• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 3,352 Views, 73 Comments

Doctor what? - Wilhelm

Twlight and the gang meet a certian pony.

  • ...

The plan

( Author's note: sorry for the delay, I got distracted by cupcakes the muscial, both of them,HOI3 and Q/Discord. Anyway onto the story, Allons-y.)
If you had decided to vist the ponyville library that warm spring day, you would have been in for a shock. For instead of the usual open sign hanging in the doorway, there was a closed sign and most of the windows had been shut and all the blinds drawn. If you had decided to stick around and try and find out what was going on, instead of leaving (as most ponies did), you would have heard the sound of a young dragon cursing. Although this in it's self was not unusual (nearly everypony knew about spike), the frequency and length of these moans were a lot worse than usual, even more unnerving was the lack of any other sound expect from the occasional "who?".
Spike wasn't having a good day; for starters Twilight had promised him that he could have the day off and then had changed her mind at the last possible second, so now instead of eating gemestones and seeing Rarity, he was running around finding and stacking books, and organising a growing pile of 'junk' that Twilight kept adding to, every couple of minutes, when she reappeared in a cloud of purple smoke and then left to find some other part of this crazy machine she was building.
What really bugged him was, whenever she appeared all she did was toss more junk into the pile; no "Thank you spike, your the best assistant ever" or "Wow spike, your doing a great job". No, none of that just, poofs of smoke that were starting to sting his eyes a bit and wierd mutterings about 'how amazed everyone will be" and the odd snort and chuckle. And to be perfectly honest, he was getting sick of it.
And the fact that the stupid owl kept asking "who", was not helping matters at all.
"Spike, my name is Spike" he repeated for the 100th time that day, while at the same time face-palming (Not hoofing, he has hands.)
"Argh, I give up" And with that Spike shot out a burst of flame that although not enough to harm Owlicious,it succeed in scaring the dumb bird out of the library, at least for now.
"Finally, I can finish in peace, that bird's been bugging me for hours." Now he was free of distractions spike could do what he did best, (Well expect for having a crush on Rarity) and was able to clean up the library in no-time at all, all the machine parts and metal have been placed in a ordered pile and most of the books were away, infact there was only one book left, 'A beginners guide to science', that had been buried under the pile of junk he had cleared. Spike climbed up the book ladder (We don't know it's name), and carefully placed the tome back in its place, carefull not to disturb the books and cause them to fall, it would take Celestia knows how long to clean it up them. Satisfied to his work was done Spike wandered over to his bed, pulled his blanket over himself and tried to go back to sleep.
He was just about to nod-off when he heard the familiar sound of Twilight teleporting into the main hall.
With a groan he got out of his warm bed, cracked his back and marched into the main hall expecting Twilight to be as crazy as before. He was wrong... she was worse.
Instead of the crazy face she had last time she'd hadn't been able to make a friendship report, this face was... happy?
This was confusing, what could have possibly made her so happy, and why did she have a hoop in her mouth? And was she singing? This day had just entered level 7 of weirdness.
"Erm... Twilight are, you ok?" He questioned his face full of confusion.
"Why ,yes Spike, I am, infact I'm so happy I could explode" Squealed Twilight, like a filly on Hearth's Warming Eve.
"O... okay." Replied Spike, who was beginning to think he my have fallen asleep after all. "Why are you so happy anyway?".
Upon hearing his Twilight turned to face spike, her expression turning cold " Why wouldn't I be happy?, What did you do?".
"Nothing, it's just that earlier you were slightly..." 'Waves finger in circle'.
"Oh that, just a bit of stress, thats all, but it's not important now, I've got a machine to build!".
And with that Twilight levitated all of the metals and machinery that spike had lovingly ordered into one big pile that she carried into her lab.
"All that for nothing, not even a thank you." Grumbled Spike, "At least I can go back to sleep now".
As soon as Spike had turned around and started the long and arduous trek back to the warmth of his bed, the door to the lab swung open,pivoted on its hinges and slammed into the wall at it's side causing most of the books to fall out of thier places onto the floor, and several to fall on Spike.
As this was happening Twilight poked her head through the doorway. "And by the way, thanks for clearing up the books Spike. Upon saying his Twilight looked around and saw the mess that had been made. "It seems I spoke to soon, anyway back to the lab."
As Twilight returned to her lab, Spike managed to stick his head out of the books hat were trapping him. As he did this Owlicious flew in and landed back on his pearch.
"Hey, a little help here?" Called out Spike.
This was going to be a long day.

Sugercube corner

"Pinkie why do you need me here?, You know I can't bake" Sighed a cyan blue pegasus, who's slow bored movements were indirect contrast to the blaze of movement caused by her pink friend.
"Silly filly I need you for the most Important part." Squealed Pinkie while slowely advancing on Rainbow Dash.
"Wait, what do you mean?, and what do you have behind your back? Aw-man this is just like that horror novel I borrowed of Twilight before." Gasped Rainbow Dash, while staring at Pinkie Pie, watching for any sudden movements.
Pinkie paused for a second and stared at her friend with a confused expression. "What are you talking about? All I want is for you to try my new batch of cupcakes."
Upon hearing the Title of the book that had scared her for many a day, Rainbow dash froze up and fell off her stool, coming to rest on the stone floor in the fetal position.
"Well, thats not very nice. I guess I'll have to find someone else to help me test out my new batch of cupcakes." Sighed Pinkie.
As Pinkie was considering her predicament she heard the sound of the shop door open and the distitive country accent of Applejack drift through the door way.
"I don't believe it, that no good sewer rat, I mean how could she?. Ow, Hey pinkie can we have a triple chocolate slices and 6 hot Coco's, we be needed something th cheer litt'e Apple Bloom here up, she's mighty upset."
"Why sure AppleJack, and I sure I can find something to cheer the sad little filly up." Responded Pinkie in her usual manner. "Because its awful been sad, I mean no-pony should have to know what it feels like, so sure I'll help, I mean thats what friends are for right?".
"I'm not tha' sure anymore" Replied Applejack with a sigh as she, Fluttershy, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and a very depressed looking Apple Bloom entered the candy coloured sweet shop.
As they were choosing a nearby table to sit at, Pinkie Pie bounced over, somehow balancing 6 cups of Hot coco and a plate with cake on it, on top of her nose and then placed them on the table, without even as much as a drop been spilt.
"Thanks Pinkie, put it on m' tab." Stated Applejack while downing the warm beverage."Cheer up, Apple Bloom, drink som' of your coco atleast ,I'm sure that'll make yall feel a bit better."
"If you say so sis." Replied Apple Bloom, her eyes still full of tears. She had a small sip of Pinkies 'Special' hot coco. "Nope, I still feel sadder than a pile of sad apple's that got trampled by a herd of sad sheep and then baked into a sad pie that was baked by a sad old pony."
"Well that ain't right, I mean a filly like you should be running 'round been happy, not mooching around like Granny Smith in winter." Stated Applejack while banging her forehoof ( Whatever they would call a fist) onto the table and causing her mug of coco to fall on it's side and poured its sweet, sticky content all over the table."
"What in Tarnation? Not again, I've got to stop hitting,'em tables so hard."
As Applejack tried to wipe the mess she had inadvertently made, she heard the sound of Pinkie Pie bouncing over.
"Sorry, 'bout the mess Pinkie, it's just that Apple Blooms a mighty bit upset and you know how much I care for m' family."
"It's no problem silly, I clean it put the same way I clean up all chocolate related messes." And with that Pinkie pounced on the unsuspecting table and cleaned up the table in one lick of her tongue, which somehow manged to cover the entire stain and then fit back it her mouth.
"Now, what was it you were saying about Apple Bloom?"
Applejack didn't respond, the sight of the gaint tongue defying physics had caused her mind to overload with thoughts, they were mainly, 'How in tarnation did that just happen' but a small amount were thinking about what Pinkie could do with such as tongue.
Seeing how her friend had temporarily lost the power of speach, Rarity decied to answer instead.
"Why, Pinkie my dear, it's just that Apple Bloom and her friends were testing their sewing skills at my house, when Twilight just poofed in and stole her hop. Nevermind the fact that their was a muddy hop in my house (shudders), she just took it, No asking Apple Bloom, just poof and she was gone."
"It.... it's true" Added Fluttershy in a meek voice.
"Well thats just mean, I can't believe that Twilight would do something so... Evil, maybe Discord got her, or maybe a potion backfired or maybe..."
"Maybe, she's been a no-good sewer rat" Interrupted Applejack, who had managed to snap back to reality.
"I know, I know, we should go ask her." Shouted Pinkie in her usual energetic manner.
"Pinkie my dear your a genis, why didn't we think of that" Exclaimed Rarity.
"Well,duh the author didn't plan it that way, honestly do you people know nothing." Stated Pinkie in a matter of factly.
"Okay... but what about the fillies, we can't just drag them about everywhere." Answered Rarity.
"And I need to cheer, Apple Bloom up." Protested Applejack.
"I can help ,I'll teach them to bake, you remeber how much you enjoyed baking last time, right Apple Bloom?" Announced Pinkie Pie with a cheerfull look on her face.
Upon hearing the words 'Baking' Apple Blooms face light up and she and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders rushed over to Pinkie Pie's side.
"Well if yall insist, but don't be break, nought you hear?" Answered Applejack, who was feeling alot better now that her little sis was happy.
"Yay, Cutie Mark Crusaders Bakers" Yelled the Trio in unison.
"Well if yall all happy then we better be going off to check on Twi'" And with that Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity left the store, determined to find Twilight and get some answers.
"Errm.. Pinkie Pie why is Rainbow Dash lying on the floor?" Enquired Sweetie Belle.
"You know what, I don't know... Lets bake her some treats so we can throw her a waking up party." Squeled Pinkie.
Rate and review and in the words of discord Arrivederci.