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Chapter 10: Jade

Baraka and another Tarkatan were in the armory, putting weapons into crates. "That is all of them." the other Tarkatan said, pointing the gun at Baraka.

"That is no toy!" Baraka took the gun. "It belongs to Shang Tsung! We are finished. Return to your post." The Tarkatan left. Baraka put the last gun away and closed the lid of the crate. He looked to see Jade standing towards him.

"Stand aside." She ordered. "I will see Kitana."

"No one enters the Tower." Baraka refused to let her in.

"You are an excellent guard dog, Baraka. But you must learn to heel."

"I do not take orders from you."

Jade kept hitting Baraka with a series of shadow kicks. Eventually, Baraka was defeated. She looked at him and said, "Good boy."

"Edenians have no loyalty."

"Blind loyalty is not a good thing, as I have learned. You must keep your eyes open-- to anticipate the finishing blow."

"What are you talking abou--" Jade stepped on his head real hard, knocking him unconscious.

"You make it too easy." She began to hed toward the Tower where Kitana was bound to a statue by Trixie, who was standing next to Sheeva.

"If you had not dishonored yourself by--" Sheeva talked to Kitana until she and Trixie turned around.

"Jade." Kitana responded.

"My orders are clear." Sheeva stated. "No one is allowed in the Tower."

"As you can see, I am here." Jade informed her.

"Yes, here to help the princess escape! You would deny your execution? Your only means of regaining her honor?"

"We have very different concepts of honor, Shokan." Jade hit Sheeva with her pole. Once she was beaten Jade looked at her and said, "Not much of a jailor are you?"

Trixie teleported up to Jade and said, "Trixie won't let you touch Kitana!"

"Suck it up, Trixie!" Jade said as they fought. Jade kept uppercutting Trixie until she was unconscious. Jade looked at the fallen unicorn and said, "Not so great and powerful now, are you?" She walked up to Kitana. "Now then your highness, let us see how quickly we can remove these bonds."

"Jade, I--" Kitana tried to say something.

"I am too."

"Stop her!" Mileena said behind the door. "Do not let her get away!"

"Go. Find Raiden. Ask for his help." Kitana told her friend as she left.

Jade made it back to the wastelands where she said to herself, "That should distance me from any pursuers." Just then, Mileena appeared out of nowhere. Jade gasped.

"Others pursue. I find." Mileena explained.

"By the gods... You are Mileena!"

"You must return with me! there is to be a celebration for my sister! She is going away..."

Jade threw a boomerang at Mileena, and it hit her twice as it came back to her. Once the fight was was over, Jade explained, "I am more of a sister to Kitana than you. I must find Raiden."

"He is here." A distinct voice said. Raiden, Johnny, Smoke, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and the Equestrians appeared by a struck of lightning.

Smoke saw this and said, "Kitana turns away from Shao Kahn so you attack her rather than join her?"

"This is not--"

"Smoke! Stop! That is not Kitana!" Raiden warned him.

"You will come no closer!" Smoke didn't listen to his warning.

Jade kept hitting Smoke with kombos until he was beaten. She told the defeated Lin Kuei warrior, "I did not wish to do that." Ed and Cordelia helped Smoke up. "Lord Raiden. I come at the request of-" While they were speaking Johnny looked at the Shaolin monks.

"'Lord'? I was with Smoke. I thought she was a bad guy. Girl. Guess he turned another one... What's Raiden got that I haven't got?" Johnny wondered.

"God-like power?" Liu responded.

"A personality that is not at all like sanding paper?" Lao responded as well.

"Jerks." The actor said.

Back to Kitana. "...if we do not save her, she will be executed. Kitana doesn't have much time."

"Huh?" Applejack was shocked.

"What?" Fluttershy said in fear.

"Kitana... executed? Where is she?" Liu wondered.

"Held captive in the Tower of Shao Kahn's fortress." Jade explained to everyone.

"I am not pleased with this outcome either, Liu Kang." Raiden told his protege. "But there is no time to lose. We must return to the tournament."

Liu spoke back. "But you are responsible for her capture! You persuaded her to turn against Shao Kahn!"

Kung Lao looked at Raiden. "Lord Raiden. We can free her as others fight in our stead, and join you thereafter."

Raiden looked at the two. "Very well."

The Shaolin monks left. Lao said, "We'll meet you at the Coliseum."

Applejack looked at Raiden and said, "I like Kung Lao's hat. I think I'm in love with him."

Rarity held out 7 uniforms with Discord as the Mortal Kombat logo and gave them to her, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Twilight, and Starlight.

"What are these?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"They're MK ninja suits! I made them for the tournament!" Rarity squealed in excitement.