• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 3,351 Views, 73 Comments

Doctor what? - Wilhelm

Twlight and the gang meet a certian pony.

  • ...

Another Day in Ponyville.

MLP FIM AND Doctor who belong Hasbro and the BBC.
Picture by Girl on the Moon deviant art.
It was a warm day in ponyville, not that you'd have noticed as it was generally quite warm in ponyville's summer. Today was a particularly fine day, the sun was shining the birds were singing and the rabbits were playing in the fields, all was well, well except for that flying wrench (but hey beggar’s can't be chooser's. Now on to the story.)
The wrench landed with a metallic thud as it impacted into a nearby tree stump, the noise startling the nearby rabbits into flight.
Although there were many wrenches in the world, this particular wrench belonged to a certain purple unicorn mare that at this moment was tearing the Apple family's barn to shreds.

The said unicorn was pacing around in a circle, occasionally levitating iteams only to throw them down in digust.

"Come on, come on it has to be here somewhere" She asked herself while desperately looking around.

"Maybe, argh no.. what about... still nothing, argh why can't I find it" The mare quickened her pace, the edges of her main had gone frizzy and her left eye was twiching rapidly.

"If I can't find it then who knows what Celestia will do, she might fail my assignment to make friends in ponyville and recall me back to Canterlot, then I'll never see my friends again."

She started pacing around faster, in server danger of carving a groove into the floor at her current pace.

"Or maybe she'll kick me out of her School for Gifted Unicorns; or jail me, or exile me, or exile me then jail me, or maybe she'll turn me into a statue then exile me then jail me." At the end this rant, the mare collapsed into a pitiful pile of purple, her eyes drooping as the very nature of life, hope, fled from them like rats from a sinking ship.

" Wwwwwhhhhyyyyyy can't I find the stupid part" Wailed the mare, smashing her head repeatedly into the dirt floor in a futile attempt to somehow learn the location of the much needed part, with did nothing, aside from turn her mane into a trainwreck and leave a small face shaped dent in the solid dirt floor of the barn.

While this redecoration of the barns floor from flat to lumpy was taking place, the barns owner, having heard the racket, burst into the room to investigate.
"Now what is tarnation is all this racket about?" She bellowed the country mare. "I don't know who y'all think you are, wrecking my barn like this, if you so much as... oh Twilight, what in Celestia's name y'all doing in my barn?"

"I... erm... well" Twilight sighed, she might aswell come out with it, there was no lying to Applejack. "I need spare parts for one of my experiments and this was the only place I could think of to get them." Twilight spat out while rubbing her hoof on the floor"

Applejack couldn't help but let out a small smile, Twilight was nearly as big a drama queen as Rarity at times but only nearly, nopony could get as worked up over small things like the fashionista did.

Twilight looked on, unable to see what was so funny, noticing this, AppleJack trotted over and put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder.

"Why shucks, if thats all Yall be wanting, then why didn't you just ask?" AJ said with a chuckle. "It would have saved us a bucket load a' trouble. Now, tell lil' AppleJack here, what y'all be needing"

"Thanks" And with that Twilight disappeared in a flash of light.
As soon as Twilight vanished Applejack ran over to a concer of the barn that had somehow been left untouched by the purple hurrican that had just swept through.
Quickly searching through the nearest stack of hay, that was been kept for winter she found what she was looking for.
A crate.
But not just any crate, this create was special, as held within was Applejack's strongest cider.
Apon seeing it's undamaged form she felt her knees you weak as she momentarily collapsed to the floor.
Quickly regaining her senses, she skillfully undid the hatch pulled out a bottle of cider. As she pulled it out of its dark prision a beam of light struck the bottle, the light refracted outwards, bathing Applejack in a ray of Goldern goodness.
"I'm sure happy that Twi' didn't find these, Now that would have been hard to explain"


Rarity's Carousel Boutique.
To say Rarity's day had been awful would have been an uderstatement, armageddon would have been a better way to describe how her day had gone.
It had started out so simple; Sweetie bell's friends were coming round to practise sowing to see if that was their talent and like the fool she was Rarity had agreed to help. In only 10 minutes her beautiful shop had been reduced to ruin, her new dresses had been turned into series of parachutes, for what she shuddered to think. Apple Bloom had somehow managed to stick both herself and Scootaloo to the ceiling and Sweetie Belle had just destroyed her antique Reign-issance clock, how could this day get any worse?
Apparently it could.
At the exact moment she had about to launch into a barrgae of insults towards the 3 fillies, she heard the unmissable ding of her shop door opening, quickly composing herself she rushed over and automatically said her usual welcome. "Raritys Carousel Boutique, where fashion is allways near, how can I help you".
"Urm...Rarity it's me Fluttershy, we were... urm it's just that you said that... urm.. we were going to the spa, not that its important."
The realisation hit Rarity like a herd of choas rabbits that had just seen a particularly juicy apple tree nearby. With a sigh she sunk to the floor, clearly overwhelmed by the days events.
This action did not go unnoticed by Fluttershy who started to back away. "It's okay... I see your busy, I'll come back later" muttered the mustard coloured mare in her usual timied fashion.
Upon hering this Rarity seemed to be filled with energy and in notime at all was back on her feet and trying to prevent Fluttershy from leaving. "Fluttershy my dear I just couldn't abandoned you like that, I'll be ready in a second".
"But... what about the ...erm, well what about the fillie's don't they need your help?" replied fluttershy in her soft angelic voice, while slowely backing towards the door.
"Hum, yes there is that" replied Rarity deep in thought, her muzzle resting on her hoof. After pondering the situation for a few seconds a devious smirk spread across her face. "About that fluttershy.. you remember how good you were with the fillys before right? Could you be a dear and , you know, use your stare."
"Rarity, you know I could never use the stare on another pony, that would just be so wrong."
"Darling, it would only be the one time, ppppplllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeee?" Begged the cream coloured mare, her eyes as large as dinner plates. Fluttershy tried to resist, but no-pony, not even her could say no that that face.
"Well.. if you insist.. okay but only this once." Sighed Fluttershy. "Are you sure... are you sure there is no other way? It's just.. that.... well I don't like using the stare". Begged Fluttershy hoping that her friend would understand.
She didn't, instead Rarity continued to pull her famous pout " Ppppppplllllllleeeeaaaaasssssseeeeeeeee?"
With a defeated look plastered on her face, Fluttershy gingerly walked into the inertia of Rarity's Carousel Boutique, shuddering to think about what she had to do.
"Why hay Yall, would you mind get us down,I'm kinde stuck." Exclaimed Apple Bloom in her usual manner.
"Urm..sure" sqeaked fluttershy.
Fluttershy went to the corner of the store, grabbed one of the woodern ladders and brought it back to just below where Applebloom and Scootaloo were stuck to the ceiling by several metric tonnes of treesap.
As Fluttershy started to rip the treesap off the ceiling and free the girls Rarity walked over to their location, with a puzzled look on her face.
"Say, how did you end up stuck to my ceiling anyway?"
"Well.." started AppleBloom in her storytelling voice.
"You know what, I don't want to know" Rarity butted in, ending anyhope of learning what had happened and leaving the young fillie with a scowl on her face.
Apon seeing her friend's distress Sweetie Belle, bounced over.
"But Rarity it would be a shame not to give AppleBloom a chance to tell a story, maybe thats her talent." Pleaded Sweetie Belle, in the most pleading voice she could muster, while at the same time trying, (and failing) to replicate her sister's legendary pout.
As soon as the sentance had left her mouth Sweetie Belle regreted it, because as soon as her sweet young voice had been heard by her cherrished sister, she had spun around on the spot, her eyes pools of rage.
"Don't think I've forgotten what you did missy. Do you even know what I had to do to get that clock?"
"Erm... no" replied Sweetie Belle in a tiny voice, hoping that something,anything would happen to distract her enraged sister.
Sweetie Belle's prays were answered when at that moment she heard AppleBloom shout out "Why, hey there Twilight what you doing here?".
All the fillies and mares in the room turned to stare at the lavender unicorn who had just popped into the room in a cloud of purple smoke.
"Why Twilight dear, what are you doing here? And what happened to your mane? It looks like you just got dragged throught the royal maze backwards." Enquired Rarity, her rage momentarily eclipsed by the affront to fashion that was standing before her.
"Rarity, I don't have time for this, I need to know, where is AppleBlooms Hoop, the fate of Equestria depends on it." Stated Twilight in her authoritative and yet at the same time unhinged voice.
"Why shucks Twilight it's over there." replied AppleBloom, pionting over to the corner of the room where her trusty metal hoop was resting."
"Wait, you brought a muddy hoop into my shop? This is the worst, thing, ever!" and with that Rarity fell onto her nearby recliner.
Twilight didn't notice Rarity's drama, as she had entered a state of near ecstasy upon seeing the last part see needed. Doing a little victory dance she bounced over to the hoop, grabbed it's metal surface with her teeth and vanished in a poof of smoke.
"My... my... my hhhooooooopppp!" wailed AppleBloom, tears running down from her peach coloured eyes.

([Thats all folks) Please rate and review./i]