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Chapter 12: Stryker

In New York City, there was a war between the U.S. army and Tarkatans. But the U.S. army was losing. Stryker and Kabal were watching this.

"Fifteen... Sixteen... Seventeen... Eighteen. Kabal. Call it in." Stryker said.

"Base. Eagle Two. We count eighteen. One-eight bogies. Southbound on Olympic." Kabal said to their base.

"Roger that."

"Eagle Two out." Kabal hung up.

"This is not happening." Stryker didn't like the monsters.

"Not what I was thinking when we sworn to protect and serve."

"What's that?" Stryker looked down to see Reptile climbing.

"I'm thinking shoot first, ask questions later."

"Fine with me." Stryker said as he and Kabal shot bullets at Reptile. Some of the bullets missed. Reptile leaped into the air and landed in front of them as he took off his mask. "Pistols!" Stryker told Kabal. Reptile created an acid wall to stop the bullets, protecting him. As they reloaded, the Zaterran stuck out his tounge, disarming Kabal and knocking him out. "Enough of this!" Stryker demanded. "It's you and me, Freakshow!" Stryker shot bullets at Reptile, but they did little damage to him. So he puncked and kicked him. Once Reptile was defeated, Stryker looked up to him and said, "Spitting? Sticking out your tounge? Bet your mama's real proud." He helped hids buddy out. "C'mon. We're going street level. We've been compromised."

"It ain't safe down there." Kabal warned him.

"Better there than here." They went downstairs to see an army of soilders being chased by a giant monster.

"Stryker! Check her out!" Kabal looked at Mileena. "Whaddaya think? Friend or foe?"


"Dressed like that?"

"Definitely foe."

"Cover me." Kabal said, opening the door.

Stryker walked to the bridge to see Mileena. "Hey, what're you doing out here?" Stryker asked.

Mileena giggled as she took off her mask to reveal her teeth. "Looking for a new playmate!" She put her mask on.

Stryker kept hitting Mileena with grenades, and eventually defeated her. He looked at her and said, "You're coming with me." Just as he was about to arrest her, Stryker heard a roar, and looked up to see a pterodactyl-like creature flying. Mileena was about to hurt Stryker, but she couldn't due to Raiden electrocuting her. He landed besides Stryker who asked, "Who... who are you?"

Before Raiden could speak, he said "Argh!" after having another vision.

"Are you all right?" Stryker asked. Another roar was heard on the other bridge. Stryker turned around to see Johnny Cage fighting Motaro. Stryker was confused.

"Johnny Cage fighting a giant monster?! What is this, 'Time Smashers'?!" Raiden electrocuted the centaur and knocked him off the bridge.

Kabal was surprised. "That guy just shot lightning. From his hands. How'd he do that?"

"No idea." Stryker answered. They heard ANOTHER roar and turned around to see Kintaro. "Spread out. Give 'em multiple targets." Stryker said as he and Kabal pointed their guns at Kintaro, but he burned Kabal as he was about to pull the trigger. Kabal screamed in agony as his skin was burned.

"Humans. Less ugly when they burn." Kintaro stated.

Stryker kept hitting Kintaro with his baton until he was knocked out. He looked at the Tiger and said, "Never knew I had it in me." Kabal's groan got his attention. "Kabal!" He rushed to his partner, whose clothing and skin were burned. "Base! Eagle Two!"

"Go Eagle Two." The base said.

"Need medevac. Current position. Kabal is down. Third-degree burns. Like, so bad like Anakin Skywalker bad!"

"Medevac unit routing to you. ETA ten minutes."

Just then Stryker was levitated by Ermac. "What the?!" He said in confusion.

"Say again? Eagle Two, report! Eagle Two!" Stryker screamed as he was launched into the subway. He bounced off the escalator and fell onto the ground.

Ermac floated down to him and said, "The emperor will have your soul."

"Yeah? Come and get it!" Stryker used all of his special moves at least 10 times and defeated Ermac. He looked at him and said, "I think I'll be keeping my soul."

"I have been searching for you, Kurtis Stryker." a voice said, Stryker looked at the top of the escalator to see Nightwolf, Discord, the Mane 7, Spike, Zecora, Ed, Cordelia, Parry, and Parria. He pointed his gun at them.

"Well, you found me! Who are you?" Stryker asked.

"I am Nightwolf. Lord Raiden is gathering Earth's defenders. You are among them."

Zecora looked at Stryker and said, "This invasion is not right. Until it is over, we all must fight!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Stryker asked.

"Raiden leads Earth's defense against these Outworld rivals. He is our best hope for survival."

"Yeah, well. 'Earthrealm Defender' is about ten steps above my pay grade."

"I see you doubt yourself, even after your victories. Come."

Stryker lowered his gun and ran up the bridge. "What?" Stryker said as he noticed Kabal's body was gone."Where is he? Medevac hasn't been here."

"Perhaps he has gone to find help." Nightwolf wondered.

"Naw. He was way to banged up. Someone took him."

Rainbow Dash looked at Stryker and said, "We gotta get everyone to evacuate."

"I agree. I hope this doesn't mean what I think it means." Twilight said.