discovered, over thousands of years ago. The new land is beautiful nice grassland, clear sky, and a few large mountains. Ace and Eden are at the now land, and they can see how wonderful it is. Ace starts to jump on the clouds with a smile on his face.

"This is the new land we've been searching for!" Ace shouts in excitement.

"What a view... I can see my future house from here," Eden agrees with astonishment.

"I proclaim this new land to be... Pegasopolis!" Ace declares putting the Pegasi flag on the cloud.

On the ground, Sakura and Ruby are at the side of one of the mountain. They both agree that the new land is beautiful, and a great place to live. However, Ruby is rather distracted by something else that is beautiful, and that something is gems.

"I've never seen such jewels! This ruby is dazzling. This whole land is dazzling. I'm double dazzled!" Ruby says inspecting the gems in a pile.

Sakura looks around with a smile and says."The gems are nice, but I think this land is beautiful,"

"I think we have found our new home," Ruby says, sitting down next to the gems.

"I agree your highness," Sakura replies happily.

"In the name of the unicorns, I hereby dub this land Unicornia!" Ruby declares, putting the unicorn flag in place while Sakura shows a smile on her face.

At another part of the newland, Baked Apple and Raspberry look around to see the grasslands, and how there is a lot of space to start planting food and building their homes.

Raspberry takes a deep breath, and happily says, "The air!

"The trees! Raspberry adds, sitting on the tree.

He then lands on the dirt, and happily adds, "The dirt!"

"This dirt is the dirtiest dirt in the whole dirt world!" Raspberry shouts in excitement.

"And fertile, too. Perfect for growing food," Baked Apple agrees, feeling the dirt is perfect to start a food orchard.

"In the name of the Earth ponies, I think I'm gonna call this new place... uh…" Raspberry says, trying to think of the name for the new land.

He then has an idea, and declares, "Dirtville!"

"How about… Earth?"Baked Apple suggests.

"Earth! Congratulations to me for thinking of it," Raspberry says with excitement.

He then puts his hat on the ground, and then lifts it up. When that happens, the earth pony flag on the ground, know that they have found their new home.

"We found our new home!" The three leaders declare.

The three leaders pause to hear this, and look to see that they all have found the same land. It leads to a little bit of confusion, but soon to a lot of tension in the area.

"Well, what are the odds of that," Sakura bluntly replies.

"You can say that again," Baked Apple agrees.

Raspberry turns to Baked Apple, "You don't need to agree with her, even though it is true."

Ace says to the two leaders, "I planted my flag first!"

"Did not!" Ruby disagrees.

"Did too!" Ace protests.

"I planted mine earlier than first," Raspberry replies with a smile.

"All of you riffraff are trespassing in Unicornia!"

"The name is Pegasopolis!" Ace angrily protests.

"Earth!" Raspberry declares.

Then Ace furiously shouts, "Pegasopolis!"

"Unicornia!" Ruby angrily proclaims.

Ace flies up to Ruby with a glare and says, "I say we fight for the land. May the best pony win!"

Ruby gasps, and says, "That's barbaric."

"We're not going to fight," Sakura agrees.

Ruby turns to Sakura and demands, "Clover the Clever, throw that brute into the dungeon!"

"What dungeon?" Sakura bluntly asks.

Ruby thinks about it, and says, "You're right, we don't have one yet."

Then Sakura walks over the other two leaders as she says, "Look, perhaps if we all calmed down…"

"I agree. Let's all calm down," Baked Apple agrees to the idea.

"I vote for calm," Eden agrees, quietly.

Ace turns to Eden and harshly says, "I'll have you court-martialed for insubordination, Private! We settle this on the battlefield!"

Before anything can happen, Ace ends up getting hit with a snowball. Sakura and Ruby start laughing, along with Eden who is trying her best not to. Just then, Eden, Sakura, and Ruby ends up getting snowballs in their faces, making Ace laugh too.

Ruby whips the snow on her face, and angrily screams, "Who dares throw a snowball at royalty?!"

"That's no mystery Princess Platinum,"Baked Apple says, pointing to the source of the snowballs.

They look to see Raspberry having another snowball in his hoof.

Ruby narrow her eyes, and bluntly says, "Should have known."

Just then, Raspberry realize something is off, and asks with a confused look, "Wait a minute, where'd all this snow come from anyway?"

"Oh no. Not again," Ace replies, looking shocked.

The six can see that the snow and harsh wind have come to this land too, and doesn't know where, when, why and how the weather come here all of the sudden. They are not aware that the three spirits from before, are circling around them, and it seems they are creating the cold weather that will freeze anything in their path.

Back in the real world, everypony are enjoying the story, and can't wait until the best part of the pageant.

"And so the paradise that the ponies had found was soon lost, buried beneath a thick blanket of snow and hard feelings. Instead of beautiful, it was blizzardy. Instead of wonderful, it was wintry! Instead of spectacular, it was snow-tacular! Instead of…" PEar Tree says, narrating the story.

Then Pear Tree bluntly says, "You know the rest."

The ponies laugh after hearing that part.

"Everypony was forced to seek shelter. They searched high and low, but the only shelter for miles was a cold and desolate cave. And, of course, the three tribes had to share it, and nopony was too happy about that," Pear Tree adds to the story.

The story continues when the six friends are in the only shelter they can find. A dark cave that is surrounded by rock and stalagmite. However, they all have to share the cave until the weather pass. The three leaders glare at each other, while the three accompanying them are worried on how this is going to turn out.

"Please, Commander Hothead," Ruby politely says.

"It's Commander Hurricane," Ace angrily replies.

Then Ruby politely says, sounding displeased, "Please, Commander, could you just stand back and give me my royal space?"

"You mean like this, your highness?" Ace says with an annoyed tone, stepping his foot in front of her.

"Indeed not! You see this invisible line?" Ruby protests.

"Private, outline our territory for everypony to see? Ace orders.

Eden does what Ace directs. However, Eden is making the line rather small and doing it slowly.

Ace helps Eden, as he make a straight line, " See this real, non-invisible line? No unicorns or Earth ponies are allowed to cross it! This is the sovereign territory of Pegasopolis!"

Finishing it, Ace has divided himself and Eden from Ruby and the others. However, Ruby and Raspberry are not satisfied with his decision.

"Clover the Clever?" Ruby politely asks.

Then Raspberry says, "Uh... Smart Cookie!"

"I know, I know." Baked Apple bluntly replies.

"You don't need to tell us," Sakura adds.

With that, Sakura and Baked Apple join Eden in making visible lines so no one can cross over each other's space. The three are not very pleased on how the three leaders are behaving, and how the situation is only getting worse. Eden reaches a rock, and decides to circle around it, since she can't go through it.

Ace comes over and angrily shouts, "What are you doing? Don't go around the rock, go over it! I'm not giving up an inch of territory to the enemy!"

"That rock is clearly on the Unicornia side of the cave, and it belongs to us!" Ruby protest in anger.

She then whispers to Sakura, "Who knows? there could be jewels inside."

"I claim this rock for Pegasopolis!" Ace declares moving the rock to his side of the line.

Ruby becomes angry and shouts, "Unhand that rock this instant, you scoundrel!"

Just then Raspberry comes over and happily says, "Oh, look, you found my rock. I've been looking for it everywhere."

Raspberry then picks up the rock, and zooms back to his side of the cave.

This makes Ace confused, and asks with annoyance, "Hey! You invaded our territory!"

"Finders keepers, losers weepers!" Raspberry sings to that statement.

Ace becomes furious and angrily shouts, "That's the last straw!"

Ace steps into Raspberry's side to receive the rock, but Ruby wants it too.

"Give me my rock!" Ruby demands.

With that, the three leaders start to chase each other trying to get the rock to their side, ignoring the invisible line. The other three are starting to get very bugged by all this arguing and fighting. What everypony are not aware is that the cold wind, ice and the clouds have enter the cave.

Sakura becomes aware of this and exclaims, "Look, everypony! The entrance!"

The three leaders continue to argue not noticing this, until it's too late. Everypony are shocked to see that the ice has covered the entrance completely, meaning they are going to be trapped here forever.

"Great. Now there's no way out! We're trapped!" Ace angrily shouts.

"You two deserve this horrible fate. You've done nothing but argue and fight with each other!" Ruby angrily remarks.

"You've been fighting too, your Highness," Ace remarks.

Then Raspberry shouts, "Yeah! Worse! I haven't been fighting nearly as much as you!"

However, what the three leaders don't know is that the snow and ice are coming closer to them, and the ice begin to freeze them.

"How ridiculous! A unicorn never stoops to fighting!" Ruby angrily protests.

"That's just 'cause you wimpy unicorns know you'd never win! Earth ponies are numbskulls!" Ace angrily shouts his last words before being frozen.

"Pegasi are brutes!" Ruby and girly screams, before she's covered in ice.

"Unicorns are snobs!" Raspberry furiously explains before, becoming an ice sculpture.

The three ponies who are left are in shocked to see that the ice has frozen the three leaders. Becoming scared, they end up meeting in the middle of the cave. Sakura, Baked Apple, and Apple Eden sigh in relief because the arguing has stopped at last, and don't have to deal with it. Just then, they hear a loud screech and scream in horrors. They gather around in fear, look up in the cave to see what's up there. They are all shocked to see three pale blue horses moving around in the circle.

Eden asks as she studders, "W-W-What is that... thing?"

"They must be... windigos!" Sakura answers in fear.

"Windigos?" Baked Apple and Apple Eden asks, feeling more scared.

Then Sakura explains to the two ponies, "My mentor Star Swirl the Bearded taught me about them. They're winter spirits that feed off fighting and hatred. The more hate the spirit feels, the colder things become!"

Baked Apple realizes this, and sadly says, "Then... this is our fault. We three tribes... we brought this blizzard to our home by fightin' and not trustin' each other. Now it's destroyin' this land, too."

"And now our bodies will become as cold as our hearts... all because we were foolish enough to hate," Sakura adds, seeing the cold getting closer to freezing them over.

The three fear that this will be the last time they'll see sun light and it's all because of their hatred and distrust of one another.

Just then, Eden breaks her silence, and says, "Well, I don't hate you…"

Sakura and Baked Apple are shocked to hear what Apple Eden in her part is saying.

"I actually hate Commander Hurricane a lot more than I hate you guys," Eden adds looking at the frozen commander.

Sakura and Baked Apple smiles and start laughing making Eden smiles back at them. The windigos hear this causes their eyes to glow, and then they circle around even faster making the cold move quickly. As this happen, the ice and snow start to freeze the three ponies' bodies.

As that happens, Eden smiles as she says, "Actually, I don't really hate her, I just really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really dislike him."

The three then start laughing as the coldness freeze their bodies even more.

"Well, I don't hate you guys either," Baked Apple says.

"Nor do I," Sakura agrees.

This makes the windows screech and make the process go faster, and faster.

Then Baked Apple says, "No matter what our differences, we're all ponies."

The three new becoming friends smile and huddle their heads together as the ice and snow covers them up, until it reaches to Sakura's horn. Before the snow can cover it, Sakura's horn begins to light up. The light and magic from Sakura's horn glows so bright and strong, that it breaks the prison she and the other two ponies, and Sakura float sin the air with her eyes glowing white and the magic goes on. The light glows flaming hot pink hitting the windigos. Eden and Baked Apple watched in shocked as they see the windigos being pushed back and disappear into thin air. The remaining magic turn itself into a flaming heart showing different shades of light pink to hot pink. Sakura sits down after the mysterious magic has been cased making her dizzy and her eyes are back to normal. Sakura looks up to see the magic heart over her, it's the most amazing thing she has seen.

Eden comes up to Sakura and asks with astonishment, "What was that?"

"I didn't know unicorns could do that," Baked Apple replies in a shock.

"I didn't either. Nothing like this has ever happened before," Sakura says still shocked about the event that has taken place.

She then smiles at the two friends as she says, "But I know it couldn't have been just me. It came from all three of us, joined together, in friendship."

Pear Tree narrates, "All through the night, the three ponies kept the fire of friendship alive by telling stories to one another and by singing songs, which of course became the winter carols that we all still sing today. Eventually, the warmth of the fire and singing and laughing reached the leaders, and their bodies began to thaw, and it even began to melt their hearts,"

As Pear Tree narrates the story, Sakura, Baked Apple and Apple Eden, talk laugh, and sing together as their friendship began to grow. As that happens, the ice and snow begins to melt. Then it reaches Ace, Ruby, and Raspberry too. The three ponies are happy and the other three told them what has happened. Just as they are getting acquainted, the hear cracking noises. They look to see the ice wall has melted. The all go outside to see the land is saved, the sun is out, and the snow is melting away.

As the six friends put their new flag up, Pear Tree narrates, "The three leaders agreed to share the beautiful land, and live in harmony ever afterwards. And together, they named their new land…"

When the six friends raise the flag up, they all happily announces, "Equestria!"

After the announcement, the curtains close, and everypony start to cheer in excitement. The curtain opens again to see the six friends, Sakura changes her back to her human form. With that, the six friends, along with Pear Tree take a bow. As that happens the bells ring, and confetti and streamers explode from the back of the stage, and on to the audience. They all then sing the Hearth's Warming song.


The fire of friendship lives in our hearts

As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart

Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few

Laughter and singing will see us through

(will see us through)

We are a circle of pony friends

A circle of friends we'll be to the very end

When the song is over, everypony cheer and all wish each other a great Hearth's Warming. Sakura and her friends feel honored that they are playing very important parts. Sakura smiles and sees her family cheering for them, and glad to see her cousins are here as well. She thinks this is going to be the best and first Hearth's Warming Eve ever.

After the pageant, Sakura and her friends, are out of their costumes, and are getting ready to head back to their families. They are very happy that they are able to be a part of the play, and now that it's finish, they can go be with their families. They make sure to have their winter clothes on so they can go with their families.

"That was an amazing play," Sakura says with a smile.

"Yeah, how does it feel for you to experience it?" Ace asks with glee.

"I think it's great," Sakura answers, happily.

Then Ruby says, "I'd say we should be honored that the princesses chose us to be the main characters in the pageant."

"I have to agree, maybe she thinks we symbolized what friendship is all about," Sakura agrees.

The six friends give each other a group hug, and are glad that their friendship is just as powerful. However, they end up with a powerful blow of cold wind. They stop their hug, and turn to see the window is open again, and the cold air and snow are entering the room.

Ruby turns to Ace and angrily asks, "Ace, I thought you closed the window?"

"I… I did," Ace answers looking confused.

Sakura walks over to the window as she says, "Let's get it closed."

Sakura along with Ace, and Eden go over to the window so they can close the window. Before they can close it, they hear a loud shrieking sound coming from outside. They look outside the window to see what the noise it. They gasp in complete shocked to see what they are seeing.

Sakura shockley, replies, "Oh my gosh!"

"What that was what I think it was?" Ace asks, looking stunned.

"Yes, I think it is," Eden answers looking shocked.

Ruby and the others come to the window to see what is going on. Just then, the thing the three are seeing is right up to them. The thing, is a little horse, with a long wintery mane, and no legs. The six friends are in shock to see what they are seeing… it's a small windigo, probably around three or four years old.

"It's just a little windigo," Ruby says looking stunned.

"A baby windigo, but what's it doing here?" Sakura asks.

Just then, the little window comes into the room and starts to drag Sakura by the shirt. Bringing her to a different location in the room, the little windigo starts to circle around Sakura like it's happy.

"I think it wants to play?" Raspberry suggests.

Sakura shivers, and explains, "Oh, it's cold!"

Just then the little windigo starts to play around the others, and is playing with the others' wings, horns, and wings. Of course, they end up getting a little chill from the little guy.

Eden looks out the window to see something else, and says, "Look, there's it's mama."

The others look out of the window to see an adult windigo, and it seems to be calling out to it's baby. Hearing the call, the baby hurries up to it's mother and they give each other a hug. They are soon gone after that. Sakura and the others are completely shocked to what they have seen.

Ace turn to the others, and says looking confused,"Okay, that was weird."

"Let us never speak of this," Ruby replies.

"I agree, it's best to keep this just between us, but I think we should at least let Princess Celestia and Princess Luna know about this," Sakura suggests.

The five nod their heads agreeing to the idea, that after they talk to the princesses about this, they are never going to speak of this to anypony else. They then decide to take their leave to be with their families. Outside, the windigo baby and it's mother are still outside looking at the six friends. From some strange reason, the adult windog wonders if the six friends remind her of the other six from along time ago. They soon decide to leave and not come back anytime soon.

Author's Note:

The play is over, and the next chapter, Sakura and her family are meeting special guests who have the answer to their shadow mystery.

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