• Published 21st Jan 2019
  • 758 Views, 101 Comments

Equestrian Marvel - phantom ghost hunter

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Sonata dusk (boom boom) and Aria blaze (ghost)

Sonata dusk was laying down in her apartment alone and then she remembered the event with her sisters two weeks ago (flashback) Adagio Aria and Sonata were in the apartment when Adagio said "girls I've been meaning to tell you something".

Sonata then asked "what is it?"

Adagio then answered "I'm going out on my own and I'm not coming back".

Aria then said "what? why?"

Adagio then said "Well you see I think were holding each other back if we stay together so ya well I've got to get going bye" she then picked up her bag and went out the door.

One hour later Aria said "you know what Sonata she's right we are holding each other back I think maybe it would be better if we all started over on our own" she then started packing a bag.

Sonata then sighed knowing she couldn't stop her so she then picked up a locket out of a dresser drawer and handed it too her then said "here take this to remember us by".

Aria took the locket then opened it and gasped as she saw a picture of them at a carnival the last time they were happy together after they lost there magic, Aria then put it around her neck then said "thank you bye" as she walked out the door (end flashback).

Sonata was thinking and decided to go out for a walk to clear her head she got up put on her shoes and went out the door as she was walking she was thinking about what she was going to do next but she didn't notice when a spark of equestrian magic that flew out of a chemical lab and hit her in the back she felt something but brushed it off as nothing but when she got home she found a letter in the mail box she picked it up went inside and opened it was a bill saying the rent was overdue she then said "oh no now what will I do" then she felt something on her hands she looked and found them glowing yellow "what the" she said then put her thumb and index fingers together then slowly separated them as a ball of energy appeared then she flicked her hand and it flew out a window then created a small explosion outside she then said "wow I wonder" as she tried again and it worked. Then she got an idea as she thought about all the heroes that have been appearing and thought maybe she could become one as well and got excited as she got to work on a super suit as she had been learning to sew from Rarity she mad a red suit with a black vest, black belt, mask, and boots as luck would have it she was also skilled in acrobatics she then said "lets see what I can do from now on I am Boom boom".

Meanwhile on the other side of town Aria blaze was entering her new temporary job as a janitor at a tech lab then something happened when she started thinking about how her life had come to this it was all the Rainbooms fault if they hadn't interfered she wouldn't be sweeping floors she entered a room were scientists where panicking about a machine over loading power then the machine sparked and was about to explode but right when it did a black mist surrounded Aria and the building collapsed later the fire department and several ambulances arrived there however aria had run off after she found she had survived but she found she could not touch anything everything she touched would pass right through her she was also in pain but she then ran into a group of strange people and the one in the middle said "you seem to be hurting but I can help you with that".

Aria then said "Okay but who are you?"

He then said "I am Thanos and we are the league of evil if you join us I will not only help you with the pain you enduring but you will gain what you always wanted".

Aria thought for a minute then said "I except and call me ghost".

Back with Sonata she was walking though town a robot raptor appeared she then ran into an ally and changed into her super suit then ran back out and threw a plasma orb at the robots mouth witch made it explode right as the Avengers showed up and saw her Iron man said "wow" as he flew down to her then asked "who are you?"

She then said "I'm Boom boom" as she threw anther plasma orb and it exploded.

Iron man then asked "how would you like to join the Avengers?" as he handed her a business card.

She then said "I'd love to" later she went to stark tower and took the elevator to the secret room where she met the other Avengers and they welcomed her to the team.

Flash then said "oh I just remembered I need to meet with Twilight in an hour".

Micro then said "well then you had better get going".

Flash later arrived at Twilight's house where he knocked and she answered wearing her little black dress she then said "so Flash I hope you have something big planned".

Flash then said "Oh I do don't you know the carnival is back in town and I got plenty of money to spend there".

Then they got into his car and he drove them to the carnival when they arrived there first stop was the ferris wheel then the tunnel of love then later they relaxed with some cotton candy and drink and flash gave Twilight a stuffed panda he won in a ring toss. After wards Flash took Twilight home and she said "wow I had a great time goodnight Flash" as she kissed him on the cheek then when inside changed cloths and laid down on her bed thinking about Flash then eventually fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Wow that wasn't easy but I did it If your wondering why I didn't give Adagio any powers in this chapter I couldn't think of a villain for her to play as anyway until next time ghost out.