• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 6,303 Views, 150 Comments

Sunset in the leaves - Vansho-Lakon

Rescued by students from Hidden Leaf Academy Sunset Shimmer will begin a new adventure at a new school with new friends

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Principal Minato: Sunset's transfer

Two unusual vehicles arrived at CHS. One being a Konoha County police car, the other being a Platinum-white mustang with a red flame pattern. Two Officers exited the police car, one them bearing a resemblance to Sasuke, and emerging from the Mustang is a blond-haired man bearing a strong resemblance to Naruto.

"Officer Itachi. Fancy seeing you here today, and greetings to you as well Officer Shisui." The blond haired man greeted.

"Likewise Principal Minato. I assume you are here on somewhat similar circumstances?" Itachi asked to which he nodded in response. And then the three entered the school, heading towards the principal's office.

"Minato?" Principal Celestia said, surprised to see her ex-boyfriend from sophomore year again after so many years.

"It's been a while, Celestia. Though I wish it were under better circumstances," Minato greeted entering her office.
"Excuse me, but why are there two officers from Konoha County here with you?" Vice-Principal Luna asked worryingly as she entered Celestia's office.

"I was getting to that Luna," Minato answered. "Last night, due to the actions of cyberbullying going on at your school, a girl named Sunset Shimmer was attacked and abducted by several students attending this school due to being framed for this 'Anon-a-Miss'. If it weren't for the actions Officer Itachi's younger brother and my son, Sunset would've no doubt been brutally murdered that night." Minato grimly explained as both women gaped in shock.

"Please tell me she's alright," Celestia asked Minato desperately.

"She is, the two were able to intervene before things got any worse for her. She's currently at my house with my wife keeping her company," he answered.

"One of the attackers has admitted to knowing the true identity of this Anon-A-Miss, and that he has been aiding this smear campaign to Ms. Shimmer. Unfortunately, she was blindfolded and was unable to identify who it was." Itachi explained.

"Naruto and Sasuke were able to give us a detailed description of most of the attackers last night, and Sunset was able to give a few names," Shisui added. "We have informed Canterlot police about this, and they will be arriving shortly."

"I believe for her safety and well being, Sunset Shimmer should be transferred to Hidden Leaf Academy. I already have the Paperwork ready on my side," Minato said.

"But Minato, if we just bring in the culprits I'm-"

"There's been too much damage done here," Minato interrupted "I can see it in that poor girl's eyes. She may put on a brave face but as a teacher and a father, I can tell she's hurting and scared. Even if we bring all the wrongdoers to justice, there's no going back to how things were." Minato explained. "A new start at a new school away from all this will be better for her."


"Principal Celestia, if you truly care for Sunset Shimmer, then you'll do the right thing." Itachi interrupted.

Sugarcube corner

"Okay dude we're here," said a short, chubby teen with spiky white hair and blue eyes as he parked his car.
"This is the place?" Naruto asked.
"Yeah, I've seen them here often. Never bother talking to them though. I just come here for da doughnuts and stuff, and they make the best sponge cake here." Naruto couldn't help but roll his eyes at that last part.

"Thanks Grubber, I owe ya one for the ride."

"Ya owe me a baker's dozen," Grubber replied as the two of them entered the shop. Naruto giving his short friend a ten dollar bill as he walks towards the table where five very distinguishable girls sat.

"I'm assuming by your hair that you're the one they call Rainbow Dash?" Naruto asked.

"What do you want? I'm in a bad mood today so make it quick," Rainbow said, getting out of her seat while facing the blond with her arms crossed.

"I'm gonna tell you something my teacher told me. Those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their friends are worse than trash. So what does that make you?" Naruto asked giving Rainbow a cold glare.

'What's this fella getting at?' wondered Applejack.

"Awesome obviously, cause I'm a loyal friend," Rainbow answered with a smug smirk.

"Does a loyal friend throw another friend into a den of wolfs?" Naruto asked, the smirk on Rainbow face vanishing as her complexion went pale. "So again, what does that make you?"

"Grr, that look on your face is pissing me off!" Rainbow shouted throwing a right hook at the blond, only for her to get caught by the wrist before her fist made an impact.

"You didn't answer my question. What. Does. That. Make. You?"

"This is about Sunset, isn't it!?" She shouted. "Well, She's-" only to be interrupted as Naruto twisted her wrist, making her grunt in pain.

"I'm not talking about Sunset. I'm talking about you."

"Let her go, you meanie!" Pinkie shouted throwing a cupcake at him. Naruto merely tilted his head, dodging the pastry projectile as it flew by his head and smeared the wall behind him.

"Man, what a waste of a perfectly good cupcake," Grubber commented watching the drama unfold as he took a bite out a croissant.

"It seems my question is too complicated for your thick head to understand. So I'll give you a more simple question to answer. Did you give someone your phone so they could lure Sunset Shimmer into a trap?"

"I don't have to tell you anything!" Rainbow lashed out getting her wrist free as she once again tried to punch him, only to get pinned to the table.

"You are only making this harder on yourself. Now answer 'Yes or No'. It's a simple response."

"...Fine... I did," Rainbow begrudgingly answered.

"Now back to my first question. What does that make you?"


"Say it!"

"I'm worse than trash," Rainbow Dash said in defeat.

"Good. Now I think you five have a lot to think about," Naruto finished, letting go of Dash as she slumped to the floor in defeat as he walked out of the cafe.

"That can't be true," Fluttershy whimpered looking at Rainbow as her eyes began to tear up.

"Why that rotten jerkface!" Pinke yelled in rage, whipping out her party cannon and aiming at the departing blonde.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. That guy is the son of Red Hannya, you guys are getting off easy if ya think about it," Warned Grubber, as the five girls turned their attention to the pudgy teen in surprise.

"Wait, you mean the Kick-boxing champion Kushina Uzumaki!? That Red Hannya!?" Applejack asked in shock at the discovery of the fact she just met the son of one of her greatest role models, followed by a pang of shame at the fact that she just made an enemy out of him.

"The one and only." Grubber replied as he finishes paying for two boxes full of doughnuts. "He's just as fearsome of a fighter as she is. He could have mopped the floor with you five without breaking a sweat." He said, grabbing his boxes of goodies and walking out the door. 'Guess I owe Tempest money now. I thought he'd deck them in the face for sure,' he thought remembering his bet with his friend.


"The police?! Shit, I'm not about to rot in jail because of that demon bitch!"Mizuki cursed to himself. 'There's gotta be something I can use to get out of this,' he thought in panic when out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a worried Twilight Sparkle emerging from the portal in the statue. "Perfect," He said with a wicked chuckle.

"Twilight! Thank goodness you're here," Mizuki said putting on his best fake distress act as he ran towards her. "There's been an awful accident, and Sunset's been hurt. Please come with me. I'll take you to her," he said as led to a side of the school with her following, only to pin her to the wall and putting a knife up to her throat.

"What are you doing!?" Twilight gasped, then it dawned on her. "You...you tricked me."

"That's right! I did trick you, you naive royal ditz!" Mizuki said with a crazed tone. "This is all your fault you stupid mule! If you just took that demon horse cunt back into your stupid barnyard of a world, none of this would be happening!" he ranted. "I know how everyone adores you to the point where I bet they would let me go free just to keep you safe!"

"Hey! What's going on over here!?" shouted a voice.

"Shit!" Mizuki cursed as he turned his attention to the voice as Spike popped out of Twilight's bag, biting his arm causing the white-haired teen to drop his knife. "Gah! Dammed mutt! You'll never take me you bastards!" he declared while running away, only to be hit by an oncoming car once he reached the road.

"Ah shit, dat guy came out of nowhere!" Grubber said in a panic.

"I told you not to stuff your face and drive like that!" Scolded Naruto as the two of them got out of the car to check on the person they hit. "Hey wait a minute. This is one the bastards that attacked Sunset last night. He must have been trying to get away!"

"Oh, good thing I hit him then," Grubber said.

"You again!" Mizuki cursed struggling to get up, glaring at Naruto with hatred.

"'E'yup, me again ya prick," Naruto replied.

Hidden Leaf Academy

"Yo Sakura!" A voice called out as a red-haired girl with brown eyes while wearing beanie approached her. "I got a message from Naruto about some crazy shit that went down last night. Something about some CHS assholes trying to murder someone. "

"Why aren't you asking him? he's your cousin or Sasuke since he was with him. " Sakura asked.

"I can't find him, and cop boy is acting all tight-lipped about it. I figured you'd be my best bet at finding out what this is all about."

"Naru-pookie is just playing hooky," said a sing-along voice as ponytailed blue-haired girl joined the two. "This morning I pinched his butt, and then he went poof," With the hand motions added for effect.

"Why did you pinch his butt?" both girls asked in confusion.

"It's how I say good morning to my Naru-pookie," The blue-haired girl answered.

"You are so frigging weird Sonata," The red-head said. "Anyway, we're getting off topic here. Now-"

"What were you talking about?" Sonata asked interrupting the red-head.

"Well, it's about-"

"Hey girls. Mind if I join you?" a girl with brown hair in buns greeted.

"I wondered where you wandered off to Sonata," came a voice as a girl with poofy golden hair approached the growing group.

"Am I gonna get some freaking answers or what!?" the red-head screamed out in frustration.

"An answer to what Tayuya?" Sonata asked.

"Dammit Naruto," Sakura growled blaming her blond friend for this situation, rubbing her forehead like she had a migraine coming on.

Author's Note:

A super special thanks to MorpheustheDreamfor proofreading
Striking whiles the iron is somewhat hot here's chapter 2. Tayuya is an Uzumaki and related to Naruto in this story, a bit of her backstory being revealed in the next chapter.

Introducing the school staff of Hidden Leaf Academy
Principal Minato
Vice-Principal Kakashi
Head school nurse Tsunade
Assistant nurse Shizume
Gym teacher Might Guy
Sanshō the lunch lady (The old lady from the curry of life episodes)
Jiraiya the janitor (Thank you Thule for the suggestion)