• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 6,302 Views, 150 Comments

Sunset in the leaves - Vansho-Lakon

Rescued by students from Hidden Leaf Academy Sunset Shimmer will begin a new adventure at a new school with new friends

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Weekend at the Mountains! Shadows and Leaves clash at the slopes!

"It's beautiful here," Sunset said observing the snow-covered pine forest and mountain tops.

"It's even better at the top of the mountain," Naruto replied.

"Whats even better than the sights are the slopes," Tayuya said, walking up to the rest of the group. "You guys ready for this? Cause I am," The redhead said excitedly.

"Narupookie, what do you think of my suit?" Sonata asked, walking up to the blond wearing a rather tight looking blue and pink ski-suit. "It allows maximum mobility and feels like I'm wearing nothing at all," she said in a sultry tone.

Meanwhile on an Approaching Bus

"It's a shame Sugarcoat, and Soursweet couldn't make it," said a girl with blue hair, wearing goggles on her head. "But still, this weekend is gonna be an awesome, right Ino?! Right Lemon?!"

"No need to yell Zap. I'm right here you know," Ino said.

"Oh, sorry Indi. I had my music on too loud," Lemon said bashfully. "Whats up?"

'One of the hottest guys in our school is sitting right next to you! Okay, just play it cool Sunny' A girl with short-cut greyish mulberry hair thought to herself while blushing, glancing at the young man with long dark-brown hair tied in a low ponytail and silver-grey eyes next to her. "So Neji, do you Ski or Snowboard?" she asked, trying to start a conversation.

'What was that?' Neji wondered, spotting what looked like a pale, ghastly looking man with abnormally long arms and legs. "Did you see that?"

"See what?" Sunny questioned.

"Nevermind I must be seeing things,"


"I'm surprised you wanted to come along Starsong," Twilight said.

"Not like I had anything else to do really," Starsong replied. "Besides, you also got me curious as well." as the two walked towards the burnt ruins of the factory.

"These readings are incredible," Twilight said aloud, examining the reading's from her device. "That hole in the wall over here looks abnormal."

"Whats this?" Starsong wondered, pulling an iron rod from the snow.

"What did you find?" Twilight asked.

"It looks like a branding iron," Starsong answered before a disturbing thought came to mind. "You don't think those CHS students where gonna use this on someone?"

"I really hope not. I don't think that anyone could be that cruel."

"Tell me about it," Starsong said. 'This sun shape... for some reason it looks familiar. Like I've seen it somewhere before,' Starsong pondered while examing the design at the end of the rod.

"So much Data to analyze!" Twilight said with glee, taking out her laptop and plugging her scanning device into it. "This is so exciting!" She said loudly as she typed and clicked away on her portable computer.

"So what did you discover?" Starsong asked.

"There are two energy signatures found here that run on their own unique wave pattern, unlike the ones at CHS," Twilight explained.

"Looks like I've also found something out," Starsong said looking at the screen.

"Oh, what would that be?" Twilight asked.

"We stayed here too long and missed the bus back," Starsong said pointing at the time in the corner of the laptop screen.

"Oh no!" Twilight gasped. "We missed the bus!"

"I guess we'll have to call someone," Starsong said grabbing Twilights phone from her bag.

"Calling? Who talks on the phone?" Twilight asked.

"That's why they're phones. It's kinda their original purpose," Starsong replied. "And I thought I was the one with amnesia here," she jokingly added.

"Hey, Hinata. It's me, Starsong. Twilight and I could use a lift."

lodge equipment rental

Sunset and Tayuya exited the shop with snowboard's in tow

"So have you done this sort of thing before?" Tayuya asked.

"Nope, this will be my first time doing this."Replied Sunset with excitement in her voice.

"YOU! I remember you! You were one of those punks that was responsible for that skirt incident at the last Friendship games!" Shouted a voice as a girl with short hair stormed up to the red-haired duo

"Oh yeah, you guys," The redhead said vaguely remembering the three girls. "Your name was Solar flare right?" Tayuya asked.

"That's my dad's name," Sunny corrected "It's Sunny flare you better remember it,"

"and you two are Blue thunder and Lemonade?" the redhead asked the other two besides Ino and Neji.

"Totally off the mark It's Lemon Zest" the green haired girl corrected.

"and I am indigo zap,"

"Eh, I was close enough," Tayuya Shrugged.

"You know them?" Sunset asked.

"Eh there just some preppies from CP with a bad case of butthurt," Tayuya answered. "It's been four years since the games you'd figured they let it go by now."

"NEJIII!! " Shouted a pair of voices drawing everyone's attention to the two incoming green blurs.

"Oh no," Neji gasped in horror as he was tackled into a hug by the incoming green duo.

"It is so good to see you again Neji!" Rock Lee said

"A most youthful reunion," said Guy.

"Neji knows these two weirdoes?" Indigo Zap and Sunny flare asked.

"Uhhuh, their old friends of his," Ino answered.

"Where did that beach sunset come from?" Lemon asked wondering if she was hallucinating or if anyone else sees it as well.

"Well, that was interesting, come on Sunset let's go meet up with the others at the lifts," Tayuya said.

"Hold it where are you going ?"Sunny Flare asked demandingly.

"To enjoy the slopes with my friends what's it to ya?" Tayuya replied.

"I challenge you to a race!" Sunny Declared pointing at her.

"Whats in it for me?" Tayuya asked.

"How about this?"Sunny said, pulling out a five hundred dollar gift card. "But if I win you gotta spend the rest of the day without any pants on! see how you like it when you have people ogling at your undies!" Sunny said with a slightly crazed grin on her face.

"Fine but if I win you gotta wear this," Tayuya said with a sly grin pulling out a green spandex suit causing Sunny complexion to pale as she took two steps back away from the redhead like she was holding a dead animal. "and you gotta have a picture with the fuzz-brow duo over there while wearing it." Tayuya stated."Whats the matter preppie? Too much to handle?"

"As if, Crystal prep never loses," Sunny said regaining her composer.

"Except to Hidden Leaf, or did that fact slip your mind?" Tayuya tauntingly stated." So we gonna do this or what?" she asked
reaching out her hand.

"Oh, absolutely I'm gonna enjoy humiliating you," Sunny flare said shaking Tayuya's hand.

"Alright it settled we'll start the race at frost-edge peek,"

"You sure about this?" Sunset asked.

"I got this, Miss pampered preppie here doesn't stand a chance," Tayuya assured.

" Thank you for inviting me and Starsong to your home," Twilight said

"It's fine Twilight," Hinata said "Oh this my younger sister Hanabi. "she introduced

"What happened to your eye?" Hanabi asked, looking at the girl next to Twilight.

"I can't remember," Starsong said tracing her fingers across the scar on her right eye.

"Hanabi don't be rude" Hinata scolded "Starsong is suffering from amnesia,"

"It's fine Hinata I'm not offended," said Starsong.

Frost edge peek

"I hope you're ready to lose," Sunny Flare taunted with a smug grin.

"Funny, because I was gonna say the same thing" Tayuya replied with a smirk.

"Don't worry Sunset. Tayuya is practically a pro," Naruto said to his sister, Putting an assuring hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, even I have trouble keeping up with her," Kiba commented.

'The two waited in silence, and then they suddenly raced down the slope at matching speed, reaching a small cliff.'

"Whoah," Sunset gasped at Tayuya's maneuvers. swerving and turning the two the two sped further down the redhead gaining speed and moving ahead of her competitor.

'Watching these two race like that is getting me freaking pumped!' lndigo Zap said excitedly.

"I-I lost?!" Sunny Flare exclaimed in shock.

"Fair and square there Sunshine. I guess you're just gonna keep on dreaming about seeing me in my panties, cause you ain't gonna see it today. So how about that gift card and our little bet?"

Moments Later

"I hate you so much right now," Sunny growled, giving the beanie-wearing redhead a spiteful glare. Her friends snickering and giggling.

"Aw come on, it ain't that bad. It looks better on you than I thought it would," Tayuya commented. "Now go on there over there and tell them exactly what I told you to say," she instructed as the now green-clad girl walked towards the bowl-cut duo.

"I have embraced the springtime of youth and wish to commemorate it with a picture," Sunny said in a deadpan tone, which the two were completely oblivious too.

"We have inspired this young girl from another school to embrace her flames of youth! This truly is a day to commemorate!" Gai said excitedly.

"Smile and say 'Youthful'!"

'Mark my words Tayuya Uzumaki, I will make you pay for this a hundredfold!' Sunny Flare declared to herself as the picture was taken.

"Hey, you're pretty awesome on the slopes Red," Indigo complimented. "How about you and I race next? You know, for the heck of it."

"You're not gonna bet anything on it?" Sunny Flare asked.

"And do what? End up looking like a leprechaun?" Indigo asked with a chuckle. "No thanks, Sunny."

"Sure, why not, I'm in a good mood," Tayuya said with a grin.

Juvinile Correctional Facility

'The fact that you ditched her in the hallway like you did only prove's that I'm right.'Mizuki's words echoing in her mind as she approached her destination. "Hello, Sweetiebell."

"Hi Rarity," her sister weakly replied, looking away from her sister in shame.

"Did Mizuki tell you to do anything or-"

"No, he was nice to us."

'They did it all by themselves. I didn't tell them to do anything.'The words of the white-haired teen once again echoed in her mind. "So... you did take Sunset phone during our sleepover without him asking you to?" Too which the younger girl nodded.

"I just don't understand Sweetiebell. What drove you did something like this? Did you really hate Sunset that much? Even after all she's done to show her change of heart?" Rarity questioned her younger sister, still in disbelief.

"I was jealous, okay? It felt like you treated her more like a sister than you did me." Sweetiebell said. "Even though she was cruel to you, even though she... she turned into some creature from hell and tried to kill you with no regret!" She started to tear up as she continued. "You treated her more like a sister than me even more so after the Battle of the Bands! It was like I didn't even exist to you!" Sweetiebell screamed at Rarity. "That's why I helped Applebloom and Scootaloo with Anon-a-Miss! And at least Mizuki acknowledged me, unlike you!" Those words ran through the elder sisters heart like a burning hot knife as she began to tear up as well. "But all I wanted was for her to run back into her own world and stay there! Not get her killed..."

"Sweetiebell, I-I'm so sorry. I never meant to make you feel that, "Rarity said while choking up.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I also take it you also know that mother is transferring me to Crystal Prep?" Sweetiebell asked.

'He was right. I am lower than trash. I failed my Sister and Sunset,'Rarity said to herself as she broke down and cried.


"Smooth moves sliding down backward off the jump into a face plant," Kiba teased.

"Yeah, well at least I didn't tumble down the hill like a total clutz," Naruto replied.

"That was his fault!" Kiba snapped pointing at Neji.

"I said it was an accident," Neji replied.

"You guys are a riot," Indigo said while laughing.

"Yeah, you guys are pretty rad." lemon Zest added.

"You realize our schools are mortal enemies, right?"

"For one, Sakura and the others are my closest friends. And second, we're not at school so it doesn't matter," Ino said. "Even if that old bat Cinch was here, I'd tell her to piss off and get a life. She has no right to tell me who I can and can't hang out with. And she shouldn't in the first place."

"Say, where did Sonata go?"

"I thought she was right here with us," Sakura said.

"You mean that girl with the long blue hair? I saw her sneaking off over there muttering something about cuddle time with her Narupookie." Lemon Zest said.

"But Naruto went over that way with the others," Adagio said.

Meanwhile, Sonata quietly snuck into the room, spotting two figures in the darkly lit room playing a video game.
"Naru-Pookie!" Sonata said, wrapping her arms around the person next to Sunset.

"Whaa! What the hell Sonata!" Tayuya shouted spilling her hot cocoa.

"Wait, your not Narupookie," Sonata said somewhat upset.

"Well no duh," Tayuya replied snidely, getting up to go clean herself off.

"The room is kinda dark, and I thought he would be here with Sunset," Sonata said. "And he was wearing a hat like yours and-"

Outside the Lodge

"She's here," the pale creature growled, looking at the Lodge from a distance."There's nowhere you can run now, demon. I'll impale your remains on a pike of ice," it declared, letting out a beastly howl.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter.👍