• Published 8th Feb 2018
  • 3,091 Views, 66 Comments

Sonata Can't Read - sonicfan05

Tired of being illiterate and getting mocked by Trixie and all the peers from her school, Sonata asked Sunset and the gang to help her learn how to read.

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Sonata's Final Test!

It was finally Friday, the day that Sonata will prove to everyone that she can read. Unlike last time that she cheated so she can get herself a month worth of tacos, she worked hard and took her lessons seriously with some help from her friends. Earlier this morning, Sunset told the gang that she talked to Trixie a few days ago at the mall to convince Trixie to let her be the one to choose which test that will determine whether Sonata can read or not1. After about an hour of discussion, Trixie accepted Sunset’s request, but only under two conditions: Neither Sunset, her friends or any of Sonata’s sisters cannot be there with Sonata to help guide Sonata throughout the test and Sonata has to give up her cell phone. To counter this, Sunset has two conditions of her own: Trixie and the Illusions (or anyone they hired) are not allowed to be around Sonata either (in case if they try to sabotage the test) and Sonata is only allowed to use the intrusion pad (which was written by Sunset) as her only source of guidance for the test. The two finally made an agreement before they parted ways.

The Rainbooms and the two Dazzlings weren’t too happy with those conditions, but they were at least assured to know that Trixie doesn’t have a full control of Sonata’s final test again. Sonata however, felt more nervous and pressured than before. While she was glad that Sunset will be the one to arrange the final test for her, but she didn’t like the idea that she have to do it on her own because of that stupid condition. Sunset’s vagueness about what kind of test Sonata will be taking doesn’t make Sonata feel any better despite Sunset assurances.

After an agonizing full day of school, Sonata quickly left the school building and making her way towards the school’s statue. There were many students hanging around outside as well, watching her from the sidelines. Just like last time, Trixie and the Illusions spread the word that Sonata is going to go through the bet for real this time, but advertised that Sonata is going to fail. Naturally, almost every student were around just so they can see Sonata making a fool of herself again or actually going to succeed this time. Sonata paid them no mind as she reached the statue and waited for Sunset and the others to show up. Shortly after that, all of her friends and sisters arrived at the scene with serious expressions, except for Pinkie of course.

Sunset stood in front of Sonata with her serious, yet soft expression on her face. “You ready Sonata?”

Sonata gulped softly. She turned to her friends and sisters and they each gave their own supporting smiles except for Aria. Feeling a little better, Sonata faced Sunset again and nodded. “I’m ready!”

“Hey Siren!”

They all turned to see Trixie and the Illusions who was giving them all their cocky grins.

“Trixie just wanna say don’t feel too badly when you lose! At least you and your friends will be together serving for Trixie!” Trixie then did a thinking pose in a mocking manner. “That reminds me, would you rather be my test subject for my “sawing in half” or “water tank escape” trick?”

“Back off Trixie!” Sunset warned.

“Yeah, go bother someone else!” Rainbow added.

The rest of the gang nodded and glared daggers at the teen magician.

Trixie just shrugged. “Whatever you say Raindorks! You remember our conditions Shimmer?”

Sunset eyes narrowed. “I didn’t forget Trixie.”

The two stared down for a moment before Trixie and her cronies turned and walked away from them towards the school’s steps with their heads up high. As they walked away, a city’s bus arrived and parked in front of the school, waiting for any passengers.

“That’s our ride,” said Sunset before facing Sonata. “We should get going.”

Sonata nodded and faced her friends and sisters one last time. Everyone but Aria hugged the young Siren, saying good luck her. Pinkie smiled widely at Sonata as she held up a banner that said, “We Believe in You!” Sonata gave them all her watery smile before facing and nodding to Sunset, letting her know that she was ready to leave. As both Sunset and Sonata were making their way to the bus, someone called out.

“Hey Sonata!”

Sonata turned to see Aria, who was standing a few inches away from her with her arms crossed. Sonata was surprised that Aria spoke to her for the first time since that horrible day when she stood on stage. Aria still had a tough expression on her face, but unlike weeks ago, Aria’s expression was a little… softer today. Aria looked like she had something to say, as if it was something urgent, but at the last minute, looked away and sighed softly.

“Please be careful... and good luck.”

With that, Aria turned and walked away back to the statue with the others. While Sonata was a little disappointed at her sisters response, she was at least happy that Aria was finally talking to her… somewhat. Seeing Sonata’s state, Sunset placed her hand on Sonata’s shoulder with her concerned expression on her face. Sonata gave Sunset her forced smile before she and Sunset heading to the bus.

It has been about ten minutes since they entered the bus, quietly sitting on their seats as they ride to an unknown destination. After sitting quietly for a while, Sonata finally decided to voice her concern to her friend.

“Um… Sunset? Are you sure about all of this?”

Sunset nodded. “Positive. You did so well for the past couple of weeks, especially after some help from Fluttershy and Applejack. You are more than ready for this final test.”

“I get that, but why am I’m wearing this blindfold around my head?” Sonata questioned, pointing at the black blindfold, which was wrapped around her eyes to emphasize the point.

“It’s because for this final test, I’m gonna take you to another town, to a different neighborhood that you’re not familiar with,” Sunset explained. “Once we reach the starting point, I’ll give you a map in written instructions of how to guide you back to CHS. And all you have to do is read the directions so you can make your way back home safely. If you can do that, not only you pass the test, but that also means that you can read.”

Sonata fidgeted somewhat from the details of the test Sunset was giving her. While the test itself sound so simple, but the thought of going around by herself to an unknown location was a huge deal to her. Worry grew from within her as she looked down towards her lap (or at least assumed she was looking at her lap though her blindfold) with a deep frown.

“I… I don’t know Sunset. I’ve never travel outside of Canterlot City all by myself before. I usually travel with my sisters. Why can’t we just do the test in our own town?”

“That’s because you already knew the entire layout of our town like the back of your hand, which is very impressive. But in order to truly pass this test, you need to rely on reading many street signs as you head back to CHS from a different area.”

Sunset frowned when she sees her friend shaking like a leaf. Sunset gently held Sonata’s hand in attempt to calm her friend.

“Hey, don’t be afraid,” she soothed. “As long as you follow the instructions, you’ll be just fine. You did a tremendous job with your reading exercises and the worksheets I gave you. Our friends and I believe you can do this.”

“…Really?” Sonata asked softly.

Although Sonata couldn’t see her, Sunset nodded with her warmth expression. “Really really!”

Some time has passed since both Sunset and Sonata left CHS and traveled to another town. Even after their bus arrived to their stop, they haven’t reached their true destination. Sunset had Sonata travel through the subway, an uber and even a cart transport service as a precaution, all while Sonata was wearing her blindfold, much to her chagrin. When they finally arrived to their destination point, Sonata was relieved that she can finally take off her blindfold. When she did, her eyes surveyed the city for the first time with a mixture of awe and fear. The city was actually much bigger than Canterlot City, but it was crowded with people, to the point that it made her feel a little dizzy. She wondered how could she possibly read her way back home on her own from an overpopulating place like this? Her thoughts were interrupted when her friend speak up.

“Okay, here’s my bus,” said Sunset as the bus pulled up right next to them. “That’s my cue to leave.” The door for the bus opened and Sunset made her way towards it. Just before she could enter, she suddenly turned around to face Sonata. “Before I go, there’s still one thing I need from you.”

“What’s that?” Sonata asked.

Sunset stretched her arm towards Sonata with her opened palm. “Your phone.”

“M-my phone?” Sonata squeaked.

Sunset nodded. “Yes. Unfortunately, it’s another one of Trixie’s “conditions” that we confiscated your phone so that you don’t cheat with a map app.”

“But I’m not going to cheat this time! I swear!” Sonata insisted.

“I know and I believe you!” Sunset assured before she let out a solemn sigh. “But it’s the only way to prove to Trixie as well as the others that you can really read.”

Sonata felt herself trembling at the thought of not having her phone with her, cutting herself off from anyone who could help her. But then her trembling subsided once Sunset’s words had reached her. As much as she hated the idea of being alone to such a big a scary place with no friends or sisters by her side, she knew that Sunset was right. In order overcome the illiteracy and to grow as a person, she needed to do this on her own. If finding and reading her way back home with nothing but Sunset’s written instructions was the only way to do it, then so be it.

“…alright,” Sonata sighed as she took out her phone from her pocket and gave it to Sunset.

Sunset gave Sonata her warmth smile as she put away Sonata’s phone and handed her instructions to Sonata.

“Don’t worry Sonata, you can do this!” Sunset reassured her friend with confidence. “I have faith in you. We’ll see you back at CHS.”

As Sonata made her way into the bus, Sonata called out.

“But what if I—”

“Good luck!” said Sunset with her thumb up before the door closed on her and then the bus drove away, leaving Sonata behind.

Knowing that she was completely on her own now, Sonata just stood still in the middle of the sidewalk and her eyes were moving around at a rapid place.

Okay Sonata, this is it, she thought. You’re on your own… in the middle of some town you don’t know… and unfamiliar with… miles away from home… and no idea where you are… with no phone… or any means to contact with anyone.

Her breathing became irregular and her heart was beating so fast as if she just ran a marathon. Once she noticed that her hands were shaking and griping on the instructions way too hard, Sonata forced herself to stop and started breathing much more slowly to regain her bearings.

Okay… calm down, calm down. I can do this! If my friends really believe in me, then I will not let them down! I will put all of my reading lessons from them to use. All I got to do is to read Sunset’s instructions and do exactly as it said. I just hope I can understand them.

Once she completely calmed herself down, Sonata looked down to her notepad and began to slowly read the instructions.

“Okay, let’s see,” she mumbled to herself. “First… take… R-rock…hoof… S…street… East.”

Sonata then looked around the area until her eyes landed on a street sign, which was right next to her.

“R-rockhoof… Street… East,” she read slowly before she nodded. “Okay!”

So Sonata began to walk down the street with the instructions in front of her. As she was walking, she started to read the next step.

“Next… turn… left… on… Miss… m-mane… A… aven…ue.”

Sonata stopped walking and looked around again until she looked up above her to see another street sign.

“Missmane Avenue!” Sonata read much more smoothly. She then smiled widedly, feeling more confident with herself. “Sweet! At this rate, I’ll get to CHS faster before someone could say, Taco Tuesday!”

Suddenly, she heard many blaring hunks from around her. As she looked around, she quickly realized that she was standing in the middle of the intersection, blocking everyone from their cars to go anywhere. As many more angry drivers continued to honk and screaming at her, Sonata gave them all her sheepish smile.

“Ehehehe… oops.”

Back at the front steps of CHS, Sunset returned to CHS sometime ago, assuring her friends and the Dazzlings that Sonata was fine when she dropped her off. The gang was all sitting on the steps near the front entrance of the school, waiting for their dear friend to come home in one piece. Trixie and her gang just stood near the front doors with a look of boredom on their faces, wishing for something to happen. Everyone else was hanging around the school property, either standing around, sitting on the ground, playing with their phones or whatever activity their doing to pass the time just to see what happen to the youngest Dazzling.

As they sat around, Adagio turned towards Sunset with her worried expression.

“Sunset, are you sure that Sonata is ready to pass this kind of test?”

Sunset nodded. “I’m positive Adagio. Sonata worked very hard and dedicated for the past couple of weeks. I have full confidence that can read her way back home with the road signs and the instructions I gave her.”

“Oh please!” Trixie mocked. “There’s no way that Siren will make her way back here! She can’t read at all!”

Sunset, as well as the others, turned and glared at the self-boasting magician. “You’re wrong Trixie! She can! I have complete faith in her that she will return home safely!”

Trixie scoffed. “Yeah right! Trixie already see what’s going to happen next. She’ll end up get herself lost and got scared like a little puppy. By two o’ clock in the morning, we’ll end up reporting a missing person to the police and then do a search party for that idiot for days.”

“She will make her way back! Don’t count her out yet Trixie!”

Trixie shrugged. “Whatever you say Shimmer. But just remember, whatever happened to her, is your responsibility.”

Sunset continued to glare at Trixie. As annoyingly Trixie can be and she mostly say these things just to get under her skin, deep down Sunset knew that Trixie was right. It was a huge risk, leaving Sonata all alone in another city that she wasn’t familiar with. While Sunset still have faith in Sonata, a part of her was worried if Sonata could even get back home in one piece, even with the help from her instructions. She doesn’t care if she has to be Trixie’s slave for the rest of her life, but if anything ever happened to Sonata, Sunset will never forgive herself.

As Sonata made her way around the city, she felt more and more confident with herself as she gets closer to her home, thanks to the instructions. Some steps took her longer to understand the words for both the instructions and the street signs, but for the most part, she was doing well. She had reached her halfway point when she finally reached the subway. She slowly went down the stairs, until she reached the subway station, which was full of people who were running around in a rush trying to get to their own rides. Sonata paid them no mind as she walked towards the center of the station and smiled at her own accomplishment.

Okay… I made it to the subway! Easy! Sonata thought. Now what’s next?

Sonata looked down and slowly read the next step of her instructions. “Take… the… s-subway to G-ghast… ly… Gorge… Town.”

Sonata surveyed the substation, despite the crowd until she spotted a huge sign, which was a few feet ahead of her. A man with a uniform, assuming to be the Baggage Handler, just stopped pushing a cart full of bags to take a short break in front of the sign, concealing the two town names in the process. But they don’t matter to Sonata as she read the only name of the town that was visible from the very top with a direction facing right.

“Ghastly Gorge Town!” Sonata read loudly. “Okay here it is!” She quickly looked left just as the train to her destination arrived. “And just in time! I better get on that subway right now!”

And so, Sonata ran to her train so she can purchase her ticket to home. Unfortunately for the young Siren, because she was still a little off with her pronunciation skill, she made a grave error. The words she read from the top of the sign didn’t say “Ghastly Gorge Town,” it was actually “Gastly Goreton.” Had she stayed around longer, she would have seen the real direction to the train leading to “Ghastly Gorge Town” after the Baggage Handler resumed pushing his cart.

Sonata was fidgeting in her seat for what seemed like forever. After she took her seat, she spent her time reading the rest of the steps in advance. According to the instructions, she was pretty close to arriving back at CHS. She smiled at the thought of her friends and sisters, cheering and congratulating her for completing the test and passed as a certified reader. But what really mattered her the most, was that she can finally make up to them for her mistakes and save them from Trixie’s cruel bet, tacos be darned.

But after she spent over an hour on her train, she felt something was off. Despite that she had to wear a blindfold at the time, she remembered that her ride with Sunset on the subway took them less than a half-an-hour. At first, she figured that her train was either delayed at a lower speed or Sunset had instructed her to ride on a different train on purpose as an added challenge. But after another half hour on the train has gone by, she was starting to get nervous. Even as she was glimpsing through the window a few time, she couldn’t spot anything that was reassembly close to home.

Finally, after spending a total of two hours on a train, her ride finally comes to a complete stop. Feeling somewhat relieved, Sonata got up from her seat and made her way out of the subway. Once she stepped outside in the subway station, she noticed that she was the only person around except for a few staffs and probably a hobo sleeping near bench. She gulped nervously and cautiously surveyed the area, barely noticed her train car come to life and took off right into the darkness. Not wanting to be around this creepy area, she rushed herself away from the station and took the stairs, hoping that she was close to home.

When she reached the top of the stairs, her eyes widened in horror when she sees the outside world. She assumed that she was in some neighborhood, but it looked run down, dark and everything around her had fallen apart. There were sounds of loud sirens from the background and various sounds of dogs and cats from the alleyways. There were only a few barely lit streetlights, which illuminated certain areas around her like an abandoned building with boarded up windows.

Sonata noticed that there was a wired fencing leading to the next area from across the street. She looked both ways before she ran across the other side. Once she reached to the fence, she tried looking through the fence, but was unable to see anything due to the darkness. She then noticed the sign, which was right next to her. With a little help from a nearby streetlight, Sonata slowly read the sign.

“T-this… prop… er… ty… is… con… demned. No exit!” Sonata read.

Once she fully processed the words she read to her mind, her face went pale, dread growing from the pit of her stomach.

“Okay… I think I made a maaaaaaaaajor boo-boo!”

Author's Note:

Uh oh! Sonata made a terrible mistake, which lead her to the wrong area! :pinkiegasp:

Will Sonata get back home? :twilightoops:

Find out... next week! :trollestia:

1) In case if anyone is confused, I added a mall scene at the very end of the previous chapter as a proper build-up for this chapter.