• Published 25th May 2018
  • 4,554 Views, 100 Comments

The Story of Dawn and Twilight Sparkle - ChiefKitsune

A story about Twilight being born with a twin, Who has a past not even she is aware of. Also Trollestia, and Filly Twilight, but Doubled!

  • ...

Omake: Plot-Holes

Location: Gaurd Training fields, the base of Mt. Canter
Time: 08:00 hrs CST (Canterlot Standard Time)
Objective: Assess Gaurd capabilities with newly upgraded Field Guns

It was a clear and sunny morning at the Training Fields below the city of Canterlot, the sun had already risen for a little over an hour already. So like any good army everypony was already up and moving well before then. So with ponies already formed up to begin the day's training with the newly issued Field Guns (fancy way of saying cannons). So it is with this that Commander Shinning Armor gives the order to begin the training. As Shinning and his Adjunct are standing there watching as the first couple barrages landed way off target, though all just barely within the range. A white chariot detailed with golden accents descends from the city up above. Meanwhile, Shinning just facehoofs and grumbles to his Adjunct so only him and a Major who should've been the only one close enough to hear him say,

"Well...at least they are all firing in the same direction"

As the Commander of the Gaurd comments, but is surprised as he is answered with a clear crystal laugh from behind him. He's surprised because he was saying that sarcastically and had not expected his fellow officers to actually laugh at how poor the display is. Snaps his head up and behind him followed by his Adjunct and the Major to see that a Royal Chariot had just landed behind them in the Landing Zone. With a lavender Unicorn mare was disembarking having been the source of the laugh as the Pegusis Guards were trained to be Stoic.

Shinning like any good military stallion quickly overcame his surprise to greet the newcomer not in the least surprised at seeing who it is and her being able to sneak up on him. As he opens his mouth to greet one of his baby sisters the Royal Chariot explodes into a blizzard of splintered shrapnel, obscuring his sister from view.


Shinning screamed out in terror for his sister as he, along with his Adjunct and the Major, rush in the direction of the former transport. As they arrive they notice that the two guards that had brought the Chariot down had been able to escape the explosion and were now clearing away the stubborn dust cloud from the remains. And as the dust settles they see a lavender hoof waving in front of a similarly colored muzzle accompanied by light coughing.

"Gezz Shiny, I know I have a sparkling personality but I didn't mean it literally. You know that's Twi's stick."

The dust finally clearing away by the end of her sentence, reveals the smirking face of Dawn Sparkle. As Shinning's brain gets back to work he takes notice that his sister had leaped forward, clear of the blast range, before she could've been injured. Shinning not even going to make note of this other than in comfort that his sister wasn't actually endangered.

"Sure Twi is the one who somehow ignites herself, you do tend to leave craters in, like, every other thing you do"

Shinning Armor snides back having gotten more used to his youngest sister escaping a dangerous event unharmed with no clear reason why. Well aside from herself, but everypony always tosses that out if they even think of it since Dawn carries the same figure as her twin Twilight. But Shinning knows that Dawn is one of the fittest mares he has ever known, able to trump any Gaurd, himself included.

"Hey 'that' one was Not my fault"

The lavender mare complains with an adorable pout, but her usual complaint snapped Shinning back to what happened. So with his mind refocused the stallion's head darts around the area searching for the culprit to the explosion. Though it didn't take the Officer long to find it, on the line of Field Guns a newly set up cannon was facing Away from the range and at them. Its barrel still belching out smoke, so with his anger relight Shinning raises a hoof to the literal smoking gun, before demanding of his Adjunct.

"Who made that Stallion a Gunner!?"

To which the Major replies for the Adjunct.

"I did, Sir"

Shinning looks at the Major with a blank look before turning to his Adjunct.

"Who's he?"

The Adjunct whispers back.

"He's a Plot-Hole, Sir."

Shinning groans.

"I know That. I mean what's his name."

The Adjunct rolls her eyes.

"That is his name, sir. PlotHole. Major Plot-Hole"

Shinning then moves his eyes in the direction of the gunner.

"And his?"

To which the stallion answers, standing at attention with a salute.

"Gunner First Class Phill-my Plot-Hole, Sir!"

The Major throws in trying to be helpful.

"He's my cousin."

Shinning just looks back to his Adjunct in disbelief, all the while Dawn is rolling around on her back, biting her foreleg to contain her laughs.

"Just how many Plot-Holes do we have here!?"

To which all the ponies besides his laughing sister and Adjunct, snap to attention and salute him with a single.


As Shinning Armor realizes that well over 200 ponies just answered he signs in dejection, dropping his head a little.

"I knew it. I'm surrounded by Plot-Holes."

Still with his eyes to the ground Shinning Armor raises his hoof in the direction of down range.

"Keep firing, Plot-Holes!"

Dawn upon seeing the scene play out like she knew it would finally release her foreleg and lets her laughter free. Though it sounds more along the lines of Demented Cackling if somepony were to question the guards that overheard it. Finally, after catching her breath Dawn looks up to the shining sun with a content smile and speaks to the heavens with a smirk and wink.

"Mare...I can't believe I just saw that. Thank you, Faust."

Author's Note:

Okay so I wrote this, this morning I finally figured out how to open it. Once I got past that it basically wrote itself. Give me a shout out if you get the reference. Because I'm going to be having a few ones like this within my writing. Also, Thank Faust for "Grammarly" I think it improved my writing by magnitudes.

P.S. does anypony know what 'Referrals' are?

Comments ( 19 )

I got the reference, but I will not spoil it for others. Thanks for it though, not many people out there make 'THIS' reference so it is a nice gag to pull.

WARNING: Following video contains swearing. Watch it if it does not bother you.

Ohhh Spaceballs.

Great Spaceballs joke.





Thanks, I'm planning on more! Got any media (movies, video games, books, etc.) you wanna see something from, ask and I'll try.

More please

Yay spaceballs:pinkiehappy:

Apocalypse Now, Aliens

You got it might be a bit before they're all in but I'ma try I like those movies too.:scootangel:

BTW your getting a special chapter for your suggestions, it will be out soon. You will be mentioned as a contributor for the chapter in the Authers Notes. As a type of reward for actually making a suggestion.

I don't know the situation anymore, but I guess it is about Daring Doo?
Well even in those chases it should probably make a certain amount of sense alternate universe or not. That is all I can say without really knowing what the story was about again.
I saw my comment, but I can't answer you to that situation anymore.

Everyone has there own way of getting a "fresh take" on things. I hope this helps you find yours. :twilightsmile:

As the Commander of the Gaurd


Any news?

In truth I like the concept and the execution therefore I hope to get more in the future

This is my fav chapter ever!🤣🤣🤣

Dawn and Twilight Sparkle?
Wait a minute...I KNOW A STORY THAT--!!! Bro this is literally a link to a different story where the twilight clone also calls herself Dawn Sparkle, instantly spontaneous l0l

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