• Published 21st Jan 2019
  • 758 Views, 101 Comments

Equestrian Marvel - phantom ghost hunter

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sky stinger and vapor trail (cloak and dagger)

It was dark cold December night in Manehattan and a young woman named vapor trail was coming home from dance class. Her family was quite wealthy and she got nice things but there was one thing she always wanted be could never get a mothers love, her mother was always to busy to spend time with her that was why she ran away to Manehatten to start her dancing carrier, she found a class that can teach her greatly for a fair price and she had a good job in a clothing boutique run by a woman named Coco pommel but what she didn't know is that her life was about to change.

Meanwhile a young man named Sky stinger was on his own as well his family was quite poor and he had a lot of siblings or did have, when he was young his father was killed in a car wreck then three years later his mother died of an illness and his siblings went to foster care. So Sky was left to fend for himself he didn't like it but he had to steal to survive he then spotted a young woman with snow white skin, he thought about stealing her purse to get something to eat because it looked like she had a lot but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Then someone else came up and stole her purse and she yelled "AAA Help!"

Sky then ran forward and tackled the thief and brought the purse back to the young woman who said "thanks" as he handed it to her "my names Vapor trail".

"I'm Sky stinger".

"Well Sky you look kind of hungry why don't you join me for dinner?"

"But I don't have any money".

Vapor then giggled and said "Don't worry I can pay".

Later on they were at a fast food joint and Vapor bought sky a good sized burger fries and a drink she then asked him about his life and he told her the story "well what about you?" he then asked her.

She then told him her backstory about how her mother was always to busy for her "yaa thats my story so you don't have any family left and your living on the street thats so sad you know what I'll let you stay with me until you can get a job and a place to live".

Sky was amazed to hear that and said "wow thanks I... don't know what to say".

Vapor then giggled.

Later as they left the restaurant they didn't notice but two sparks of equestrian magic came at them one hit sky's cloak and the other hit vapor's small dagger shaped pendent then they ran into a group of street thugs and the leader said "Hey you two why don't you hand use your valuables and no one gets hurt".

Vapor got scared as she held up her hands and light daggers flew at them "what the?" She said.

Sky then noticed his feet weren't touching the ground he was floating "Whats going on?" he asked.

Vapor then got an idea she created a light dagger and threw it at the thugs and they started to run away "wow this is incredible".

Then Sky said "wow I think were getting some kind of super powers this is awesome".

Later on Vapor took Sky to her apartment "wow this is nice" Sky said.


"Hey you know we both have these new abilities why don't we go see what else we can do?"

"Oh okay" they went to the buildings roof and tried some stuff Vapor found that her power came from her dagger pendent and she could create light daggers to throw and fight while Sky discovered that his power was in his cloak and that he could not only fly but teleport as well. "Hey I have an idea come with me" Vapor said as she took Sky by the hand and brought him back to her apartment she then said "why don't you sit down and watch a little television I have an idea to work on" as she sat down at a desk and started drawing ideas when she was done she took the paper over to a sewing machine she had for when she had to take work home with her and started sewing a fedora with a built in mask that goes with sky's cloak and when she was done she gave it to him.

"Wow thanks your pretty good at this".

Vapor blushed when he said that "oh its just something I do but I have something else to work on" she then went back to the desk and started with anther idea, a white body suit with a dagger shape on the front white boats, fingerless gloves and white butterfly mask for her to were, when she had the measurements and such done she got to work at her sewing machine. Three hours later she was done and put the suit on.

Shy then said "wow you look amazing".

Vapor then replied "thanks but maybe we should come up with new hero names call me Dagger".

Sky thought for a minute then said "just call me cloak".

Later on they were going across the roof tops of Manehatten when they saw a bank robbery they when down and stopped the robbers the the bank owner said "wow thank you both you saved my bank".

meanwhile back in canterlot micro chip had found out about them and thought they could be helpful to the team so he told the other avengers he was going there on a business trip to Manehatten as iron man when he got there it didn't take long to find them then ask them if they want the job and then they thought for a minute then nodded. "Well looks like were starting the Manehatten branch now" iron man said.

Later he bought an old building and turned it into a base that looked like a chips industries building.

Author's Note:

well the avengers team is growing bigger but what will happen next stay tuned and find out.