• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 3,351 Views, 73 Comments

Doctor what? - Wilhelm

Twlight and the gang meet a certian pony.

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Authors note: Ok, I know some of you my be thinking, why such long update times and what's with the spelling and vocabulary? Well, here's the truth, I'm Autistic, I have no proof reader, and I finish writing chapters about 5 mins, before I post them. Anyway, thats enough from me, onto the reason your here, the story.

Ditzy Doo loved flying, the wind in her mane, the breeze on her back and most importantly of all the view.
For as you can guess a pegasus's view of the land below is most impressive. Been able to see fillies playing, couples walking and flowers blooming from a great height would be mesmerising to most ponies but most of the pegasi had gotten used to such a breathtaking view, from been able to see it nearly all the time but not Ditzy.
Maybe it was the fact that she lived on the ground, or maybe t'was the fact that been a mailmare the root she took changed daily and thus so did the view, but whatever the reason the simple fact of the matter was that Ditzy loved it,especially since the 'condition' with her eyes allowed her to watch where she was going aswell as admire the sights below her.
Not that Ditzy really thought as it as a condition, in her world view it was more of a advantage, been able to see 2 things at once, who wouldn't want that.
Of course it wasn't without it's negitives, certain ponies thought that because of her eyes that she was moronic and some meanie weinies had started calling her 'Derpy, Hooves', not she didn't care. So what if some ponies didn't like her, she didn't care she was happy with what she had; a good job, nice house, a loving daughter and a basement full of muffins.
"Mmm, muffins." Though Ditzy happly with just a miniscule amount of drool forming around her mouth, as her mind began conjuring up images and tastes of various types of muffins of all shape, size and taste.
So enthralled was Ditzy in this mental showcase of muffins, that she failed to notice as a cyan blue pegus burst out of sugercube corner and shot up into the sky at an alarming rate, missing Ditzys muzzle by only a mouse hair.
"Huh, what"? Exclaimed a rather startled Ditzy, who had been rather rudely woken from her daydream by the massive amount of turbulence that the super sonic pony had generated as she had flown by.
"Oh, hay Derpy, haven't happened to have seen rainbow dash anywhere have you?" Enquired a pink ponie that was quite clearly on a sugar high."It's just that we were in the middle of a party and she rushed off."
"She went that way, miss Pinkie. Stated a rather bemused Ditzy, while pionting with her left hindleg in the direction of the rapidly disappearing rainbow that was heading toward the ponyville library.
"Thanks Derpy." And with that the excitable mare rushed off in a fashion not that much unlike road-runner.
"Thats ok... wait a cloud clearing minute,did you call me Derpy? My, names, not, Derpy!" But alas t'was to late for Pinkie pie had vanished.
"Why do people keep calling me that." Muttered Ditzy to herself while wipping a tear from her eye.
After taking a moment to compose herself, Ditzy Doo sped off towards the Fillie school to pick up Dinky and take her to the park for a picnic.
"I still can't believe that Twi' did that, I mean honestly who steals a fillies hoop, it's downright rottern." Grumbled Applejack, to the others.
"There must be a reason for it my dear, Twilight is never normally so.. uncouth. Countered her marshmallow friend,
" 'Cept that time she went all loko and turned half the town unside down over a dumb doll."
"Well yes there is that my dear... but that was just a one off and just think off all the times she's helped us out in sticky situations."
"Well I reckon that y'all be having a point there." Admitted the Country mare.
"Exactly, She's always been a good friend, remember the time she helped you finish harvesting all your apples."
"Or the time she helped you with,Tom." Snorted Applejack.
"I thought we agreed to NEVER talk about that again.
"Aw, calm down sugercube, I'm just pulling your leg, anyway, we can't be figh'ing, we got to find out why Twi' was acting so loko."
"...Erm girls...". Wimperred Fluttershy.
"I know dear, she was behaving worse than Sweetie Bell when Apple Bloom gave her some of that new energy drink, red pegusas was it?.
Applejack froze mid walk and turned to face Rarity, "What you say about my sister?" A deep pit of pride had awoken inside Applejack at the meer suggestion that one of her kin was in the wrong.
"No...nothing dear, it's just that, well you know how Apple Bloom gets.
"Are you implying that we rised ApplBloom, wrong, them's fighting words, missy."
"Missy, Missy,Like you know anything about rising a sister on that backwater you call a farm."
"Ow, its on now." And with that Applejack tackled Rarity into a nearby mudpuddle causing her fabulous mane to get covered with mud and dirt.
"My mane, my wonderful mane, how could you?"
"Not so high and mighty, now are you, You like uncle Alberts prize pig when he rolls around in the mud."
"Did you just call me a pig?, you'll pay for this."
With the ferocity of a Griffion that had just lost its best friend to pinkie, Rarity pounced.
"Ow crabapples."
"Erm girls?" Getting no response, Fluttershy wondered over to a near by tree and sat in the cool shade provided by its branches that were full of green healthy leafs, contemplating what life would be like if she were a tree.
Trie as she might Fluttershy could see no downfalls: She would be able to house her birdie friends as well as the rodents that lived under the trees, the animals could make nests out of her leafs and best of all her friends could relax under the cool shade that she would provide.
Fluttershy's daydream about tree life was cut short when she heard the familar laugh of a certain weather pony.
"Bahahaha, this is hilarious, if only Tank could see this, hahahahaha."
"Ow, hay Rainbow dash, enjoying the specticale?"
"Bahahahaha, ow hay Flutter's, mind if I sit with you ,my wings need a rest I'm laughing so much."
Rainbow flew over to were Fluttershy was sitting and when she was hovering over the ground folded her wings back to her sides and promtly burst into another fit of laughter.
"So.. Rainbow Dash, how did the party with Pinkie go?"
Upon hearing the world Pinkie RD, momentarily froze up before returning to her normal, cool and composed manner.
"Narh, it was ok but I had to ditch it, the Party was a bit lame.
"Did someone say Party! Exclaimed Pinkie Pie as she burst out of the leaves of the tree and fell flat on her face.
"How do you even do that?" Enquired a slightly concered Rainbow Dash.
"Years of practise, and repeatly breaking the 4th wall aswell."
"...Ok, anyway sorry about the 'thing' at sugercube, I just got a bit freaked out."
"Okay, dokie, lokie, say why are Applejack and Rarity fighting, wait don't tell me, there been attacked by invisable Ninjas, hold on girls, sensi pinkie is coming." Squeled pinkie in her usual manner before suddenly sporting a Ninja costume and jumping into the fray.
"Wait where did she get a Ninja costume from, infact whats a ninja anyway?" Asked a slightly puzzled Rainbowdash.
"I don't know, would you like some hay bars?" Asked Fluttershy sweetly.
"Sure, I mean this will probally take a while."
Twilight couldn't belive it, it was working, the project that everyone in canterlot said was impossible, the project that she had spent 1.4 years planning was now working. She couldn't belive it, she had done what the greatest minds in all of equestria had said it could be done, that magic fair prize would be her's this year not sally sunshine and her magic volcano.
This called for a celebration.
"Spike." She screamed at the top of her lungs.
After waiting 2 whole minutes she decided to she what was taking that lazy dragon she must time.
With speed that Rainbow Dash would have envoyed she rushed up the flight of stairs that led down to her secret lab and smashed the door open... right into Spikes face.
"Spike where are you, I've got a letter to send." Looking around Twilight could spot Spike anywhere."Must of gone off to Rarities."
And so Twilight reentered the dark abyss of her Lab and slammed the door shut behind her, showing a very crushed spike laying on the floor.
"Why does his keep happening to me?"
Thats all for now tune in next week for more.
Merry Christmas.
Green flame shoots out of screen.
"My god the pain, why did I anger Spike.