• Published 20th Mar 2018
  • 6,797 Views, 74 Comments

Over-Powered Shapeshifter. "At Least I'm Not A Mary Sue." - Taken-By-Insanity

I am suddenly an anthro changeling that can make as much sense as Pinkie Pie. Also I am as, if not more, powerful than Discord. And I am loving it.

  • ...

Why Must There Be An Enemy? Curse You Whatever-Omnipotent-Being-Responsible-For-This! Actually, Curse You Me, A.K.A The Author Of This Story!

After walking for a few minutes I heard an explosion coming from...the Town Hall I think? I opened a small rift to Town Hall and saw that is was, indeed, the place where the explosion happened. So I jumped through and landed on top of the fountain. Guess what I found, go on guess. I found a white coated earth pony mare with a white mane/tail wearing a yellow dress. When she faced me she turned out to have blue eyes and a symbol of a hawk on her hand.

"Oh, goodie! Your here," she said with annoyance at the end of her sentence. She blasted solidified light at me to which I block with a shield made of shadow that shattered on impact but it did its job. "Good reaction time. But can you dodge this?" She made lightning strike me faster than I could react, giving me a lot of pain and some kind of suppression to my magic for a split second which got rid of my disguise. I got up and dodged a fireball that was coming towards me at the last second.

'Author? Who's this?' I asked myself in my head. It's your enemy, the antagonist of your story. I'm not telling anything about her to you except that she uses order and holy magic, the types of magic that stops your unholy and chaos magic from working as long as you are being hit by it.

'Wait. So my disguises are powered by unholy and chaos magic? Why not changeling magic?' I questioned while dodging some more blasts from the mystery mare. They are powered by changeling magic but yours is too weak right now to be used by itself so you subconsciously use your other types of magic to help it. I'm not going to tell you anything else since Smile is asking so nicely. I heard sarcasm at those last two words, I wonder why.

"How about you stop talking to the Author and fight me!" Whoa! Another beam of light whizzed by my head and broke someone's window. Is she also a fourth wall breaker or something? I threw a ball of ice at her which she blocked with a fireball. We continued fighting each other with opposite things, light versus shadow, fire and ice, order and chaos, we even did an eating contest and tied! She was equal in power but an opposite with everything else, I'm good, she's evil, she's sane, I'm not. It's very frustrating to fight this lady.

Eventually, we stopped and took a break and when I looked back at her she was gone. I looked around and found a lot of Ponyville in burning to embers or frozen solid, ponies and a certain dragon were running away screaming, it was chaos and a little funny to watch but I feel kinda bad now. I heard a thump and turned around to find the mare again. "Have fun with the princesses," she said before I felt something hit my head and I had the lights turned off.

When my brain was back online and running smoothly I opened my eyes to see the floor of a train. I tried to stand up but I found some resistance, I looked at my lap and was surprised to find myself chained to a sitting position. "Oh look. You're awake," I looked at where the tomboyish voice came from and saw Rainbow Dash sitting at the seat across from mine. I tried to use a knockout spell on her but I was given a shock originating from my neck instead. I felt my neck with my shackled hand and found an iron clasp on it.

"If ya want to get shocked then be ma guess and try again," I looked to the left and saw Applejack had a smug look on her face while sitting over there with Fluttershy(who looked like she was about to faint), Rarity(who was glaring at me), and Twilight(who was looking proud of herself, likely for capturing me).

I sighed and simply asked, "Where are we going and why?"

Twilight answered and said, "We are going to Canterlot, where you'll be taken to court for assault, impersonating a pony, and damage of property." I was confused with the first one, scoffed at the second one, and understood the third one since I did miss a few times and damaged some buildings.

"I'm guessing there's no courthouse in Ponyville?" I asked.

Rainbow joined and said, "The town hall is used as a court hall and the basement is the jail but since it's just ashes at the moment, thanks to you, we have to go to the nearest town or city with a courthouse and have your trial there." Everyone else blinked a few times with shock on their faces, "What? I may not always be smart but I know things." I sighed and closed my eyes to try and sleep but I was slapped by Miss Apple.

"You're going to stay awake for the whole ride Missy. Can't have trouble waking you up when we get there and we're not going to carry you, already had to carry you to the train station," she said before returning to her seat.

"Okay then. I'll just be here, doing nothing but looking out the window while being watched as if I'm a freak," I said sadly. I did what I said and I was correct about being watched but not like I'm a freak, instead I was being watched like a hawk. After noticing this fact I spaced out and turned off my attention to the world like a switch.

Third Person Point Of View

After Rainbow noticed that Shade was out she asked Twilight, "So Twilight. What do you think Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will do with her?"

"Rainbow, while I do know Princess Celestia well I have no clue what she will do. I'm guessing she will put her in the dungeon for about three months, but it depends on what she sees in her memories," was Twilight's answer.

"Wait one minute! Princess Celestia can look through other's memories?" AJ asked with surprise.

"It's more of Princess Luna's thing but since she isn't available until sundown we will have to hope Celestia doesn't accidentally break her mind," after Twilight said that Shade began laughing like a mad mare. "What's so funny?" little Twi asked the changeling queen.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that my mind is already broken, I was a very emotionally sensitive child back then and losing members of the family can scar one's mind sometimes," was what she said after catching her breath with a lasting smile staying there. The six were put off by this and felt slightly sorry, until the fact that she's a changeling snapped them back to not caring.

"So who are you exactly?" asked AJ. "Y'all looked very similar to that one queen that invaded Canterlot but there are differences. Ya related to her or something?"

The changeling, being oh so cooperative, said, "My name is Shader, chaos and unholy is the magic game I'm always playing. I have no clue if I related to that queen or not, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was." The six were again put off by what magic Shade uses but quickly shook it off when Shade then said, "Now my turn: Does this little necklace block passive abilities?"

Fluttershy shook her head no at Shade's question and Twilight said, "No, it can't since that usually resolves in a magical explosion, killing the one wearing it and greatly injuring those around him or her." Shade mentioned how that's very peculiar before back to looking out the window with an empty face.

The train car was silent for the rest of the ride until the conductor yelled, "We have arrived at Canterlot." The group of six mares and one changeling prisoner then left the train and walked up to the castle.

First Person Point Of View

When we finally arrived at the castle the guards searched us for any weapons, sadly finding my knife and bone saw hidden inside my mane. When they took the weapons and had us cleared we entered the very bright building and took a few corridors before stopping in front of a pair of doors with guards on either side. The doors were then opened and we were let in.

The princess was wearing a white dress with some yellow here and there and a golden crown with an amethyst in the center I believe. When we entered she put some papers on a desk next to her throne and greeted us after we all bowed. "It is good to see you all again but I wish it wasn't with these circumstances," she said with disappointment and anger coming off of her that was aimed at me, which I greedily absorbed to help with my energy since my other magics are cut off and absorbing emotions is a passive ability I can use.

"Did you read the letter I sent you princess?" Twilight asked Miss Sunny. At Celestia's nod, Twilight then said, "So you know what happened?"

"The changeling queen will be put on trial in two days and will stay in the dungeons until then," Princess Celestia said before calling some guards over, one being a unicorn and the other an earth pony, and telling them where I needed to be. They nodded and I followed them, we took a left after leaving the room and, after going to the end of the hall and down a long staircase, we arrived at a solid metal door. The unicorn guard took some keys off his belt and unlocked the door before entering, me and the other guard following after him.

We passed a few barred doors on the left of us and most of them were empty except for the one at the very end of the hall. One of the two occupants was a blond earth pony stallion with a white mane and tail, blue eyes, and a picture of a baseball on his hand wearing a bright green short-sleeved shirt and pants.

The other one was a white unicorn mare with a blond mane and tail, red eyes, and a picture of a baseball bat on her hand wearing the same outfit but pink instead and a cuff on her horn. I walked into the room after having my cuffs removed except for the one around my neck, hearing the door close and lock behind me. "So what are you in for?" the unicorn asked.

"Assault, impersonating a pony, and property damage. Although the second one is completely untrue since I made the pony up, you?" I asked with interest in my voice.

The pegasus answered by saying, "We're in here for assault and robbing a bank. My name's Control Ball and my sister here is Beat It."

I sat down at a corner of the cell before saying, "The name's Shade. So-" I clapped my hand together"- why did you rob a bank and do assault?"

We have been talking for a while, starting on why we did our crimes. I told them about my battle and the 'impersonating a pony' was obvious for why I did it and turns out the siblings needed the money to help their grandmother, who was very sick and needed help but they were too poor to pay, and assault happened because of ponies not letting them take the money. We all seem to be having a trial on the same day, we eventually ran out of things to talk about and slowly fell asleep due to it being after sundown.

I'm now back in that stupid red void so I decided to see what Celestia was dreaming of only to hear a robotic voice say, "Dream unavailable." I tried multiple times and got the same results, I gave up after the fifteenth time and stayed in the void.

"Hmm. I haven't actually tried to change the area that much so maybe I should try again? I got nothing else to do," I thought out loud. The first change I did was make the void be replaced with Ponyville on a cloudy day. The place looked abandoned so I added dream constructs to act like members of the town as well as look like them. I wandered around the place for a while, talking to Pinkie, reading some books even though they were blank and more.

It was pretty boring until someone showed up. "A rather peaceful dream you're having, shapeshifter," the Princess of The Night commented.

"Why thank you, Princess. It's an honor to actually meet you, in my real form at least," I said back while balancing some sticks spinning plates on all my fingers, my muzzle, and forehead. I made them vanish in a poof of smoke and started walking down a path in a peaceful forest.

Luna followed me and said, "My sister asked for me to try and get some answers from you before the trial." I nodded and told her I'd be happy to answer them. "Very good. My first question is: where is your hive?" she asked.

"Don't have one. Can't have an entire hive depend on me. I'm a follower or a lone wolf, not a leader. If I was then you would have found a drone instead of the queen," was my answer.

"That seems surprising with your age being over eighty-nine." I raised an eyebrow at her from that. "We had doctors do a mental and physical checkup on you while you were asleep," she explained. We came across a group of little huskies with there parents while the forest went into winter with a light snowfall. I carried one of the cuties and had the rest follow us while motioning Luna to ask her next question.

"Who are you? That should've been the first question but I forgot at the time." I told Luna the same thing I told the Mane Six. "Why would you use such dark magic?!" Luna yelled, scaring the pups and making the grown huskies growl at her.

I shushed them and put the pup back with her family before saying, "Because it's a natural magic I use. I can only use those magic as well as changeling magic, I can't control how I'm born now can I?" I got a slight headache after saying the last part and blacked out.

Young Shade's Point Of View
In An Unknown Hive

I looking at the worried blue maned changeling queen, wearing a bright red outfit, with confusion in my eyes. 'Mommy's usually not worried,' I thought. "Mommy, what's wrong? Did someone get hurt again?" I asked her.

"No honey. We just have some mean ponies over at the moment," Mommy's not good at lying. She took me out of bed and ran down the halls and put me into the safe room with Thorax, wearing his usual dark green outfit, who was just as confused as I was, before leaving. We heard lot's of fighting outside and we were quite afraid of what happened to mom since she never came back.

When the fighting stopped we heard someone say without a buzz, "Where's that princess and her guard? They're what our client wants."

We heard other voices without a buzz say they don't know until one of them said, "Guys. Where does this door lead?" The door opened and the first thing I saw was Mom, lying dead on the floor. I screamed and blasted at the pony that opened the door and transported myself and Thorax to somewhere before blacking out.

Third Person Point Of View
The Real World

Shade woke up with a start and looked around to find it to be sun up and her cellmates were still asleep. She sighed in relief and just waited for something else to happen.

Author's Note:

Wow, big chapter. I hope that those who liked this story beforehand like what I did.

If you couldn't tell I added an enemy and showed what Shade's weaknesses are as well as added some spice to the chapter.

Have a nice, crazy day!