• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 6,302 Views, 150 Comments

Sunset in the leaves - Vansho-Lakon

Rescued by students from Hidden Leaf Academy Sunset Shimmer will begin a new adventure at a new school with new friends

  • ...

A Royal Visit From Aunt Luna

Equestria: Ponyville-Twilight's Castle

"I'm finally glad to have that dispute between the Yaks and the Kobolds finally settled," Luna said.

"So am I. I didn't think we'd ever get through to them. That whole ordeal could've ended really badly," said Twilight.

"Indeed. And to think the map would choose the two of us. With that finally out of the way, it's high time I visit my niece along with her new friends."

"Right, I better send her a message so she knows that we're coming," Twilight said.

Human World, Crystal Prep

It appears the winds of change have taken a new direction. I wonder if it has anything to do with what has been going on as of late,'thought a man with spiky light-brown hair with two braided locks on each side of his face.

"Heading out again to another school Asura?" Twilight asked.

"Apparently Canterlot High is in need of a substitute math teacher, and I go where I am needed," Asura replied.

"Could you do me a favor since your going there?" Twilight asked handing a scanning device over to him.

"Is this a boyfriend radar?" Asura teased while looking at the device.

"What?!" Twilight said blushing, "No no, it scans for unique energy signals," She answered. "Honestly, what is it with you and Cadence trying to get me a boyfriend?" She asked with a still blushing pouty face.

"Ah, I see." He then clears his throat, "Because she says while it's great you made a couple of friends, it never hurts to extend your circle of trust. And we both like to see that cute face of yours," Asura answered. "Plus, I know two boys at Konoha who would be very excited to meet you," he added with a smirk.


It's been two days since Sunset's first day at Hidden Leaf Academy. Things have been much better than she ever expected. She enjoyed meeting the other teachers and students in the school. Many of the teachers were very impressed with her skills, even the chemistry teacher Professor Orochimaru, while a bit spooky looking, was an amazing teacher and was impressed by Sunset's knowledge and know how.

Sunset walked into the chemistry lab where she saw Sakura, Adagio, as well as three new friends she made: Choji, Shikamaru, and Shino. Waving to them, she took her place next to Sakura. "So I have to ask, who is our teacher?"

"Oh. That would be Professor Orochimaru. He is one of the smartest teachers at this school," Sakura said.

"Not to mention the most creepy one," Adagio added.

"That's not a very nice thing to say about your teacher, Miss Dazzle. Kukukukuku," Said a voice from behind the girls. "There aren't many who can impress me like you Sunset. It's clear to me that you're quite the prodigy."

"So Sunset, have you considered joining a school club yet?" Sakura asked as the two walked to their lockers.

"I was wondering about that myself. What does the school have to offer?" Sunset asked. "I used to be part of the fencing club back at CHS."

"We have something similar to that. It covers multiple sword styles including fencing. It's run by Tenten, she's in charge of any club that involves using any kind of weapon," Sakura said. "I take it you'd also be interested in the music club run by Tayuya?"

"Oh absolutely," Sunset said. She had been enjoying their morning jam sessions quite a lot.

"Oh hey, Sunset, Sakura, you're just in time. Guy and Vice Principal Kakashi are having one of their rival matches," Skystar said excitedly.

"Rival matches?" Sunset asked.

"Uh huh. Those two have a long-running rivalry with each other since they were kids," Skystar explained. "I wonder what those two are going to do this time?"

"What have they done before?" Sunset asked.

"Spars, races, eating contest's, or a simple game of rock, paper, scissors," Tempest answered as she was watching the two teachers alongside Lee and Skystar, and the rest of the school.

"GO GUY GO! YOU CAN WIN!!!" Skystar cheered waving a pair of pompoms around.

'Where did she get those?' Sakura and Sunset thought at the same time.

"I believe the score is tied at fifty-eight each if I recall. And it's my turn to decide the challenge," Kakashi said.

"Alright then Kakashi. What's it gonna be this time?" asked Guy.

"Rock, paper, Scissors," Kakashi answered.

"Awww, I was hoping they were gonna race," Skystar said disappointingly. "But I'm still rooting for you Guy!" She then cheered.

"Very well. If I do not win, I shall do 500 squats while balancing on top of the front gate! That's a promise!" Guy proclaimed giving his trademark nice guy pose.

"Is he serious?!" Sunset asked, baffled at what she just heard from the gym teacher.

"Indeed he is, for that is Guy-sensei's way," Lee answered.

"Why are they wiggling their hips like that?" Sunset asked with a disturbed and confused look on her face.

"I have no answer since I don't know either," Sakura answered. "But it looks like Kakashi won."

"We must do the same Tempest!" Skystar exclaimed, pointing at the slightly taller mohawked teen.

"What, play rock, paper, scissors?" Tempest asked. "I thought Sonata was your rival?"

"That's different! She's my love rival, while you are my eternal rival!" Skystar answered. "If I do not win, I shall do 500 handstand pushups while balancing on the roof of the school!"

"Yosh! That's the way Skystar! Let your youth burn bright!" Lee encouraged, giving her a nice guy pose.

"Are you insane?! She could get seriously hurt!" Sunset exclaimed.

"Don't you worry Sunset. Win or lose, I got this," Skystar said giving the nice guy pose.

'At this rate, she's gonna end up growing big eyebrows, start wearing her hair in a bowl cut and exchange her cheerleading uniform for spandex,'Sakura thought. "Come on Sunset, let's just head to the lockers. I've had enough of their weirdness for one day," she said.

"Ha-ha! Victory!" Skystar cheered.

At the lockers

"So Naruto, I gotta ask you something," Said a teen boy around Naruto's age with brown hair and brown feral looking dark eyes, with two fang shaped markings under them. He wearing a zipped up leather jacket and black denim jeans and biker boots.

"Whats up Kiba?" Naruto asked.

"Your sister Sunset, is she dating anyone?" Kiba asked.

"No. Why do you ask?" the blonde answered only for Kiba to walk past him upon hearing the answer, heading towards Sunset and Sakura.

"Hey Sunset, I was wondering if you were going to the slopes with your brother and the others this weekend," Kiba asked.

"Of course I'll be there, " Sunset answered.

"You know, I'm quite skilled at both ski and snowboarding. Maybe I can teach you a few things and show you some of my awesome moves," Kiba boasted.

'If falling face first into the snow counts as awesome moves,'Naruto thought while rolling his eyes at Kiba's attempt at flirtatious bragging.

"Alright, I'll see ya there then," Kiba said giving a wink and point before leaving.

"Got another message from Twilight?" Naruto asked, noticing the glowing book. The way those two kept in touch reminded him of his pen pal Garra.

"Looks like it," Sunset answered opening up the magic journal to see what her friend written.

"So whats up with Twilight?" Naruto asked.

'Twilight... that name sounds familiar,'Sakura pondered.

"She and Princess Luna are coming for a visit this afternoon," Sunset said. "And she wants to meet you and Sasuke."

"Luna, that name sounds familiar," Naruto pondered aloud before it clicked. "Oh yeah! That's the name of that little sister of the lady dad used to date before he met Mom."

"Dad used to date Celestia?!" Sunset said in shock.

"The one in our world, not the princess," Naruto quickly said.

"It's still surprising," Sunset said. "Still, we need someone to pick the two up from over there."

"I can handle that Sunset," Sakura said.


"I see, that explains the rather grim feeling in the air around here," Asura said as Vice Principal Luna explained the aftermath of the Anon-A-Miss incident, and how the three young girls behind it were punished by being sent to a juvenile detention center and unable to interact with each other during their stay there.

"Indeed. It reminds me of what my old philosophy teacher once said: 'There is nothing as pure yet cruel as children," Luna said.

Meanwhile Outside

"This bi-pedal form is intriguing, to say the least," said Princess Luna, looking over her human form. She was a good bit taller than her human counterpart. Plus she was wearing a regal one shoulder night blue dress and silver heels.

"You're handling it a lot better than I did," Twilight said.

"You're Princess Twilight and Princess Luna, right?" Sakura asked.

"Indeed we are," Luna answered.

"Ah, so these are the mechanical chariots you told me about Twilight."

"They're called cars, Princess Luna" Twilight corrected.

"I should have asked Twilight how this gadget of her's works," Asura said while fiddling around with the device, before out of the corner of his eye he spotted a young girl with silver-blue hair with an expression of one deep in thought, and also a bit sad too. Putting the device away, he walked over to the girl and said, Looks like you're deep in thought over something important. Care to share what's on your mind?"

"The great and powerful Trixie is pondering a transfer to another school. Trixie just can't stand how vile things have gotten around here. Surely you must have noticed. At first, Trixie was enjoying the mischief of Anon-A-Miss was starting, but then it overstayed it's welcome and got ugly and cruel. To think Trixie's own friends would partake in such a vile deed like they did," She said, remembering how shocked and disgusted she was when she discovered that her bandmates Fuschia Blush and Lavender Lace were a part of the group that tried to kill Sunset.

"Since I've been a substitute teacher for all three schools in the area, I can tell you that your best choice would be Hidden Leaf Academy if you go through with the transfer. Crystal Prep has too much of an elitists mindset when it comes to most of its students and teachers." 'Especially that Neighsay guy,' he mentally added.

"So this is is the Hidden Leaf Academy," Twilight said while looking at the school. 'The architecture reminds me of something from Nighpon.'

"What is that strange man doing up there?" Luna asked, looking at the green-clad man on top of the gate doing squats.

"That'd our gym teacher, and don't ask," Sakura answered.

"Shouldn't someone try to get him down from there or something?" Twilight wondered aloud.

"He does weird stuff like this all the time, so don't worry about it. Speaking of gym, that's where we're going. If you two would please follow me, " Sakura said, leading the royal duo.

"I'm so glad you decided to join Sunset," Tenten said putting on her gear, "You said did fencing before, right? Care to show me what you got?" She asked.

"Gladly," Sunset replied.

"Foil, Epee, or Saber?" Tenten asked.

"Saber" Sunset answered as Tenten handed her a fencing saber.

"Best out of five?" The bun-haired girl asked to which Sunset nodded. With fast movement, swings, and strikes, the spar ended with Sunset the getting the winning strike in the fifth and final round.

"Well done my niece!" cheered a voice.

'Niece? Is she related to her?' Tenten wondered looking at the elegant woman who entered the room.

"Hey there Twilight."

"Hello again Naruto," Twilight said. "And you must be Sasuke. It's nice to meet you finally." Sasuke nodded his head silently, smiling lightly as well.

"So you are valiant young stalli- men that saved my niece. It is good to meet thee finally," Princess Luna greeted.

"It nice to meet you as well Princess Luna," Naruto greeted.

"Maybe we should chat somewhere more private?" Twilight suggested.

"Good looks and noble hearts. Yes indeed, one of these two shall make a fine husband for you my niece," Luna said.

"WHAT?!" The three teens exclaimed with blushes forming across their faces.

"But I am already dating someone, and Sunset is my sister now," Naruto blurted.

"With all due respect Princess, it's too soon for us to consider marriage. There are things we wish to accomplish after we graduate from school, "Sasuke said.

"So uh, hey, remember than Anon-a-miss incident? We finally found out who did it," Sunset said trying to change the subject, telling Twilight about what she had been told.

"Wow. So, in other words, this whole Anon-a-Miss ordeal was just like the Gabby Gums incident back home, only ten times worse," said Twilight.

"Gabby Gums?" Naruto asked. 'Sounds like some weird obscure toy from the eighties or something,' He thought.

"Those three girls have pony counterparts back in Equestria that did something similar with their school newspaper under the alias of Gabby Gums. At first, it started out as just silly town gossip, but then things started to get out of hand when the gossip became too personal and rather hurtful," Twilight explained.

"Hmm yes, I recall that incident," Luna said. "But no one was being framed, nor did it turn into something so ugly."

Police Station:Jail Cell

""You have visitors," the officer said as two girls stood alongside him.

"Well, well, so what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you girls today?" The white-haired teen asked.

"We want answers Mizuki," Applejack said.

"Humph, I thought I already answered about Anon-A-Miss."

"Did you manipulate Applebloom into making that nasty account?" Applejack asked.

"Did you harm my sister? I swear to god if you did I will make your remaining days on this planet a living hell!" Rarity threatened.

"Use them? It was a partnership. And why would I harm such sweet little girls who only wanted to get rid of the nasty demon that plagued the school? Like I said to the officer, it was all their idea. I just helped them."

"You did use my sister! You made her steal Sunset's phone!" Rarity shouted at the white-haired teen, who merely chuckled at her outburst.

"Is that what you think? Oh no no no, she did it all by herself. I didn't tell her to do anything," Mizuki answered. "So is that all? You're here to try to pin all the blame on me?" He asked. "Did you even bother to talk to your sisters? You didn't, did you? " He said, noticing a flinch in their scowling faces when he asked that. "Ignoring them again in favor for the demon horse that pretends to be human," He said, shaking his head from side to side.

"You're in no position to lecture us about our sisters you fiend!"

"So what now? You gonna go apologize to your pet she-demon and put her back on her collar and leash? So you can go back to pretending to be her friend to appease the Princess?" Mizuki mockingly asked.

"She isn't a pet! She's our friend! " Applejack yelled making Mizuki laugh at what she said.

"Oh please, you would have been more than happy to throw that bitch off a bridge if it wasn't that Princess telling you otherwise. The fact that you ditched her in the hallway like you did only prove's that I'm right. That thing was nothing but a charity case, and a trophy pet," He stated. "Oh look, you tamed the mighty demon horse and got her to chase away the banshees and do tricks. But then you caught her pissing on your fancy rugs and threw her out." He mockingly added.

"You're lucky your behind those bars, otherwise I wouldn't be held accountable for what would happen otherwise," Applejack said, barely containing her rage, wanting to pummel that smug look off his face so badly.

"I'll never know what Tsubaki ever saw in a vile monster like you," Rarity said with disgust. "Come on Applejack, I think we spent enough time here."

"I agree," said Applejack as both girls left.

"This mortal will do nicely. His hatred makes him strong,"

Juvenile Correctional Facility

Rainbow Dash awoke gasping for breath as if she just got done running a twenty-mile marathon. She has been getting horrible dreams ever since that day Naruto showed up. Ever since Twilight slapped her across the face and called her and the others lower than trash. Now, because of how she was an accomplice to Sunset's assault, she was now in Juvie due to a plea deal that can only be counted and described as a miracle. On good behavior, she only had to stay here for two months and spend the rest of her sentence on probation. Her mind raced back to what she was told earlier today after a talk with Lightning Dust.

"It was Scootaloo and her two pals, Mizuki was helping them. That bastard knew the truth the whole time, and he used us so that he could get his revenge on Sunset Shimmer." Lighting Dust explained, squeezing her hand into a fist, and squeezed tightly. "We were all played by three brats and the former biggest asshole of Canterlot High. We got played like a fiddle."

"Why... why would she do this? Why would she hang around that creep?"

"Do you really think they'll honor their deal?" Came a voice.

"Who said that?" Mizuki asked when a ghost-like creature appeared before him, covering the cell with a thin layer of frost.

"The judge will have the final say on your fate. Do you really think you will be given any mercy?" The spirit asked.

"What do you mean?" The white-haired teen asked.

"Though you know the truth, they do not nor will they listen. They will merely brush you off as a madman."

"You have been made out to be the demon, while the real demon lives happily ever after. Is that what you want? You, rotting away in prison while she gets to live freely?" The creature asked. Images of him suffering and wasting away in prison while Sunset was living a happy, wonderful life appeared before him. A life that should be his, not hers.

"No...NO! I won't let that fucking demon barn animal get off scot-free again! I'll do it all by myself this time! I'll kill that Naruto and all his little friends, then I'll butcher her like the god damned animal she is!" Mizuki declared.

"Become one with me Mizuki, and I shall give you the power to achieve your ambition," the spirit said, holding it's limb in front of him. "You cannot defeat a demon like Sunset as a mere mortal. Only using powers like a demon, can you have the chance to slay her," The spirit explained.

It made sense, he had been trying to defeat a demon with normal methods when he should have been fighting fire with fire. "I accept your deal spirt," Mizuki said taking the creature's hand.

Author's Note:

Introducing Asura the Substitute teacher Kudos to spiders123 for the idea. He'll be playing an interesting role in the story.
and thanks again to Haseo55 for assistance

Omake: Alternate Punishiment

"I believe we found a suitable punishment for them," Vice Principal Luna said "With some help from Hidden Leaf Academy,"


"And there we go," Tempest said finishing the last haircut before bringing out a mirror to show the girls their new haircuts.

"Why?"Applebloom asked in horror at her and friends new appearance all three of them now with bowl-cuts and clad in green spandex orange legwarmers and blue sneakers.

"Part of your dispensary training," Tempest answered speaking of which here comes your new teacher.

"Alright, my new students of youth. Its time to ignite your spirits with a proper warm-up of six-hundred pushups, squats, pull-ups, and laps around the track, after stretching of course,"

"That's just a warm-up?" all three of them said in unison whimpering in dread.

"Of course we'll be doing ten times that at double the pace after that," Gai answered

"We're gonna die aren't we?" Sweetie Bell wailed in despair.

"If we survive this I'm never doing any plan of yours ever again Applebloom...EVER!" said Scootaloo.