• Published 8th Feb 2018
  • 3,091 Views, 66 Comments

Sonata Can't Read - sonicfan05

Tired of being illiterate and getting mocked by Trixie and all the peers from her school, Sonata asked Sunset and the gang to help her learn how to read.

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Sonata Can Read!

It was now the late evening at CHS. The sun had already disappeared over the horizon and stars appeared all over the blanket of the night sky. Some students already head home for the evening after feeling bored for waiting too long, but many others stayed and determined to witness the event for the very end. But none of them were more determined to wait for Sonata’s return than the Rainbooms, the two Dazzlings and Trixie and the Illusions. Sunset and the gang were worried sick for the young Siren who have yet to return, while Trixie and the Illusions were both bored and convinced that Sonata really had gotten herself lost and that she won’t make it back to CHS at all.

As the gang was sitting on the school’s steps with worried looks (except Aria, who had a scowled expression), Adagio was pacing back and forth near the school’s entrance, feeling more worried by the minute. Finally, her anxiety for her sister had reached her peak and let out a loud yell.

“Augh! Where is she!?” Adagio shouted before glaring at Sunset. “She’s been gone for hours!

Sunset was silent for a while before answering with her worried frown. “I… I don’t know Adagio. It wasn’t supposed to take this long.”

“Oh no, I hope nothing bad happened to Sonata!” said Twilight, as she squeezed her girlfriend’s hand for comfort.

Fluttershy whimpered as she grasped her hair. “Oh dear, I’m really worry for her.”

“We’re all worried dear,” said Rarity. “Maybe the subways were delayed today?”

Sunset shook her head. “No, I just checked my phone. The ride Sonata suppose to take is not on any delays today.” She then held her chin in thought. Is it possible, that she took the wrong train?

“This is ridiculous!” Applejack exclaimed. “We shouldn’t be sittin’ around here! We should go out and find our friend now!”

“If we do that, then it’ll be an automatic forfeit for Sonata!” Sunset pointed out. She then sighed through her nose, feeling useless with the situation. “I know this is taking longer than it should, but we need give her more time and have faith in her.”

“More time!? Faith!?” Adagio roared. “My sister’s is out there somewhere in some city she’s not familiar with for hours and with no phone! How am I supposed to know that she is alright? How do I know that something bad happened to her already? I hate not knowing anything Sunset Shimmer, especially not knowing about my sister’s well being! So forgive me for not having the same mindset as you!”

Sunset tried to say something to reassure Adagio that Sonata will get back all right, but she didn’t. She knew that there nothing she could say to calm down Adagio over her missing sister, especially that she was the one who sent Sonata out there in the first place. Even Sunset was staring to lose hope that Sonata would ever make it back to CHS.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a loud cruel laugh coming from the Trixie.

“Well, well Shimmer. It looks like that Siren that you put so much faith into didn’t show up! Probably got herself lost like an illiterate loser she is!”

“Don’t call her that Trixie!” Rainbow snarled.

“Yeah!” Pinkie added with an angry frown. “And don’t count your cupcakes before you bite! She still got another few hours!”

“Just give up, it’s over before it even started! You all might as well just become Trixie’s official assistant right now!” She and the Illusions laughed again, angering the gang even further. “Trixie’s doesn’t understand why you all put so much faith in her. That girl is too stupid read, too stupid for school, too stupid to do anything! She is a lost cause to our sociality! It’s better for her to get lost so she don’t have to see you or any of your foolish, disappointed faces. Who would want to be friends, let alone be related to an idiotic loser like—”

Trixie’s words were cut off when she was suddenly felt someone grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and then her back was roughly slammed against the wall. When Trixie’s senses came in, she looked up and then was stunned to see an enraged Aria with her face against hers. Everyone, including Adagio was shocked as they saw Aria pinned Trixie against the school’s building, looking like she was about to tear her head off. Before anyone could act, Aria started screaming.


“Whoa, there Ari!” Pinkie spoke up hastily. “You can’t curse! This fanfic is rated ‘E’! There could be kids reading this chapter right now!”

While she still held Trixie’s collar with her iron grip, Aria turned to Pinkie with her anger, yet confused expression. “Fanfic? Kids? What the heck are you talking about? I was going to say Blowhard!

“…Oh, then that’s okay then. Carry on!” Pinkie said cheerfully.

“…mediocre?” Trixie croaked.

Deciding not to dwell on Pinkie’s randomness, Aria turned and nearly pressed her face against Trixie to give the loudmouth magician a piece of her mind.

“Now you listen and listen well, because I’m going to say this once! I had it up to here of listening to all that garbage that was coming out of your mouth, especially about my sister! She may not be the smartest person on the planet, but she had accomplished and did so much more than you could ever be! I was so mad at her for using us for her own gain, but I was more mad at you for using Sonata’s problems to your advantage and treat her like dirt just to get to get back to us from the event that no one cared about months ago! But the one person I’m angry at the most is myself, for not forgiving my sister and not be there to help her when she needs me the most! And right now, I regretted for not forgiving and apologizing to my sister sooner now that there’s a chance that she may be lost for good! You have no idea of how much I wanted to pulverize you right now! But since I’m “reformed,” I’m willing to keep my hands off of you unless if something ever happened to her. So for yours and your goons sake, you better prey that by some miracle that Sonata will make it back here safely and you will all apologize to her for everything you all put her through, or else I’ll make you regret the day you were ever born! Understand?

With a loud gulp, Trixie slowly nodded with a look of fear in her eyes. When Aria turned to glare at the Illusions, they too nodded but much more rapidly.

While this was going on, Rainbow leaned towards Applejack’s ear while blocking her mouth with her hand.

“I’m not sure if I should praise her or scared of her for mouthing off Trixie like that,” Rainbow whispered.

“Probably both,” Applejack replied.

While Sunset was glad that Trixie finally stopped taunting them, but she didn’t feel any better with Sonata still missing. She turned towards the horizon where Sonata might be with a worried frown on her face.

Sonata… where are you!?

Meanwhile, from an unknown city, poor Sonata was a nervous wreck. Sonata had spent several minutes of pacing back and forth on the sidewalk near the fence all while trying to keep herself from having a full breakdown.

“Oh man! This is bad! This is really bad!” she exclaimed loudly to herself. “I’m supposed to be close to Canterlot City, but instead… I’m in the middle of nowhere! A-am I even in the right place?”

Sonata stopped pacing and then she started breathing through her nose for a moment. Once she calmed herself, Sonata took out both the instructions and the map so she can review her steps.

“M-maybe I’m reading this wrong. Maybe I made a mistake.”

With both papers in her hands, Sonata made her way over back towards where she came from.

“Okay… okay no problem, I’ll just head back to the subway and—”

Sonata stopped walking when she realized a cruel flaw to her plan.

“Oh wait… that was the last train. Well that subway gave me the creeps anyway.”

Sonata then turned around and started walking towards the opposite direction towards the bus stop.

“I’ll just take the next bus! Easy-peasy!”

Sonata reached the beach and glanced at the bus schedule. While her reading was still iffy, at least she did well with numbers. Once she saw the time when the next bus arrived, Sonata’s hopes were crushed.

“Oh… there’s no more buses until morning… great.

Sonata turned around and walked down the sidewalk again.

“Then… I’ll just walk… alone… with a map… that I can’t… read.

Sonata stopped in place when she fully realized that she was completely trapped. There were no transportation service available for her to use and she got no phone or anything she can use to call her friends for help. The only way she could make it back home is for her to read the map and all road signs while on foot, but with this recent mistake, Sonata lost all confidence in herself that she could read her way at all. As far as Sonata knew, she blew it and let all of her friends and sisters down. With a defeated sigh, Sonata tossed both the instructions and the map and then slowly dragged herself to a nearby create and sat on it, resting her head on her right hand.

“Oh who am I kidding,” she said sadly. “I don’t even know where the heck I am! Even if I just take a different way, I won’t be able to understand any of the street signs. Maybe Trixie and a bunch others from school were right, I’m just a dumb loser who can’t even read at all, even from a freaking pepper shaker.” Sonata then buried her head into her hands as tears were leaking from her eyes. “I’m sorry Sunset… I’m sorry everyone… I’ve failed.”

Sonata was snapped out of her depressed state when she heard a loud crash coming from behind her. She immediately hopped out of her seat and go into her fighting stance.

“W-who’s there!” she hollered, while her voice was somewhat shaky in fright. “W-whoever you are, d-don’t come near me! I-I know KA-RA-TE!”

Suddenly, a small dark being leaped out of the bushes, causing Sonata to scream and cowered under her hands. She shut her eyes and shook in fear, waiting for whoever was there to get her. But the moment she heard a soft, yet cute “mew” sound, she immediately stopped shaking and opened her eyes. Thanks to the nearby streetlamp, Sonata was able to identify a tiny little yellow kitten with light brown stripes on its tail, back and top of its head and light green eyes.

Sonata sighed in relief. “O-oh! It’s just kitty! A tiny… harmless… cute… kitty.”

She then knelt down near the kitty and lightly petting its head, making it purr as a response. “What are doing here little one? Are you lost?”

The young kitten mewed in response, making Sonata chuckled a little.

“Yeah, me too. I was trying to find my way back home with Sunset’s instructions. It didn’t go so well.” She sighed again. “If only I am capable of reading all these street signs so I can get us back home… but I can’t. Well at least I don’t have to scared alone.”

The kitten mewed again, but this time it was shaking in fright. Sonata gave the feline her sympatric smile.

“Aw, are you’re scared too? How about if I do this?”

Sonata gently picked up the kitty, which was still shaking and then she sat back down on the crate. Sonata then started to gently pet the kitten, back and forth, from its head to its back. The kitten stopped shaking a little and purred from the comfort of Sonata’s fingers rubbing on its back. While Sonata was glad that the kitten was starting to feel comfortable, she felt like she wanted to do more. Then she remembered the story that she read to Fluttershy and the kids from the library last week and decided to recite those words to the kitty.

“Kitty, kitty, kitty. The kitty is so soft and pretty, do you want to pet the kitty? Yes, I want to pet the kitty.”

This made the kitten purred happily in response, no longer shaking, and snuggled itself further into Sonata’s embrace.

Sonata smiled softly at the happy kitten. “Is that better little one?” The kitty purred in delight, making Sonata smile further. “Good. I’m glad. I hope you don’t mind. I was reciting the words from the book I read to the kids last week. It was about this cute little kitty just like you who—”

Sonata stopped talking and her eyes went wide as sudden realization came into her mind.

“From the book I read!” Sonata repeated in delight with a huge grin on her face.

Sonata immediately stood up and held the kitty in front of her.

“I was able to read that book to the kids like a pro, wasn’t I?” She asked the kitty, only to receive a soft mew in response. “If I can read Pet the Kitty, then I bet can read the street signs too, right?”

The kitten mewed again with the smile on its face.

With a smile and new sense of determination, Sonata gently brought the kitten to her chest and picked up her map before she started walking down the street.

“C’mon little Kitty, let’s go home!”

I was nearly midnight at the school grounds of CHS. More students had already left for home while few students remained, sleeping on the grass or against the school’s building. The only onces around who were fully awake were the Rainbooms, two Dazzling sisters and Trixie and the Illusions with overwhelmingly concern expressions on their faces. With the Rainbooms and the Dazzlings, they were worried about their friend’s wellbeing, while Trixie and the Illusions were worried that they’ll receive Aria’s wrath with each passing minute Sonata didn’t show up.

Adagio was still pacing back in forth in front of the school, waiting for her sister’s return. When she glanced at the time on her phone, she let out a loud yell, awaking everyone in the process.

“I can’t take it anymore! I’m going out to find Sonata!”

Just as the eldest Siren was about to take off, Fluttershy stood up and yelled, “Wait, look!”

Everybody turned to where Fluttershy was pointing and they saw a dark figure walking down the sidewalk towards them.

Sunset squinted her eyes in attempt to make out the details of the figure from the darkness. “Sonata?”

The figure was getting closer and closer towards the school until the light from the streetlamp revealed the figure to be none other than Sonata with a yellow kitty cat in her arms. Sonata stopped walking and looked up towards her friends and sisters with her huge smile on her face.

“…I can read!”

“SONATA!” The girls cried happily as the Rainbooms ran over to Sonata and gave her their group hug.

“You’re okay!”

“Where you been?”

“How’d you get here?”

“You alright darling?”

“Is that a kitten? …how cute!

“Did you secretly buy us some cupcakes?”

“Alright, settle down everybody! Let the poor girl breathe!” Applejack spoke up, helping the young Siren.

Before Sonata could speak, she felt someone wrapped her arms tightly around her. She looked up to see her eldest sister Adagio, who had a loving smile on her face with tears running down her cheeks.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” she spoke softly. “And I’m so proud of you Sonata, for overcoming your struggle and made it here on your own! You’re amazing Sonata and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

“Thank you… Dagi,” Sonata said softly with her sweet smile, keeping herself from crying.

They were interrupted when they heard someone cleared their throat. They turned to see that it was Aria with a guilt frown on her face. With a heavy sigh, Aria looked away while she rubbed the back of her neck.

“Hey Sonata… listen… I… uh…”

“It’s okay Aria,” Sonata spoke up as she stepped forward towards her sister. “You don’t have to—”

“Shut up and let me speak!” Aria spoke harshly, only to wince from her own outburst. Fortunately, Sonata didn’t even flinch at all, as if she was used to Aria’s outbursts, but even then, Aria felt even guiltier. With another somber sigh, Aria turned to look at Sonata in the eyes.

“I-I’m sorry, okay!? I’m sorry for not supporting you and I’m sorry for giving you the cold shoulder! I wanted to forgive you for that stunt you pulled weeks ago, but my pride and anger wouldn’t let me. But that’s no excuse, if you haven’t returned I…”

Aria clenched her eyes tightly, keeping any tears from escaping. She nearly gasped as she felt someone hugging her. She open her eyes and see it was Sonata who hugged her, despite the tears blocking her vision.

“Aria… It’s okay,” Sonata spoke softly. “From what I did a couple of weeks ago, I deserved all that anger from you. To be honest, despite that I was forgiven by others… I still haven’t forgiven myself. I don’t blame you if you don’t want to talk to me anymore.”

Aria shook her head and then hugged Sonata back. “No Sonata, if there’s anyone who deserved the blame… it was me. I should’ve been more patient and teach you better when you struggled with reading and I shouldn’t let my anger blind me like that. Will you forgive me… Nata?”

“Only if you forgive me… Ria.”

As the two sisters were making up, everyone else smiled at the heartwarming scene. Rainbow Dash in particular had tears in her eyes, to which Applejack had noticed.

“Hey Dash, is that a tear I see?” Applejack teased.

Rainbow yelped as she furiously wiped any trace of tears off of her face. “What, no! I’m not crying! I somehow got dust in my eyes!”

Applejack rolled her eyes and shook her head with a smile on her face.

The two Siren sisters eventually broke out their hug and Aria stared at the kitty in Sonata’s arms with her raised eyebrow.

“So uh… are we keeping the cat?”

Sonata just smiled back at Aria before she faced her friends.

“Sunset…girls,” she began. “I… wanted to thank you… all of you, for helping me, for forgiving me and also… for believing in me. I don’t know how am I going to repay to you guys.”

Sunset smiled warmly at the young Siren. “You don’t have to repay us with anything Sonata. You’re our dear friend to us and we’ll do anything to help a friend. And seeing you happy and succeed… is enough for us. Right girls?”

The Rainbooms nodded in agreement with smiles on their faces, making Sonata teared up in happiness.

“Thank you… girls.”

Their moment was interrupted however when Trixie and the Illusions stepped in with unreadable expressions on their faces. The Rainbooms and Adagio was giving their warning glares while Aria crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes.

“Well? Don’t you or any of your cronies have anything to say to her?” Aria snarled, causing the Illusions to gulp in fear.

Trixie sighed through her nose before she began to speak with her blunt tone.

“Listen Si—”

Trixie halted her words when Aria was giving her her death glare.

“I mean… Sonata,” Trixie quickly corrected before she continued in her mumbling tone. “Trix— I wanted to… apologize for humiliated you by telling the whole school that you can’t read.”

“And?” Aria added.

“…and mocking you for it.”

“And?” Adagio added.

“…and humiliated you again from the stage a few weeks back.”

“And?” Sunset added.

“And for dragging your friends into the bet for my own selfish reasons!”

“And?” Pinkie added.

“OH C’MON, THERE’S MORE!?” Trixie shouted in annoyance.

“Nope. It’s just fun to say it.” Pinkie chirped.

“…Trixie knows you’re doing this on purpose!”

“Trixie,” Sonata spoke up, getting the young magician’s attention who was surprised that Sonata called her name right for once. What also surprised Trixie was that Sonata didn’t look angry at all. Instead, Sonata had a soft forgiving smile plastered on her face.

“Apology accepted. That’s all I really ask for!” She paused for a moment before adding, “And for my friend’s freedom.”

“Yes… of course. Trixie always kept of her word,” Trixie responded with a hint of reluctance in her voice. “And I supposed you also wanted your first of many tacos you wanted me to buy for the month after this, right?”

Sonata’s expression then became serious. “Actually… no.”

“NO?!” Everyone gasped in shock.

“No?” Trixie echoed with her surprised expression.

“No,” Sonata repeated before she explained. “That part of the bet is off. I’m not doing this to upstage you… I’m doing this for me and my friends! I wanted to overcome my illiteracy so I can help them and well as many others by reading cookbooks, instructions, measurements and even directions on a map instead of being useless. And I also wanted to redeem myself for making the worst mistake in my life for betraying my friends and my sisters; so I can be worthy again in their eyes. Most of all… well to be blunt, I don’t want to stoop to your level. I know we don’t see eye to eye, but despite everything that you had done, I’m willing to forgive you and…” Sonata smiled and stuck out her hand towards Trixie. “Maybe we can… call it a truce and… start over?”

Trixie blinked. “So… you won’t make Trixie pay for the tacos for a month?”

Sonata shook her head. “No. You don’t have to buy me tacos for a month.”

“Oh good!” Trixie sighed in relief before shaking Sonata’s hand. “Well for the sake of Trixie’s wallet, Trixie will be more than happy to call it truce… for now.” She then started to walk away from the group. “Til then, The Great and Powerful Trixie bid you ad—”

Trixie suddenly felt someone grabbed her by her hair and yanked her back to the group. She was about to complain, only to see Aria who was towing over her with an evil look.

“Hey, where you going buddy!” Aria sneered with her fake friendly tone. “We still need you and your pals to pay for the milkshakes as a celebration for Sonata!”

Trixie’s, as well as the Illusions eyes were as wide as dinner plates. “H-HEY! Sonata said that part of the bet is off and forgives Trixie!”

“You’re right, she did!” Aria relented before giving them her cruel smirk. “But that doesn’t mean we forgave ya yet!”

Trixie and the Illusions looked past Aria and their eyes widen in horror as the Rainbooms (except for Fluttershy) and Adagio were giving them their own devious smirks, intending to punish the young magician and her gang by going through their wallets.

“Awesome, let’s all have some milkshakes! And then… SLUMBER PARTY AT THE DAZZLINGS HOUSE!” Pinkie cheered.

The Rainbooms cheered at the idea of sleeping over idea while Sonata, as well as the kitty, was giving Adagio their pouting faces, silently begging her have a slumber party. Adagio had a straight face for a moment before she shrugged and formed a smile.

“Sure, why not? Sonata earned it!” said Adagio, making Sonata squeal in happiness. “We could use the company for a change. We’ll just call an Uber for our trip to the Sugarcube Corner and then back at our place afterwards.” Adagio then turned and smirked at Trixie and the Illusions. “Thank you so much in advance for paying the Uber bills girls!”

“Wha— hey now wait just a minute!” Trixie objected, only her words were cut off as Aria was roughly dragging her away by pulling her hair. “Ow, ow, OW! You’re pulling Trixie’s hair!

The Illusions stared in fright as they watch their boss being dragged away. They were about to make a run for it, leaving Trixie behind, only for their path to be blocked by Rainbow and Applejack, who were giving them their sly grins.

“Going somewhere partners?” Applejack taunted with her arms crossed.

“It wouldn’t be fun without you!” Rainbow mocked as she cracked her knuckles.

Realized that they were beaten, the two girls whimpered as they were forced to tag along to get to the Sugarcube Corner. The rest of the CHS student all seen enough and decided to part way after congratulating to Sonata for passing the test as well as apologizing to her for all the harsh treatments they gave her. Sonata only made brief responses to the students as she joined her friends to wait for the Uber, much to Trixie's distress.

As they waited for the Uber, Sonata felt content that she can finally read (more or less) after a whole month of struggling. She couldn’t have done it without the support and love from her friends, despite that huge hiccup from the stage incident. Most importantly, she felt that she finally regain all of her friends and sisters trust back after nearly losing it all. She felt that she was the luckiest girl in the world to have such wonderful people in her life and she’ll do anything to be there for them like they did for her. Nothing could ruin her mood now, even as Aria spoke up in her usual blunt tone.

“Seriously, are we keeping that cat?”

Author's Note:

Don't go away folks! An epilogue will be posted shortly!

And yes, that was the same cat that Sunset petted briefly from Monday Blues short.

It makes my heart warmed up every time I see it! :twilightsmile: