• Published 20th Mar 2018
  • 6,797 Views, 74 Comments

Over-Powered Shapeshifter. "At Least I'm Not A Mary Sue." - Taken-By-Insanity

I am suddenly an anthro changeling that can make as much sense as Pinkie Pie. Also I am as, if not more, powerful than Discord. And I am loving it.

  • ...

Ooh, You’re Gonna Get It! You Do Not Take A Hostage With Me Around! *Later* I Have Three Siblings And I’m The Youngest? Cool.

Getting to the house to get some money and getting on the train was easy but it was when we got on the train that things got interesting. ”Everyone on your knees!” Eight hijacked the train car an hour after we left the train station. They were mostly identical griffons wearing the cliche outfit of a thug you would find, the other two were pegasi wearing similar clothing that had purple coats.

Everyone did as they were told and got down. ”Empty your pockets of anything valuable,” the leader, a griffon with a line of black crossing over his eyes, said. Now you might be asking ’What are they threatening with?’ The answer my friends is they have a pregnant mare hostage, knife against her throat at all times and husband unconscious, a rather cowardly move but to each their own. Everyone was on their knees like they were told, including us, before the group did the usual intimidation stuff.

I blocked them and heard Snow say in my head, ’How about you get rid of these guys? Your magic is pretty strong and likely easy to use for you now that you know how to actually use it.’

’Because,’ I mentally replied. ’I don’t know which sounds better. Make them hallucinate or give them an illusionary pain in their heads that's powerful enough for them to be distracted before knocking them out?’ I asked Snow, curious about which one she thinks is a better option. She agreed with the illusionary pain so I put some magic together through my right hand and when it was done charging set the ball down and had it split up into eight, one for each criminal.

Just when they got affected I had my head jerk to the right, causing me to start being crazy again. I made black mist cover everyone's eyes and bound them before pulling a blade out of my mane and I charged at the baddies with a crazy smile, chopping their heads off while they’re holding their head from pain. My head jerked again and I reattached the heads, hid the blood, and reanimated the robbers before making everyone unbound and no longer blind, making it seem like I just knocked them out.

The only one who saw it was Snow. She had a small smirk and went over to check on the mare and heal her husband. I went over to my seat and continued looking out the window like nothing ever happened.

Snow soon joined me and said, “Interesting. Never thought you have had that type of mental health. You're rather unique, even for your siblings.”

”So. Who are the rest of the family members? What are they like?” I asked my new mother. She went off explaining who my three older siblings are and got into a tangent about them for the rest of the ride there.

When we arrived at Canterlot we left the train and went down about a block before going through an alleyway and seeing a large mansion that’s greyed out due to age, surrounded by a brick wall. We walked through the large gates of ebony before seeing a small garden previously unseen due to the fence, it was rather beautiful with the choices of flowers there, peaceful too.

Snow took a key out of her sleeve and unlocked the door before entering while yelling, ”Kids! I’m back!” in the house.

There were three thumps before we heard three pairs of footsteps coming, two seem to be in a slight hurry like they're excited while the third pair was slow and calm. The source of these footsteps were two earth ponies and one unicorn.

The earth ponies are identical twins with blue coats, yellow manes/tails, and purple eyes. The one on the left had a cutie mark of a burning tree while the other one had a fire inside a cage. They are also both wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and some pants. The one with a burning tree cutie mark for his disguise is Wild Burn and the one with a fire in a cage cutie mark is Calm Flame.

The unicorn has purple eyes as well with an ice blue coat and a white mane/tail. She wears a dark pink long-sleeved shirt, a black skirt, and a pair of pants. The cutie mark she uses is what seems to be a blizzard with a single detailed snowflake in the middle, she goes by Icy Glare. ”Hey, Mom. Good to see you back,” she said with a small smile, her voice sounding a little cold.

”Good to see you all,” Mother said. ”I may have died during the little vaca so you all have a new sister.” She motioned over to me after the sentence with me giving a quick wave.

”Hello,” the three said at once with a wave of their own.

”I’m guessing Mother already told you about us?” With a nod, Wild continued, ”So you know our names and disguise descriptions?”

With another nod, Calm joined and said, ”But do you know what our true forms look like?” I shook my head no and Mother lead us to a sitting room.

Mum smiled and said, ”Now that you’ve mentioned it Calm, we should probably share that little secret. After all, we're family and shouldn't get confused with an evil changeling or when a hunter catches one of us so we can help them.” Glare closed the curtains with a purple aura of her magic while Mom was talking.

Wild and Calm stepped up and shifted in a green quit explosion. The two simply turned into changeling version of themselves but with their eyes being slits, similar to mine and our Mum.

For Glare she was covered in a tiny blizzard of some kind of green snow. She also looked the same as her disguise but with various holes in her body and hair and chitin instead of fur and slits for eyes.

Mother motioned for me to show my true form and I responded by making the mask I made earlier visible with green smoke surrounding me while reaching the mask with my right hand. When I grabbed the mask I was covered in the smoke and it vanished to reveal the real me while I took the mask off, it shattering after and fading from existence.

My neck thing happened again. ”Must it be so dramatic?” I asked while looking at my reflection of a nearby mirror.

It then happened again and I said with a British accent, ”Why of course dear, a little flash never hurt anyone and besides it’s how our transformation works with our type of mind.”

It happened again and I said while looking at my hand, ”Do I have split personality disorder now or something?”

”Probably,” I said with my hand doing the puppet thing, ”We always were pretty crazy and our insanity was slightly increased since we came here so you might have active other personalities in your head now.” I slapped myself and looked back at the audience of my new family watching that little episode.

”Very sorry about that. I’m a crazy person that can seem like Pinkie Pie,” I sound a little drunk now. Maybe some sleeping can help me process the situation I’ve arrived in.

Author's Note:

And done. I’m pretty sure this chapter is really bad and seems rushed.

By to the way, the bodies of those meanies were put into a jail cell, an hour afterward they were found out to have been dead for the past three hours.

Funny isn’t it, illusions are rather lovely things as well as necromancy and such. Anyways, have a wonderful and crazy day/night.