• Published 21st Jan 2019
  • 758 Views, 101 Comments

Equestrian Marvel - phantom ghost hunter

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Trouble shoes (sand man) and Soarin (quick silver)

Over in a field near a super tech lab a fugitive was running from the cops his name was Trouble shoes but he was Innocent, he was framed for steeling cars, he then climbed over a fence and then fell into a hole "what the?" he said.


In the nearby lab they were running tests and someone said "sir I've detected a change in the mass of the test hole".

He the replied "probably just a bird It will fly out when we fire up the machine".

Back with Trouble shoes he saw a strange claw looking thing appear and go into the hole then start spinning he tried to jump out but it was spinning to fast as this was happening a spark of equestrian magic hit the claw and started coming off onto trouble shoes then he looked at his hand and saw it was turning to sand the he yelled "NOOO!" When the police got there he was gone.

Later at the public sport field Soarin was running around kicking a ball when a spark of equestrian magic hit his feet then he noticed he was running faster then stopped and saw he was in mane hatten "what the" he said then turned around and ran back but he found he was back in less than a second "strange I wonder" then a thought came to him "Wait do I have super powers? That is awesome". He then ran home and looked in his closet and grabbed a silver hoodie and ski mask put them on and ran out then when he got to town he saw an out of control crane then smash into a nearby building where his girlfriend Rainbow dash along with her friends were then saw two of them hanging from the edge Twilight sparkle and his girlfriend Rainbow dash only this close to falling from fifty stories high then the edge they were holding onto broke off and they started falling then soarin got an idea he then started running up the wall and caught Rainbow right as spider man got there and caught Twilight.

The next thing rainbow knew she was in the arms of a young man in silver and she asked "um who are you" as he put her down.

He thought for a nano second then said "names quick silver fastest hero you will meet" then ran off at the speed of sound.

When Rainbow saw this she was reminded of the speed she lost once and was saddened by it but only for a minute when spider man came over with Twilight having seen the whole thing he asked rainbow "who was that?"

Rainbow then said "he told me his name was quick silver".

Spider man then said "I have to tell the others about this".

Then Iron man came down and said "Okay spider man I've shut down the crane".

Spider man then said "Iron man did you see that guy with super speed?"

Iron man then said "What? no I didn't but if there is a guy with that kind of power we need to find him he could be a great addition to the team".

Spider man then asked "so how do we find him?"

Iran man then said "I don't know yet but we will".

Later back at the hole were Trouble shoes disappeared the sand started moving and took the shape of trouble shoes he then looked at him self and then got up and started walking away when color returned to him making him look normal over with the avengers they had found Quick silver and asked him if he wanted to join the team and he said "sounds good deal"

Iron man then gave him a card and told him to go to chip industries then later when he got there he talked to the lady at the desk and showed her the card she then said "go to the elevator and use the card in the slot".

He did so and arrived at the avengers head quarters the everyone saw soarin there and Lyra said "Soarin your quick silver?"

He then said "yes i am".

Then micro chips came over and said "well good to have you on the team he" as he handed him a watch "this will allow you to communicate with us and also make you super suit changes quicker just put it on and press the button on the side"

Soarin did so and then a suit with a blue torso silver sleeves and legs and a silver lightning bolt on the torso appeared on him with silver boats and a silver mask "nice" he said.

Then Flash came over and said "welcome to the team Quick silver".

Later there was trouble going on as a fugitive was running from the cops then got into the back of a truck full of sand then a giant sand monster came out and flew away in the wind Meanwhile sugar coat was walking through town and saw jewelry story being robbed then said "great" then ran into an allay and changed into shadow cat then cam out and when to the store and said "hey you guy really robbing the place?"

The robbers then tried to shoot her but the bullets went right though her and then she fought them and tied them to a pole outside then spider man appeared and said "well done"

Then shadow cat said "no problem after all I'm your friendly neighborhood shadow cat" as she ran through a wall.

Spider man then said "she's pretty good at... Wait friendly neighborhood shadow cat... thats my thing ugh just forget it"

Later the cops arrived and picked up the robbers and at the base Flash told the other avengers about shadow cat and Lyra said "maybe we should find her ask her to join the team".

Then Sweetie belle said "ya that sounds like a good idea".

Sandal wood then said "ya but lets save that for another time".

Then Scootaloo said "agreed".

Author's Note:

Well that was tough but I got it if you have any idea on who can become what heroes leave them in the comments but I already have a few idea so don't be upset if your idea doesn't get used also the mane seven will not be getting powers in this story just so you know but for now Ghost out.