• Published 8th Feb 2018
  • 3,091 Views, 66 Comments

Sonata Can't Read - sonicfan05

Tired of being illiterate and getting mocked by Trixie and all the peers from her school, Sonata asked Sunset and the gang to help her learn how to read.

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Sonata's Secret is Out!

After two days of freedom, it was once again Monday, the most hated day of the week. Many students despite this day the most because they were forced to restart the week of torture of spending hours from one classroom to another, doing nothing but schoolwork and listening to nagging teachers. Why they only get to have two-day weekend and five other days of school was anyone’s guess.

It was around lunchtime within the cafeteria of CHS. Everyone was sitting at their tables eating their meals including the Rainbooms. However, the only two members of the group who was not eating at this time were Sunset and Rainbow Dash. The two of them were too busy engaging in an argument over a particular topic that they both disagreed on since the start of their lunch period.

“Are you kidding me?” Sunset exclaimed angrily. “Tirek’s Revenge is the best game of the series! Why the hay do you think it’s inferior to Rise of Tirek?”

Rainbow huffed. “Tirek’s Revenge is a great game, don’t get me wrong! I just think the storyline is a bit predictable and the gameplay is a bit more limited than the first one.”

“The story isn’t predictable!” Sunset argued loudly. “And what do you mean, “limited?”

“I mean that they made the gameplay much more linear, you have less options to fight, less levels and you can only get much more cooler weapons by purchasing them as DLC!” Rainbow shot back, before throwing her hands up. “I mean, who thought it was a good idea!?”

Meanwhile, the girls stared at their two friends with both amusement and concern while Applejack sighed irritability and rolled her eyes.

“Oh jeez, those two are outta again. Only those two would freak out over somethin’ trivial by some stupid video game.”

“IT’S NOT A STUPID VIDEO GAME!” Both Sunset and Rainbow shouted angrily at Applejack, causing the poor farmer to flinch before they resumed their argument with each other.

“Um… I don’t think it’s wise to bash their love for video games,” Fluttershy spoke up quietly.

“I concur,” said Rarity. “Despite their… taste, we should respect the hobbies that they love like my love of designing many beautiful dresses.”

“But I’m not insultin’ their hobby!” said Applejack. “I was commentin’ about their ridiculous arguments over their silly games!”

“THEY’RE NOT SILLY!” Both Sunset and Rainbow yelled at the farmer again, causing the farmer girl to flinch once again before they resumed their argument.

“Applejack, that’s not a nice thing to say!” Pinkie scolded before crossing her arms. “I supposed the next thing you’ll say is that my love of baking is stupid!”

“I am NOT sayin’ their games is stupid!” Applejack spoke up in frustration. “I just think their arguments related to their games is stupid!”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, while I understand Rainbow’s and my girlfriend’s love for video games, I’ll admit, even I’m concerned that they tend to bicker a lot when they have… different opinions.”

“Good, you get it!” said Applejack and then pointed at their arguing friends. “Now go tell yer girlfriend to stop this pointless argument with Rainbow right now!”

Twilight’s eyes widened with terror. She then raised her hands at Applejack and waved them franticly while shaking her head. “Oooooooh no! I’m not getting involved in this! The last time I tried to do that, one of them threw a cheese quesadilla at me and I’ve spent hours getting all the cheese out of my hair!” She then shuddered at the memory. “So… cheesy!

“Land Snakes!” Applejack huffed. “Is there anyway to get these two to stop arguing already?”

Suddenly, everyone except for Sunset and Rainbow Dash heard the cafeteria doors burst open, revealing to be Aria with a look of anger on her face. All of the students turned to see what the commotion was, only to quickly turn away to avoid Aria’s wrath. But Aria never paid attention to any of them; her sights were only on the Rainbooms table, specifically the bacon-hair girl.

Aria stomped her way over to the Rainbooms table until she stood just behind Sunset and Rainbow.

“Shimmer! I have a bone to pick with you!” Aria boomed with her most menacing glare.

Unfortunately, Sunset and Rainbow Dash were still to busy arguing with each other to notice Aria’s presence or her loud voice, making the middle Siren angrier.

“Yo, Shimmer!”

No response.


Still no response.


Applejack, who was the only one not intimidated by Aria’s anger from the group spoke up calmly. “Sorry partner, but these two can’t hear ya because they’re arguin’ which of the Tirek’s games are the best and they’ve been like this since the start of our lunch period.”

Aria’s eyes narrowed. “Is that so? Well I guess there’s only one thing left for me to do!”

Aria took a big breath and then she hollered loud enough to get attention from everyone within the entire cafeteria. “HEY EVERYONE, SONEIGH JUST ANNOUNCED THAT THEY’RE CANCELING THE THIRD TIREK GAME!”

“THEY WHAT!?!” Both Sunset and Rainbow shouted as they turned towards Aria with a look of horror in their eyes but then they blinked in confusion once they finally noticed Aria.

“…clever gal,” Applejack muttered quietly.

“Oh Aria, when did you get here?” Sunset asked.

Aria scowled and leaned her face close to Sunset’s, making the former unicorn backed up a bit.

“Shimmer! You got some nerve!” Aria growled.

Sunset blinked. “Huh? What did I do?”

“I can’t believe after she poured her heart out to you and then you stabbed her in the back!” Aria accused.

Sunset frowned in confusion. “Aria, what are you talking about?”

Aria growled loudly and then roughly grabbed Sunset’s shirt with one hand and then hovered her other hand over Sunset’s face into a fist. “You know what you did! Just for that, I’ll pound you into next week!

Just before she could do so, Aria was immediately held back by Applejack and Rainbow while Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight managed to separate Sunset from Aria.

“Aria, what are you doing!?” Twilight exclaimed, furious at Aria for trying to attack her girlfriend for no reason. “Why are you acting this way towards Sunset?”

Aria growled and shook herself off from Applejack’s and Rainbow’s grip. “Why don’t you ask her! I’m sure she’ll love to tell you what she did!”

Sunset shot Aria her angry look. “Aria, I seriously don’t know what the heck you’re talking about! What did I ever do to you that made you so upset?”

“It isn’t me who was upset… mostly! It was Sonata!” Aria spat.

Sunset expression changed to a look of concern. “Sonata? What happened?”

Aria paused for a moment and then her anger fade somewhat. “…you really don’t know, do you?”

Before Sunset could answer, Aria grabbed Sunset by the shirt again but this time, she dragged Sunset across the cafeteria and out the door into the hallway. The Rainbooms protested Aria as she dragged Sunset and then they chased after Aria, leaving Applejack behind. Applejack sighed with irritation.

“Will Ah ever get to have my lunch in peace?” she muttered before she ran after her friends.

Sunset and the gang stood in the middle of the hallway in shock as they stared at one of many posters of Sonata scattered across the walls. Each poster had an image of Sonata in her most goofy expressions with crude drawings over her like a dunce cap, dorky glasses or an over exaggerated tongue. There was even a cruel message on each poster in a form of a speech bubble from the image of Sonata like, “I’m too dumb to read” or “If you can’t read this, then you’re a Sonata!” One thing was for certain, whoever did this dastardly deed not only mocked poor Sonata but also exposed Sonata’s secret of being illiterate.

“T-this is terrible!” Sunset spoke up in shock and anger. “Who would do such a thing?”

Aria glared daggers at Sunset. “You tell us Miss Bacon-Hair! These posters were up throughout the halls since this morning!”

Sunset shook her head. “It wasn’t me! I would never do such a thing to my friends!”

“She’s right Aria,” Fluttershy spoke up for her friend’s defense. “Please don’t jump into conclusion that it was Sunny.” Fluttershy then looked down in shame. “Believe me… we made a horrible mistake once.1

“Besides, Sunset was with each of us from class to class this whole time! There’s no way she could’ve done this!” Twilight added.

Aria wasn’t convinced and crossed her arms. “Even if your girlfriend is innocent, then explain how Sonata’s inability to read got out?”

Everyone was silent for a moment, not sure of the answer until Sunset spoke up. “We don’t know the answer to that Aria, but we’ll get to the bottom of this and make sure whoever does this will pay!”

“You darn right that someone is going to pay when I get my hands on them!” said Aria and she cracked her knuckles.

“For once, I agree!” Rainbow added as she pound her right fist into her left palm.

Applejack walked up towards Rainbow and placed her hand and Rainbow’s shoulder. “Now, now! Let’s not try to tear the whole school apart for the culprit just yet.” She then turned to face Aria with her serious expression. “Where’s Sonata?”

“She’s in the band room, crying her eyes out with Adagio,” Aria answered with a deep frown. “I don't think she wants to be seen right now, especially from you Shimmer!”

“Please take us to her!” Sunset begged. “She’s our friend too and she needs every support from us right now whether you agree with us or not!”

The rest of the Rainbooms nodded in agreement. After a minute of glaring down at Sunset, Aria let out a huff.

“Fine. Don’t say I warned you.”

With that, Aria turned and walked down the hallway with the Rainbooms following behind her. As everyone was walking, there was only silence from within the group and no one was saying a word. After a couple of minutes of walking, it was Rainbow who decided to bring up the elephant in the room to Sunset that everyone else was thinking of.

“So… Sonata can’t read? Like… at all?”

Sunset sighed. She knew that it was only a matter of time that her friends will ask her about Sonata’s problem all because of these posters. Since the cat was out of the bag, she decided that it was probably for the best to let her friends in on this. She only hoped that Sonata will forgive and understand her reasons.

“Yes. She told me last Friday night at the market that she was having trouble reading since she first came into this world,” said Sunset. “That’s why she made so many mistakes lately. But I pinkie promised her to not tell everyone about her difficulty… including you guys.”

Even though that Sunset was walking ahead of the group, she can still sensed that her friends were shock from what she revealed to them. After a minute of walking in silence again, it was Twilight who spoke up this time with a sad tone.

“Well that certainly explains a lot! But… why didn’t she tell us?”

“…because she was ashamed of being illiterate,” Sunset answered with a sigh. “And she’s scared that all of you will laugh and make fun of her for it and didn’t want to be viewed differently for not being able to read.”

Rarity gasped. “Goodness! We would never laugh and make fun of her for that!” She paused for a moment. “Well… maybe Rainbow Dash.”

“HEY!” Rainbow exclaimed but Rarity continued.

“And she’s our friend. Whether she can read or not will not change our views of her.”

“That’s right! And we’ll do everything we can to help her!” Twilight added.

Everyone else spoke up in agreement.

Sunset smiled warmly. She was glad that she can count on her friends for looking past Sonata’s problem and willing to help out when they’re needed. But first, they need comfort their Siren friend and take care of this problem.

“Whelp, we’re here.” Aria stated nonchalant as they reached the doors towards the band room.

Aria opened the doors and let everyone in before them. When they entered the room, their hearts broke in half at the sight of the scene in front of them. Sonata was sitting on the bottom step of the choral risers with her legs up and her head buried in her arms, sobbing her heart out. Adagio, who was sitting right next to Sonata, was rubbing her youngest sister’s back for comfort. Adagio had a somber look on her face, but when she looked up and saw Sunset and the gang, her expression changed to a look of fury.

“What is she doing here?” Adagio spat with her voice full of venom. “Didn’t she caused enough damage to Sonata already?”

“It wasn’t her Adagio,” Aria droned. “She and her friends just confirmed to me that she’s with them all day.

Adagio just sat there with a look of suspicion before her eyes narrowed and then she slowly stood up and crossed her arms. “You have sixty seconds to explain!”

“Listen Adagio, I’m not the one who revealed Sonata’s secret!” Sunset insisted. “We’re just as shocked and angry as you are! I promise we will find out who did this, but right now, we’re here to check up on Sonata!”

“And just how do we know that you’re not lying?” Adagio challenged.

“…because I made a pinkie promise.” Sunset replied.

“Yeah, she pinky promised!” Pinkie spoke up. “Nobody breaks a pinkie promise!”

Adagio cocked her eyebrow. “And if they did!”

“…I’ll know!” said Pinkie with a very serious look.

Before Adagio could question her, she was interrupted by Applejack. “Trust us partner, she’ll know!” she stressed with a shutter. “We don’t know how, but she’ll know!”

“…Ooooooookay?” said Adagio with a look of confusion before her eyes narrowed at Sunset again. “But how do I know that you set your friends up to put those posters up? For all I know you’ll—”


They all turned to see Sonata with her head rose up but still had tears in her eyes.

“It’s okay… I trust them,” Sonata said quietly. “And… Sunset didn’t do this.”

Sunset eyes widened in surprise. “Sonata, you… you didn’t suspect me at all?”

Sonata shook her head. “No… I never once suspected that it was you who was behind this. When I told my sisters who else knew about my secret, they… jumped to conclusions.” The sisters in question grumbled and looked away, refusing to admit that they made a mistake. “But don’t blame them,” Sonata added. “They were just looking after me.” She then looked down sadly again. “But what really upsets me… is that my secret is exposed and… everyone’s making fun of me.”

Sunset felt horrible for her friend, so she knelt down and wrapped Sonata into her hug. “Sonata, I’m so sorry this happened to you! I promise that the girls and I will get to the bottom of this and make whomever did this will think twice before messing with our friend.”

Everyone but the Sirens smiled and nodded, agreed to help out anyway they can. However, their reassurance was short lived when Aria spoke up with her rough tone.

“And just how are we going to do that Shimmer? In case you forget, about half of this school still hates us and have a grudge against us since the Battle of the Bands! Anyone could’ve done it!”

They all frowned at that. Despite her bluntness, Aria made a very good point. Not everyone forgave the Sirens for their actions ever since the Dazzlings hypnotized the students to be very competitive and nearly ripped everyone’s friendships apart. Anyone who had a vendetta towards the Sirens would use Sonata’s secret against them. It’s impossible to narrow down suspects if almost the entire school hated the Sirens.

Suddenly, they heard hushed laugher coming from outside of the room. Before anyone could speak, Sunset raised her finger to her lips, signaling everyone to be quiet. She then led everyone to the door and quietly opened it. When they peered outside, all but Sonata narrowed their eyes from what they saw.

At the end of the hallway, there were two boys putting up another poster of Sonata with their backs turned towards them. One was short with a black t-shirt, jeans and orange hair, and the other was tall with a green sweater, tan pants and turquoise hair. The girls recognized them as Snips and Snails, freshmen students and Sunset’s former lackeys. While they did not work for Sunset anymore, they still get themselves into trouble for being mischievous towards other students, whether it’s harmless or intentional.

“Check this out Snails!” Snips snickered as he held the poster up on the wall. “I bet she’s too dumb to read any of the insults on these posters! Next thing she’ll be to dumb to understand what these images mean!”

“Heh, yeah!” Snails tittered and he put tape on the corners of the poster. “Maybe a little too dumb!

Snips laugh as he admired their work. “Finally, at least one of these trios will get just desserts!”

Snails had a dreamy look on his face and a small drool leaked from his mouth. “Mmmm! I would love have some desserts too!”

Snips sighed while rolling his eyes. “It was just an expression dummy!”

“Hello… boys!”

The two boys froze in place and felt chill down their spines when they heard an angry, yet familiar tone. They slowly turned their heads and their faces turned as white as sheets when they saw Sunset Shimmer with a raging expression on her face while Sonata hid behind her.

Snips gulped loudly and sweat was pouring from his head. “S-s-Sunset! W-what a surprise!”

“Y-yeah… s-surprise!” Snips added nervously with a gulp.

They quickly looked around in hope of finding ways to escape, but their routes were blocked by each of the girls, bearing their own angry expressions.

“Alright, I’ll cut to the chase,” said Sunset with her no-nonsense tone. “Why are you putting up posters of Sonata all over the school?”

“I-it was joke!” Snips squeaked. “Just a harmless joke!”

Snails nodded rabidly. “Y-yeah! J-joke!”

Sunset glared intensely and leaned her face closer to the two boys. “Oh so you think this is a joke? Well news flash, putting up posters about one being illiterate was not funny!”

“Yeah! While I’m usually like to prank on others, but this is low! Doing this just to hurt someone else is totally uncool!” Rainbow growled.

“Yeah! Especially to our friend you meanies!” Pinkie added angrily.

“You two are horrible!” Fluttershy accused.

“You both should be ashamed!” Rarity scolded.

“It’s downright despicable!” Applejack berated.

“What the two of you have done was unforgivable!” Twilight scowled.

Aria suddenly stood in front of the two quivering boys with her dark look and then cracked her knuckles. “You twerps will be turned into paste when I’m through with you!”

The two boys squealed in fear. “W-wait! We’re sorry! We’re sorry!” Snips spoke up. “We were told to put these poster up all over the school for a few bucks!”

Aria was about to pound him into next week, but Adagio held Aria back and shot the two troublemakers her glare.

“Oh really?” said Adagio. “Well who’s the mastermind?”

The two boys looked at each other and then faced back towards Adagio while trying (yet failing) to act tough.

“We’re not telling!” said Snips with his head up.

“Yeah!” Snails added. “We won’t tell you that it was Trixie who told us to put up these posters!”

Snips eyes widened and then faced his friend. “Y-you idiot!”


Trixie,” Rainbow growled with contempt. “We should’ve known that she was behind this!”

Sonata, who hasn’t said a word since they left the room, spoke up in her quiet voice. “But how did she found out about my secret?”

Sunset’s eyes narrowed with determination. “Looks like we’re gonna have to find out!”

While Adagio and Aria were taking the two boys to Principal Celestia’s office (with Adagio mainly keeping Aria in line from harming the boys), the Rainbooms and Sonata were heading to the press room to confront Trixie. Trixie always considered herself to be the greatest and most powerful magician of the world, but she’s very self centered and likes to boast a lot. Her ego is so big, she even makes Rainbow’s ego very small in comparison. Trixie loves to show off to other people, but if anyone ever upstage her whether it’s intention or not, they will end up on Trixie’s hate list.

It is no secret that Trixie… never really like the Rainbooms or the Dazzlings. It could be because she was jealous that so many people paid more attention to the Rainbooms than her or the fact that they are more talented than her. Or perhaps that she resented them for having actual magical powers and not her. Whatever the reason, Trixie would either not want to be involved with them or go out of her way to put the Rainbooms in her place.

The Rainbooms finally arrived to the art classroom and only three people occupying the room, Trixie and her two band members of the Illusions, Lavender Lace and Fuchsia Blush. They were busy finishing up another set of posters with the Illusionists printing copies out with the printer while Trixie was coming up with new phrases with her notepad and pencil.

“How about this girls?” She called out with a grin. “I may be pretty and cute but I’m a dummy when it comes to reading!

The three girls laughed cruelly until they were interrupted by Sunset’s angry voice.


Trixie stopped laughing and smirked when she spotted her intruders. She placed her notepad on the table and slowly stalked towards the group.

“Well well well. If it isn’t the Raindorks and the main star of the school!” she sneered. “Did you like the posters Siren? What do you think of those slogans?” She stopped walking and slapped her head in a mocking manner. “Oh wait, I forgot! You don’t know how to read!”

The three girls laughed again while Siren whimpered sadly behind Sunset.

“Back off Trixie!” Rainbow spoke up angrily. “We all know it was you who ordered Snips and Snails to put up those posters about Sonata all over the school!”

“Figures,” Trixie muttered while rolling her eyes. She made a mental note to never hire those two bozos again. “So what if I did! Trixie figured she should let the school know that they should go easy on the Siren since she’s too dumb to read anything.”

“Sonata is not dumb!” Pinkie growled.

“That’s right, and you have no right to spread her secrets like that!” Twilight retorted.

Trixie shrugged. “Well it’s not Trixie's fault that the Siren revealed her secret for Trixie spread it around the entire school.”

“Just how did you found out Sonata’s secret?” Sunset demanded.

“Trixie just happened to be at the market last Friday and I overheard you two were talking about it!” she revealed with a smirk. “How can Trixie miss an opportunity like this?”

“But why are you doing this?” Fluttershy asked with her hurt tone.

Trixie smirk was immediately replaced with a scowl. “Because she as well as her sisters made a mockery out of Trixie ever since the Battle of the Bands!” She then pointed at Sonata who was still cowering behind Sunset. “This one especially wronged Trixie from the cafeteria incident!2 So Trixie thought this would be a great way to get back at her!”

Sunset frowned at Trixie words and stepped forward towards Trixie while crossing her arms. “First of all, the incident was your own fault and you have nobody to blame but yourself. Second, even if they wronged you from the Battle of the Bands, that doesn’t mean that it’s right to hurt Sonata that way!”

“Well that doesn’t mean that the only punishment this girl and her sisters will get is a slap on the wrist and offered friendship!” Trixie argued while air quoting the word ‘friendship.’ “If no one can put that Siren in her place then I will! Besides, this girl is dumber than a stack of bricks, there’s no way that this girl is capable to learn anything!

Sonata was both hurt and terrified of Trixie ever since they walked in the room. Trixie was always on her case ever since she returned to CHS, but as a student instead of plotting to take over the world. While Sonata did had to deal with other people jeering and glaring at her or even gave her the cold shoulder for the first couple of weeks, Trixie would often made her suffer the most out of everyone in school combined. Despite Sonata many attempts to offer Trixie to start over and let bygones be bygones, Trixie would refused the offer and throws it back to Sonata's face each and every time. After what Trixie did to her today, Sonata was starting to think that Trixie will never let her grudge go.

As Trixie continued to mock and berate Sonata in front of her friends, something within Sonata snapped. She remembered the encouragement she got from Sunset after she found out about her secrets. She remembered her best friends comfort and supporting her and not looked at her differently even after word got out. The girls, including Sunset saw the potential in her to do anything whatever her mind comes to. And yet, Trixie dared to keep saying that she will never accomplish anything just for being an illiterate. With those thoughts in mind, her expression changed to a look of anger, determined what she’s going to do now.

Before Sunset could respond to Trixie’s cruel words, Sonata walked around her and stood in front of Trixie.

“You’re wrong!” Sonata shouted loudly, surprising everyone in the room.

Trixie blinked, not expecting Sonata to suddenly have a backbone. “What did you say?”

“I said, you’re wrong!” Sonata repeated. “I may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but that doesn’t mean that I’m dumb! I’m fully capable to learn how to read!”

“Oh really?” Trixie challenged.

“Yeah really!” Sonata responded. “I can learn how to read,” Sonata then snapped her fingers. “Just like that Bixie!”

Trixie left eye twitched. “It’s Trixie you Twit!”

While Sonata mispronouncing Trixie name was nothing new and she would apologized afterwards. This time however, something clicked within the former Siren’s mind and decided to use this as her leverage.

Sonata then smirked. “Oh I’m sorry Bixie, you don’t like to be called that?”

“You know darn well that Trixie doesn’t like to be called like that!” Trixie shrieked in rage.

“Well too bad, so sad!” Sonata mocked. “I’ll just keep calling you that… unless you apologize for humiliate me!”

Trixie’s face was not red in anger. “No way! Trixie would rather eat a pine cone!

Sonata shrugged. “Oh well, I guess you have to get use to your nickname… Bixie!

Trixie growled in anger while the Rainbooms smirked (in Rainbow and Pinkie’s case, laughing hysterically), silently proud of their friend that she stood up to a bully like Trixie. Trixie, for her part, loathed the Siren further for mocking Trixie with that name and refusing to summit her defeat. She refused to be bested yet again and to apologize to that girl who caused so much of her misery.

Suddenly, Trixie had an idea. The Siren girl practically set herself up for her. She’ll use that opportunity to humiliate that Siren even further and make the Siren acknowledge that’s Trixie is her superior once and for all.

Trixie anger was gone and was replaced with her easygoing smirk. “Okay Siren, how about we put that money where your mouth is!”

Sonata smirk was replaced with a look of confusion. “Oh, okay!” Sonata dug into her pocket and took out a dollar bill. Then she placed a dollar bill over her mouth. “Like this?” she muffed from the dollar bill.

Everyone was stupefied from Sonata’s actions while Rainbow Dash facepalmed.

“Sonata… she means she wants to challenge you!” Rainbow groaned.

Sonata blinked and then puts the dollar bill away. “Oh, then why don’t you say so?”

Trixie quietly mouthed ‘moron’ to her band mates with her hand over her mouth before she faced Sonata and the Rainbooms. “How about this! I bet that you won’t learn how to read before the end of this month! At the end of the month, you will read only the first page from a book of her choosing in front of everyone in school. If you can pull this off (which you won’t), Trixie will not only apologize to you in front of the whole school, but Trixie will also treat you lunch for the entire month!

“Oooooooh! Can it be tacos?” Sonata chirped excitedly while her eyes were all twinkling.

“Yeah… sure,” Trixie responded slowly. “But if you fail, then you’ll acknowledge that Trixie is right and you will have to wear a dunce cap, marking yourself to be not only the dumbest person in this school, but the entire world! Deal?”

As Trixie stuck her hand out, waiting for Sonata to shake on it, the Rainbooms frowned at Trixie’s so-called bet. Only Applejack spoke up against it.

“Trixie, that’s absurd! There’s no way that Sonata will agree to a deal like—”


“Why do Ah even bother.”

The two shook their hands, sealing their deal. Then with a smirk, Trixie along with the Illusionists walked around them and heading out the door.

“See you at the end of the month Siren!” she said hauntingly. “Trixie is looking forward to see you make a fool of yourself!”

With a laugh from her and her group, then walked out into the hallway and shut the door behind them. The girls stared at the door where Trixie exited for quite some time before Sonata finally spoke up.

“This just occurred to me that I just made a bad decision.”

Rainbow Dash facepalmed yet again.

Sonata then turned to Sunset with a look of plea from her eyes. “Hey Sunset, about your offer… will you girls help teach me how to read?”

Sunset smiled warmly. “Of course we’ll help Sonata! Right girls?”

The girls all nodded with smiles on their faces.

“Thank you girls so much!” said Sonata with a smile before titling her head in confusion. “So… where do we start?”

Twilight grinned and her eyes twinkled in excitement. “I think I may know where to begin.”

1) Fluttershy was referring to the time that they accused Sunset as "Anon-A-Miss" and then abandoned Sunset without hearing her out from Equestria Girls Holiday Special comic. I for one despised that comic and I'm sure that I'm not the only one.

2) This was referenced to my other story, Trixie vs. Sonata: Battle of the Last Taco!. But again, you don't have to read it as a requirement to this story.

Author's Note:

Whelp, the secret is out and Trixie challenged Sonata how to learn to read before the end of the month. Will Sonata prevail? What is Twilight's idea?

Find out... in the next chapter! :raritywink: