• Published 30th Mar 2018
  • 9,798 Views, 306 Comments

A Third Chance to Find a Family - kitkataddel

Sunset has made alot of mistakes in both universes, but what if this mistake finally forces her away from all that she cares for?

  • ...

15 - Reveal

"You said she'll be here?" Octavia, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Vinyl were sat around a table in a coffee shop, next to a old libary. It was fairly quiet, not many people would be out while the snow was still melting. Vinyl nodded at her friends, then returned to flicking through her phone. The bell above the entrance ringed, and a golden-skinned girl entered, wearing a hoodie several times to large for her, followed by a nervous purple girl, glancing around the shop at nothing imparticular. The first girl glanced over to the group, face lighting up in recognition, and made her way over to them.

"Hi girls. Sorry I'm a little late. Someone forgot it was freezing outside." She glanced back to the other girl, who approached while sheepishly rubbing the back of her head.

"Eheh, sorry."

"Before you all go into a panic or party or whatever, this is the Twilight from the human world, not Princess Twilight. I'll explain later." They both took a seat, recieving various greetings, mostly awkward ones. "See Twi? Not that hard."

"Fine, you were right. I still don't see why I had to come along though, Sunset." Twilight gave an annoyed pout, still reluctant to be there.

"Because you can't make every new friend part of your family, so best start now. And I'm older than you, so you bet I'm going to be a big sister to you from now on." Sunset playfully nudged Twilight, elicting a quiet giggle.

"Okay, we're clearly missing something here, what's going on?" Lyra held up a hand, interrupting the exchange.

"Heh, I suppose I owe you an explanation, don't I? Very, very, very long story short, I got adopted. Again. But this time, by Twilight's family. So I'm one of them now. Go me."

While it wasn't as shocking as past events, it still suprised the group that the ex-school bully had been adopted by the interdimensional counterpart to their school's multiple times magical saviour. Vinyl made some quick gestures with her hands, causing Sunset to snigger slightly. "Yeah, that's exactly what I thought at first too." Vinyl made some more movements, this time directing them at Sunset. "Yeah, I know sign language. First thing I learnt how to do with my hands when I first... came here."

Octavia was also following the movements, having been slowly learning sign language ever since meeting Vinyl, but was not as talented as the other two girls. The rest of the girls, on the other hand, were just sitting there confused, miserably failing to understand anything in the exchange, unti Lyra spoke up again.

"Eerrrrm, you said there was a really long version, could we just have the 'not quite so long but more than just a few sentences' version, please? There's kinda a lot missing."

"Sorry I'm late girls! I got caught up in the snow!" A blonde, grey skinned girl rushed up, wih a similar looking younger girl, looking to be around Freshman year. "Oh, hi, Sunset! You're the actual Twilight, aren't you? Nice to meet you!"

Seeing Twilight's shellshocked expression, Sunset leaned in and said, "She has a... different way of saying things. And her eyes are usually like that. It's not a sore spot, but she does get frustrated when people constantly mention it." Turning back to the newcomer, she cheerfully greeted her. "Hi Ditzy! Didn't know you were coming."

"That's because someone didn't give your number." She shot a mismatched glare at Vinyl, who nervously shuffled her arms, before slipping a piece of paper into the grey girl's hands. "And call me Derpy, all my friends do."

"Sis... why do I have to be here?" The younger girl whined from behind Derpy.

"Because you said you're gonna be spending your time with me during lunch, so you'd better get used to the other people you'll be around. Plus, you said you wanted to meet Sunset. Sunset, this is Dinky, my little sister."

A pair of golden eyes poked out from behind Derpy. "S-Sunset's here?!"

"Is she here to try and break my hand for what I used to do to you or-" Sunset was interrupted by a soft thud, finding Dinky had taken the comment as an invitation. If Sunset could feel her hand, she probably would say she was actually doing a good job, as Dinky had managed to bend a finger into an awkward position. Taking advantage of Dinky's small size, Sunset lifted her arm, the little girl still holding onto it. It was almost adorable, if not lined with malicious intent. Still, it was hard not to giggle at the display.

"Or what?"

"...Doesn't matter."

"Humf, Suffseth?" Dinky was just holding the bandaged arm in her mouth, dangling by her teeth.

"It would help if you didn't speak with your mouth full."

Unwilling to part with her 'victim', Dinky grasped the limb in her arms, before looking to its owner once again. "Are you not feeling anything because of these bandages?"

"That's-" Sunset sighed, knowing she would have to give an proper explanation now. "That's kind of the focus of this entire story. Take a seat, Derpy? Dinky, are you..."

The younger girl swung herself from the arm onto the table, settling on it. "I'm good."

Sunset leaned over to Derpy, whispering, "I'm not gonna lie, this involves suicide, is she gonna be alright with this?"

Sighing, Derpy shook her head. "She's more... familiar with the subject than she should be. Don't ask."

Pulling away, Sunset nodded in confirmation. "Right. This is going to be... I..."

Twilight put a reassuring hand on Sunset's shoulder. "Just take your time, Sunset."

"Look, I'm just going to straight out say it, I tried to kill myself."

Unsuprisingly, a loud round of gasps went round, concern showing in her friends' eyes. Fully expecting the oncoming questions, Sunset prematurely put up a hand to stop them. "I can assure you, I'm fine now. And please, I've already feel like I've answered enough question in past few days, so save them 'til the end, alright? Alright."

Taking an extra deep breath, Sunset steeled herself for her tale.

"You know what happened in the hallway? All the crying and stuff like that? I left the school and well... I used a knife to... yeah. It wasn't just because of that, though. Revelation number two: I was homeless. Living in a tiny hand made shack quite close to here, actually. The snow caused it to collapse, and well, I... I lost hope. Completely. And I commited, there and then. I was found by - you're not gonna believe this - one of the people behind Anon-a-miss. I'm not going to name them, at least not yet. I need to properly sort things out with them first. Went into hospital, some stuff happened that I'll tell you later, and I eventually got taken into foster care by Twilight Velvet, Twilight Sparkle's mother.

"It was pretty normal for a while, apart from the fact that I couldn't move my hands or lower arms. Then, Christmas Eve comes around, and I can move my arms and stuff again. I'm having trouble doing some stuff, like writing, but I'm good otherwise. I've also got some really deep scars, and a lot of them. The talking dog, Spike, comes to visit. Then, Christmas Day, I wake up with magical powers - I'll show you later Lyra - and end up fighting a literal sun goddess, who also happened to be my old teacher. Christmas proceeds normally, I sing a song (marvelously, of course), and all is well. Boxing Day, I meet with the deity, then talk with Princess Twilight. Princess Twilight gets kidnapped by the Dazzlings, me and the sun goddess goes back and rescues her, everything's good with them now (I hope)."

Sunset thoughtfully put a finger to her chin. "Errm... what else was there? Oh, then I got adopted. I think that's everything..." The girl almost lost herself in thought, before noticing the varying expressions gathered around the table, all of them still processing what they had heard. Twilight, having been through something a few times before, simply waited, drumming her fingers on the table.

"THAT'S SO COOL!" Dinky was the first to break the silence, unable to contain her wonder and excitement any longer. "Can you show me a trick? Can you?!"

"Heh, lets wait for the rest of them to come to their senses first." She gestured to the rest of the group, waving a bandaged hand in front of Octavia's eyes. She started to blink, shaking her head, bringing her mind back to reality. "You good, Octavia?"

"Y-yes, I am- I think... Give me a minute."

Sunset smiled, shaking her head, then turning to Twilight. "This is what I had to deal with when I said everything to you."

"And how long was I out?"

"About ten minutes. So give these people five. They're nowhere near as science-y as you." She surveyed the stunned girls, smirking a little. "Maybe three for Lyra. Oh, maybe you should move away fr-"

"MAGIC!" Lyra jumped forwards across the table, grabbing Sunset by the shoulders, jerking her violently. "SHOW ME!"

That snapped everyone else out of their trances, and the group as a whole, rushed forward to pull Lyra back, Vinyl tactfully putting a hand over the turquoise girl's mouth. She flashed an apologetic look at Sunset, before settling Lyra back in her seat, only for her to try and rush forwards again. Seeing she would not give up, Sunset stood up, gesturing for the others to follow. "Let's get this out of the way. Better sooner than later."

Stepping out of the shop, hoping no one was too disturbed by the outburst. Finding an alleyway just past the adjacent library, Sunset stepped into it, motioning for the others to follow, only to burst out laughing.

"Of all the places to come to! Of course it's here!"

The rest of the group looked at each other, confused at their friend's exclamation. To them, it was just a standard dead end alley way, with a thin blanket of snow covering the ground. Looking to Twilight for an explanation, she just gave the same clueless expression, shrugging.

"Uh, Sunset? Where is 'here'?"

"Well, to you, it's a random alley. To me, it was my home for a few years. That imparticular." She pointed to a bump in the snow. Noticing the expressions worn on the other girls, she giggled a little. "Hey, it's not all bad. Last time I was here I became a millionaire."


"Another story for another time." Noticing one of her friends was crouched down near the entrance for the alley, Sunset called out to her. "Hey, Bon Bon, what're you doing?"

"What's this red stuff? Is it blood?"

"Yeah, mine. Anywa-"

Sunset was interrupted by a loud stomp on the ground, and Vinyl, seeing she had her attention, started to sign.

<This is not something you should be calm about. Are you OK?>

"Meh. I've had time to get over it. I've been through a similar experience before. Granted, I never took it this far, but that's not the point. And anyway, I need to accept the past, and move on. 'My past is not today', I guess."

The DJ nodded, content with the answer she had gotten. Lyra calmly approached Sunset, a wanting look in her eye. Slightly intimidated, the girl backed a bit, now sporting a nervous grin.


"Uh, Lyra?"

"Now. Magic."



"LYRA!" The light blue girl had Sunset pinned in a corner, only a foot away from her. "I can't do magic in a tiny space!"

"Oh." The lyrist blushed, before backing away, standing next to Bon Bon. "Right. Sorry."

"It's fine. Let's put on a show now, hey?"

Almost of instinct, Sunset reached out to the magic infused in her, and instantly, she felt a warmth rising throughout her body. As the others watched in wonder, Sunset felt her extra appendages appear. The horn, made of pure light, stuck out from her head, glowing softly. Two great wings made of fire shot out of her back, lightly flapping to keep the girl aloft. Her hair extended, and a pair of pony hear replaced her human ones. Most noticably, however, was the complete change in clothing. Instead of the plain hoodie and jeans she had been wearing earlier, her leather jacket had appeared on her body, battered and bloody as before. Under the jacket was a full suit of armour, the same set from when she had confronted the sirens earlier.

Deciding to show off a little, Sunset started to levitate the wreck of her shelter, sorting through it, reassembling it to its original state. Something glinting in the light she was giving off caught her eye, and she glided down to the small shack. Locating the shining item, she brought it out using her magic, floating it towards her hands.

It was a gem, red and gold in colour, not to dissimilar to Sunset's cutie mark. Her eyes lit up in recognition, and she automatically fed some magic into the jewel, causing it to suspend itself in the air. A purple string formed around it, threading though a miniscule gap in the gem. A tiny orb of light formed in the center, the two colours of the gem shifting and fighting against each other. Smiling at the jewel, Sunset reached out to take in her hands, and placed it around her neck, warmly grinning at her new neckpiece.

It gave Sunset a nice feeling, one which can only be described as pleasant. It tingled every inch of her body, causing a sigh of satistfaction to escape her lips. She stroked it affectionately, as if it was an old friend.

"I must say, it's very beautiful, my dear. Not to mention, impressive." Broken out of their awe induced stance by the voice, coming from the entrance of the alleyway, the group turned to face it, only Sunset recognising its owner. A man, dressed in what would usually be a extremely smart suit, ruined by various colourful patches smothering the clothing. He had yellow eyes, and greyed skin. His lanky body leaned against the wall, tapping his odd shoes on the ground, and twirling the cane in his mismatched gloves.

"Mr. Gavel?!"

"Pluh-ease! Call me Discord."

Sunset almost choked on nothing upon hearing the name. "D-D-Discord?!" It started to make sense now. All the passing comments he made when he was creating her adoption, his past with Celestia, they did seem to mirror his interdimensional counterpart. And while Discord was the man who did do alot for her, he was still the spirit of chaos.

"Now, now, just because I have a pony counterpart that you might've known, doesn't mean you have to be scared of me."

"Alright. Alright. Alright. You're a different person. I don't know how you know about Equestria, but you're human. But forgive me for being paranoid - your counterpart ruled the world ruthlessly for centuries, spreading complete disharmony and harm."

Sunset was forced to cast a calming spell, allowing her to think straight through her panicking mind. Even so, a billion questions were swirling around her head uncontrollably. 'Why does he know about Equestia? How? Does his past mirror the Equestrian Discord's past? Is he a criminal? He must've been a criminal. He's seen me do magic? How's he here- wait. How actually is he here?'

"Okay, Gavel, Discord, whatever, how are you here?"

"What you mean, 'how am I here?' Why, I simply walked through that empty space over there, and leaned against this wall." The man gave that look that made it seem painfully obvious.

"What- I- nevermind. I cast a spell which made anyone who walked by ignore what was going in here, and not enter under any circumstances. Evidently, it isn't perfect." With a quick flash of red, Sunset recast the spell several times, just in case anyone else happened to wander in. She dropped to the ground, folding in her wings, but keeping them at the ready, in case Dinky or Lyra decided to rush her. Luckily, they were still a little bit stunned by the magic to do anything, allowing Sunset to focus her attention on Discord. "First and foremost, how in all of Tartarus do you know about Equestria?"

"How does one cover up a huge hole in the front of the school without knowing the truth? You don't. Somehow, a student accidently mixing fireworks and propane on the night of the fall formal didn't seem true to me. I don't know how 'Tia knew so much, mind you, but that doesn't really matter now, does it?" Noticing Sunset's thoughtful expression, Discord helped fill in some of the blanks. "I've been the one covering for you legally. Your entry into the school, the papers sent to the hospital literally last minute, everything. But now, I'm retiring from all that. Gavel is closing down, and I'm getting a new job!"

"And you are telling me this because...?"

"I'm going to be teaching you drama! And it's going to be great! Oh! And you have got to tell me about magical pony land! I can only imagine what happens over there!" He clapped his hands together in giddy joy, hopping with enthusiasm. "Speaking of which, I'm meeting Celestia to sort out everything. I suspect you have a number of things you might want to sort out. And yes, I know she said she wouldn't be open now, but she will not turn you away. Ever. Now come on!" He rushed over, tapping his cane on Sunset's shoulder. "We should teleport there now."

"Girls, something tells me I'm going to lose this argument already. Continue this later?" She got a series of nods, some more reluctant than others, before turning to Twilight. "I trust you can get home?"


Sunset rolled her eyes, knowing Twilight was completely clueless about the way home. "I'll teleport you." Not even able to get the chance to protest, the purple skinned girl disappeared in a sudden red flash, leaving the rest of the group to slowly disperse, all of them saying to Sunset that they'd better get more later on. She hated just to send them away like that, but something about Discord told her he wasn't to be argued with under any cirumstances. It might've been because she owed Discord alot, or it could've been the terrifying reality that his magical counterpart was thought to be completely evil.

"The school, Sunset. The office... Remember? Principal Celestia's office... any one home?" Discord waved a yellow glove infron tof Sunset's unmoving expression, before her lips parted slightly.

"Quiet. Concentrating." She barely mumbled, only just loud enough for the man to hear, and move away. Another few seconds passed, and they both disappeared in another flash, the world melting around them.

"Where is he?" Principal Celestia Ra sat at her desk, drumming her fingers on the surface infront of her.

"Relax, 'Tia. You can't expect him to be on time." Vice Principal Luna Khonsu stood behind her, placing a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder. A deep red light came from the other side of the door for a split second, a quiet zapping sound accompanying it. While Luna looked slightly stunned, Celestia simply rolled her eyes.

"Luna, please inform our latest employee that he is not allowed to set off flares in the school corridors, and then invite him in." She stopped tapping on the desk, and Luna went to open the door, gasping a little when she did.

"Erm, sister, you might want to see this. And by that, I mean stand up and join me at the door."

"And make sure you open your mouth in astonishment!" A man's voice called from the other side, childlike excitement tinting the sentence.

Smirking slightly at the unimaginable prank that she expected to come, Celestia rose up from her seat, and strode, with a little reluctance, to take a place next to Luna, and directed her gaze out of the door.

There, an oddly dressed man, who she knew as Discord, stood next to Sunset Shimmer. In addition to that, Sunset was floating slightly, great wings made of fire flapping to keep her aloft, and a horn formed out of what appeared to be pure light extended from her forehead. The girl's eyes, usually green, glowed slightly, a dark shade of red appearing to tint them. A leather jacket was worn over what appeared to be a suit of armour, symbols decorating some of the plates.

Celestia took a step back, unsure how to process the sight, as the girl giggled, before tapping the gem that was being worn around her neck. It let out a flash, and every trace of magic, including the armour, disappeared, the protective clothing being replaced by a plain looking hoodie and trousers, and the necklace glowed in a maginificent glow of gold and red. Nodding in satistfaction, Sunset chuckled to herself, smiling.

"I'm really doing a terrible job of hiding this, aren't I? There's now at least a dozen people who know." She shrugged, as if not truly caring about anything. "Oh well. I suspect I'm not going to be able to hid this from the school anyway. Hello, Principal, Vice Principal. Good to see you again."

"H-hello, Sunset. Care for an explanation?"

"I think 'magic' will suffice."

"Of course." Celestia rubbed her head, already feeling a headache coming on. "Come in, Discord. We have much to discuss."

"And Sunset, could you please join me in my office. While you're here, I need to speak to you about a number of things." Luna walked over to a nearby door and entered it, holding it open so the girl could follow her. Looking behind her, Sunset noticed Discord was now sat at the desk opposite Celestia, and opted to do the same in Luna's office. Settling into the seat, the girl looked across the table, seeing the vice principal take the seat. "I'm going to ignore the magic, because, quite frankly, I think I've had enough of it. /instead, lets start off with more... mortal matters."


"Yes. I think the first thing would be finding out who it could be."

"Right." Sunset paused, planning her words carefully. "I'm going to be honest, I know who it is, but I haven't got proper evidence, save for one of them, who came forward and deleted the account."

"So who are they?"

"I'm not going to say yet." Seeing Luna was about to protest, Sunset held up a bandaged hand, letting her continue her argument uninterrupted. "Look, the one that told me everything, quite frankly, needs some time alone - without the entire school on them for revenge. If I expose even one of the group, the rest will automatically assume the rest of them are involved. I need hard evidence that only a certain number of the group are involved. First though, I'll probably confront them in private. I wouldn't be suprised, however, if they reopened the damn blog again. They're desperate. For what, I'm not entirely sure."

"Alright. Usually I'd insist to tell us all you know, but something deep inside me tells me I should let you handle it. Before it was an act of bullying and framing. Now, it seems personal." Luna could see the sort of emotions that were in the girl's eyes, and from personal experience, knew not to press it further. "Might I ask if you've found anyone who actually believes you're not Anon-a-miss?"

"I didn't think I'd ever be able to say this, but I can actually draw up a list."

"Oh? Do tell."

"If I'm honest, I've literally no clue why any of these people believe me, but they do. Let's see, there's Bon Bon-"

"Could you use full names please? I do intend on using this information in some way." Luna was poised with a pen above a notepad.

"Sure. There's Sweetie Drops, Lyra Heartstrings, Der- Ditzy Doo, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, eerrrr... Rainbow Dash, Flutter Shy... I think that's it. Oh, yeah, there's Flash Sentry, Scootaloo Turret, Dinky Doo, and my new sister, Twilight Sparkle."

"Congratulations on that. Oh, while we're on names, I need to ask you - does the name Sonata Dusk mean anything to you?" The darker woman tapped a nearby form, the title being the forementioned name. "We got an application from her, and it seems rather... wild."

"Sonata? She's one of the Dazzlings, currently trying to live a normal life without the influence of the other sirens." Sunset put up a thoughtful hand to her chin, remembering the brief conversation she had with the other equestrians. "She did say she still needed qualifications, now that I think about it. Probably trying to get them here. Terrible idea, considering her past here, but still. I doubt most of the students will actually recognize her. They've become just...there. Anyway, I'll vouch for her, if that's what you're asking for."

"I'll keep that in mind. Anyway, I note among that list is Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Are the others...?" She left the question unsaid, unsure of the girl's feelings about it.

"I'd rather not talk about them. At all. Not right now, anyway." Sunset's face gave away none of her emotions, but it was hard to mistake what she was feeling at that moment from the strained tone of her voice.

"Understood. I believe the human Twilight will now be attending here? Do you... want us to do anything about everyone thinking she is the princess?"

"I believe our parents are going to be coming over in a few days time to sort out the transfer. I'll tag along, do what I can. Best save it for then. By the way, are you just here for Discord?" Something sparked inside of Sunset's brain, a plan. The thoughts could been seen in Sunset's green eyes, burning with desire.

"Other than some pieces of paperwork we needed to do, that is correct."

"Then might I do something here? Over the course of my bully stage, I got extremely paranoid with my blackmail. I've disposed of most of it, but I stashed physical copies all over school, all very well hidden, and I can hardly remember were any of them are. With this new magic, however..." She gave a grin, one which could've been on a evil villain's face.

"You want to get rid of all of them now?"


"Go ahead. I need to tell Celestia first, though. Heavens knows how tired she is of magic messing with he school." Luna stood, pacing back towards her sister's office, poking her head inside for a minute or so, before striding back over to Sunset. "Go ahead."

"Great!" The girl all but jumped out of her seat, already making her way out of the office and down the hall, heading for the gymnasium at a swift walk. Luna, not wanting to be left behind caught up to Sunset at a jog, before slowing to match the girl's speed. Suddenly, Sunset paused, stopping at a door to a classroom, and reaching to the top of the doorframe, retrieving a black cuboid covered in tape. "One of the sticks. They're all identical, so this shouldn't be too hard."

"Sunset, question."


"You were homeless with next to no money. How did you afford any of this?"

"I didn't. I was resourceful. I basically survived off of the school water and lunch meals. One day, I was passing a tech shop. They were throwing out a bunch of these sticks because they were 'obsolete'. Used the computers in library, and voilà! Blackmail on every single person in this school, all at my long, dishrivelled fingers. Mwahahah. Fear me." She stuck her hands out dramatically, putting on her best evil grin.

"Riiiight. So what's the plan here? Just become magical and poof, all the memory sticks appear in front of you?" Luna made a explosion with her hands, causing Sunset to giggle a little.

"Ha! I wish. Even magic isn't that easy. This shouldn't be too hard either, though. Provided nothing happened to any of the memory sticks, thet all should be exactly the same. I just need to make a spell which searches for more of these, and bring them to me. I also need to make sure they don't force their way through walls. That would be bad. Not to mention expensive. Mind you..." She trailed off, not quite willing to say that she had almost two million in golden coins. Instead, she opted to tap the gem again, making the armour, wings and horn appear again.

"What is that gem?" Luna, irritation in her voice, was shielding her eyes from the flash that the girl emitted.

"This? It keeps my magic under control. Something from my days in Equestria, when I would accidently cast spells, and destroy stuff. Very useful when your speciality was pyromancy. Heh. Good times..." She drifted off into memories, before clearing her head with a shake and entering to hall. Luna, slightly disturbed by the fact one of her students apparantly had a fascination with fire and potentially explosions, chose to stand to the side, away from the door way, but also away from the magical girl. "This might take a little while. You may want to take a seat."

"I believe that ends our talk, Discord."

"Always a pleasure, 'Tia. I shall look forward to teaching here for at least a few years."

Celestia and Discord, having concluded the introduction into the new job, stood, Discord enthusastically shaking hands with the woman. "Not planning on staying long?"

"I'm an old man, 'Tia, despite my looks. There's only so much energy I can expend before I wither away, lost to the ages." He dramatically waved his cane about, suddenly pausing in his movements, before crouching to look under Celestia's desk. "Hmm. Magic. Magic magic magic."

Before Celestia could ask what's wrong, his face was suddenly illuminated by a red light, and the source flew out from underneath the desk. It was a black cuboid, held in a red glow, heading directly for the door. Discord, acting like it was the end of the world already, quickly chased after the object, frantically reaching out to it and grasping it in his hand. Digging his heels in, the man found himself unable to halt the levitating item, and was dragged hopelessly along with it. Glancing around, Discord found himself joined by dozens of identical objects. A sly grin worked its way onto his face, something which did not escape Celestia's notice.

"Discord! Don't you dare!"

Author's Note:

I feel like I made Sunset's new friends go away a little too quickly, and didn't put in their resctions, but I kind of want to save that for when they're all back in school. How else is someone going to try and beat up Sunset and then get completely messed up?
Excluding that spoiler, the magic stuff won't be that major until later in the story. I personally don't want this to stray away too far from the main point of the story, because it's already been distorted enough.

I posted a blog about this, but I've been thinking - once all the Slice of Life stuff is over, I might try and end the story, and continue this as a sequel.

And last thing: I'm going to put my hands up and say that this fic is getting worse. By a long way. I'm going to continue this, but I doubt there's any turning back now. But! I have a 5:1 like to dislike ratio (at the time of writing). Not bad for a fic that I put next to no effort into.