• Published 25th May 2018
  • 4,565 Views, 100 Comments

The Story of Dawn and Twilight Sparkle - ChiefKitsune

A story about Twilight being born with a twin, Who has a past not even she is aware of. Also Trollestia, and Filly Twilight, but Doubled!

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Prologue pt 2: One foal is a hoof-ful, but two is a Nightmare (edited 08/12/18)

Home of Night Light and Twilight Velvet

Date: 06/985 ANM
Time: 03:15 hours
Location: Canterlot, Equestria


In an instant two pairs of eyes shot open shortly followed by a deep exhausted sigh, in sync, from the two ponies in the bed. The stallion speaks up first with a question

"Is it your turn or mine?"

Twilight Velvet's eyes dart from side to side for a moment in thought, then she answers. "Your turn dear, and please try to not need me I have a meeting at the office...." She trails off to glance at the clock, then heaves an irritated sigh. "In less than 5 hours." Another pause. "I love them both dearly but why do all our foals seem to be blessed with endless lungs?" Realizing she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep Velvet shambles after her husband to take care of their daughters.

Night Light answers with a simple shrug. "I don't know, I'm just glad that Dawn is easy enough to calm down once she realizes both she and her sister are safe. Though I still don't understand how she keeps getting into Twilight's crib no matter what we do, I mean I could have sworn that last time there was residue from a teleport!" He rants in that way only a parent of a newborn can without actually being angry with the filly.

Twilight Velvet's Private Office
Date: 06/985 ANM
Time: 08:00 hours
Location: Canterlot, Equestria

As the door opens to allow entrance for a tan Pegasus mare with a monochromatic mane, that looked more frazzled than usual, she is wearing a simple but tasteful purple silk dress that hides most of her body along with her ridiculously sized hat and simple glasses. Once the door shuts she spares a brief glance around the cozy room, upon only seeing a smirking Unicorn mare, who was also very frazzled, behind the desk offers a long-suffering sigh though she can't keep her own smile from touching her face. She almost faster than the eye could see removes her dress and hat, revealing her normal attire of a pith helmet along with a tan expedition vest.

Velvet offers a sly smile at the still visibly disheveled Pegasus. "Soooo some rough nights I take it?" she asks drawing out the first word.

The Pegasus smirks back with equal snark, "It looks like I'm not the only one suffering from midnight wake-up calls. How have you been Velvet? I mean besides the usual stuff of having not one, but two newborn foals to deal with."

Velvet's smile shifts to being a more casual one "Nothing too much Daring, by the way, how is your own disaster going?"

Daring slumps down into one of the chairs in front of Velvet's desk with a tired smile. "She is fine, though I swear I wasn't that bad myself a-" Daring finds herself cut off by Velvet's tremendous laugh, she just offers a deadpan for several moments while Velvet laughs. "Are you done yet?"

Velvet's laughter dies out into the occasional giggle but she nods. "You obviously don't remember Mom and Dad's photo album along with the invoices from the repair crews, or how about their Repair Punch Cards" She offers a smirk

Daring offers an uncharacteristic pout, "Pooh you know half of those were from you and your magic surges and then later your so-called science leading to explosions" Daring shivers from the memories. "You know it took a few years before I could even look at cheese again after your little portal experiment."

Velvet's face flushes at the reminder of one of her greatest missteps. "Yeah, I honestly hope my daughters are more tampered by Night Light's calm attitude, cause I am honestly scared if they both take after us." After taking a few moments to catch their breaths they begin to discuss the most recent adventure that Daring went through.

Sparkle Residence
Date: 06/985 ANM
Time: 08:15 hours
Location: Canterlot, Equestria

With an adorable yawn, a tiny lavender muzzle nestled its way into an equally lavender neck, receiving a smile from her sleeping sister Dawn, at the nuzzling of her neck Dawn stretched out her foreleg to drag Twilight into a deeper snuggle. Twilight making a soft crooning noise as she is pulled further into the warm embrace.

Author's Note:

Okay so not much mention of Twilight and Dawn, this kinda got away and went off on its own. So now you know that Twilight Velvet and Daring Doo are sisters, though they aren't by blood. I'm leaving that open in case I decide to write a sad short side story. Also if you didn't get the hint of who's Daring's foal is then had it been a dog it would've bit you. Who do you think it is?

I am not sure when I'll actually get to the Entrance Exam where I plan on things taking off, maybe in the next chapter but who knows, Not I.

(eidit 05/06/19)

Okay so I tried to add some more interaction between the two fillies, not reall confident in how it went. I also don't think I'm going to include much parential interaction between the fillies and their biological parents esspessially Night Light (sorry Night Light fans). And even then it will be limited, cause I want this to be a floof story with a filly Twilight and a maternal Celestia with a little chaos thrown into the mix with Dawn.

As a side note I'm looking for a co-auther/editer/proofreader/whatever who would be willing to work with me on adding some minor things with the chapters. Hell if you PM me a resonable additon I will probably use it (while acreaditing the auther, I want/need your help) Since it has been pointed out to me that I've written some really choppy chapters with little to no character development. So while I know what I want them to be like I just don't know how they will be, such as how they develop to a point.
-Read more in my next blog post (will add link after its written https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/814169/co-auther-editor-proofreader-whatever-wanted)-