• Published 5th Jul 2018
  • 3,849 Views, 314 Comments

Pokémon of harmony - Firefoxino

A normal day for Anne, well not that normal. A good day and a good birthday were too much to ask for it seems. A story about adventure, love and mystery fetch your pokedex and let's start.

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Chapter 13 Troubles

It was a new day in the palace, I woke up in my room with the light gently filtering through the almost closed curtains. I remained there looking at the ceiling for a bit thinking, I thought of what happened the day prior. Our chat with Snow Belle and our show, and especially my dance with Thomas. Was he always that good? I couldn’t remember…

Finished my musing I left the cozy bed and went for the bathroom, a spring in my step after I come out feeling refreshed. I finished my morning routine and headed out to explore the castle, I went first to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

It’s there that I found Trixie in her usual get up of star hat and cape, she was eating a salad right on a counter. “Why are you eating there?” I asked her.

“Oh good morning Anne.” She replied evenly. “Trixie just wanted to not bother the Princesses, so she decided to eat here.” She then took a bite of salad.

“Oh I see.” I replied a bit taken aback, Trixie that doesn’t think herself as the center of attention? Strange. As luck would have it a waiter came by.“Oh mister waiter do you have some berries in the kitchen?” I asked a brown coated earth pony.

“Sure, we should have something here for you.” He replied and entered a second room, after a second he exited with a bowl of berries. “Freshly took from the gardens.” He said proudly.

“Thank you.” I replied bowing my head, I took the bowl and headed to where Trixie was eating. “Did you see Thomas?” I asked chewing on my berries.

She put an hoof under her chin, “Not really, maybe he is visiting Snow Belle.” She said and resumed her eating.

We didn’t talk more and just finished our meals, after a good five minutes we both thanked the cook and exited the kitchens, Trixie said that she wanted to go around buying new supplies for her show and I wanted to see where Thomas went so we both separated. I started my search in the castle.

After an hour of possibly seeing the same painting I finally concluded that I was absolutely lost in this maze. “Excuse me sir?” I asked one of the patrolling guards, “Where can I find Snow Belle room?”

He stoically looked at me, he motioned to me to follow him and we silently walked through the castle. After ten minutes we arrived at what I recognized were Snow Belle rooms, I thanked the guard and entered.

“Hello Anne!” Snow Belle greeted me with a big smile and a hug. “Yesterday was so much fun!” She said enthusiastic.

“That it was.” I confirmed. “Say, did you see Thomas?” I asked her.

“Uh uh he was here up until now, he said he was going to the kitchens for breakfast.” She said. I had to actively not facepalm.

“Thank you Snow Belle, do you want to come with me to find him?” I asked her.

“Sure!” She said with a bounce and followed me outside. We got lost.


I just finished breakfast and started to return to Snow chambers when I saw a pegasus guard rushing in front of me a worried look on his face and a serious glint in his eyes. I started to run behind him to see what was going on but I unfortunately lost him in the maze like castle. “Excuse me, can I know why there was a pegasus in such a hurry?” I asked one of the guards around the corridors.

“Troubles from Manehattan.” he said simply and flatly.

“Ok… Thanks.” I said slowly. “Uhm, where is the throne room?” I asked again.

“I’ll show you.” He said and started to walk away. I followed the guard and we arrived in front of the now already opened golden doors of the throne room. The guard left me there and I continued inside alone, after walking all the way to the thrones I found out that the pegasus guard was there too. He was bowing and had just given whatever he had to give to the princesses to Luna. Luna was reading the scroll in front of her looking almost catatonic, possibly because of the hour?

“This is very interesting…” She said trailing off a bit. “You can go now.” She said tired.

The guard bowed once again and started to trot off. “Good morning Princess.” I said. When she didn’t answer I looked at her from my bow and saw that she was absolutely asleep, she was dozing off and sometimes mumbled in her sleep.

“Uh…” I didn’t know what to do, sure I couldn’t just wake her up. ‘I hope Princess Celestia comes here. She probably can tell me where is Anne too.’


After some more time we found what I believed were Princess Celestia rooms, the doors had her insignia all over it and were golden. That was a dead giveaway in my opinion. “Excuse me sir, do you know where the throne room is?” I asked one of the two guards, both of them didn’t answer at that I just tried to knock on the doors but was stopped by them putting their lances against us.

“Hey!” I shouted putting Snow behind me. “What’s your problem!” I accused them. Suddenly the doors opened and Celestia exited.

“What is the problem?” She asked in her usual tone.

“Princess, this two wanted to enter your chambers without permission.” One of them replied dutifully.

“Well, one of them is a filly, and the other is one of the Pokémon that helped us against the Hydraigon two days ago. I believe they do not have malicious intent.” She said calmly. “Now put your lances away.” She ordered. They did so.

“Now Anne, why don’t you come inside and tell me why you are here?” She said motioning for us to come inside. We did so and the doors closed behind us, Princess Celestia sat on a cushion and started preparing something with her magic.

Her room was incredible, it was filled with marble and gold to a ridiculous amount. But what stood out to me more than all the rich and fancy decorations was a painting above the fireplace of Celestia and Luna wearing ugly Christmas sweaters with the biggest smiles on their faces,It kinda reminded me of last Christmas with Thomas when our parents tricked us into going under a mistletoe. Why I had thought about that then I didn’t know but luckily Celestia brought us a welcome distraction with pillows and tea.

“So, what can I do for you?” She asked.

“Well, we wanted to find Thomas but unfortunately we got lost.” I explained a bit embarrassed sipping my tea. Quite good.

“No need to be embarrassed dear, this castle is a maze if you don’t live here.” She said with a smirk. “And you my little pony?” She asked Belle.

“Uh- I wanted to search for Thomas too.” She said with barely a whisper and kicking a invisible rock.

“There is no need to be afraid little one.” Celestia said putting a wing over her and setting her at her side. “Now that we know why you are here we can do something about it." She put her finished cup of tea and ours as well away on a cupboard. "Come on follow me we will go to the throne room and see to find him.” She said and started to go towards the doors when Belle stopped her.

“Can I- uhm.” She said and mumbled something under her breath.

“I didn’t quite hear you dear.” Princess Celestia said looking at her. She then motioned to the Princess to come down to her level and the Princess lowered her head so Snow could whisper in her ear.

I didn’t hear what she told the Princess but she looked more than amused with it. She put a wing over her mouth and stifled a giggle. “Of course my little pony.” She said and took Snow in her telekinesis putting her on her back.

“I’m so tall!” Snow said with pure happiness in her voice. I looked at her now towering over me. “You are indeed.” Chimed in Princess Celestia. Then she looked down at me. “Would you like a ride too?” She asked with a smirk.

“Would I?!”


I started to really worry about Princess Luna, I tried to gently wake her up but she absolutely ignored me, she started to create a sizeable puddle of saliva on the floor under her and some dropped on her cushion. I thought nothing could go worse than that when Princess Luna started to snore.

I sighed. And waited. Then waited some more and finally I heard the clip clop of Celestia’s horseshoes. That gave me back hope for the future! Then I saw her and I had to check if I was asleep or not. I had to daww at the sight, it was so adorable that I think I got some adorabetes from it. “Your majesties." I greeted the ladies with a bow and a badly contained laughter.

Princess Celestia saluted me with nonchalance and passed by me. On her back there was Snow Belle who was having the time of her life while hugging the life out of Anne who also seemed to have a blast at the ride. “Choo, choo we have arrived!” Princess Celestia said happily watching the two, “Passengers can drop off whenever they feel like it.” I laughed. How couldn't I after that!?

Anne and Snow started to climb down mid laugh when the Princess took the both of them and put them on the floor gently, she then noticed her sleeping sister. She looked at her and then at us and winked. She put a wing under her sister nose, she started to tickle her and Princess Luna scrunched her nose making a face incredibly adorable. Celestia continued her barrage and soon Luna sneezed waking herself up.

“What?!” She said looking around. “What happened?” She looked at us, “Oh you are here…” She said returning almost to sleep.

“Sister…” Celestia said amused. “I have arrived you can now return to your chambers to rest.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She said and dozed off a second time.

Celestia snickered and teleported her away probably to her chambers. She sat on her throne and started to teleport in a flurry of scrolls and quills. “Hello paperwork my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again…” She said somberly.

“Actually Princess.” I said recovering from the overload of daww. “A pegasus guard arrived here with an urgent message for you.” I said and pointed to the scroll on the ground. I then whispered to Anne who was still hugged to death. “Did you enjoy your first pony ride?”

“I loved every second of it.” She said with sheer joy. “Did you know the Princesses had a painting of them with horrible christmas sweaters just like us?” She said snickering. I decided to not comment. Those things are best removed from one’s memory.

“Let’s see here.” Celestia said and looked at the scroll, she read through it then frowned. She sighed and looked at us. “It seems like we have a situation in Manehattan, many buildings have been vandalized and the train tracks have been attacked and destroyed. Manehattan is out of our railroads network right now and this is in itself a disaster. What worries me though is what could do such a thing.” She said.

“Unfortunately.” Anne started. “We don’t know exactly what could have been, Many pokémon are capable of destroying buildings and railroads. We would have to be there to- You are going to send us there don’t you?” She deadpanned.

“Why yes.” Celestia said with an amused smile. “I will also send word to Manehattan to give you the guards full help.” She said starting to make a letter.

I sighed.

Anne sighed.

Belle sighed because why not.

And Celestia sighed as well.

“Alright so now that we know that we are going to go away for a bit who will keep an eye on Snow Belle?” Anne asked. Snow Belle looked horrified for a second before stuttering out.

“B-but I want to go with you!”

“I’m sorry Snow.” I said looking at her. “But it will be dangerous, we can’t let you come with us.” I said.

She looked at the Princess for help, the Princess sadly shook her head. Snow let Anne go and ran away crying. I was going to pursue her when Celestia talked to me. “I won’t stop you, but please be careful and understand.” She said with sadness.

“Yes.” And so I ran away behind her. ‘I won’t abandon you Snow Belle.’


Thomas ran away after Snow Belle and so only me and Celestia remained in the room. “I’m so sorry… I feel like we betrayed her.” I said tearing up.

“No, no.” Celestia said reassuringly. “Snow Belle is just emotionally fragile right now, she sees you and even more Thomas as close friend, he saved her and comforted her when her parents…” She sighed. “Alas, even if it breaks my heart I cannot let her go with you in good conscience, what happened two days ago still linger in my mind.” Another sigh. “But even then I can’t let this drag me down, my little ponies needs someone to look at, and that is my job.”

“This crown… weigh more than any sword… “ She said sadly. “But I’m not here to concern you with-” I stopped her with a hug, maybe she didn’t intend this to happen and she did her best to hide her emotions. But for a brief instant her sadness came forth.

“Oh little one… Thank you, you can’t understand how much this means.” She said hugging me back with her wings, they were so soft and radiated a wonderful heat. “Thank you.” She shed a tear that day, and for the first time in a thousands years Princess Celestia found a friend to comfort her, instead of the opposite.

Author's Note:

Here ya go my friend let me know what you think in the comments and if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know. If you liked it give me a thumb up just for me and myself.

Thanks goes also to Viper Pit for his help in the creation of this chapter :D

As always stay tuned for next chapter see ya! :twilightsmile: