• Published 30th Mar 2018
  • 9,798 Views, 306 Comments

A Third Chance to Find a Family - kitkataddel

Sunset has made alot of mistakes in both universes, but what if this mistake finally forces her away from all that she cares for?

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1 - Rejected

"Who brought her in?"

"Young girl. Probably Freshman. Couldn't see who it was, had too much clothing on."

"Damn blizzard. Didn't you ask her?"

"Didn't have a chance to. Shuffled out the moment she made sure she got attention, ignored us, all the while exclaiming how she's sorry, to no one imparticular. She could've at least told us who this is or what happened to her."

"The last one should be pretty obvious."

At this moment in time, one young girl, whose soul had lost their way just in the past day, was brought back to the world of senses. A hand was grasped around her arm, turning it over, though she could only feel the top half of it, above the lower part of the elbow. A gasp opened her hearing, allowing her to start to regain consciousness, just in time to hear a clearly horrified gasp.

"As for who she is... Well, I'm almost postive I can answer that one myself."

Suddenly realising the voice was strangely familiar, a sudden shock overtook the girl, throwing her forwarded panting, staring into the void of a room she was laid in, but the bearer of the voice was not who she would've expected to use such a tone for their next words.

"She's the swine who ruined my daughter's dreams. Who broke her leg, permamently, then ruined my other child. Twice. She is someone who I would define as a complete b-"

"Doctor!" One of the nurses was now scolding the doctor, then turned to the girl in bed. "I'm sorry about the doctor dear. She seems to think you hurt her daughter, Scootaloo." Turning back, she sternly glanced at the doctor, telling her to behave.

"You're right, you're right. But you can't blame me for being angry at this Shimmer girl after what she did to Scootaloo. Still, I suppose she did seem to try and make up for it. Seemed to."

Sunset, finally regaining her breath, suddenly exclaimed in a slight panic, startling all the staff. "You're Scootaloo's mother?!"

While one would suppose that this should not be at the top of her priorities, she did have a point. Instead of the violet hair her daughter had, the doctor possessed a dark-ish blue mop of straighted strands, clearly left alone to never be touched again. Instead of the darker orange skin, she had a light yellow, almost akin to one of her friends. Ex-friends. One of the nurses, clearly serious about her words, stepped in.

"Dear, while we understand you are curious about those around you, we need to know what actually happened, particularly as you were carried here through a snow storm."

"Was dying from the storm. No shelter. Better to die quickly than slowly."

"Hmmm. I'm sure there's more to it than that. Sunset Shimmer, yes?" She was answered with a weak nod, since Sunset was too weak to speak much, and she was now taking in her situation.

Memories can flooding back to her. She had commited. After being left to rot in more ways that one, she had made a decision. What she didn't remember is being taken to an observational ward in a hospital and then being tied down to a bed, all the while having her lower arms and hands encased in a . Seeing her discomfort, the nurses shuffled out, hoping to give her room to breathe. That left the clearly angry doctor. After a long silence, Scootaloo's mother finally broke the silence.

"I am Dr. Turret. You most likely have at the very least of heard of my daughter Scootaloo. Now that we now know each other," Dr. Turret grew threatingly close, allowing Sunset to feel an enraged breathing. "why?"

Shrugging, Sunset weakly mumbled out a few words. "No shelter. Hardly any clothes. Almost de-"

"No. Why did you cripple my daughter?"

"Cripp- Wha-?"

"Defiant to the last huh? No matter. I'm sure I'll find out in due time."

"Turret!" A slam accompanied the newcomer. "This is a hospital, not a police station for crying out loud! And why's she still tied down? You think she's going anywhere?"

"She tried to commit suicide Velvet!" Sighing, Dr. Turret took a step back. "Look Velvet, do what you want, I cannot deal with you, nor her right now." And with that, the doctor simply stepped out of the lab with an air of frustration.

Rotating herself to face Sunset, Velvet started to introduce herself. "Hello, I'm Twilight Velvet. I apologise about Doctor Turret. I really don't know what's gotten into her. Sunset Shimmer isn't it? I would say pleased to meet you, but at the same time, it really isn't appropriate. Now I suppose I must ask the obvious question? Why did you do it?"

Repeating her earlier words, she explained her previous situation.

"Okay Sunset, I'm going to be honest, I know there must be alot more to it than that." Seeing the sudden unease on her patient's face, she swiftly added "Don't worry, I shan't push you for details now. You just rest. You need it."

With that Sunset allowed herself to pass out without any resistance, summiting herself to the darkness once more.

Storming out of the room, Doctor Turret almost sprinted to her office, gaining quite a few concerned looks along the way. Sighing heavily, she pulled out her opened phone, hesitating before clamping it to the side of her face with her hand, letting it buzz into her ear.

"Hey, this is Scoots."

"Scootaloo honey, I'm going to be home quite late today. The snow has caused more chaos than it noramlly does." For a moment, she thought about informing her daughter about her latest patient, but passed the idea as idiotic and simply unneeded.

"Uh, sure. I'll be okay with your other child." Her mother could hear Scootaloo pull back in regret as she realised her words. "S-so, any time we should expect you back?"

"Potentially midnight, perhaps even later dear. I really couldn't say."

"Well, if it's not too late when you finish, call us okay? I'll tell the others."

"Will do. Wait..." Pausing to think for moment, Turret suddenly thought about what she could hear past her child's voice. There we people shouting, perhaps at her, but that wasn't the worst part about it. It was the fact she was outside. In the snow, at night.


"Scootaloo, what are you doing outside at... ten o'clock at night?"

"Oh I was, err, I was with my friends, they wanted some help with something."

Hearing the masked tone in her voice, the doctor remained unconvinced, but let the matter pass. "Hmm. Listen, Scootaloo, you should go home now, and don't stop." Hearing steps outside, she knew what was about to come 'Oh great. I really do not want to have this conversation right now.'

"Okay, I've got to go now, so get going, alright?"

"Already on my way!"

With that, Doctor Turret hung up, and braced herself for the metaphorical and potentially literal storm she was about to face, head first.

"So what do you have against that girl?"

"She's the one who crippled my daughter! I'M SURE OF IT!" The supposedly good doctor raised her voice substantially, clearly proving her emotions.

"Turret, please, you have no proof of that!"

"I don't need proof! I know she did it! There's no way she didn't!"

"DOCTOR! TURRET!" Twilight Velvet had quite obviously had enough of her compainions outburst, as short as it was. "This is ridiculous! I should not have to scold you for being so full of rage because of a patient who has quite clearly been through alot, reminds you of someone else, otherwise she wouldn't be here because of what she's done. You still also have no right to believe in all of this if you have no substantial proof as it should be in this system of the law!"

Very clearly, Turret was taken aback by this rant, and she was starting to understand that Velvet had every right to be this angry. An attempt to compose herself later, she mumbled something completely incoherent and excused herself to take care of her currently 'mentally fragile' patient that was just brought in out of the snow.

Though if she thought she was shocked, she certainly could not read Velvet's expressions. she had not expected her compainion to give up this easily, and returned to her duties, in relative silence, all the while trying to clam the conflicting beliefs swirling in her head.

"'Tis almost time for morn sister."

"I am aware. But you never come visit me at this time, particularly after your duties."

"... We have experienced something you may wish to know sister."

"Oh? What is it?"

"It concerns one from thy past. And they are terribly, terribly lost."

"No... surely you aren't..."

"I am."



"Hmm. Perhaps I was mistaken."

Author's Note:

Okay, couple of things:
I am unfamiliar with the US education system in which CHS is in, so I am just assuming Freshmen are just starting Secordary (or High) school, for example. So if I seem to make mistakes, that's why.

I also discovered while reading this I am a faster typer - which means I make lots of mistakes - and I am an even faster reader, with poor vision - which means I miss alot of the mistakes I've made while proofreading this. So, again, please point out mistakes.

I feel I need to explain this too - the reason I made it so Scootaloo is slightly crippled is because her pony counterpart is kind of disabled so she can't fly, so I figure their counterpart should be too. Also acts as an explaination of why she always moves around on her scooter.

Just a personal opinion, but if I do continue to write, there will be one condition in my stories, SCREW ORPHAN SCOOTALOO. Dumbest thing in the famdom. Not that it's a bad concept, just waaaayyyy too overused. If it wasn't clear enough, Scootaloo has a sibling, and I shall reveal what is going on with her appearance along with that soon..........er or later! Mwah ahahah! I am so evil! No one can defeat my trick of putting many full stops in the middle of a word!

These notes are already long enough, but one more thing. Just one - what do you think of the end part? You can guess you it's between, and I'm going to try and do it with every chapter, but I don't want to put too much time into this without knowing where people want into go, even if I have my own ideas that I'm going to do.

Oh, and get used to long author's notes if I become a proper writer. I tend to rant a bit lot.