• Published 25th May 2018
  • 4,565 Views, 100 Comments

The Story of Dawn and Twilight Sparkle - ChiefKitsune

A story about Twilight being born with a twin, Who has a past not even she is aware of. Also Trollestia, and Filly Twilight, but Doubled!

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Author's Note:

Okay this is mostly me explaining some things for those of you who are following this story but not me, the author for the blog posts most do this type of thing in.

Okay so this is not a 'chapter' type of chapter, this is more of an update-notice/Extra's. So this first part will basically be explaining how this story works, along with plenty of rambling, the second part will be 'Mothballed' ideas for the story. Now let me explain what I mean by 'Mothballed', I use it in reference for little details that I thought up for a chapter but weren't big enough to 'edit' the chapter, basically anything less than a short paragraph worth of text or something that will be important for later I won't be adding it. But that doesn't mean that those little blurbs of comedy won't be told, by that I mean that this will have little things that would have been great in the quoted chapter had I thought to add them when I wrote it.

For Example:

-Chapter 2: It's Godzilla!-

An other beam strikes the filly's parents rendering them as nothing more than potted plants.
The ex-parents share a single thought, 'Not again.' before letting out a mental sigh.

Since it was at most a sentence worth or words it does not warrant me adding it and the changing the 'Edit' date, but I still want the reference to be there for the joy of someone knowing what or where the line (or scene) came from. Well that and it's funny. I have several other ideas that I thought up but don't have a way to use them in the actual story (Which are mostly references that popped into my mind that will be further in in this 'chapter') well that was until I had the absolutely brilliant idea that spawned from a wondering thought to AMARG{Name of Air plane graveyard| i.e. Look it up idiot} that the Air Force has in Arizona for extra, unused, expensive aircraft, or think of it kinda like Army Surplus stuff that is there and is to good to throw out. I feel this is something many authors would love to have, since I've lost count of things I wanted to add but just couldn't get it to work right and so far this entire story has not been planned out in more detail than 'Celestia grows close to a little filly Twilight' (there just happens to be two of them so "The Twily has been Doubled! Hazza!") and they form a mother daughter relationship as Twi and Dawn end up filling a missing piece of Celestia's heart but does not really see it until further down the timeline as she grows to enjoy having a little energetic ball of floof hanging around. (sorry hard to know when to stop a sentence from becoming a run-on while rambling) Nothing more than a handful/hoofful of key events I have planned everything else I've been pulling out of my Plot (I mean both as in the story theme as well as pulling things out of my rear :trollestia:) However that is not going to be the case from now on, but more on that later. So this type of 'Chapter' is going to be a reoccurring thing from now on in my work, mostly when I have enough 'Mothballed' Ideas to write. Think of it like a Deleted Scene type deal similar to movies with some being longer or some being short like the previous example.

I could keep going on all that, but I won't. So I said before that I've changed how I'm going to handle this story from now on. What I mean by that is after this is up and or I get enough "Mothballed" idea's for another 'chapter' I'm going to be putting out blog posts that will affect the progression of this whole story. Now its not so much as what you reader's want to happen its going to be more along the lines of which you would rather have me working on by priority. I mean I get the whole 'more, more, more, NEED MORE!' of wanting the next chapter in the story line to be written, but upon reflection I've decided to add an other chapter detailing some "Slice of Life" from before the 'Exam' chapter that will be added either as the next actual chapter or following the next chapter for the current story line. So basically I'll be asking things from you readers to offer your opinion on which you want to see next, as well as possible decisions that may affect the story but those won't come for several more chapters at least. Also I've deiced to take the time a actually write a decent amount before posting any further chapters I strive to release no more chapters less that 1,500 words in length at the bare bones/ rough sketch with plans to add to it later.

Okay so I don't have any ideas like the example, that however doesn't mean that I am going to write the ideas out as non-canon chapters. Cause they are just too long and in depth, I mean the first one is already more than 400 words for the first two paragraphs and I have only started with the idea. Those paragraphs being the opening in which I describe the location and what is going on. In other words I've got lots more for the idea and if I put it in this 'chapter' it would probably make this the longest for the entire story. Actually now that I am putting them to paper I feel like these could be published as a separate non-canon side stories.

Voting time! From now on any votes will be done through my blog posts but I need these out there now so I know what to focus on. So please follow me as well as the story so you won't miss out on updated news for this story as well as the result of the voting.

Vote starts (07/20/18)
Vote closes (07/30/18)

So in light of this I'm going to as for a vote from you readers, do you want these non-canon side stories be included as 'bonus' chapters for the story or to be published as their own stories for the site? (So please follow me in case I do publish them as their own 'story')

As mentioned earlier, which should I be focusing on first, continuing the story line or adding more world building and character development? They both are going to be done I just want to know what you the readers want more, interactions with the fillies and their family prior the Exam, along with introducing 'The Foalsitter' and several stories filled with adorable floof.