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Chapter 14: Cyber Sub-Zero

In the temple, everyone against the ruler of 3 worlds was there. Jax was back with a pair of robotic arms.

"That's it. Here goes nothing." Jax said as he finished Cyber Sub-Zero's programming.

"Are you certain this will work?" Smoke asked.

"Hell no! I've never done this before. It's not like there's a manual."

"Sub-Zero? Can he hear me?" Smoke asked.

"He should."


"Yes, Smoke." Said the cyborg.

"How do you feel?" The cyborg woke up. "What is it?"

"I remember..." Cyber Sub-Zero got up. "The things I have done for Shao Kahn." Smoke put his hand on his shoulder. "He cannot be allowed to merge the realms."

"Haokah, how can Sub-Zero best help us?" Nightwolf asked.

"I do not know." Raiden answered. "My attempts to alter the future have had negative consequences. Sub-Zero should never have undergone this transformation. Enlisting him may either divert the flow of time."

"We need intel, right? Let's send him back to Outworld undercover." Stryker suggested.

"Great idea! They'll never know he's back to normal." Twilight stated.

"They will be unaware of my defection. I could decieve them." Cyber Sub-Zero said.

In the emperor's throne room, Tarkatans and cyber Lin Kuei ninjas were preparing for the invasion. Cyber Sub-Zero walked out of the portal.

"Earthrealm is finished. It will not be missed." Cyrax told Sektor and Noob.

"Very well." Sektor said.

"You will return." Noob said as he and Cyrax left. Cyber Sub-Zero walked up to Sektor.

"You report late. Where is the intruder?" Sektor asked.

"I killed him in Earthrealm." Cyber Sub-Zero responded.

"He should have been saved for interrogation."

"He was formidable. I had no choice."

"Follow me. We must lead a new mission." Sektor said as he and Cyber Sub-Zero walked through the portal. It led the two cyborgs to the subway.

"What mission brings us here?" The blue cyborg asked.

"I have scanned your neural net, Five-Two-Oh. Your neuromodulators have been recalibrated." Sektor stated.


"The experience has been deleted from your system. Remove your access panel." Sektor tries to open it, but Cuber Sub-Zero punched him as he fell back. The red cyborg got up and said, "Your porgramming has been corrupted."

"My soul was corrupted. Now it is cleansed." Cyber Sub-Zero shot ice bombs at Sektor and froze him. Once he was defeated, the blue cyborg told him, "Artificial enhancements are no substitute for the human soul." He accessed Sektor's mainframe. He hacked the system and learned Sektor's orders. He was to escort prisoners to the cementary. "Thank you, Sektor." Cyber Sub-Zero said as he began to head out.

At the clock tower, 8 soldiers were chained up. Goro and Kintaro were watching over them, and Kano shot them with his laser eye as he laughed. "Oy! Run about will ya!" Cyber-Sub-Zero entered the clock tower. "Finally!" Kano said. "Come on! We gotta get 'em to the grave yard at St. Dominic's. On your feet! All of you!"

"For what purpose?" asked the cyborg.

"Don't care, really. So long as I get paid." Kano told him.

"He said on your feet!" Kintaro demanded.

"C'mon. Up." Goro ordered the soldiers.

"Get up." Kintaro said as he and Goro were frozen for a short time.

"Hey! What're y--" Kano said as he was frozen for a long time.

"I will help you." Cyber Sub-Zero told the soldiers. He turned the chains into ice and destroyed them, freeing the soilders. Goro and Kintaro began to break free as they moved their fingers. "Go! All of you! Now!"

"Let's go! C'mon!" A solider said as they left. Goro and Kintaro broke free.

"Your treachery will be punished!" Kintaro said in anger.

Cyber Sub-Zero kept on freezing the two with Ice Parry. Once they were knocked out, he said, "All those teeth and claws, yet still overmatched." The ground began to shake, the bells started to ring, and the soldiers were thrown out. "Behind me!" Cyber Sub-Zero said to the soldiers as they obeyed. They saw Ermac floating towards them. "Come no further, fiend of Outworld!" After defeating Ermac with his Ice Sword, he looked at the fallen Outworlder and said, "You are not so fearsome."

The soldiers went around the cyborg. "Thanks. I thought we were done."

"I must go. I need to investigate the graveyard." Cyber Sub-Zero stated.

"We'd go with, but we need to return to our unit." another soldier said.

"That is for the best." the cyborg agreed.

"Good luck, man." the first soldier said.

"He ain't gonna need luck." the second soldier told him.

At the graveyard, Noob Saibot was drawing two green fire lines across the ground, while Quan Chi was casting a spell on more captured soldiers. Cyber Sub-Zero was hiding behind a gravestone, watching this. "This is Sub-Zero." he said through the wrist communicator. "I have encountered Quan Chi. He seems to be casting a spell." Raiden had a vision of the Soulnado growing huge, terrorizing New York City.

"Raiden, what is it? What did you see?" Nightwolf asked.

"One of Shao Kahn's Soulnados, on a scale I thought unimaginable. All of Earthrealm's souls imprisoned... absorbed by Shao Kahn, multiplying his power!" Raiden responded.

"At this rate, if this keeps up, he'll be more powerful than the Cape!" Ed said in fear.

"That is what Sub-Zero has found?" Nightwolf asked.

Raiden looked at his amulet as it cracked again. "No matter my efforts, the future remains in peril. How could I have failed Earthrealm?" Raiden asked.

"Do not lose faith in the spirits, Raiden. They will guide you. Protect you. Sub-Zero. We will disrupt the Soulnado. I will be there momentarily."

"Hurry. The spell appears to be nearly complete." Cyer Sub-Zero walked out of his hiding spot and into the clear.

"Who is that?" Quan Chi asked.

"The one Kano warned about. He is mine." Noob said as he walked up to Cyber Sub-Zero. "You. You are not worthy of the name Sub-Zero."

"Who are you to judge?" he asked.

"I wore those colors before you."


"Yes, Kuai Liang. It is i. Quan Chi restored me."

"Restored? You and I both. We are flawed copies of our former selves."

"I have no flaws. Quan Chi has perfected me."

"For what end? To serve the Netherrealm and Outworld?"

"It suits my purpose."

"But brother, we are--"

"We share blood. We are not brothers."

"Then I will not regret your defeat." The two brothers fought to the death. In the end, Cyber Sub-Zero defeated his brother, looked at him and said, "You are right.

We are not brothers."

Quan Chi has finished the spell, and all of the soldiers' souls began to get absorbed into the Soulnado as it began to grow.