• Published 20th Mar 2018
  • 6,798 Views, 74 Comments

Over-Powered Shapeshifter. "At Least I'm Not A Mary Sue." - Taken-By-Insanity

I am suddenly an anthro changeling that can make as much sense as Pinkie Pie. Also I am as, if not more, powerful than Discord. And I am loving it.

  • ...

Let's Meet The Town. [Insert Sarcastic Yay Here]

I was walking down the road listening to Animalistic by Creep-P.

When the song ended I found myself in front of Sugurcube Corner and after checking with my magic the building was full of ponies and they seemed to be hiding. I looked at the sky and found it's actually almost sundown. Then Pinkie showed up behind me and said, "Hi Shade I have a surprise for you, come on hurry." I decided to play clueless and said okay then followed her inside.

And guess what, the lights turned on and the entire town jumped out of their hiding place yelling, "Surprise!" I was slightly startled at how loud their yells combined did so I jumped a bit, to be honest. "Were ya surprised were ya were ya?" asked Pinkie in an excited tone. My response was, "Yes I was in fact very surprised, but mostly by how loud you were all together, anyways whats the occasion?"

Before Pinkie could say what it was Apple Bloom beat her to the punch, "It's your 'Thank You For Saving The CMC, Babs Seed, And Spike From A Manticore' party as well as your 'Welcome To Ponyville' party Miss Mirror."

"Thank you, Apple Bloom, by the way how are you and the others doing right now?" I asked her. "Just fine, thank ya for asking Miss Mirror," was her response.

"Alrighty then now isn't this a party." At everypony and one dragon nodding, I then said, "Then lets party!" Everyone cheered and started to party. And guessed who came to talk to me....no seriously guess. It's the Mane Six. "Hello, how are you six after this fine day?" I asked while snapping my hand to see what episode was the most recent. Huh The Saddle Row Review, now I know that I don't have to worry about Tirek getting my magic.

"We are fine dear after our little event at Manehatten at least," was Rarity's response.

"Aw yes you opened your store there am I correct?" I asked.

"Yep, how did ya know sugar cube?" said AJ.

"I was in town when I heard about it," was my answer while eating a cupcake. "These are really good," I commented.

"Thanks, I made them myself," said Pinkie with pride in her voice. Pride doesn't taste that good to me buts it's not that bad.

"So where are you from?" asked Twilight.

"I have been a gypsy for the past six years, please elaborate," was my response.

"Where did you last live," Rainbow offered. "Oh Griffin Stone," was what I said.

"Oh that's pretty far from here," said Fluttershy."I know but I try my best to stay away from there, it brings very sad memories," I said back. "Hey, you know what sounds great right now?"

"What?" the girls asked. "Singing a love song," I answered. Pinkie gasped. "Let me go talk to Vinyl, be right back," she said before dashing off. I then said after a moment, "Well-" but I got interrupted by Pinkie, "She's okay with it come on," she said rather quickly before dragging me to the DJ set and gave me a microphone. "Break a leg," Pinkie then said and dashed back to the girls.

I was now the center of attention. "Hello everyone, my name is Shade and since I felt like it, with Vinyl's permission, I am going to sing a song for everyone," I said after a moment or two. Everyone cheered. "So let's get this started.

I was working on the set like an expert making the music sound perfect and I was doing it with one hand and singing all the lyrics to the T. A certain married couple known as the Cakes were dancing together to the song and most ponies were dancing independently. I might need to change that, I thought.

When I was done everyone was clapping and cheering at how good it was. "Nice job you should consider the music business some time," said Vinyl which was wearing her trademark glasses along with the outfit you see her in Equestria Girls. "Oh I'm a jack of all trades, but I'll consider it," I said back. After giving her back the floor I went back to the back where I was before, at the back where the food and drinks are. She was wearing this https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F75%2Fde%2F26%2F75de26c170c7dec8ecf57bd1e56060ed.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F565342559446974804%2F&docid=iYQ6IghlDG62rM&tbnid=Mz-JTP3wOel_aM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwik2sb7xPbZAhWk5oMKHeiFCoMQMwh7KAAwAA..i&w=1469&h=4456&bih=622&biw=1366&q=equestria%20girls%20vinyl%20scratch&ved=0ahUKEwik2sb7xPbZAhWk5oMKHeiFCoMQMwh7KAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8

And when I got there the six, CMC, Babs, and Spike were there. "Darling that was beautiful how ever did you learn to do it," said Rarity with a tone of admiration. "I say it was my cutie mark, after all, it represents my ability to copy anyone which means I need to be a master of all in order to so," was my answer.
"Love songs aren't my thing but that was pretty good, nice job," joined Rainbow.

"Yea it was pretty good Miss Mirror," said Apple Bloom. "Thank you, also please just call me Shade 'miss' makes me feel old," I replied to Apple Bloom.

After The Party

I was walking home with Fluttershy since we're neighbors and she doesn't like walking home in the dark. "The party was kinda fun, what do you think Fluttershy," I asked her.

"It was nice as Pinkie's parties always are," was her answer. Then there was silence for the rest of the walk. "Oh we're here, it was nice getting to know you Fluttershy, have a good night," I said to her after we stopped in between my house and hers.

"You as well Shade," she replied.

I walked into my house and after I closed the door I went back to my real form, Hello miss changeling queen how are you I thought in a joking tone. I looked in the mirror in my room after walking past the living room and up the stairs. I looked the same as last time although I don't remember that crown being there. "Me, why is there a crown on my head," I asked the Author that is me. It's a natural grown crown symbolizing that your a queen....it also means your going to start having drones soon.

At Cantarlot

"WHAAAAAT!!!!????" Shade yelled scaring the night court. "What was that?" asked a female noble.
"It must be someone having a bad night is all, carry on miss," was Princess Luna's response to the noble.

Back To Me

I was pacing back and fourth in front of my bed unable to sleep. "I know just cast a sleep spell to put me to sleep, yeah it should work, it must work," I said in a panicked tone. So I went to bed in red pajamas and used the spell without snapping my hand, which is harder mind you, and I went to sleep at last.

Author's Note:

Again like always point out mistakes.

What you expect Shade here, she sleeping at the moment so she's not here.