• Published 5th Jul 2018
  • 3,854 Views, 314 Comments

Pokémon of harmony - Firefoxino

A normal day for Anne, well not that normal. A good day and a good birthday were too much to ask for it seems. A story about adventure, love and mystery fetch your pokedex and let's start.

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Chapter 18: Clash of the giants

With Trixie at my side we navigated through the earth bowels trying to find an exit of any kind, after what seemed like hours of walking we finally reached an upward inclination that later lead us to the light of the day. That’s when we came out of the caves and looked around seeing the hellish landscape that Manehattan has become.

“This is…” I said shocked.

“A nightmare… Please let it be a nightmare!” Trixie screeched looking around in tears by witnessing hundreds of ponies fleeing the city while an immense Aggron was pounding it to dust. “What is that!?” SHe demanded to know.

“I-I don’t know…” I said absolutely dumbfounded I never once seen such a giant pokémon and I never saw something like that aura and the clouds in the sky.

“What do you mean you don’t know?” SHe asked again jumping up to my face.

“I don’t know Trixie!” I shouted, maybe with too much strength. She recoiled as if stung and looked down. “I’m sorry…” I said weakly.

“It’s okay, if you don’t know, you don’t know.” Trixie said looking back at the attacked city. “What can we do?” She asked.

“I honestly don’t know, that Aggron is just too big for me to do anything to it.” I said wracking my brain to find a solution.

“But we must do something!” She said pointing at the exodus of ponies.

“I know but I don’t know what!” I said frustrated. Then suddenly an enormous roar made us look behind us, there we saw a giant Machamp with the same aura as the Aggron. His four arms had lava coursing through them and his eyes were bright and yellow.

“Another one!?” Trixie shouted frantically.

“Oh man…” I muttered.

The Machamp walked to the city completely overshadowing and ignoring us, he went in the river which just reached his waist and went on the shore, he then crouched down and put his arms around something, I don’t know exactly we were too afar from that to know. He then put that something on a raft made with a wooden plank and pushed it to the other side of the river. He then went back up put on his guard and dashed to the Aggron smacking him with a right punch.

“We have to go there, he might need help!” Trixie shouted.

“No.” I said firmly.


“Listen Trixie, I know you want to help but we have to find a doctor for Anne.” I said tightening my grasp on her. “We can’t go into fighting just like that.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry. But the hospital is probably destroyed.” She said looking around to find maybe a doctor in the ocean of ponies.

“We can use the candle.” I said, I searched in Anne’s bag and retrieved it. I started to write a message in it and burned it with it. “Now we wait.”


‘This immense pile of scrap dared attack my town when I was gone!?’ I angrily thought I smacked him with my right lower arm throwing his head away, I went on with a double left hook making him fall down on the ground. The scrap pile immediately shot up and sputed a torrent of molten metal out of his mouth burning my skin with it. I fought through the pain grabbed his jaw closing it. I then used my other three arms to punch him repeatedly on the head.

He shot up and dislodged himself ramming into me with his head, he pushed me backwards and then slashed me with his hands, the slashes weren’t that much painful but sure didn’t help, I grabbed his arm and twisted it, he roared in pain. I put a leg on his chest and started to pull with all my strength.

Unfortunately the monster bit my arm and I was forced to let go, I roared in pain and anger and shot another punch to his face, he retorted with a powerful headbash to my chest making me wheeze out all of my breath in one hit. I stumbled away but regained my wits before he could hit me with powerful right fist that made my arms tremble with the strength behind it.

I retorted with a vicious left hook, that shattered some of his metallic teeth cutting deeply into my arm, I quickly fell back to a new guard waiting for him to do a false move. He stomped the ground causing an enormous earthquake that shook the entire island, he then charged again with his right arm trying to slice my head off, I fell down under him and sucker punched him and threw his body on the ground. I then blocked his left arm and grabbed his right one, I then pulled it again.

This time he couldn’t bite me back and so the arm was ripped free from him with an absolute torrent of molten metal and a metallic screech that shattered the remaining windows around the city, I threw the arm away and resumed my beating of his metallic body, the hit were all connecting, the metal was starting to give up but I could feel my energy dwindling. He used this to his advantage and threw me away and got back on his feet.

I fell on my feet and rushed up with a barrage of fists he couldn't dodge at all and pushed him on the ground again, I went over him punched again on his head. The beast tried to bite me but I was quick enough to avoid it. Then he opened his maw and a new this time bigger flow of metal came out completely submerging me with it, I screamed in pain from the pure heat that the metal was giving off.

I fought through it and punched him again under the chin I then grabbed his torso and launched him upwards, I soon followed through and smashed his back onto the ground with immense strength. That’s when he finally roared a final time and went limp, he then exploded blasting me off of him and I soon after that lost consciousness.


The battle seemed over, it was incredibly quick for being that were that gigantic, after a moment a letter came out of the candle.

Thomas, I got news of what is happening there, I’m coming with my sister to help whoever will need it keep Anne close to the candle.

I was just two lines hastily scribbled and soon after a shimmering light blinded us, then Celestia appeared and started to look around to gauge the situation, her eyes widened at the sight of the now destroyed city she looked down at Anne and her horn brightened, a soothing green light encompassed her and she resumed breathing normally.

“She will be fine.” She sighed in relief. “What happened?” She asked, a moment after that a bluish spark carried Luna with it and she too started to look around, she immediately shot up in the sky and bellowed.

“MY LITTLE PONIES DO NOT WORRY STAY CALM AND COME HERE FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE THE GUARDS WILL SHOW YOU WHERE YOU CAN STAY FOR NOW!” She shouted and went along barking more orders to calm and control the panicking mass of ponies.

The city then erupted in a giant explosion, the machamp was engulfed by it and he disappeared, the whole plain was silent. “I have to go there, Princess can you teleport me there?” I asked her. I couldn’t leave the Machamp there to possibly die from injury not after what he has done.

“Of course, be careful.” And in an instant I was in the demolished ruins of Manehattan. I ran around trying to find the Machamp, what I found though was the now almost unrecognizable Aggron, he was now smaller and was clearly beaten up, his left arm was missing pouring out molten metal and his entire body was filled with hits.

He roared in pain and anger and attacked me, I quickly dodged the passing mountain of steel and hit him in the back with my fire punch, fortunately it worked well enough and it roared again, a white smoke coming out from where I hit him. He tried again to attack but I was much faster, I shot up in the sky angled my fist and used Brick Break on his head making him stop suddenly, he then went down on his knees and collapsed.

A pool of molten metal formed around him before he disappeared like the Snorlax had leaving behind the steel type sign. I took it and kept it in my palm, then I went back to search for the Machamp. Latter on I found him into a giant crater right in the middle of it, he was breathing but he was clearly hurt, his skin was burned in multiple places, on of his arm was probably broken and all in all he was not in a good shape.

“You did good man. I wish I could have done the same.” I said picking him up and putting him on my back, so slowly but surely I started walking to the docks. What remained of them at least.

After three hours of walking I reached the docks and looked around for anything to use as a raft. It was then that I saw a small boat coming lazily to the dock, a pony was driving it while three more were in the boat all sporting a red cross on them. I waved at them screaming to let them see me, they did and immediately picked up speed and reached us in little time.

“What happened to it?” One doctor asked when I put the Machamp down.

“He fought the giant Pokémon didn’t you see it?” I asked shocked.

“That was him?” They asked surprised.

“Of course he was.” I said.

“Then we must hurry, we will take him to the other side of the river we put up a field hospital, you can take the boat for now we have to look around and search any injured ponies that got trapped in the city, good luck.” The only unicorn of the bunch said. The others just nodded alongside him and scurried off.

“Climb on and we’ll be off.” The captain said. I nodded and picked the Machamp up again and so we moved to the other side of the river.


I slowly woke up with a splitting headache, I opened my eyes and recoiled from the blinding light. When my eyes adjusted I finally looked around and saw Trixie tending to a small filly while her parents were probably away. “T-Trixie?” I said slowly and faintly.

“A-Anne?” She said startled looking at me. She told something to the little filly who nodded and trotted away. “You’re awake oh thanks Celestia.” She said hugging me tightly.

“What happened?” I asked noticing the giant mass of ponies going places around us, the entire place was one giant tent city filled with injured and homeless ponies.

“The giant Pokémon attacked the city while he was super giant, he destroyed the majority of it but then another one, one with four arms beat him but got knocked out by an explosion, probably.” She said.

“A giant Pokémon? I never saw one.” I said confused.

“Yeah Thomas said the same, he didn’t see one like that either.” She replied making me sit up.

“Where is he now?” I asked. “I would love to call him but I have a damn headache.” I told her.

“I’ll try to contact him.” She said and sat down closing her eyes. After a minute or so she opened her eyes. “He says the Pokémon was a Machamp, he is ok and the Machamp is ok too. They are coming back right now with a boat.” She said.

“Ok, and the princesses?” I asked. I wouldn’t believe they weren’t there, not after all this chaos.

“They are around trying to asset the situation working on the rebuilding, all normal I believe looking at the situation.” She said motioning around.

“What can we do?” I asked standing up.

“Well.” She said with a smile on her face. “We go around, we talk to some parents and we make a big show just like in Canterlot.”

“I like this plan.” I told her, and so we immediately scurried off, the situation was worse than I thought though. Thousands of ponies were injured and millions were now homeless, the city was completely down, economy will probably take years to get back to what it was and what’s worse ponies died too, Pokémon died as well.

I started to get worried, what if this puts a giant wedge between ponies and Pokémon? I don’t want Pokémon to be feared as monsters, I hope this whole thing will not escalate too greatly, the worst thing would have been to start a hate crusade on the Pokémon.

At least the show was a success, the foals enjoyed themselves and for a tiny bit even with the crumbling corpse of a dead city behind us, all was good.

Author's Note:

Here is my newest chapter guys, hope you'll like it. If you do then leave a like for little old me k? As always stay tuned for next chapter see ya! :twilightsmile: