• Published 5th Jul 2018
  • 3,854 Views, 314 Comments

Pokémon of harmony - Firefoxino

A normal day for Anne, well not that normal. A good day and a good birthday were too much to ask for it seems. A story about adventure, love and mystery fetch your pokedex and let's start.

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Chapter 5 A new foe appears

We returned shortly after our encounter with Twilight to Trixie, we found her talking with a brown stallion with grey hairs, he had a polite suit meaning that he was probably a businessman, or business pony? Anyway we saw her talking with him after that they shock hooves and he parted from her.

“Hey Trixie!” I called to her. “Who was he?”

“That was Filthy Rich, a businesspony. He and Trixie were talking about a very important affair but nothing you need to know right now.” She said.

We looked at each other. “What do you think?” I asked Thomas in his mind. He shrugged and said nothing. After that we decided to go around exploring the town on our own, we found out that the gingerbread house was, in fact, a bakery and was called Sugarcube Corner. The carousel was called, oh boy, Carousel Boutique. Very imaginative…

But anyway we decided to continue to explore and wandering around we found the road that connected the city to a so-called Sweet Apple Acres, curious we followed it, the road brought us to a farm with a red barn and some animal. Basically, it was the classical farm, the only thing the entire thing was surrounded by an impressive amount of apple trees. We saw in the distance Applejack with another red big stallion and they were kicking the trees to make the apple fall off.

Unfortunately on one occasion instead of an apple a Cascoon fell from the tree landing on Applejack who was obviously startled by this and tried to dislodge it to no avail. I teleported us both to them and used my telekinesis to pry the Cascoon off.

“Woah, thank yah, I dunno what that critter is but thank yah for getting it off of mah back.” She said.

“This is a Cascoon and it’s not a critter. It’s a Pokémon a completely harmless one at that, it will remain like this for a short amount of time before-” Suddenly a very bright light blinded us, and we all saw the Cascoon changing form, it was evolving.

After the light subsided we saw a fresh Dustox flying in the air hovering around Applejack who was torn between running and standing still. “That happened.” I said.

“What in tarnation happened?” Applejack said, shocked.

“Eeyup.” The red pony said too equally confused.

“Cascoon evolved into Dustox.” Thomas explained. “And now I think he got a liking to you.” He snickered.

“Well ah don’t want it to like me!” She shouted desperate.

“Don’t worry Applejack we will handle this.” I said, I took the Dustox in my telekinesis and brought it to me. “Hey little one, do you want to return to the forest?” I asked. It was probably torn about something but in the end it confirmed with a happy sound not before flying away from me and nuzzling Applejack who was again shocked by it. “Alright then follow us and we will bring you there. Now Applejack be wary of which tree you kick so you don’t disturb anymore Pokémon on your trees.” I said to her.

“Now wait an apple picking minute!” She said stomping her hoof. “I don’t want any critter in mah trees can’t you keep them away?”

“To do so we would need a special item of which we don’t have even a single copy of.” I answered. “Also many pokémon can be trained to help around in a farm like environment. Just try to befriend one but first asks us if it is safe to approach ok?”

“Fine.” She said. “But ah don’t like it one bit.”

With that said we walked towards the forest and when we finally reached it the Dustox flew away happily in it.

“Another good deal for our list.” Thomas said laughing.

“True, true. But if not us who would have helped it?” I asked.

“True.” He said.

“Hello?” Something called. A very young and kind voice.

“What? Did you hear that?” I asked, Thomas nodded and we tried to understand where the voice came from.

“Hello? Someone there?” The voice continued.

“Hey!” I called. “Where are you?” I asked.

“I’m here!” The voice said again. We followed it to a little bush not too far into the forest. In it we found a Pokémon.

“Hello little guy.” I told it.

“I’m not a guy.” She said annoyed. That little face was too adorable though. Oh yeah, she was a Shaymin, a cute little shaymin with two pink flowers in her fur one on the right and one on the left.

“What are you doing here? Usually Shaymins stays together:” I said scooping her out of the ground and in my arms.

“I don’t know… I was with my friend before a portal opened up and we all got separated. I landed here in this forest and now I’m lost.” She said almost crying.

“Don’t worry, you are safe now.” I said trying to calm her down. “My name is Anne and this is Thomas. We are Ralts. Do you have a name?” I asked her, while the majority of Pokémon doesn’t know how to communicate properly and thus doesn’t have a name some races of Pokémon might have, seeing their possibility to speak with humans.

“My name is Summer.” She said.

“A wonderful name.” I said and started to walk towards the city.

“Where are we going?” She asked.

“To a little village, there we will be able to find someone who will take care of you.” I answered.

“Oh, okay. Does that mean you don’t want me?” She asked on the verge of tears.

“Nonono that’s not it Summer, it’s just we are travelling Pokémon and I don’t think our friend would like to have another guest with her, the space is already small as it is. Plus you will be safe here while if you come with us you will probably get hurt.” I explained to her.

“Oh I see.” She said finally.

So we traversed the edge of the forest and started to go back to the library when we crossed Fluttershy. “Hi Fluttershy.” I greeted her.

“Oh hello… Anne.” She said softly. “What is that?” She asked, noticing Summer.

“This is Summer, a Shaymin. We found her lost and alone in the forest.” I answered.

“How dreadful, you poor thing.” She said forgetting her shyness, she walked to us and nuzzled Summer.

“Oh, oh thank you.” Summer said softly.

“Oh my, you can talk?” Fluttershy asked surprised.

“Uhm, yeah.” Summer answered.

“Oh, you are adorable.” Fluttershy breathed.

“You too are… cute.” Summer said shily, “My name is Summer.”

“I’m Fluttershy, so what do a Shaymin do along the day?” From that question Summer told her how they would migrate and then return to the camp of Gracideas, how she was friend with everyone in her group and how much she miss it.

An idea stroke me, these two are almost the same…

“Hey Fluttershy, would you like to take care of Summer?” I asked her.

“What? B-b-but I-I can’t I-I Don’t k-know how…” She stammered hiding behind her mane.

“Don’t worry, Grass type Pokémon like her eats fruits and vegetables some don’t need it too and just live with sunlight alone.” I explained. “Unless you say something more.” I said to Summer.

“I can eat vegetables all right.” She nodded. “So,” She looked up to Fluttershy. “ can I remain here for a while? The forest is scary and you seem a good pony... N-not that the others are bad I just like you and… N-not that you are bad either Anne I-I just… oooooh.” She said in the end sputtering excuses to not appear mean while showing a bright red glow of embarrassment.

“Of course you can stay.” Fluttershy smiled kindly interrupting Summer and nuzzling her again. “Angel will be happy to have you with him as a new friend. I hope you will like it here.”

“Hey Summer, do you know some kind of healing move?” I asked her.

“Uhm, yes quite a lot… why?” She tenderly asked.

“If it is possible we would like to use your cottage as a temporary pokémon center in case of an emergency. Is that ok?” Thomas asked Fluttershy.

“Of course, my door is always open for the injured.” She replied.

“And my powers as well.” Summer said forgetting how shy she was. After that I noticed a blink in their eyes but it was probably the sun.

“Wonderful then.” I said clapping my hands. “We should go now we need to train for the day. See ya later Fluttershy and Summer.” I said.

“Oh, ok goodbye, come on Summer.” Fluttershy said and Summer nodded.

“A happy ending if I ever saw one.” Thomas said. “We managed to give Fluttershy a pokémon and we even have a pokémon center in this village.”

“You’re right, still though I think that we shouldn’t remain here. Even if Twilight really could inform Celestia we should still go around to help wherever we can. Also.” I took the badgeholder out of the little bag Trixie sewed for me. “We have to found the badges connected to these.”

“True, and we cannot do it here if we don’t move around. But what could they represent?” Thomas pondered.

“We will never know until we find something that even resemble a gym. For now let’s go back to town and ask around where a good point to train is.” I proposed, he accepted and so we walked towards town. Suddenly though we saw a column of smoke from the town and some screams so I teleported us to the hill where we could see the entire city to spot where the danger was.

We looked around and saw that the smoke was coming from Sugarcube Corner, so I teleported there immediately, the bakery wasn’t on fire exactly but a lot smoke was coming from the kitchen. I was going to check out what was happening when suddenly a giant Snorlax broke the wall of the bakery and exited in the street covered in flour and cake. On his stomach there was a depiction of the Normal type sign.

The Snorlax saw us and immediately his delighted expression gave out to a very angry one, he stomped with his foot and charged at us. We dodged the attack and he slammed inside the house of some poor pony, the debris covered him but in a second he was out of the destroyed house angrier than before.

“What do we do? I don’t think we can talk to him!” I shouted. My question was unnecessary though because no sooner I asked it the Snorlax snorted and jumped away from the destroyed building landing with a thunderous sound on the ground at our backs. We turned and saw him fleeing the town towards east.

I immediately started to hurry after him when Thomas grabbed my wrist. “What why?” I asked him.

“If we fight him here and now ponies might get hurt. It’s better to fight him outside of the city.” He said.

I nodded my head. “Right. Let’s go inform Trixie about this.” With that being said we searched for Trixie around town. We found her around her cart putting everything inside.

“What are you doing Trixie?” I asked her.

“Trixie heard that a pokémon attacked the city. Trixie is putting all of her stuff inside of course.” She announced carrying boxes filled with fireworks inside.

“Yeah, the pokémon was a Snorlax and attacked Sugarcube Corner. On his belly there was a symbol too. He escaped though and headed towards east. We must find him, he is too dangerous to leave him unattained.” I told her.

“Truly? You are really considering to challenge such a brute?” She asked. When she noticed our determined expression she sighed. “Fine, but Trixie will go with you understood?” She told us.

“Fine but be safe Trixie ok?” She nodded. “Now any idea on where he might be?” I asked.

“Probably Ghastly Gorge, it’s a canyon on the east side of the city, t’s not very distant from here, Trixie will guide you there.” She said.

“How do you know where that is, and how can you be sure he will be there?” Thomas asked.

“This, this is not the first time Trixie visits this town.” She said a bit sad but then immediately perked up. “About how I know he will be there, I don’t. Trixie just pointed out a possibility. Better than nothing right?.” She said, we both nodded. It was true it was something at least.

“WAIT!” A voice called from behind us. It was Twilight who galloped towards us reaching us in a hurry and with a short breath. “Pinkie… Pinkie told me everything… I want to come too. This is a perfect opportunity to study a pokémon on the field.” She said determined.

“You!” Trixie shouted.

“Trixie?” Twilight gasped.

“You were the last pony Trixie wanted to see. Didn’t you ruin my career enough?” Trixie said angrily.

“Wait I didn’t do anything.” Twilight protested. “You lied to all of them.” She accused.

“Well it’s not my fault two stupid colts lived in this town, how could I even be aware of the fact that they would bring an Ursa into town!?” She shouted angrily again. I didn’t like it, anger feels wrong and scary.

“Why did you lie though?” Twilight asked.

“Trixie is a showpony, of course she needs to make stories. Do you think that all the authors of books wrote the truth? Absolutely not they have to make them readable and interesting.” She said.

“Can anyone explain to me what happened?” I said interrupting them.

“Nothing Anne, and it will stay that way.” Trixie said watching Twilight with an evil glare.

“Who are you to say what they need to know and what not?” Twilight said again.

“She is our partner.” I replied easily. “And she will tell us when she is ready to.” I continued. Trixie looked at me and smiled. “But.” Her smile faded. “Please refrain from bickering we have to find the Snorlax now so please please don’t fight. Ok?” I pleaded.

“Fine. But she won’t talk to me.” Trixie said.

“Alright.” Twilight said huffing.

“What just happened?” I asked Thomas.

“I dunno but we will worry about it after this is over.” He said, I agreed.

“So can I come?” Twilight started.

“Fine, but don’t put yourself in harm way.” Thomas conceded.

“Just like this? Didn’t you even try to dissuade her?” I asked him.

“We won’t convince her and if we deny her to come with us she might go there by her own, is better this way.” He said, after he explained it like this I must say I was impressed on how good he understood Twilight possible determination for research.

“Now that we are all here can we go?” I asked.

“Why are you so eager to fight?” Thomas asked.

“He destroyed the house and bakery of Pinkie who was nothing but kind to us. She didn’t deserve that, he will be sorry.” I said.

“Uh, uh.” Thomas said. “Then let’s go, Trixie shows us the way.”

“Do you know the way?” Twilight asked.

“What did I just say?” Trixie replied. Twilight was silent after that.

Author's Note:

New chapter yay! It's my birthday YAY! And I'm a lazy piece of- so the chapters are all late YAY!

Anyway here you go, if you liked it let me know in the comment and give it a thumb up.
Stay tuned for next episode see ya:twilightsmile:

There has been some variations to the chapter mainly the last part that changende almost completely sorry for the trouble :(