• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 6,297 Views, 150 Comments

Sunset in the leaves - Vansho-Lakon

Rescued by students from Hidden Leaf Academy Sunset Shimmer will begin a new adventure at a new school with new friends

  • ...

The Flames of Friendship!

"Before I kill that demon cunt, you'll die first Naruto!" The frost Demon declared.

'How does this thing know Naruto?'Sakura wondered to herself as she continued healing Tayuya.

"There is something familiar about this freak," said Naruto as he was looking at the creature's features.

"So you noticed," The frost demon said with a grin. "That's right. It's me Mizuki. And better than before, because I'm the one with power now!"

"But how?" Sunset asked.

"When those five broke their bond with you, it drew my attention to your school. The place became a feast for me with all the anger and hatred mixed with magic," Mizuki explained. "Despite all the power I gained, for some reason, I was unable to interact with the physical plane as I wished,"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh right, I'm talking about the Windigo that I've become one with. Two minds becoming one, the memories get a little mixed up." Mizuki answered, causing the firey haired girl eyes to widen in shock. "Since you lot are feeling so talkative, why don't you hand over the demon bitch?" He asked, pointing at Sunset. "I might even consider letting you live if you do."

"You're not laying a hand on my sister!" Naruto declared, causing the frost demon to laugh.

"You call that thing your sister?" He asked while continuing to laugh. "Do you even know what she is?" Asked Mizuki. "She's nothing but a horse! A stupid barn animal! She's only pretending to be human! But then again, you probably slept with that disgusting creature to get those powers, didn't you? Tell me, does calling her your sister while you're fucking her make it hotter? I must say, you're pretty messed up kid."

"Shut your ugly-ass face!" Naruto shouted as he leaped at Mizuki, delivering a spinning heel kick to the face, knocking out a few teeth in the process.

"Oh well, can't say that I didn't offer you mercy. But this works out fine for me."

"Sunset, you and Tayuya, get to safety," Sasuke ordered.

"Leave this to us," Sakura said. finishing up healing Tayuya's wounds as she helped the redhead up.

"Please be safe, all of you," said Sunset with a worried glance. Wrapping an arm around Tayuya.

"Don't any of you dare die on us!" Tayuya said with as much strength she could muster, as she and Sunset left.

"If you think I'm gonna let you get away that easily demon horse then your wrong! There's nowhere you can run I'll find you, and I'll be with their decapitated frozen heads in tow!"

"We should take this fight outside so that others don't get caught in the way," Sakura

"And we don't need you setting this place on fire," Naruto added with a smirk while glancing over at Sasuke.

"You're gonna hold that over my head as much as you can, aren't you?" Sasuke asked, to which Naruto merely grinned as he turned his focus back on Mizuki. The frost demon then raced towards the three. "Now's the time to show you a technique I've been working on. Chidori-Spear!" A spear of lightning that extended from Sasuke's hand pierced through Mizuki in the blink of an eye, stopping him in his tracks. But the electric spear didn't stop there, it also pushed the windigo beast through a window.

"Now that we're outside, we can fight without any problems. Naruto, Sakura, don't hold back," Sasuke said.

"You don't have to tell me twice," said Sakura as her fists started glowing with pink energy. "Cherry Petal Barrage!" She then unleashed a swarm of punches upon Mizuki. Sakura finished her attacks with a powerful uppercut that knocked the frost demon into the air.

"Fireball!" Sasuke shouts out, launching a large ball of fire directly from his mouth, hitting the suspended Mizuki head on.

"Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?!" Indigo zap asked. "Sunny is freaking out over here, and you two look like you got into a fight with a rabid animal or something," She said, pointing at Adagio and Tayuya.

"Shouldn't we call the cops for help?" Lemon zest asked.

"Oh yeah, like that's gonna work. 'Hello police, yeah, we are being attacked by a fucking yeti right now'," Tayuya said sarcastically.

"Yeti?" Lemon asked confused.

"What attacked us wasn't human, and I doubt they make it through that storm," The redhead explained looking out the window.

"It was a crystal clear night just moments ago, and the weather report said nothing about this," Indigo Zap said, now also looking out the window.

"Looks like calling the cops is out of the question. There's no signal whatsoever," Ino said while looking at her phone.

"What?!" Lemon Zest exclaimed taking out her phone. "No way... how?"

"What is going on?" asked a sleepy Sonata, only to spark fully awake at the sight of her injured sister. "Oh my gosh Dagi! Your hurt!"

"I'm fine Sonata. Tayuya has it worse," Adagio said as she looked at her bandaged arm.

"Don't worry about me. Sakura patched me up good with her powers," Tayuya said. "It just looks bad because of my clothes," she said, glancing down at her now torn up and blood-stained clothes.

"Will someone tell us what is going on already? "Indigo zap

"It's a windigo ancient creature that feeds off of hatred and strife," Sunset explained grabbing everyone's attention. "They have power over the frost and cold this storm no doubt his doing. I didn't think any of them still existed let alone be here,"

"Wait, for realizes? Narupookie is fighting one of those frost demons! But they don't usually attack alone, they're usually in a group." Sonata said.

"I have to help them somehow," Sunset said. "I can't just stand by and do nothing while they're out there fighting that windigo,"

"How?" Tayuya asked.

"Naruto and the others are the only ones with the power to fight that thing. If try anything now we'd only get in the way, " She explained. " I understand your frustration, I want to be there fighting alongside them too if I could. The best thing we can do right now is to stay where its safe "

"Frost demons, this sudden storm I gonna find out what this all about," said Indigo Zap about the getup and leave the room.

"Did you not hear anything I just said!?" Tayuya shouted, "None of us here have the ability to fight that monster!"

"What makes them so special that they can?"

"Well for one, they're the reason Sunset and I are still alive," Tayuya said pointing again at her torn blood stained clothes. "And second, Sasuke and Sakura are my friends and Naruto is part of my family. And when those three team up, there is nothing they can't do. So you just need to have faith in them like I do. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm getting a change of clothes and some sleep." She finished as she got up to head to the bathroom to change, then the redhead started feeling light-headed and started stumbling around a bit.

"Easy Tayuya, you lost quite a bit of blood back there," Sunset said catching her friend and helping her maintain her balance.

'There's gotta be a way to help them,'Sunset thought to herself.

"You're gonna try something, aren't you? Even though they told you not to?" asked a voice behind her.

"Kiba?" Sunset asked when she saw the teen standing alongside Might guy, Lee, and Neji.

"Let's go."

"Your wounds aren't healing as fast as they were before. You're at your limit aren't you?" The Uchiha asked as the wounds on the windigo's body were closing up much slower than before.

"I'd tell you to just give up, but you won't, will you?" Sasuke asked, looking down at the collapsed frost demon. "You would keep coming after us and Sunset, wouldn't you?" The raven-haired boy asked as he was preparing another Chidori. The pale creature merely grinning at him in response. "Then it's best to just end you here."

"You damned brats think you've won?" Mizuki asked. "This is only the beginning! " The windigo then let out an eerie howl, and from the shadows of the forest, something with glowing red eyes came charging at the three forcing them to leap away.

"What the?" Naruto asked as a large moose with glowing eyes and an unnatural rabid look on its face stood between them and Mizuki.

"Windigos can take control of animals," Mizuki said as more glowing eyes appeared around them.

"Brothers! Come forth!" Mizuki shouted as four ghost-like beings appeared near Mizuki.

"There was more than one?!" Sakura cried out in shock

Several of the possessed animals came together, only to be encased in ice. As the four spirts entered the ice figure, the three watched in horror as a moose, a bear, and several wolves fused together into a twisted abomination that broke out of the case of ice, letting out a ghastly howl.

"Two can play with numbers! Shadow clones!" Naruto shouted, creating a small army of clones that charged at the monsters along with the other possessed animal's, but the clones sent after the abomination were easily overpowered by the twisted beast's claws, taking out several with each swipe.

"Stay close Sakura," Sasuke said as the two stood back to back, fending off the oncoming horde of animals. From crows and owls, to coyotes and wolfs and deer charged at them, only to be forced apart when the abomination leaped at them with several spears of ice coming quickly towards them.

"Shit," Sasuke cursed while barely dodging one of the ice spears.

"You should have abandoned that little demon bitch when you had the chance. You have no hope of defeating me," Mizuki said, only to be hit by an oncoming truck.

"Again with the damned vehicles," Mizuki cursed as he stood up again.

"What up guys?" Kiba said with a smirk.

"Kiba?" Naruto asked in shock.

"Yeah, and it's not just me," Kiba answered as Might Guy, Lee, and Neji jumped out of the back of the truck and into the fray.

"Time to finish you off! Giants Rasengan!" Naruto shouted only for the abomination to get in between Mizuki taking the blow destroying the twisted creature as two windigo spirts left the destroyed remains.

"In the end, your struggle was pointless," Mizuki said lifting the blonde up by the throat triumphantly

"Naruto!" Shouted a voice

"Sunset?" Each of the three said, as their geodes began to glow.

"Oh good, she came to watch you die," The windigo said ignoring the glowing, only catching notice of them when a fiery aura coated around Naruto, burning his arm, forcing him to drop the blonde as his arm melted away. One by one, the fiery aura suddenly surrounded the three before covering Sunset.

"What is this?!" Mizuki asked in shock and fear as he clutched his burnt stump.

"This is the power of our bond!" Sunset exclaimed. "These are the flames of friendship! A monster like you can never extinguish them!" Sunset declared, as the four teens now stood together.

"Enough about your stupid friendship! Just shut up and die !" Mizuki shouted, hurling a spear of ice at them only to watch it evaporate before it could even come close to them. "What?! T-This can't be!" He shouted in terror. One by one, the three teens raised a hand into the air forming a three colored fireball.

"Take this! Trinity Attack: Flaming Inferno!" They then threw their hands down, hurling the fireball at Mizuki. The former human turned frost demon let out an unnatural scream of pain as the fire burned him alive. His pale flesh bubbling and melting off his bones, and his bones flaking away into nothing. And like that, the storm surrounding the area vanished.

"To be consumed by so much hatred, and allow himself to become such an evil creature," Sunset lamented, looking at the scorch-mark on the ground that used to be Mizuki.

"He chose this fate himself Sunset," Sasuke said putting a supporting hand on the girl's shoulder.

"What was that? That's never happened before," Sakura asked still amazed at what they did.

"Magic here seems to have a mind and will of its own in this world, and I've never fully understood it. But, I believe It's because of my bond with you all that you were able to do that."

As the four teens watched the sunrise together, little did they know that they were being watched.

"Those children are quite interesting, eh?"

"To wield powers like that and slay that frost creature. The others will want to hear of this."

Meanwhile, the two remaining windigos were fleeing north only to find themselves crossing paths with a man with long brown hair and crimson eyes.

"Nuances," the mysterious man hissed, glaring at the frost demons. "I come here sensing someone similar to me and my brother, and I find nothing but a pest." With a flick of his wrist, a lightning bolt struck the phantoms of frost, obliterating them where they stood.

"This here is Minato Namikaze. He's an old friend of your father," Granny Smith introduced.

'He looks like that boy from before. Wait a minute, he was at the school that day,'Applejack thought. "You knew my father?"

"I did, and I also know you Applejack. It's been a long time," Minato said. "I'm guessing you don't remember me."

"I'm afraid not," Applejack said.

"Well, I don't blame you there. You and your brother were still very young when I last saw you," Minato said. "And this would be our first time meeting, Apple Bloom." He greeted, looking at the youngest of the Apple family

"How can you want to meet me? I'm nothing but trash," Apple Bloom said shamefully.

"You may have done wrong, yes. But when you admit you've done so, nothing but good came from it," Minato said. "Because of it, I was able to find Sunset, and she became part of our family." This bit of news surprised the Apples in the room.

'I just thought Sunset was just staying with them. But she's now the daughter of the Red Hannya?! And my mom used to be friends with her too.'Applejack thoughts were racing at these revelations.

"But Sunset shouldn't have had to go through what the others and I put her through. I destroyed an innocent person's life over petty jealousy and nearly got her killed. She has every reason to hate me till the end. I'm no better than a monster."

"Monster's don't feel guilt or shame for the wrongs they have done Apple Bloom," Minato said. "And from the looks of things, I'd say you have learned your lesson. Therefore, my wife and I have decided to help you out by paying off your bail."

"You're paying my bail!?" Apple Bloom asked in shock. "But-but why?"

"Both your father and mother were very close friend's of both me and my wife, and we want to help your family through this, as well as for our families to reconnect."

"Minato... I-I don't know what to say," Apple Bloom said in shock.

Minato then turned towards the second eldest Apple. "Tell me Applejack, do you remember a boy who used to call you Jackie?"

Author's Note:

Here it is the conclusion of the first arc.
There is more to come after all there more adventures for Sunset and her new friends and family. Students seeking new starts and others seeking redemption.

Artwork done by Me