• Published 8th Feb 2018
  • 3,090 Views, 66 Comments

Sonata Can't Read - sonicfan05

Tired of being illiterate and getting mocked by Trixie and all the peers from her school, Sonata asked Sunset and the gang to help her learn how to read.

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Sonata's High Stakes

Early the next morning at the Dazzlings apartment, the three sisters were already up doing their usual morning routine before heading for school. While the two elder Sirens were at the kitchen, Sonata still lingered in her bedroom, staring at her mirror. Sonata was already dressed for school a half hour ago and way ahead of her sisters, but the reason she remained in her room was because she couldn’t stop thinking about how everything went after her heartfelt apology and requested for another chance to her friends and sisters.

Sonata still couldn’t believe that not only her friends accepted her apology and willing to help out, but also that they still cared about her after everything she had done. Heck, she was almost convinced that it was all just a cruel dream, until Adagio came into her room to wake up with a small smile directly at her. That alone was enough to fill Sonata so much warmth and very happy that her friends have forgiven her. Although she still have a long way to go to truly earn their forgiveness, but if learning how to read the right was the only way to redeem herself, then she will gladly take it.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a knock on her bedroom door.

“Sonata? Are you ready for school or are you going to ditch it again?” said Adagio from the other side of the door.

“Oh… yeah I’m coming,” Sonata replied.

Sonata picked up her backpack from her bed, placed it on her back and walked out her bedroom. Shortly after that, she met up with her sisters to their kitchen. Adagio was almost done packing up her things for school while Aria was already by the front door with her back towards Sonata.

“Morning Aria!” Sonata chirped.

Aria only slightly turned her head and gave Sonata her one eye glare and scoffed. Without another word, Aria stepped outside and slammed the door behind her.

Sonata sighed sadly. While the Rainbooms and Adagio were not angry at her anymore, Aria was still the only one who still give Sonata the cold shoulder. Even after Sonata gave her an apology, Aria refused to speak to her. The thought that Aria would never forgive her hurts her more then anything.

Sonata hung her head. “She still hates me,” Sonata whispered.

Before Sonata could feel even more miserable, she felt a hand softly grasp her shoulder.

“Just give her time Sonata,” Adagio said softly with her sympathetic smile. “While she usually held a grudge longer than any of us, she will eventfully come around.”

Sonata wanted to believe that, but she doubted that it would ever happen. Anyone they met who would ever dare to cross Aria, not only would they get on Aria’s “bad side,” but she will also held a grudge. It took months for Aria to let go of her grudge towards the Rainbooms (somewhat) after the Battle of the Bands. But what Sonata had done to both Aria and Adagio was worse then the time the Rainbooms took away their magic. As much it pains her, but it would take a long time before Aria will ever forgive her.

Speaking of which, there was something she had in mind about the aftermath after Adagio forgave her. Even since this morning, Adagio… was actually nicer to her than she was before. While Sonata was happy that her eldest sister was now on speaking terms with her and that she was much more kinder then what she used to be, but she couldn’t help but noticed that Adagio also had a look of doubt and guilt from her eyes. While Sonata didn’t want to ruin the nice moment she have with Adagio, but if she wanted to make things right with her sisters, then she would have to know the truth.

Even if it hurts her.

“Hey Dagi?” Sonata spoke up softly with her uncertain look. “Do you… really forgive me for what I did?”

Adagio was taken back, not expecting that kind of question from her youngest sister. She was about to respond that there was noting to worry about, but the look in Sonata’s eyes told her that she really wanted to know her true feelings and if anything she could do to fix their relationship. With a low sigh, Adagio looked away from Sonata.

“What you did Sonata… really hurt me and Aria. Since day one, we pledge to work together and watch each other’s backs. After we found out that you used us just to further your own goals and keeping all the credit to the work that you never did, we both felt betrayed. I may be a despicable leader during our time of trying to conquer both Equestria and this world, but even I never thought of betraying you and Aria once!

Her eyes were very intense as she spoke out in anger. Then, almost intently, her expression changed to a somber look and sighed.

“But, Aria and I were also at fault too for helping you cheat and… we rarely give you any of our encouragement and support of something you want to do. And the way that you pour your heart out to us that wanted to make it up for your mistakes and wanted to improve yourself from last night… I truly see that you meant every word. Even if you haven’t…”

Adagio turned and look at Sonata in the eyes while wearing her small smile. “Well… I never said this often, but you’re still my little sister and I always love you… and nothing will change that. So of course I forgave you.”

“…Dagi,” Sonata breathed with her lips trembling and her eyes were glossy.

Adagio frowned and looked away with a sigh. “But even though I forgave you, you still lost my trust from that day. It may take some time and for you to work hard before you earn it back. Do you understand?”

Sonata nodded. While she was glad that Adagio forgave her, but she still had to make everything up to Adagio, and hopefully with Aria too before she can fully earn their forgiveness.


Sonata looked up again to see Adagio beaming down at her.

Smile. A frown never suits you Sonata.”

Feeling hope that their relationship will truly repaired someday, Sonata did just that.

It was in the middle of the day within the cafeteria of CHS and Sonata walked into the room while carrying her lunch from a small brown lunch bag. She heard many whispers and glares from other students, but she ignored them as she was heading to her usual table with her friends. When she arrived, she was surprised that her sisters were there as well. She guessed that Adagio skipped her class just to check up on her. By the annoyed look and Aria’s face, she was probably dragged along by Adagio. She figured that she was still mad at her, but at least she stuck around so that’s something.

Sonata eventually reached to her seat and gave everyone her small smile. “Hey guys.”

“Hey Sonata,” Sunset replied back with a small smile of her own. “Everything okay with you today?”

Sonata nodded. “Okay so far. I received a few glares and teased by other students but… I’ve been though worse.”

Fluttershy had a sympathetic smile on her face. “Don’t worry, we still got your back Sonata, even if the whole world turned against you.”

Everyone but Aria nodded with Fluttershy with small smiles on their face.

“Do… you guys still mean it that you all still want to help me?” Sonata asked softly.

“Of course we are,” Rainbow responded before narrowing her eyes. “As long as you really are serious to try it again.”

“I am serious! For realsies!” Sonata replied instantly.

Rainbow smiled. “Then we won’t have a problem.”

Sonata smiled warmly. She truly felt lucky to have such wonderful friends by her side after everything had happened. She will never do anything to betray their trust ever again and will do everything in her power to become worthy in their eyes.

“Well well well. If it isn’t our dumbest person in the world!”

Sonata’s pupils shrunk and her heart stopped from that familiar voice. She turned to see Trixie, along with the Illusions with an arrogant smile on her face.

“B-Bixie!” Sonata squeaked in fear.

Trixie frowned and barley let out a growl. “First of all, it’s Trixie! Get it right!” She then calmed down somewhat and regained her arrogant attitude. “Second, Trixie is surprised that you decided to show your face here after that stunt you pulled! But even so, don’t think that Trixie forgets that you still have to honor our deal!”

With a snap of her fingers, one of the illusions took out a very long white cone with bold black letters that said “Dummy” in a vertical format.

Trixie smirked further. “We already made this hat just for you! Staring today, Trixie wants you to ware this thing everyday in school, marking you the title of the dumbest person in the world and you will tell Trixie that she is right that you are just too dumb to do anything!”

Before Sonata could say anything, Sunset spoke up with anger look on her face.

“Forget it Trixie! Sonata will not wear that or to tell you any of that garbage that you said!”

“Yeah! This is low Trixie, even for you!” Rainbow added.

Everyone also glared angrily at the magician for further mistreatment on their friend. Trixie and the Illusions stared back at them with their blank expressions.

“Why are you girls protecting this idiot?” Trixie asked. “Weren’t you all there when she confessed that she cheated and lied to all of you?”

“We were there and we’re still a little upset with her for what she had done, but that doesn’t mean we’ll stop being friends with her and let you continue to bully her!” Twilight responded while the rest of the group nodded in agreement.

Trixie scoffed in annoyance. “Trixie will never understand you girls. But the fact remains, she lost and now she have to honor our deal.”

“Honor mah foot!” Applejack exclaimed. “You set this whole thang up just to make Sonata suffer!”

“Yeah, if I recall, you had the Illusions to spy on our deal friend and then tricked her to read a different book!” Rarity added.

“Not to mention, you stole the worksheets and both mine and Adagio’s papers just to make Sonata look bad for using us.” Aria growled before she crossed her arms and looked away. “Which I’m still mad at her for that just so you know!”

“Yeah, while Sonata had made a mistake, the real meanie pants behind here is you Trixie!” Pinkie shouted.

“So Trixie pretty much almost orchestrated the Siren’s demise, big whoop! That still doesn’t change the fact that Sonata agreed to read that book in front of everyone two days ago.”

“Not so fast Trixie!” Twilight interjected. “If I recall, Rainbow Dash was the one who hastily agreed to your terms to read on stage for her and not Sonata herself. Therefore, the agreement to read up on stage in front of the school was null and void!”

Everyone smiled at Twilight’s brilliant observation. They were even glad that Rainbow’s hotheaded decision worked in their favor for once. With this, Sonata will not have to go through Trixie’s terms to humiliate herself further. But their hopes were dashed the moment Trixie let out her wide smirk.

“Nice try Sparkle! But if Trixie recalled, Sonata agreed to do it anyway after Rainbow Crash. Now what were her words again? Oh yeah, that she ‘agreed on our deal and that she will follow through it?’

Twilight silently cursed herself for missing that small detail. Sunset patted her girlfriend’s shoulder in comfort, letting her know that she appreciated for trying. Everyone else however were angered even further, both at Trixie’s cruelty and feeling helpless that they can’t save Sonata.

Rainbow Dash growled at Trixie with contempt. “You little—”

“Guys… it’s okay,” Sonata said softly, while trying to put on her brave face. “It was my own fault for falling into Bixie’s hands. And it was also my own fault that I cheated and used so much trickery that got me here. If becoming the world’s dumbest person is my penance, then so be it.”

While everyone looked at Sonata with sadness (frustrated in Aria’s case), Trixie was chuckling with glee.

“Glad that you are agreeing with Trixie,” said Trixie before pressing the hat to Sonata. “Now… put it on.”

Sonata’s brave face faltered as Trixie presented the hat in front of her. She noticed that many other students stopped and looked at her while whispering among themselves. Her sight lingered at the hat before looking up at Trixie who had a cruel smile on her face.

“We’re waiting…” Trixie sing-songed.

With some tears leaking from her eyes, Sonata reached for the hat with her shaky hands.

“How about double or nothing?”

Sonata stopped herself the moment Sunset Shimmer spoke up. Sunset’s words also caught attention to everyone around her including Trixie with a stunned look on her face.

“What was that?” Trixie asked in both frustration and confusion.

Sunset let out a long sigh and stared at Trixie with determined eyes. “What if we offer you double the bet… involving us?

While the Rainbooms and the Dazzlings stared at Sunset both with confusion and worry, one of the Illusions, Lavender Lace, let out her haughty laugh.

“Do you believe this Trixie? She thinks she can actually—”

Lavender was interrupted from an outstretched arm and a glare from Trixie’s way before Trixie turned to Sunset with interest.

“Trixie is… intrigued. What do you have in mind?”

Sunset softly breathed in through her nose. “If you give Sonata two more weeks to learn how to read the proper way, we’ll offer ourselves to your bet. If Sonata wins, you will not only have to apologize to Sonata twice in front of the school, but you will also leave Sonata alone for good!”

“And if Trixie wins?”

“…we’ll do whatever you want. No questions asked.”

“SUNSET!” Rainbow cried out in disbelief, while everyone else stared at Sunset in shock.

Sunset turned to Rainbow with a solemn look on her face. “It’s the only way Rainbow.”

“…you’re crazy Shimmer,” said Trixie with a frown before her mouth formed into her devious smirk. “But I like that! How about this, if Trixie agrees and your Siren friend loses—”

IF she loses!” Sunset added before Trixie continued.

“I want you, your friends, as well as those has-been Dazzlings to disband your rock band for good and then come work for me as my permanent assistants for my magic shows! And in-between each of my shows, you and your gang will also be my willing test subjects for my magic practice!”

“NO WAY!” Rainbow shouted angrily. “There’s no way we’ll end our band careers and work for the likes of—”

Without taking her eyes off of Trixie, Sunset outstretched her arm to interrupt her friend before speaking in her serious tone.

“If we accepted those terms, you won’t make Sonata wear that thing and give her more time to learn how to read?”

Trixie scoffed and run her finger through hair with a smirk. “Trixie will merely delay giving that Siren her title, but yes. You have Trixie’s word that the Siren is allowed to use the remaining two weeks to learn how to read and not a week more. Do we have a deal?”

“Sunset, don’t do this!” Sonata cried. “Don’t throw yourself away for me!”

Deal?” Trixie repeated.

Sunset gave Trixie her hard stare for a moment before she slowly lifted her hand. “…deal.”

The girls, especially Sonata stared in horror as both Sunset and Trixie shook hands, sealing the deal.

“You’re a fool Sunset Shimmer,” said Trixie. “Trixie is really looking forward to see you and your little crew fall before Trixie after the little Siren made fool of herself yet again.” She then set her eyes on Sonata again with her arrogant smirk. “As for you, don’t even think you’re off the hook! You’re just delaying the inevitable. But look on the bright side, when you fail, your friends and your sisters will join in the humiliation with you!

Trixie, along with the Illusions cackled loudly before they turned away from Sonata and the gang.

“See you around, loser!

As Trixie and her bandmates walked away, the girls continued to stare at Sunset with their disbelief and horror expressions while Sonata was shaking violently and on a verge of tears after witnessing Sunset selflessly sacrificing herself and her friend’s freedom to give Sonata more time to learn how to read.

And she hated herself for it.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Sunset, she bought Sonata some more time, but the stakes are now higher than before! Will Sonata succeed?

Stay tuned! :rainbowderp: