• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 3,351 Views, 73 Comments

Doctor what? - Wilhelm

Twlight and the gang meet a certian pony.

  • ...

Shouldn't have pressed that buttton.

Authors note: Sweet baby luna, another one of these, I've got to stop writing so much, also to reiterate what I said before picture is by Girl on the Moon deviant art, check her page out for Doctor Who related stuff, also MLP FIM AND Doctor who belong Hasbro and the BBC, just saying, so no-one can sue, wish I owned them, then I might have some money. Anyway onto part 6, or is it 7? I forget. Now to the STORY.
In the confusion of the battle that had just erupted in the center of ponyville, nobody noticed Pinkie Pie sneak up to the large red button that rested on the side on the device. "I wonder what his does? Maybe there cake."
Twilight saw what Pinkie was attempting to do and yelled a warning but it was too late for Pinkie had already smashed the button down. A series of sparks and shudders spat out of the machine, before with a gaint metallic groan, the device sent out a blinding flash of light.
Twilight instinctively turned her head away from her life work, in a futile attempt to shield her retinas from the onslaught of light that was overwhelming her senses and causing a complete neural shutdown. Before Twilight was claimed by the darkness of unconsciousness one thought passed through her mind. 'I am going to kill Pinkie Pie for this.'


The Doctor was running down a seemingly never ending hallway, his hair flopping about, sweat dripping off his face.
Thud, Thud
The sound of 2 gaint feet slamming into the ground echoed down the hallway, followed shortly by a terrifying growl of primeval hate and anger.
The Doctor looked back at his hunter, his face full of mortal terror as he was to his horror that it was gaining on him.
"No, no, no, this can't be happening." He cried, for as when he had wrenched his vision away from the nightmare behind he saw the end of the hallway, no turns, doors or grates just a cold brick wall.
"Bricks, eh, well lets see what we can do about that, shall we?" The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and pionted it at the wall, intending to vibrate the bricks to dust. Nothing happened, the Doctor stared at the screwdriver in disbelief before been snapped out of his trance by the sight of a giant orange hand reach out towards him.
He backed away in terror.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know, give me another chance?" He pleaded but to no avail. The orange hand wrapped its self around the Doctors skinny frame and lifted him up, towards a gaint... Jellybaby?
"I'm sorry." Wailed the Doctor as he desperately tried to escape the grip of the hungry sweet.
It was no use, the Doctor couldn't escape from the grip of the sweet as it pulled him closer and closer to the great big gaping hole, that was it's mouth.
"NOOOOOOO" The Doctor screamed as he shot upright. He quickly looked around, analysing his surrondings, then breathed a sigh of relief, it had just been a dream.
Suddenly the Tardis shook it's self violently and the Doctor was thrown off his makeshift bed and onto the saftey rail that he had installed around the Tardis main control panel.
"What in name of Rassilon's holy undergarments just happened." Asked the Doctor as he fought his way towards the Tardis control screen against the force of the Tardis throwing it's self his way and that.
The screen was blank.
The Doctor stared at it for a few seconds before delivering a hefty slap to the side of the screen in an attempt to get the blasted machine working again.Surprisingly it worked and the screen sprung to life, sending streams of high gallifreyan spiraling down the page.
"That can't be, I closed all the interdimensional cracks myself, unless..." The Doctors expression changed to one of worry.
"No, thats can't be, the energy needed for one of them would be astronomical, No race had that must raw power."
The Doctor looked up at the Time rotor. "Well I guess there's only one way to find out, Geronimo!".
The Doctor started pulling knobs and levers at random while a gaint smile formed on his face.
"Just what the Doctor ordered."
Ditzy's picnic hadn't been going greatly, it had started well enough with Dinky helping her upack her pinic basket and Muffins in the Ponyville park. Buth when they had just started tucking in to the delicious muffins when some meanie ponies had seen them and started calling her 'Derpy', at first she wasn't bothered but after a while it began to hurt, especially when they had said that Dinky was probally 'all Derped up too'. She hadn't been able to take it, so she had scooped up Dinky onto her back and flown off to the edge of the evergreen forest for a walk.
Dinky had stayed quite, after 6 years she had gotten quite adapt at reading her mothers expressions and had quite wisely decieded that mommy had needed some quiet time.
To keep herself occupied Dinky admired the scenery, marveling at the wonder of mother nature, when her out of the corner of her eye she saw a bright light coming from the direction of ponyville. After a small internal debate she decided that the matter was important enough to break her self imposed silence.
"Mummy?" She asked tugging on her mothers mane.
"Yes, muffin?" Answered Ditzy.
"Why is the ponyville all bright and shiny?" Asked the tiny foal.
Ditzy turned around to look back at ponyville to see that, it was infact all 'bright' and 'shiny'.
"Must of been one of miss Sparkles experiments, why know what she's like." Replied Ditzy.
"Okay, mummy I have another question?"
"What is it muffin?"
"Why is that flying box on fire?" Asked Dinky while pionting up at a flamming blue box that was hurtling across the sky, right towards the heart of the evergreen forest.
Ditzy watched in amazement as the box flew overhead, about 20% faster then Rainbow Dash on a good day.
Ditzy's expresion turned to one of horror as she heard a voice echo from inside the box. "Geronimo!!!" Somepony was inside that thing.
See watched in terror as the Box slammed down into the center of the evergreen forest, raising a gaint cloud of dust and dirt.
Ditzys first thought was to rush over and see if who ever had been inside was alright but then she remebered Dinky and was torn for a moment before remembering that zecora lived nearby.
Her mind made up, she outstreched her wings and flew at break neck speed towards Zecora's hut, dodging tree branches this way and that before arriving out side Zecora's hut. She Knocked 3 times and before she could knock a 4th the door opened the reveal a smiling Zecora. "The pony who delivers the mail, are you here becasue of that awfull gale, such a storm of dirt, I am suprised you are not hurt." Rhymed the zebra.
"Yep." Answered Ditzy. "I was going to see what it was, and I was wondering, could you watch Dinky for a bit, please?"
"Don't be so silly, of course I shall watch your filly."
"Thanks a bunch." She turned to face Dinky."Now behave, my little muffin, mummy will be back in a bit, ok?"
"Okay dokie mummy." Replied Dinky in her diabetes inducing voice.
Ditzy had gone to leave but upon hearing the sweet voice of her little muffin she couldn't hope but fill up with pride, all the harsh words of the bullies gone, replaced only by one thought, 'No matter what they say, you'll always be the best pony in the world to her." A single tear ran down her face, before she flew off towards the wreckage, in the hope of seeing if the pony she had heard had survived the impact.

Sorry for such a sort story, but I hope you enjoyed it.