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Chapter 13: Kabal

In Shang Tsung's Flesh Pits, Kano got surgical tools and did surgery on Kabal, and put a mask on him. Kabal woke up to see Kano.

"Easy there, mate. You've had a rough one." Kano said upon Kabal awakening.

"Kano?" Kabal asked. "Is that... you?"

"In the flesh." he chuckled.

"I was... on fire..."

"Burned to a crisp you were. Good thing I found ya."

Kabal tried to take off the mask. "I'm hideous. I'm like the Purge version of Darth Vader!"

"Shang Tsung's magic healed the rest of ya. But your lungs? Yeesh."

"Take it off."

"Can't. It's permanent."


"No mask, no breathing."

"I'm... a freak." Kabal said as he got up.

Kano had two hook swords in his hands and offered them to Kabal. "Go on. Give 'em a whirl."

"I don't use those anymore."

"Yeah, you're all proper police now. The Black Dragon ain't the same without you, mate. You should come back. We're in the money on this war."

"You sold those monsters their firepower."

"Guilty as charged."

"This is all YOUR fault!"

"What're you on about, eh?" Kano said, dropping the hook swords. "You're here, ain't ya?"

"I should be dead! Now YOU'RE gonna be!" Kabal shot Kano with pink energy balls until he was beaten. He looked at the Cyborg and said, "Now how do I get out of here?"

"Not so keen on being dead now, are ya?" Kano said.

Kabal grabbed the hook swords. "How do I get outta here?" he asked again.

Kano chuckled and said, "Good luck. No one gets outta Outworld with Shao Kahn's say-so."

"Outworld? Shao Kahn?" Kabal said as he threatened Kano with a hook sword.

"Shao Kahn's the big boss 'round here... and soon, Earth's new master."

"Where is he?" Kabal asked, moving the hook sword's blade close to his neck.

"Don't bother. You can't get near him."

"No. But I'm guessing you can."

In the throne room, Mileena, Tarkatans, and Cyber Lin Kuei ninjas appeard from a portal, holding Motaro's dead body.

"What is this?!" Shao Kahn asked in anger.

"Raiden has killed Motaro." Mileena explained.

"That's him? On the throne?" Kabal asked.

"You're a right genius, you are." Kano said.

"It's no great matter." Sindel said as she walked up. "I will go to Earthrealm to finish Motaro's work."

"Yes. Shang Tsung. Queen Chrysalis." the emperor called out.

"Yes, Emperor?" The shapeshifters said at the same time.

"The empress requires something of you." Shao Kahn used his magic to suck up Shang's souls and Chrissy's love. Shang began to disappear, but Chrysalis wasn't vanishing.

"What are you doing?" Chrissy asked.

"See there? I'm thinking he's a bit much for--" Kano was interrupted by Kabal knocking him out with his own knife.

"I can take him." Kabal stated.

Shao Kahn blasted the power of the souls and love into Sindel. Kabal walked up to the emperor, but Noob Saibot teleported in front of him, and Mileena walked up to him.

"No one attacks the emperor!" Mileena demanded.

Kabal repeatedly stabbed Mileena and Noob in the shoulders with his hook swords. Once they were knocked out, Kabal looked at them and said to himself, "And I thought I was a freak." He was then surrounded by Tarkatans and Cyber Lin Kuei ninjas.

"Quan Chi! Seal the portal!" Shao Kahn told the albino sorcerer.

Kabal said, "Time to go." as he sprinted past the guards, stopping at he portal. "Huh...?" Trixie was about to shoot him with a magic blast, but she was too late as Kabal jumped through the portal. He was back at the streets. He rolled over and got back up. "This speed's incredible! Guess it's a side affect of the Outworld magic."

"You are not authorized for portal use." a voice said.

"Yeah? Says who?" Kabal turned around to see Cyber Sub-Zero.

"Sub-Zero. Unit L-K-five-two-O." The cyborg introduced himself.

"You say that like it means something."

"As you will soon discover."

Kabal dashed into the cyborg and uppercut him when he was spinning. After he was defeated. Kabal looked at him and told him, "Ha! Not as cool as you thought."

Sheeva then walked up to Kabal and asked, "Why do you turn on your brother, Lin Kuei?"

"That is not my brother. He's machine. I'm human." Kabal explained.

"You do not appear human."

"Don't let the mask fool ya." Kabal threw his hook swords at Sheeva as she was hit by every oneuntil she was defeated. Kabal looked at the female and said, "Starting to feel like the old days. Only faster."

"Glad to hear that, buddy." said Rainbow Dash, who appeared along with the rest of the gang, Smoke, and Raiden.

"Sub-Zero!" Smoke called out to his friend.

"You have great power indeed, Kabal." Raiden said to Kabal.

"Wait." Kabal remembered. "You're the lightning guy. You helped Stryker. Stryker! Is he--"

"He is safe. He has joined us in the fight against Shao Kahn. We would welcome your aid also."

"Sub-Zero!" Smoke called out again.

"That which made him Sub-Zero no longer exists." Raiden explained.

"He is my friend. What they did to him. It is... hideous."

"You're right. We gotta help him if we can." Kabal said as he and Smoke carried Cyber Sub-Zero to the temple.

Twilight looked at Kabal and said, "I think I can erase his cyber memory."

"I hope you know what you're doing." Spike responded.