• Published 21st Jan 2019
  • 754 Views, 101 Comments

Equestrian Marvel - phantom ghost hunter

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sunburst (Dr octopus)

Flash was walking down the street when he ran into Twilight who was looking depressed "Hey Twilight whats wrong?" He asked her.

She then replied "ever since I broke up with Timber I've been feeling sad I mean I don't regret that brake up in any way but I've felt so lonely".

Flash thought for a minute then said "um you want to go get a milkshake or something?"

Twilight looked surprised for minute then smiled and said "sure I'd love to".

Later when they got to sugar cube corner they ordered the milkshake then sat down to wait and had a little conversation "So Twilight what are you doing now?"

She then answered "I've been working at glimmer burst labs where I fix broken machines in fact the two founders starlight glimmer and sunburst will be testing a new invention tomorrow that will evolve society, what about you?"

"I've been doing paid internship for chip industries along with ,Sandal wood and Lyra."

Twilight then said "wow you work for chip industries incredible but then again since Micro chip was your friend back at school I probably shouldn't be surprised".

Then Miss Cake came over and said "pardon me but order up" as she placed a large milkshake with two straws down in between them.

"Oh thanks" Flash said as he paid for it.

"Are you sure you don't want me to help pay for it?" Twilight asked.

"Its fine I making a good bit of money from my internship" Flash answered. Then they both drank the milkshake together.

Later that night twilight was asleep in her bed and spike was downstairs when a mysterious person opened her bed room window then walked in and grabbed her Geo on her nightstand then left with it. The next morning Twilight got up and saw that her Geo was gone "what the I could have sworn I left it on the nightstand" she said then saw her window open and remembered that Sunset Rainbow and Applejacks Geo's were stolen so she realized hers was stolen as well but she didn't have time to think much about it she had to get to work today was the day that sunburst and his wife starlight would test the new machine.

Later when she got to work she was just in time as they were about to start there she even saw the crowed of people who all wanted to see. Sunburst and Starlight then came out and Sunburst said "welcome everyone as you have heard we are testing a new machine that will change the world now let me introduce my helpers" as he removed a sheet covering 4 robot arms sunburst then got them on his back and they fused on to his body "you see the energy this machine create is to powerful for human hands to go near it so I invented these robot arms with there own artificial intelligence to assist me".

Then a reporter asked "Doctor if they are as you say wouldn't that make you vulnerable to them?"

"That is correct which is why I invented this control chip" he said as he pointed to the computer chip on the back "that way I control them instead of them controlling me now on to the real show" he then went over to the machine as a hole opened in the floor and a stand came out holding something then one of his robot arms grabbed it as he said "powerful tritium is the fuel for this project theirs only 25% of it on the whole planet which is why i'd like to thank Mr rich for the help in getting it".

"Happy to help pay the bills Dr" Mr rich responded.

Sunburst then placed the tritium in the machine then it started up and created an orb of light. Then the orb created a magnetic field around it pulling metal objects into it as people there started getting scared "don't worry it will stabilize soon"

Mr rich then yelled "turn it off"

"It will stabilize"

"I'm in charge here" Mr rich yelled back

Then the machine pulled a metal beam out of place that when strait for Starlight and hit her on the head before getting sucked in the orb "Starlight!" Sunburst yelled when he saw her on the floor then he screamed with pain when a lighting bolt shot from the orb and hit him frying his control chip and knocking him out.

Then spider man appeared and killed the power to the machine which made the orb disappear "wow what happened?" He asked as he saw all the unconscious people.

Later on some ambulances arrived and picked up everyone who was injured then two days later at the hospital flash went to visit Twilight who's eyes were hurt from the event and she had to have surgery to save them but now after her surgery she was laying in a bed with a bandage over her eyes then when Flash came in he said "hey Twilight you alright?"

She then said "yes I'm alright now" wall she said this she was looking in the opposite direction.

"Um Twilight i'm over here" he said as he put his arm on her shoulder.

"Oh well I do have a bandage over my eyes cut me some slack" she said in a tone that was mixed with annoyance and embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it" Flash said "I'm sure your eyes will heel sooner than expected".

She then blushed and replied "thanks" then asked "by the way how are sunburst and starlight doing?"

Flash then answered "well Starlight is in a comma and Sunburst has some head trauma".

Then there was a loud sound "what was that?" Twilight asked.

"I'll go see" flash said he than went to were the sound came from and saw a big hole in the wall then saw a Doctor on the floor groaning then Flash went over to him and asked "what happened here?"

The doctor then said "Sunburst happened we were about to cut off the robot arms but then the arms attacked us while he was asleep then he woke up, knocked this big hole in the wall and left".

Flash was surprised to hear this he then when back to Twilight's room and told her what happened and she said "what but Sunburst said that his arms shouldn't be able to do that as long as he has that control chip" she then realized "unless the control chip got destroyed in the project somehow".

"Well I think I should go tell someone about this" Flash said as he left the room then out of the hospital and over to where no one can see him and opened the communicator on his wristwatch "avengers come in this is spiderman over"

Micro chips then answered "spiderman whats the problem" Flash then explained all that happened and Micro said "wow that not good will need to find him".

"Copy that i'll start looking right away".


Author's Note:

Okay that sure took some time but hey it worked now if you didn't read that part Starlight is not dead she's just in a coma but Sunburst doesn't know that and thinks shes dead also this is more of an off shoot from the main plot but i thought it would be fun now what will happen next stay tuned to find out

Ghost out.