• Published 30th Mar 2018
  • 9,750 Views, 306 Comments

A Third Chance to Find a Family - kitkataddel

Sunset has made alot of mistakes in both universes, but what if this mistake finally forces her away from all that she cares for?

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CHS Intermission 2


"Okay Scoots, ya'll called us here, what did ya want ta do?" Apple Bloom was almost eager, she wanted me back in their little coup. So I granted her wish.

"I want to do something to the account." As much as I would've liked to go along with what she wanted, I said it as sternly as possible, making Sweetie Belle, at the very least, curious.

"But I thought you said you were done with Anon-a-miss!"

"I did." No one really talked after that. All I did was type on the computer, logging into the page that had caused so much hatred in the school. With three simple clicks, I was presented with a error. It was exactly what I had hoped for. The others leaned in, to read what it said.

In typical unison, they read its contents. "This user has been dele- WHAT DID YOU DO?!" It was the response I had hoped for. I repeated what I had said several days earlier in school.

"I'm not doing this anymore." And I was making sure they didn't wither. It had gone too far. They hadn't seen what I had, and hopefully they never will. "And yes, I did just delete it." It was a weird sense of repetition, as, once again, I walked out of the room, leaving my 'friends' in silence, only this time it was in anger as well as shock. Maybe this time Rainbow would answer the door.


"SHUT UP ZEPHYR!" I was so done with him. First he actually made the MyStable account his homepage, and now he actually submitted stuff to it. Even I had to refrain myself from spouting several long cursing insults at him.

I wonder if there a universe where he wasn't a complete and utter dick... Nah, he'd have to be a completely different species.

Anyway, I had had enough of him. Without even realising it, I was already storming out of the house. I would 'deal' with him later. Right now, I had to see Rainbow. I didn't care what the others were doing, but I hadn't seen her for days. Or rather, I hadn't seen her face. She was always hiding it now. I can't figure out why. She did mumble something though. Something about how 'we've swapped places'. I didn't understand what she meant, however.

I was approaching her house - an appropriately multi-coloured building, though it seemed empty, held a singular occupant. Before it was possible to get close to the door, a purple and orange bundle almost slammed into me.

"And there goes the other leg... Ow." It was Scootaloo, apparently rushing to see her idol, who I assumed she hadn't seen in at least a week.

"You okay Scootaloo?" Despite my recent argument, I still had my personality - wanting me to be kind, even if it was suppressed by various... individuals. Seeing her nod as a confirmation, I helped her up. "Good. Now go home."

"NO! I can't! I know Rainbow doesn't want to see anyone, but I've got to tell her the truth!" This was... new. Typically, Scootaloo just wanted to stare in wonder at Dash. If she wasn't here for that, something was... wrong. I motioned for her to continue. "Well... you see..." She already was breaking down in tears, while I just stood here. It didn't feel right, but it was what was happening. "No... wait. Why are you here?! If you think it's Sunset who posted thse things, you should be going home, not me!"

I wonder what caused that sudden outburst... "Hmm. It seems we're on the same page. I don't know about that damned MyStable page, I'm just here to check on Rainbow." That much was true. Anything else, I would have been lying. Granted, I don't think it's Sunset, but at the same time, I don't really care who it is at all. Only that it's still up. "Okay, you can stay. Let's see if she'll answer." With Scootaloo in tow, still crying, we made our way to the door, which was unlocked - curious, considering no one else should be home. Dash's parents had been called away for serious legal reasons, a shame, since it was Christmas Eve. Still, none of our business, I guess.

Letting ourself in, I called for her to come out, only to get a small thump from a nearby room, something that neither of us ignored. Walking up calmly to the door, I made my... demands. "Dash! Let us in or I will break this door down!"

Scootaloo was staring at me in shock the moment I finished my statement. I couldn't imagine why. And when Rainbow seemingly chose the second option, I made good on my words, leaving Scootaloo to simply gape even more. It was strange. At least, it was from my perspective.


All I heard was a mumble, and then a softened crash. I didn't know who was here, I didn't care. I wanted to be left alone. I betrayed her, ignored my loyalty to her, and I don't like it. At all. I wish I could make it up to her. That account gets deleted, the culprits are revealed, and she's safe and happy. If it's with me or not, I don't care.


Oh look, someone came to help me. I don't want to talk. And that's what I tell them, through the pillow my head is buried in, of course.

"Go away." It probably came out as a mumble, but frankly, I don't care. At least, until they forcibly turned me over. Seeing that I was going to have to deal with them, I cracked open my eyes to see who has come to me, all the while hding my face. No one shoudl see my like this.

Of course. Fluttershy and the squirt. Except... she had been crying? And why was the door hanging off it's hinges? Okay, I'm gonna need some help understanding this.

"Oh. Hi Flutters. Why's the door broken?" Normally, I would be concerned that Fluttershy didn't even seem concerned of the wrecked entrance, but neither of us have been acting ourselves recently, I suppose.

"I broke it down. Now, what's going on with you?"

She... broke the door down? No... she couldn't... Wow. We really are messed up from all this aren't we?

"Wait. Fluttershy. I need to..." Scootaloo had something to say, as always, but this time she looked... guilty? Summoning up all my sapped strength, I said something I knew she'd be honest to.

"You've done something squirt. What is it?" With that she broke down instantly, refreshed tears remarking the streaks down her cheeks. Slowly, she managed to shuffle her way over to bed I had practically bound myself to.

"I- I- I d-deleted it."

Looking to Fluttershy for any help, all I got was a confused shake of the head. So I decided to address the problem directly. "Deleted what?"

"T-they guilt tripped me into it, got me think Sunset crippled me, and I- I-"

"Scoots, I realise you're upset, but you came to tell me something. So say it? Please?" Despite how weakly I said that, I hoped acting quite kind to Scootaloo would get her to come out.

"M-my frie- Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, t-they made t-the Anon-a..." Scootaloo was basically curled up in a ball on the floor by this point. I wouldn't normally do this, but she needed it more than anything. So, slowly, weakly, and really wobbly, I made my way over to her, freeing my self from the soft prison I confined myself to. And, perhaps in a unexpected twist, wrapped myself around the quivering, albeit breathing, wreck.

Suprise showed in Scootaloo's face. She clearly did not think I'd ever do something like this. I didn't either, but deep down, everyone needs something like this. I'd come to accept that, even if I had isolated myself. I needed this, and so did she.

"Go on. But take as much time as you want."

"They made the Anon-a-miss account. They kind of dragged me into it. Kind of tricked me, but I'm still at fault for letting them. But I- I just came here from d-deleting it..."

She hardly stuttered. Amazing how much an embrace can help. but, there was still questions to be answered. Flutterershy decided to chime in, having calmed down from her hidden worry. "Why?" Both me and Scootaloo, now in a standing hug, looked to her to elaborate, which she did. "Why'd you delete it?"

"Couldn't take the guilt any more. Too much pain."

I pulled back looking Scootaloo in the eyes with a firm stare. "Guilty of what? And don't say of all the arguments, because I know that's not the truth."

"I- I- s-saw..."

"Compose yourself, and then try again."

"I saw Sunset... must have been staying in the shelter she was lying next to in an alley. It must have collapsed in the snow storm. I was just wood and sheet metal. B-but Sunset w-wasn't sleeping... she was bleeding out. Just in a pool of b-blood. Deep cuts all over her arms. Bloody knife in her boot. I-it was just..." She let out a wail of pain. I couldn't blame her. I knew Sunset must have been hving some troubles in this world, but I didn't think it was that bad...

"Flutters..." As I mentioned her name, Fluttershy looked up, tears staining the portion of hair she had been crying into. "Did we do this?"

Fluttershy's expression turned firm. "No. But we didn't know about it. That's on Sunset," She held up a hand beofre I could defend the accused. "but nothing else is. So we need to fix this. Scootaloo. Where is Sunset?"

"I t-took her to the hospital. I could... I could ask my mother. She works there."

"WAIT!" By this time. I had regained my confidence. We needed to do something about this to prevent further suffering. Now. "I know what we need to do."


I had taken Luna's advice of just forgetting about school for the holidays. I felt bad about just leaving Sunset in her situation, but along as she was safe with Velvet, I would be content. For now, I would relax and enjoy Christmas Eve with my sister. At least, that's what I had hoped to do.

"I'll get the door." As if Luna would answer it anyway. Regardless, I opened the door, and all hopes of a peaceful holiday dispersed in a matter of seconds. At the step were three girls: Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. All three appeared to have been crying heavily. Deciding it was none of my business, I greeted them normally. "Can I help you girls?"

They all cried out in unison, all at varying levels of noise and emotion, but they all said the same thing: "It's about Sunset!"

Hoping they didn't know about her current situation, I montioned for them to continue. Fluttershy started. "We know she was homeless and tried to commit suicide." Damn it.

Dash was up next, unsually quiet for her. "We want to at the very least apologise to her. We- we also have other news..." She motioned to Scootaloo.

"Me, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are Anon-a-miss. I got roped into it by the other two, Doesn't excuse a-anything though." I should've expected it.

As much as I'd like to do something to Scootaloo right now, "I can't do anything in the holidays, but when we get back..." Seeing her guilty look, I knew I didn't need to continue. "Forgive me, but how did you know about..." I really didn't want to put this into words. "...Sunset?"

Scootaloo looked even more nervous than before, something I did not think possible. "Well I, uh, I kinda was the one who, uh, got her to hospital."

"Oh...okay... I mean-" Sighing, I tried to just leave the conversation at that, as wrong as it felt. "Look girls, I appreciate you telling me this, but I can't do anything about it at the moment, and I can't tell you anything to find her without me getting in big trouble."

Fluttershy, far from her usual self, was the first to turn, motioning for the others to follow. "Thanks Principal, good luck with this whole mess."

And you, Fluttershy, and you.

"Who was that, Celestia?" I turned to see Luna standing in the hall, holding a mug of coffee.

"Later, Luna. Right now, I need tea. Badly. And right now."


Scootaloo was late coming back. Much later than usual, in fact. Must've gotten distracted by something. Again.

"MOM! Are you home?!" Or not. Sighing, I got up from my desk chair with minimal fuss. I didn't know where my son was, only that he was in the house, while I silently hoped he wouldn't show his face right now. Which was rude, I suppose, but I still had my reasons.

"I'm here, dear." Seeing that my daughter had two older girls with her, I knew something was up. "Isn't it a bit late to bring friends?"

"Well, we kind of got-" Rainbow Dash cut her off. The girl is a great inspiration, but she does get a bit... dominating.

"Well you see, Miss Turret, we were kind of wondering if..." Lacking her usual confidence, the athlete trailed off, while the other girl finished it for her.

"We know you work at the hospital, and we must ask, did you treat a Sunset Shimmer recently? On the day of the blizzard, to be precise."

How did they know of that? Did they hurt Sunset, make it look like a suicide? I suppose I must ask to find out. "I did. Do you know of... what she did?"

"I told them."

Oh that makes- wait what?! Scootaloo told them... how did she know? "Scootaloo, dear, how- how did you find o-out about it?"

Sighing, my daughter stiffened her composure, all the while balancing on her working leg. "Well, you see, this is what's been bothering me. I-I was the one wh-who brought her in."

"Y-you brought her... w-why?! I t-thought..."


Hey! Mate! There's a conversation we have to listen in on happening in the hall! We need to do it for the readers! Read- nevermind. And sure, I'll go listen in creepily, if it'll shut you up. YAY!

"What? You thought I hated her?"

"W-well yes! That's what you said less than a week ago." My sister was home, apparently.

"You see I- well I-" There was a long sigh. "I was kind of tricked but not really tricked into thinking she was the one that... hurt me."

"Right, I see." My mother - I think it was my mother paused, letting out a deep exhale. "You told the staff you found her next to a collapsed makeshift shelter?"


"And you're sure it was Sunset Shimmer?"

Sunse- SUNSET SHIMMER?! Quick talk to them now! What why- oh. Ooohhh. This is starting to make sense now. Thank you, Screwball, though you might not be around for much longer. You're welcome, Brad!

"My name's not Brad! It's Flash, God dam-" I clamped my mouth shut. But it was too late. The damage had been done.

"Flash... that you?" Now I could see the group I saw there were two others from the group.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy! Again, thanks. I could hide no longer, I stepped out into the hall. For the first time in too long, I would speak.

"What was that about Sunset?"

Author's Note:

To make up for the bad ending of the last chapter, here's a bunch of reveals for you!
And now you know who the crazy person is! Congrats to Ze1a7in for guessing their identity!
I will explain Screwball as a whole at a later date. To does who bother to comment: what do you think about a chapter or even a short story that examines Flash? Or any other character for that matter?