• Published 5th Jul 2018
  • 3,855 Views, 314 Comments

Pokémon of harmony - Firefoxino

A normal day for Anne, well not that normal. A good day and a good birthday were too much to ask for it seems. A story about adventure, love and mystery fetch your pokedex and let's start.

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Chapter 12: The pokéguard

Me, Thomas and Trixie were invited inside the castle by Celestia, we were accomodated inside a nice room. The next day we all met up in the throne room just after breakfast. Luna wasn’t there strangely.

“So, how was it?” I asked Celestia.

A shadow covered her eyes and she frowned heavily. “We had a total of two hundred injureds and fourteen death.” She said sadly.

“I-” I didn’t know what to say, what could I have said? “I’m sorry.”

“It is not your fault, you helped saving many lives today, and just because it was a pokémon like you who attacked, doesn’t mean you are responsible.” She said with empathy.

“How is the little filly?” Thomas asked.

“She is in one of the castle room, she is fine but… what happened really took a toll on her. Ask a guard and they will escort you to her.” She said with a knowing smile.

“How… ?” He started to ask before Celestia interrupted him.

“I am old enough to read ponies faces, while you are not one you are not also one that hides what you want.” She said with a gentle smile.

“Thank you Princess, I will be back Anne just a moment.” She said to me.

“Take your time.” I reassured him.

“Anne.” Celestia started.


“I want you to teach my guards how to counter pokémon attacks. I don’t want to experience what happened yesterday once again.” She said with steel and a bit of remorse in her voice. “You will be treated as a consultant and given full authority over the training regimen that you will come up with.”

“I-I will try my best.” I said shocked.

“And obviously Trixie will help too.” Trixie said.

“Of course my little pony.” Celestia replied with a smile. “So Anne, what do you need?”

“Well, as I said before we can’t send ponies to fight pokémon we need to train our own pokémon, I can help by making some of them calm enough but you will have to find the Pokémon in the first place.” i replied.

She nodded. “Of course, I can send out a small group of guards to track down some of them. Any suggestions on what Pokémon we should take?” She asked.

“Well I would go with Growlithe as I showed you early it resemble a small dog, and when it evolves it becomes much more powerful. Not only that but it is also loyal to the owner making it perfect for a guard. It is also very intelligent.” I replied. Suddenly in the middle of my explanation a bright blue flash blinded us and revealed Luna, with two slice of cucumbers on her eyes and a messy mane.

“Sorry sister for the tardiness, but many foals had a lot of nightmares this night.” She said taking away the cucumbers slices.

I decided to not ask so i just continued. “Now that you are here too we can continue.” I started.

“Yes. Dear Anne where were you before I intruded?” Luna asked.

“I was making considerations on what kind of pokémon would suit a guard.” I said.

“A day or night guard?” Luna asked tilting her head.

“Day or night?” I asked confused.

“Let me explain.” Celestia intercepted. “The guards are divided into two different corpse, we have a Day guard and a Night guard. Usually day guards are normal ponies while the night guard is mostly composed of Thestreal.” She said.

“Thestreal?” I asked.

“Thestreal?” Trixie asked at the same time.

“The thestreal are a variation of a pony, they are usually called bat ponies. This comes from their bat-like wings and slitted eyes. They can see in the dark and are active during nighttime. Thus making them perfect for night shifts.” Celestia explained.

“Alright so we would want a Pokémon that can fly as well as seeing in the dark while also being strong enough to battle other Pokémon.... Let me think for a bit.” I started to go around my memory fishing out possible candidates until I found the perfect one. “I have two possible choice.” I said after a minute of silence and thinking.

“Which are?” Luna asked interested.

I projected the image of a Zubat and made it pose in my shoulder. “This is a Zubat, a bat pokémon, it emits ultrasonic cries while it flies. They act as a sonar used to check for objects in its way. When it evolves it turns into a Golbat and later on into a Crobat. The side effect is that Golbats are extremely voracious and feeds on blood.” I said making Luna widen her eyes at the news.

“Absolutely not. We cannot have a pokémon with such habit as our guard. Who is the other?” She asked.

I cancelled the Zubat and created a little Murkrow making it land on Trixie’s hat. “This is Murkrow, it is a Dark/Flying Pokémon. Later on it evolves into Honchkrow.” I summoned the image of one. “This Pokémon is called the Boss Pokémon, it is said that when you hear its deep cry many Murkrow would arrive for it is the “Summoner of night.”” I explained.

“Fascinating… Where’s the catch.” Luna said frowning at me.

“Hehe, no catch this time. Both Murkrow and Honchkrow are pretty easy to feed, only thing is that they love shiny things.” I said with amusement.

“Truly a fine choice, and you say that this Honchkrow commands other Murkrow?” She asked, looking at the Pokémon in question.

“Yes, when it calls all others respond.” I said.

“Then I choose it for my guards!” She exclaimed in a sudden tone.

“Luna calm down.” Celestia said giggling. “You are acting like a little filly.”

“I’m not.” Luna rebutted pouting. “But my pokémon is better than yours.” She said smirking.

“Haha, yes indeed.” Celestia said with a good natured laugh. “Then it is decided, the Day guard will begin training with Growlithe while the Night guard will train Murkrow.” She said and took a scroll and started to write on it.

“I have a question.” I said.

“What is it.” Celestia said putting down the scroll.

“While I’m absolutely happy with your decision I can’t wonder but asking why. Why would you do something so sudden in so little time?” I asked confused.

“My dear Anne. I am a thousand plus year old princess. I saw my fair share of situation and experienced them all. I can see when something needs to be done immediately and when it can wait.” She replied with a smile.

“Indeed, sister is the political and bureaucratic backbone of this nation. I’m the military mare in the room.” Luna said with pride.

“Ok then… If there is nothing else I would like to check on Thomas.” I said now curious on what he was doing.

“You may go Anne. Thank you for your help.” Celestia said with a nod.

“Farewell Anne.” Luna said waving a hoof.

“Princess?” Trixie said.

“Yes my little pony?” Celestia replied.

“Could I go too?” She asked.

“But of course, pray tell though what for?” Celestia asked.

“I want to go out there and held a magic show, to ensure that the foals are at least a bit happy even in this dire situation.” She explained.

Celestia beamed with pride at these words. “Yes my little pony, you may go. And good luck.” She said with a nod and a big smile.

“Thank you Princess.” Trixie said before bowing again and starting to trot off. “Come on Anne, we will have to be all together for this one!” She exclaimed with urgency.

“Right behind you!”


I navigated the intricate hallways of Canterlot Castle and asked a few guards where to go, after five minutes of walking I finally found the room I was looking for. The room’s doors were opened and a single filly was inside, she was hugging a little plushie of Celestia in her hooves while looking at the wall.

I knocked on the door and that startled her a bit, she jumped in the air and looked at me. When she recognized me she smiled broadly and ran to me hugging me tightly. “Hello little filly.” I said.

“Hi mister.” She replied, her voice still arse from the crying of yesterday.

“How are you doing?” I asked her sitting down.

“Good I guess…” She said looking away, I shouldn’t ask her anything for now, the wounds are still too fresh.

“So… You never told me your name.” I said and offered her my hand. “I’m Thomas. Pleasure to know you.” I said with a smile.

“I’m Snow Bell. Hi.” She said perking up considerably.

“A wonderful name.” I said truthfully. “How old are you?”

“I’m 9” She replied with glee.

“Oh so you are old!” I said in mocking surprise.

“I’m not!” She said defensively and shot a glare at me.

“Just kidding Bell.” I said putting my hand in front of me.

“Hey guys!” Anne said from the hallway. “What are you doing?” She asked.

“I’m just talking with Snow Bell here.” I explained. “Snow Bell this is Anne my friend.” I said.

“Hi Anne!” She replied hugging her too.

“Oh hello little one.” Anne said hugging her tightly.

“Anne, Thomas!” Trixie said from the open doors, “Come on my assistans we have a show to prepare.” She said entering the room. She then eyed Snow and continued. “And our little filly here could actually help.” She said with a smirk.

“YAY!” Snow Bell shouted happily.


After that we went out of the castle and walked to our cart, fortunately it was still intact and no one took anything from it, with that in mind we started preparing the show.

“Come, come all ponies of Canterlot. The Great and Powerful Trixie will now amaze you with her magic and stories!” Trixie announced. A good number of ponies started to gather around the carts the majority being foals. “Let me tell you of the wondrous adventure of me and my assistants and later the inimaginable wonders that Trixie can create!”

She started then to re-tell the story of how we met and what happened in the journey. Then we came to the juicy part. “Anne, Thomas present yourself now.” Trixie ordered, me and Thomas exited from the backstage and bowed for the audience before going to Trixie’s side. She then proceeded to lift a little box in the air from behind the stage and put it in front of her. She then opened it and revealed a smiling Snow Bell in it.

“For this trick we will use this box and the assistance of our little assistant. Now behold!” She put the box down, then she took out a giant anvil and dropped it on the box making the crowd gasp in surprise. Then me and Thomas went over the anvil and opened it revealing Snow Bell still inside and smiling. The crowd cheered and so we passed to the next trick, the infinite walk. Trixie took a body sized mirror from the backstage and put it on the right end of the stage. She then used her magic and created a second mirror and put it on the left side. “Now for Trixie’s next trick she will mesmerize you with an infinite walking through the mirror.” She said with passion.

She trotted towards the right mirror and entered it, at the same time though she exited from the other side very much like in Portal. She waved at the public and then exited, then she came back in and did the same from before but in reverse. She then created four more mirrors and put the last two in a hexagonal pattern, she then started to enter the mirrors exiting and entering seemingly at random in random mirrors, the crowd was fascinated by the action but it completely blew up when Trixie finished by exiting through a mirror that on of the ponies held in its magic.

The crowd cheered and Trixie removed the mirrors before bowing down, bathing in the praises. Then she announced us. “And now for the final show I’ll leave the stage to my assistants who will dance the Libertango!” She lit up her horn and a familiar tune started playing.

When Trixie started to listen to this tune while travelling I couldn’t believe my ears, the Libertango was actually a thing here. Me and Thomas actually took lessons to dance to this song, mostly because I wanted to and he obliged.

We started to dance on the stage following the music, we pirouetted and moved along the stage following the music, letting it gently push along in a beautiful dance. And while I didn’t have a long skirt I still tried my best in it as did Thomas. We continued to switch positions and poses along the dance.

In the end we remained still, looking at each other. There was nothing to say and so we remained silent until the crowd snapped us from our focus with its immense cheers. We bowed and saluted before exiting the stage, it was a good day. And I really loved to dance with him once again.

Author's Note:

Here we go! Let me know in the comments if you like it and if you did put a thump up for me :D
As always stay tuned for next chapter see ya! :twilightsmile:
Also next chapter is going to be a little filler, just to see what our dear purple unicorn is doing in Ponyville!