• Published 25th May 2018
  • 4,564 Views, 100 Comments

The Story of Dawn and Twilight Sparkle - ChiefKitsune

A story about Twilight being born with a twin, Who has a past not even she is aware of. Also Trollestia, and Filly Twilight, but Doubled!

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Chapter 2: What was that?! (08/12/18)

Exam Room, Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns

Time seemed to slow down for Dawn as she watched the beam of magic leave Twilight's horn and travel directly towards her. It felt like an eternity while in reality, it was less than a second for the wild magic to travel the short distance between the two sisters. As it inched closer to her head Dawn had the feeling this wasn't the first time something potentially deadly was on a direct path with her head, though she couldn't for the life of her know why. Though she only had moments to ponder this conundrum. Then the magic struck.



Ducking as debris started raining down around him, kicked up by the exploding ordinance near his foxhole, Staff Sargent Christian Stansfield offered a short prayer in thanks that he survived unharmed. With dirt still raining down around him, the young NCO was already up and searching for target's through the smoke rising from the smoldering crater a foot away. 'Damn it, how could I lose my squad?! I mean we were not even in combat, yet I still get separated and that's when I stumbled across an enemy squad!' His mental rant getting cut short as he sees movement out of the corner of his eye, turning to sight his target Christian fires a burst at the center of mass then follows up with a burst to the enemy's head. The Chinese infantrymen drops to the ground, a small bulbous object rolling from the combatant's hand before exploding in a flash of fire and invisible pieces of flying death.

Before he has a chance to feel relief at stopping a second grenade exploding near him, the young soldier hears a thump a little to the left of the first infantryman turning Christian sees the form of another enemy soldier peering around a corner further back the rifle's grenade launcher belching smoke. This only holds his attention for less than a second as the more immediate concern being said grenade flying at him. Time seems to move to an agonizingly slow crawl as the Sargent's eyes track the explosive hurtling towards him, inching closer ever so slowly know there is not a thing he could do to stop it. After what feels like an eternity that was in reality only moments, his world goes black as the grenade detonates right next to his head.

Meanwhile in Equestria

Exam Room SFGU (School For Gifted Unicorns, also Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns)
Celestia's POV

Finally reaching the top of the tower the exams were held in, Celestia bursts through the weakened doors to the exam room. What she finds causes her to hesitate for a moment (less time it takes to blink) at the pure Chaos the room was in. (Incidentally, Discord goes back in time to view this after he becomes free since he nearly broke out on this day)

Inside the room, Celestia finds the head instructors for Her school floating unconscious in the air, the rest of the dragon's body that was laying on the remains of a wooden cart filled with straw. As well as two potted cacti in the reserved area meant for parents or guardians. But the main attraction for her attention were the two lavender fillies experiencing a massive magical surge, beams of wild magic flying from both fillies randomly striking the walls leaving scorch marks.

Celestia, having to almost literally wade through the magical waves flowing off the two fillies finally reaches the one closer to the cacti, leans down with her majestic horn to touch the horn of the filly. Celestia planning on syphoning off this filly's excess magic flow (not for life and she can only do it during surges or voluntarily) then move on to the other surging filly, though something about these two fillies brought a nagging feeling to the back of her mind she paid it no mind as she had more important things at the moment.

However, upon connecting with the young filly's wellspring Celestia is treated to something she has never in all her years come across. That while this filly does possess her own unique wellspring, her wellspring is inexplicably tied to the wellspring of the other filly who is surging. While this is unprecedented for her it also makes solving both surges much simpler, Celestia wouldn't admit it to anypony but just getting to this first filly was severely taxing for her and she had some doubt in her ability to reach the second filly in time. So with this new development Celestia begins to syphon off the bleed off magic from both fillies over the link and feeding it all through her own link with the Sun, this was the only way she could safely dispose of so much excess magic that both fillies were emitting as her Sun could both supply her with massive amounts of extra magic it did not possess a limit on how much it could hold. (Celestia in her younger days did many experiments to see just how much magic her Sun could store, though she had to stop when the other nations of the world complained about the Sun being too hot, also there was a massive explosion in her lab that created the Badlands. She was ever thankful she had the foresight, aka nagging little Sister, to build her personal laboratory far from civilization, though she was still saddened at the loss of such beautiful landscape)

It took nearly three minutes for Celestia to siphon enough magic from both fillies for their surges to come to an end. This was, however, exhausting for the Princess more so than anypony would think, it left the matronly alicorn weak-kneed, panting, as well as a good amount of sweat matting her fur in uncomfortable ways. The large flanked alicorn found herself standing above two lavender Unicorn fillies, both of whom were unconscious, that not only were their very being linked, they were each on their own, magnitudes stronger than anypony in the past millennium. The proof of their linked souls (for lack of a better term) they both sported identical Cutie Marks.

Meanwhile, once the wild magic bleeds off completely the extremely radical changes reverted themselves. Thus the two cacti in the room became engulfed in a flash of white leaving behind two very disorientated adult Unicorns, who sank to the floor leaning on one another. The dragon shrunk back to his actual size of a newly hatched drakeling, whom promptly began sucking on his spaded tail cooing happily.

Once Celestia was able to get her breathing under control, did she notice the two fillies stir. So to help them along she gave each a comforting nuzzle with a smile on her muzzle before moving back and sitting down in front of the two. As they both seemed to be dazed but aware she decided to do something she has not done for centuries.

"Good morning my little ponies," Celestia began in her motherly voice drawing the attention of the two, as well as their parents. Unnoticed by all but Celestia the instructors were rousing as well, but nopony really cared at the moment. "I have never in my long life met a single pony let alone two with so much magical potential. However, I'm afraid that because you both are so powerful that my faculty here at the school would be unable to handle teaching either of you." Celestia lets it sink in and resumes before either filly could be said about this. "Therefore I am going to offer you both a place as my personal students." At this there were literal stars in the fillies' eyes as they stared open-mouthed at her, their parents weren't any better off. "Though this is a great opportunity, I'm afraid that your parents must agree before we can continue...." Tia trails off with a smirk, watching as the two fillies turn to their parents with watery-eyed begging expressions that Tia had to fight 'daaaw-ing' at. This lasted a moment before the adult Unicorns shook off their shock and began nodding vigorously, their head blurred they were doing it so fast.

So it was this that the two fillies turned back to the alabaster alicorn about to voice their parent's agreement (though it was not needed as they were right there) Tia decides to point something else out. "Oh I also believe you both received your Cutie Marks," She said motioning with her head to the two's flanks, leading the two to look before it seems their brains got overwhelmed as they froze slack-jawed for a full minute before the alicorn lightly clears her throat breaking their stupor.

"YES! YES! YES!" Twilight and Dawn shouted in unison as they hoped in a circle around their monarch, while the parents could only lay down from all that happened.

Speaking over the two fillies Celestia addresses the parents, "why don't we move this to my personal study to iron out the details" Velvet and Night Light could only nod in response.

Author's Note:

TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!! Well I wrote them both yesterday, but I didn't finish till after 22:00

Okay so wasn't planning on this coming up so soon or this long actually. I actually don't even know where I pulled this one out of, as it just kept going writing itself. While yeah I knew what I wanted to happen I didn't think I would be able to flush it all out in one chapter like this. We're both exhusted *cute snores can be heard in the back ground* Dawn is passed out on my couch, with my puppy dog it's soooo adorable!

PS I don't think future chapters will be this long (comparitivly) but I do hope they are as well as not taking to long to write.