• Published 20th Mar 2018
  • 6,797 Views, 74 Comments

Over-Powered Shapeshifter. "At Least I'm Not A Mary Sue." - Taken-By-Insanity

I am suddenly an anthro changeling that can make as much sense as Pinkie Pie. Also I am as, if not more, powerful than Discord. And I am loving it.

  • ...

Eeh...I Got Nothin.

After standing there for the next three minutes I shook my head and sat at the large wooden table before slowly eating the pancakes, busy looking in my mind for any new memories I didn't have before.

After about three minutes I finished my food and found the memories I was looking for. According to the memory, I'm a talented user of magic, being able to pick up new magic pretty quickly, I'm able to make portals to other areas as long as I can see it or have been there before, I'm a master of illusions, I have an affinity with making magical constructs, and I can be ghostly in many ways whenever I want.

The job Mom mentioned earlier was me being a bartender but I recently got fired for causing a ruckus multiple times with illusions on those that were drinking, me blaming that they were drunk when they actually weren’t. So I’m actually unemployed.

I got up from my seat and put the plate and fork in the sink before leaving the house. I locked the front door behind me with a spare key I found in my pocket and walked through the gate like it was air, being too lazy to open it to get past it, before taking a left towards the public library. I feel like researching some magic today, maybe even cause a little mischief down the line, well let’s find out.

I entered the library and went straight to the magic section, waving at the librarian as I passed her, before going over the various book on magic there.

I found some books on winter spells and pyromancy and took them before going to an unoccupied table but found someone also taking the table at the same time, I was surprised to find Twilight Sparkle here of all people. Though she lacked wings, strange since she has ‘em back where I was previously.

“Oh. Sorry about that. Would it be ok if we shared?” Twilight asked me, surprised to see me. I nodded and we both took a seat at opposite sides of the table, Twilight opening a book titled ‘Doppelgängers’ and me first reading the pyromancy book I found. I quickly finished reading the book and started on the winter spells, Twilight having gone the through half of her book so far.

Soon after I finished pyromancy I finished the winter spells and put the book down, finding Twilight done with her book as well. “So,” I started, “What brings you to Canterlot?” I asked Twilight, finally trying to sate my curiosity.

”Oh. Well, it's my brother’s wedding in a few days and my friends and I were asked to help,” Twilight explained, frustration entering her emotional spectrum as she spoke.

”Well. I'm guessing that was a shock to here if your frustration is any sign,” I wondered, surprising Twilight with my perception. ’So it's Shining and Cadance’s wedding soon. Interesting, I should warn the family when I get the chance,’ I thought in my mind.

”How’d you know I was frustrated or shocked about the wedding?” Twilight asked, her curiosity taking over.

“It was obvious to me. I’m a very perceptive pony,” I told Twilight. “So. What brought you here to read a book titled ‘Doppelgängers?’” I asked Twilight, already having an idea of why.

“Well. The mare my brother is marrying was an old foalsitter of mine, she’s acting differently than how I’ve last seen her. Everyone is saying that she’s stressed from the wedding coming up but the way she’s acting is just too different for her to be the same pony,” Twilight explained, her frustration spiking greatly from having these thoughts in the forefront of her mind.

I nodded and asked, “She wouldn’t happen to be Cadance, would it?” She nodded and I continued, “We know each other. If this is really Cadance then how about we have a private meeting with her? If she isn’t acting anything like herself then I’ll help you figure this out,” I told her, telling the absolute truth. I actually met her once or twice at a cafe I go to occasionally.

“Ok. I can try to set up a meeting this evening, if not then in about two days,” Twilight said before giving me a quick hug and running out of the library, hope blooming within her as she left.

I put the books away before also leaving the library, successfully testing some of the winter spells but not so well with pyromancy. I guess I’m better at being cold than warm. I opened a portal to my home as I was walking and went through, plopping me in front of the front door. I opened the door and closed it behind me as I entered, finding everyone else in the living room, talking about their day until they noticed me.

“There you are Shade, where were you?” Mother asked me, probably having remembered that I lost my job by now.

“I was at the library. And I have news,” I told them. I walked over to a seat and sighed before sitting down. “Have you all heard about the upcoming wedding?” Everyone nodded at my question. “Well, the bride, Cadance, isn’t herself according to a dear friend of hers I met at the library. I think she’s been replaced by a changeling and if the timeline is similar to the one I know then we’re gonna have an invasion on our hands.” Everyone looked at me in disbelief for a moment before mother had a glint in her eyes.

“She was acting strange today. I merely put it off as stress but now that I think about it she never acts like this when stressed,” Snow said, my information making gears turn in her head. We all agreed to be ready for some kind of fight and decided to go to bed as the sun was setting.

As I changed to some red pajamas and went to bed the last thought that courses through my mind was, ’Two days. Two days and there’s gonna be a conflict. Let’s hope it ends well.’ I then went to sleep and entered the dream realm only to have a war hammer about to hit my face.

Author's Note:

This. Was difficult to say the least. As some may have noticed I’m on hiatus with all my stories. This will be so for a long time so sorry for the long wait.

Have a nice and crazy day/night y’all!

Comments ( 13 )

Damn it luna

Funny thing is I’ve been using it for a little while now. Though, I haven’t fixed errors in past chapters. I probably should do that.

oh did I hit a nerve?
If you're taking writing seriously then maybe you should pace your story better and don't throw shit at the reader every chapter.
The character's are so irratic and nonsensical it's ridiculous.
This story has absolutly no structure.
And have some continuity, the "Trial, but then it's all a dream" is just bullshit, it comes out of nowhere and is the 2nd cheapest twist I've seen.

Hitting a nerve? Sorry but that’s when someone insults my family or brings up dead family members in a way that insults them.

This was a bad story and laziness got to me so I changed the plot. I was also winging it, this being the first story I’ve ever written, so of course there’s no structure. And you think I’m just gonna be good at pacing just like that? Sorry, but not all writers are great and do amazing the first time they write a story.

Pacing is not everyones forte, I get that but the pacing here is so fucked I wonder if you even realised what you were writing or just wrote down what shot into your head at the time.
There are enough storys on this site where you can learn from, maybe ask some of the people on the site.

I kinda plan and improvise most of my writing. A set plan doesn’t work with my personality in most ways.
I would try to get help with pacing but I’m very socially awkward including in a website like this, for some strange reason.
Talking to people and asking for help, while it is the thing I know I need to do, is very awkward and weird to me so I don’t really ask to avoid the feelings of pain that accompany these emotions.

That a good thing of a bad thing?

Thank you for the feedback. I also hope I’ll have an idea of what I’m gonna write soon as I love writing this story.

hay do more chapters now:flutterrage:

That's called a dreamless sleep

I think

Why are the good ones always cancelled 😭

its because they are too good

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