• Published 30th Mar 2018
  • 9,798 Views, 306 Comments

A Third Chance to Find a Family - kitkataddel

Sunset has made alot of mistakes in both universes, but what if this mistake finally forces her away from all that she cares for?

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10 - Meetings

After Sunset's performance, Christmas proceeded normally, since the entire family generally agreeded upon the decision that everyone would just leave all 'this magic business' until tomorrow, as much as they'd like to discuss it now. And so they did. Everyone got presents, including Sunset, though her presents weren't as personal, since

Despite the fact that Velvet had helped Sunset pick out presents for the family, everyone complimented her for managing to pick out such appropriate gifts for Christmas, and Sunset returned the comment, despite there was really much that she got. As much as she'd like to have taken this positively, it only heightened her worries, particularly about what Celestia may talk to her about. Instead of allowing the family to give her even more questions about magic, Sunset headed to bed extremely early.

The next night didn't entirely help.

"This is the part where We get to say 'I told you so', isn't it?"

"Har har. And Luna? Stop with the royal voice. You're not in court, and all does is agitate me." Instead of the dungeon cell she had previously been in, it was instead a simple night sky, with the two ponies being suspended in it.

"Ah. Of course. How was my sister?" The princess had been stiff up until now, keeping with her regal image, despite Sunset already knowing better.

"Honestly? I don't know. I asked her to leave and come back tomorrow, which, surprisingly enough, she did. She said..."

"We'll see what happens after this. A much as I want to respect your wishes, there is something I must do."

Sunset looked up with worry at the princess of the night, who responded with a look of uncertainty. "I just don't know what she means by that." Luna opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off by the unicorn in front of her. "You know what? I'd rather not talk about it. As much as I'd like to trust you, I have literally never met you in pony."

"...Alright. I can understand that. Can I ask a few questions though?"

"Only if you answer a few of mine." There was sense of determination in her voice, perhaps out of defying a princess again.

"That's fine. Why do you always become a pony in you dreams."

"Look Luna - you can probably tell this already, but I'm near terrified of going back to Equestria unless I must. Dreams, or even nightmares may be the only time I get to become a unicorn." Sunset shivered at the thought of being a pony in real life, since she knew it would be under the worst circumstances.

"But why?" Recieving only a head cocked to the side, Luna elaborated. "Why are you so scared?"

Sighing, the amber unicorn reluctantly answered. "Okay, listen. I highly doubt I'll actually get thrown into a dungeon for all time or get banished, but I can't help but let my... demon side convince me slightly otherwise." To exaggerate her point, she utilised the power she wielded in the dream to create a construct which represent her dark magic form she had at the fall formal, which proceeded to silently mock Sunset, before dispersing in a great rainbow.

"I...see. You said you had questions." Her voice didn't show it, but Luna's face twitched slightly, perhaps in fear of the demon.

"Ah. Yes. Okay - one, how did you mange to come into my dreams?"

"I can only connect with indiviuals with substantial Equestrian magic inside of them. Did you suddenly have a lot more magic recently?"

Sunset merely gave a nod of the head, not wanting to create any questions she didn't want to answer about her... confrontation. "I'll ask you not to press the why on this question, or mention it to Celestia. But I... I can't feel my fore ar- hooves in the real world. Why can I here?" She gingerly used the hoof in question the poke the non-existant floor, feeling an odd tingle, now slightly unfamiliar to her.

"Dreams are created by the brain. As longas that isn't damaged, the dream should give the person a normal body, unless it decides not to." Luna put a hoof to her chin, stratching it slightly, thinking. "Well, that's what it's meant to be. Maybe things are different in your world."

"I suppose that makes sense. Same way an amputee could have all their limbs in a dream. Okay last- actually no. It doesn't matter."

"Are you sure?" A violent shake of the head was what she got as a response.

"I'd rather save it for Celestia. I have my reasons."

"Fair enough. I... think I shall leave everything else to my sister. And rest assured Sunset, even if is the day after Hearth's Warming, she will be coming."

With that, the dream once again started to vapourise into nothing, taking Sunset with it, who only appeared to blink at her own destruction.

Sunset slowly awoke, this time before everyone else due to her early end to yesterday. Looking around, her presents were littered everywhere, particularly some guitar equipment. She had hoped to relearn the guitar when she could, since her scars were getting in the way. So, for now, Sunset simply lay there, awaiting for Velvet to wake up, as it was still a requirement that she had to be accoimpanied at all times. At least, that's what would have done, until a loud crash was heard from the front room.

"Don't make to much noise, someone'll wake up! What? Nevermind, lets go find her."

'Was that one of the-' Pulled out of her thoughts by further movement, the ex-unicorn saw two pair of pink eyes and one pair of violet eyes peeking though the opening in the door.

"Oh no she's-"


"See Sonata! This is what we get for not going though... the... window..." At long last, they had a good look at their 'target'. She had risen above the bed, and once again had her flaming wings and horn, using her powers to keep her self aloft. Her eyes were glowing less this time, and her pony ears were less responsive. The three intruders were now illuminated by the sudden light, which also woke up everyone in the house, generating a slow groan throughout the building.

"Run. Run!" With the simple command, the trio scampered out of the door, with the hairpin still sticking out of it, closely followed by the prey turned predator.


"Errr, Sunset?" Rotating around, the floating girl saw Twilight standing there, partially in confusion, partially in annoyance that she had been woken up.

"Yes?" Sunset raised her eyebow, as if there wasn't anything to question.

"Mind telling us who they were?"

Sighing, Sunset came down from her almost godly looking form, shrinking any extra appendages with an extreme amount of concentration. "Well, you see, they were-" Any futher words were halted - the moment her feet touched the floor again, she collapsed onto it. Feeling her back being gently yanked up, she gave out small whimper of appreciation.

"You okay?" A voice whispered into her ear. Again, a small whimper, followed by a mumbled request for food.

"Sunset? It's me, Twilight. Sparkle? Can you hear me?"

"Mmmmrrm. I-I'm good. Just exhausted." The words hardly could be heard, only slightly amplified by the fading magic slightly.

"I'll see if I can find something for you to eat and drink. You probably need it." Sunset's senses were still being returned to her, so the only indication someone did anything was the fact that she was propped in a chair, as well as supressed foot steps getting quieter. As her hearing was gradually returned, the girl picked up on a hushed conversation.

"What was that?!"

"I don't know! Ask her, not me!"

"Sunset? Can you hear me honey?"

"Hrrr- whu?" As yet another one of her senses returned, this time her sight, Sunset saw Twilight Velvet standing over her, not that dissimilar to their first meeting in the hospital. "Yes, yes, I'm okay, I can hear you now. Just completely exhausted."

"Mind explain what that was?"

"Well, those three were the sirens I mentioned a few days ago. They were probably after my magic. Maybe sensed the light show I put on. As for me... my magic used to be linked with my emotions, and since I may have gotten a little angry when I saw those three, I might have used a little too much magic, particularly considering yesterday."

"Okaaay...? Is that a good or bad thing?" Night Light had come back from inspecting the house for any possible scorch marks, adding his own confusion to the mix.

"Heh, dunno, depends how much you want to feed me. I need the energy."

"Speaking of which," Twilight Sparkle appeared in the doorway, holding a variety of vegatarian food on a tray. "here's some food for you. By the way, one of those... sirens? They knocked opened the door again."

"Let me guess: the blue one?" Twilight was about to answer, before she was cut off by a distant voice.

"Can we have some magic? Pleeeease?"

Sunset didn't even need to look at the window, she just made a gesture which involved a certain extended finger, and directed it at the siren, hoping none of the family would noticed.

"Well, that's just rude. Fine, fine, I'll go."

Sunset made a mental note to find a way to keep the sirens away, even if it meant giving them a bit of magic. "Celestia, they're annoying and persistant." Returning to her meal, the equestrian saw the others looking at her quizzically. "We swear by Celestia in Equestria. She's basically a god to us." Realising what she had said, Sunset almost rushed to elaborate. "Right. Sorry. I don't know why I've been using equestrianisms so much recently. I've been way too relaxed, I guess. That or I really am thinking about Equestria that much."

Her small rant and self contemplation about her homeland was cut short by a few sharp knocks on the door. Velvet went to answer it. While a distant conversation happened at the door, Sunset finished her meal.

"Sunset, it's the other Twilight."

'Great. Let's see if I can prevent her from being too freaked out. Probably didn't have a good chance to find out about anything outside of the journal.'

"I'll probably be gone for a bit, then. See you later, I guess." Sunset knew Twilight was probably having a small anxiety attack, but judging by how the human Twilight was acting, she shouldn't be too freaked out. Yet.

'Well, I was wrong.' Twilight was just coming down from an extreme panic attack, the cause being Sunset had to deal with the sirens again, even if they didn't have magic.

"Buh- but you had to- it was-" Princess Twilight was dressed in her typical blue blouse this time, since the portal didn't seem to think she was here on serious business.

"Ssh. It's fine. They're harmless at the moment. You came here awfully early, so you must've had something to say." Princess Twilight looked up with her with bleary eyes. At this, Sunset almost rolled her own eyes in response. "Look, if you're going to say you're sorry for not coming sooner, I know, and it's okay. You have more important duties in Equestria, particularly at this time of year. It's why I asked all of you to come back yesterday - you had more important stuff to do. And anyway, I'm fine now, so it's nothing to worry about."


"But nothing. Now come here would you?" They promply pulled each into a tight hug, comforting each other. After a few moments, they pulled away from each other, but kept their grasp on each other. "I'm sure we both have at least some questions so let's answer them."

"Yeah. Okay. Thanks. So. Yes. Questions." Taking a deep breath Twilight was fully prepared to oblige to Sunset's request, before she was halted by and extended index finger.

"There's only so much time in the day, so let's cut down the number of them, hmm? We can't just ask the sun goddess to leave the sun up for longer here, alright?"

"Sure. I- actually no. I can ask my questions later, and their not that important. But," This time it was Twilight to stop Sunset from unleashing questions, and she continued. "we do need to find out about all this magic stuff. Safety first."

"You're right, You're right. So..."

Their conversation eventually drifted into terms only a student of Celestia would understand. All in all, Sunset learned that her sudden healing was a result of Spike crossing over from the mirror, and her sudden increase in magic abilities were a result of Princess Celestia coming over too. Why she naturally grew the horn made of light and the wings they attributed to her body making up what she was missing to cast proper magic, as well as some instincts.

"I asked Celestia to come back today. I was assured she was but... will she?"

Twilight nodded slightly sadly. "She'll be waiting at Sugarcube Corner. To be perfectly honest, the main reason I'm here is to offer you the chance to back out of this."

"No. I need to do it. But I'd rather be by myself with her. I... owe her that much."

"Sunset. You don't owe her anything. But... any idea where I can stay for the time being."

"Just go back to your counterpart. And be expected to answer a multitude of questions." Sunset sighed once again, showing a sign of reluctance this time. "Just be careful about what you say about me. I'd rather tell them about my past myself."

"Alright. Come back when you're done." Twilight turned but something caught her eye. "Is that jacket really what you're going to wear?" Just as before, the jacket looked like it had been through a war.

"Yes. It represents my past. Something I'm about to face." Sunset waved Twilight off, and started to journey to the cafe, making sure to be subtle in her approach.

And, of course, there was a massive argument going on. Between Princess Celestia. And Scootaloo. And Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. 'No... no!'

This was not what Sunset wanted. It appeared the cafe was empty - it was closed for the day, but it was unlocked for people to meet up or take cover from the snow, which was starting to melt. This was rather convinient for Sunset, as it allowed her to stop this debate almost immediately. As she approached the doors, she felt the heat built inside of her, her back imparticularly. With all her might. She slammed the doors open, once again lighting her powers, and shouted. Loudly.


A chorus of whimpers was the response.

"What is all this for?!" Her patience had already run thin.

"We didn't want to let her take you!" Fluttershy, dressed as if she was going to a funeral, said rather loudly.

"Take her?!" Princess Celestia snapped out her stance of awe at Sunset's rage, turning to her accuser. "You're the ones that drove her out!" The professional looking suit that the portal had given the princess of the sun threatened to tear, as its wearer became more and more agitated. The only thing differenciating her from her human counter part was the various regalia that was worn both over and under the clothing.

"That's exactly why we're here! If you'll just listen-" And now Rainbow had joined in again, envoking a rather profane and sarcastic thought from Sunset. The only one who hadn't reentered the grand debate was Scootaloo, who rather strangely had dropped to her knees, only to wince and shakily bring herself back up again.

"Scootaloo? Are... you okay?"

"I'M SO SORRY!" Scootaloo threw herself around Sunset's waist, sobbing wildly, before repeating choked out apologies.

"Sco- wha-" Sunset was more than surprised at the freshman's outburst, allowing for a very shocked expression to form on her previously infuriated face. Composing herself, she levered off Scootaloo, and knelt down slightly to be level with her. "Scootaloo." The younger girl continued to look down and cry. "Scootaloo, look at me." She did so, giving an extra sob when she noticed the older girl's eyes were still glowing. "What are you sorry for, Scootaloo?" Sunset spoke with all the authority she could muster, but not enough so she would sound angry.

"I- I- iahauhhh" Was all Scootaloo could manage before she broke down in tears again.

"I think what she's trying to say is," By this stage, Rainbow had managed to break free of the heated argument between the princess and Fluttershy. "she helped make the Anon-a-miss account." Seeing Sunset's fire start to burn even more intensely, Dash quickly rushed to defend Scootaloo. "But! She's also the one wh- who..."


"She got you out of the snow..." Rainbow almost looked away in shame, but managed to keep her brave stance between the two, before stepping out of the way, seeing what was about to happen.

'She got me out of... no... she's the one who-' Sunset allowed her glowing wings to die down a bit, before joining Scootaloo on the floor, whispering mumbled thanks to go with the apologies.

However, Sunset was torn out of her emotions, by the... conversation that was still raging behind her.

"But you-"

"Both of you, enough. Give Sunset some damn peace already." Perhap surprisingly, Rainbow, the only emotionally stable person currently in the room, was the one who broke them both up. "Just give her some time to recover alright?!"


"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you..."