• Published 26th Sep 2018
  • 5,351 Views, 182 Comments


The last survivor of a world of Kamen Riders lands in Equestria, and vows to protect it from evil.

  • ...

Chapter 8: “躊躇する (Shed Hesitation)”

It had been a few days since the incident at the Ponyville arcade. Today, Tom was accompanying Twilight to receive Starlight Glimmer, the student she mentioned, from the train station.

Twilight herself was impatiently tapping her hoof on the ground, arms crossed. Tom was just sitting on a nearby bench, and Spike was sitting next to him, reading a comic book.

“Twi, would you relax?” Spike said, looking up from his comic. “Starlight’s probably just fine. She’s been traveling with Trixie, and you did tell her to send you updates. Ugh, I still have indigestion from it.” He sighed, rubbing his stomach gently.

“I know, it’s just…Starlight’s my first student, and I want to be the best teacher I can. That and she’s still learning some of the finer nuances.” The alicorn noted.

A loud whistle sounded, as a pastel colored train with hearts of various shapes and sizes decorating it pulled into the station.

And I thought the ZeroLiner looked silly.” Tom thought to himself. The train halted, and let out a second whistle, as ponies quickly filed out of the passenger cars. Among those departing was a pink unicorn with a purple and light blue mane. She was wearing a pink blouse and blue jeans.

“Starlight! Over here!” Twilight called out.

“Twilight!” She replied, running over, but stopping when she saw Tom.

Wait, that’s…!” She thought, but then her eyes narrowed as she approached the human.

“Uh…hi. You’re Starlight Glimmer, right?” Tom greeted, curious about the newcomer’s reaction. Before he could react, Starlight started sticking her face close to various parts of his body and sniffing.

“Okay, MASSIVE violation of my personal space, lady!” Tom complained as he tried to push her back.

“...oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.” Starlight moved back, becoming sheepish. Tom just raised an eyebrow.

But me and Geiz are the only humans here…right?” Tom pondered. As Tom was lost in thought, Twilight was scolding her student about her inappropriate conduct.
“...and furthermore, instead of violating his personal space, you could have simply asked him what you needed to.” Twilight lectured. Starlight just nodded.

“Maybe this can wait until we’re back at the castle, and not in the middle of a crowded train station where ponies are staring?” Spike asked, interrupting the impromptu seminar.

The group quickly hustled from the train station.


Meanwhile, in Cloudsdale, Fluttershy had gone to visit her parents, but also to help them by setting her slacking brother, Zephyr Breeze, straight.

I really don’t want to do this…but someone needs to stand up for Mom and Dad, and that someone is me!” She thought to herself. Her thoughts went to brave people, like Rainbow Dash and…Tom.

Tom, please let me have some of your courage.” She thought as she walked up to her house. But what she saw shocked her even more than she expected.

“Oh, hey, little sis! Back so soon?” It was Zephyr, but he was actually watering plants and digging holes! It looked like he was utterly invested in actual hard work!

Fluttershy could only shake her head in confusion, before her thoughts immediately jumped to concern for her brother.

“Oh my goodness!” She cried out, as she cradled her brother. “Zephyr, are you feeling okay? You must have some sort of fever! Let’s get you inside, you need bed rest!”

As Fluttershy began to try to pull Zephyr inside, he just chuckled. “I’m not sick, Fluttershy. In fact, the opposite- I’ve never felt more energetic and motivated in my life!” He cheered.

The shy pegasus was utterly stunned. The words “Zephyr” and “motivated” never seemed to go together, yet all of a sudden, he was doing actual labor! It was as if his personality did a complete flip!

“A change in personality…oh no.” Fluttershy muttered. Was Zephyr Breeze under the influence of a RideWatch!?

“Zephyr, you have to tell me- did anyone come up to you and offer you a watch!?” Fluttershy demanded answers. But Zephyr just shook his head.

“A watch salesman? You know salesmen don’t come here after they all took pity on mom and dad.” He replied.
Fluttershy pouted. Zephyr’s motivation had improved, but his attitude definitely hadn’t. And she doubted he’d tell her about any RideWatches if he were asked directly. There was only one option, even if she really didn’t like it.

“Say, Zephyr, I imagine all my friends in Ponyville would love to see your new talents.” Fluttershy said, straining a bit to say it.

“Wait, really?” Zephyr replied.

“Yes, come stay in Ponyville. It’ll…be…great…” Fluttershy said, saying that last part through clenched teeth.

Zephyr mulled it over. But, unfortunately for Fluttershy, he also remembered another reason he’d want to go to Ponyville.

“Rainbows lives down there now, right? I bet she’d be all over me right now!” Zephyr boasted. Fluttershy just winced.

Rainbow Dash, I am so, so sorry for what is about to be unleashed upon Ponyville.” She thought to herself.


“...probably a good idea to give him some more medical supplies too, he does get into fights a lot.” Lyra said to herself, as she was assembling another basket full of various foods and supplies.

As she walked towards the front door, basket in hand, she was stopped by an unamused voice.

“Going somewhere?” It was Bon Bon. She was sitting on their couch, arms crossed.

“O-oh, Bonny!” Lyra stammered. “I, um…I was just-” She started before Bon Bon held up her hand.

“I know you’ve been going into the Everfree and giving stuff to that Geiz guy.” She sighed in annoyance. “Could you PLEASE use your head, Lyra?”

Lyra pouted. “And just what do you mean by that?”

“He’s dangerous, Lyra!” Bon Bon yelled. “He doesn’t seem to care about any of us, he just shows up, fights monsters, and then goes back into the forest without even so much as a glance!”

“That doesn’t mean he’s dangerous!” Lyra retorted. “And he helped Tom save our town and our lives more than once! What’s wrong with showing him some kindness!?”

Bon Bon groaned, as her palm met her face. “Fine, go ahead and see what happens! But don’t come crying to me when he’s on your tail!” She pointed at the door.

“Fine!” Lyra yelled, as she stomped towards the door. “I swear, Bon Bon, sometimes you can be too stubborn for your own good!” She slammed the door behind her.

Bon Bon just flopped on the couch and stared at the wall. “She doesn’t understand… how much I want to protect her, and how much I want to be with her.” Sighing bitterly, she grabbed a book and started reading it.

“She’ll be back. I know it. She’ll be back, and she’ll understand I was right.” But she started hearing an odd rhythmic noise from nowhere.

“Huh…who’s playing drums?”


Around the same time, Fluttershy had returned to her little cottage, Zephyr in tow. He had been insisting on carrying lots of the luggage himself, despite almost getting himself crushed underneath it. What was happening to him?

She was snapped out of her thoughts at the sounds of her animals in distress.

“Zephyr, please, don’t let this be-” she quietly pleaded, but her fears were confirmed. Her brother had tried to handle the animals himself and was now being assaulted by a mob of angry chickens. She winced, knowing just how aggressive her chickens could be when riled up.

“AGH! Please, I just wanted to give you some food- NOT THE FACE!” Zephyr loudly cried. Fluttershy rushed over to calm her dear hens down, and get her brother out of there.

I hope this isn’t going to be a thing while he’s here.” She lamented.

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash called out, as she flew down. “I thought you were going to be gone for longer.”

“Um…well, you see…” She stammered, but then, almost on cue, Zephyr landed in front of both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, having been thrown by a bear, who was angrily shaking his claw at the offender.

“Ooough… bears. My god.” The pegasus droned as he got up shakily, only to seemingly regain all his energy when he saw Rainbow Dash.

“Well, helloooo seven colors of sexy!” Zephyr flirted. Fluttershy could only facepalm in irritation and embarrassment. He zipped over to Rainbow Dash, and put his arm against a nearby shed. “If I'd known you were here, I’d have brought some flowers and candy. Of course, who needs candy when you have THIS candy here?” Zephyr gestured to his abdomen.

“Ugh! Fluttershy, why is HE here!?” Rainbow groaned. She was pulled into a huddle by the shy pegasus.

“I think he’s under the influence of a RideWatch…” Fluttershy whispered.

“What do you mean? He seems like the same old Zephyr…unfortunately.” Rainbow quietly replied.

“He was trying to actually work, as in manual labor!” She explained.

“Zephyr…doing hard work?” The tomboy pegasus considered this. “Okay yeah, that is VERY out of character for him.”

“I know Zephyr can be…Zephyr, but if he really is under the control of a watch, we have to keep an eye on him!”

Rainbow just sighed. “I guess it can’t be helped…he may be a lazy slimeball, but even he doesn’t deserve to be turned into a monster.” She then realized what she said. “Er, no offense Fluttershy.” She quickly backpedaled.

“None taken, but one of us needs to tell Tom and the others.” She suggested, at that point, Rainbow saw her out.

“Wellyoucancountonmetodothatsoseeyoulater!” She blurted as she flew off as fast as she could.

“I hope we can sort this all out soon.” Fluttershy lamented, as she saw her brother had angered more of her animal friends. “VERY soon.” She sighed again as she went over to rescue her klutzy brother once again.


Around the same time, back at Twilight’s castle, Starlight was scrutinizing every detail of the events that Tom, Twilight and Spike had recounted to her.

“So, let me get this straight- I’ve been gone about 2 weeks, and in that time, Ponyville has been attacked by at least eight different monsters? And THIS guy took care of them?” Starlight gestured to Tom. “You don’t exactly look like the hero type.”

Tom just grunted in irritation.

“Starlight, you’re being really rude!” Twilight chimed in. “And it’s true, Tom here saved us all those times!”

Starlight still remained unconvinced.

“...well, whether you believe us or not, that’s what happened.” Tom concluded. “So let’s try to get along, okay?”

Starlight just pouted. Twilight decided to try changing the subject.

“ANYWAY, so now that both of you are here, we can get to work fixing the Cutie Map!” Twilight explained.

“...oh yeah, the table map thingy you mentioned.” Tom remembered. “So, what do you need me to do?”

“...well, you can hand us stuff.” Twilight sheepishly replied. “I was more hoping for it to be a chance for us to do something besides fight monsters...”

But before the conversation could become any more awkward, they were interrupted by a sudden blast of wind, coming from a certain speedy pegasus’s entry.

“Hey Tom! Where are you!?” Rainbow Dash shouted out. She looked around to find that Tom had been hurled into a bookshelf by her supersonic entrance.

“Best match kiitttaaaaa~!” Tom announced deliriously.

“Rainbow Dash, what’s going on?” Twilight announced, lowering a shield she had erected over herself and Starlight.

“No time to explain, we may have an Another Rider situation again!” She explained quickly, lifting Tom up and dusting him off.

“Alright, hero boy, up and at ‘em!” She shook the young man violently.

“Ugh…maybe ease up on the sonic boom next time, huh?” Tom groaned.

“Good, you’re up and ready, let’s go! GO GO GO!” Rainbow Dash vented, as she flew out the castle door, dragging Tom with her.

“Hey! WAIIIIIT!” Tom called out but to little avail.

Twilight and Starlight stood there, baffled at what just happened.

“Um…what’s-” Starlight began, but Twilight stopped her.

“I’ve learned to stop asking those kinds of questions around here.” Twilight sighed. She turned back to the map.

“Also why did you want the human here anyway? I doubt he knows anything about magical artifact repair.” Starlight asked.

“Um…well…” Twilight stammered, breaking into a blush. “It’s the sort of thing that isn’t necessarily in the friendship curriculum, and I’d like to leave it at that.”

The friendship student tilted her head, but just shrugged. “Well, whatever. Come on, this map isn’t gonna fix itself.”


A few minutes later, Tom and Rainbow Dash were standing outside Sugarcube Corner, both of them with a milkshake in hand.

“Yeah, sorry about that, but I’m not ready to go back yet…” Rainbow Dash apologized.

“Is there something about this potential Another Rider I should know about?” Tom asked.

Rainbow Dash just sighed. “His name is Zephyr Breeze, he’s Fluttershy’s little brother.” She explained. “And he’s really, really annoying.”

“Is he really that bad?” Tom was confused. Fluttershy herself was delightful to be around, but this brother of hers was apparently enough to make Rainbow Dash stall?

“Let me put it this way; I’d rather spend 5 minutes with that Kaixa guy you mentioned than have to deal with Zephyr.” The pegasus explained.

“Ooooh, yikes.” Tom winced. If she was going with the Kaixa analogy, there must be something bad.

“But enough about that for now.” The tomboyish pegasus decided it would be best to change the subject. “So, tell me something- how do you feel about Twilight?”
“How do I feel…? Well, she’s my friend, and she lets me stay in her castle…” Tom replied.

“And?” Rainbow pressed.

“Well, I do like being around her, she’s really smart, and she does look out for me…” He continued.

“So you do like her after all!” Rainbow blurted, which made Tom choke on his milkshake.

“WHAT?!” Tom coughed. “W-where did THAT come from!?”

“Ha! Your face says it all!” Rainbow teased, Tom breaking out into a blush.

“Me liking Twilight!? As a woman!? I…I mean she’s great, and she is cute but- ack!” Tom stuttered. “It’d never work out! I mean, she’s a princess! And what would Spike think? And her family!? And our friends as well!?”

“Aw, come on! It’s obvious you two like each other!” Rainbow continued her ribbing.

“I-I…uhhh…well, what about you and Applejack, huh!?” Tom retorted after regaining his composure. Now it was Rainbow’s turn to start blushing.

“Huh!? W-what’s that got to do with anything!?” Rainbow snapped in embarrassment. The two of them stopped as they realized they were attracting a lot of attention.

“I think we should go see Fluttershy now.” Tom concluded flatly.

“Fine, but this isn't over!” Rainbow retorted. The two of them rushed off towards the forest.


As the two of them made their way south, they were stopped when they saw Fluttershy looking around in a panic.

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Tom called out. The shy pegasus flinched, but realized who was calling and went over to him.

“Tom! Oh thank goodness you’re here!” She said relieved, as she decided to give Tom a bear hug.

“Fluttershy…need air…” Tom wheezed. As he did, the kindly pegasus let him go.

“Um…sorry, I-I’ve…” She stammered, until Dash sighed in annoyance.

“We need his help with Zephyr, remember?” Rainbow Dash reminded her friend.

A high pitched shriek penetrated the air, almost as if on cue.

“That was Rarity!” Tom realized. “I’d never forget THAT noise!” He took off towards Carousel Boutique, the two pegasi following him.

The three ran up to their friend’s business, they could hear shouting and various banging noises, as well as repeated pleas to stop!

“No! PLEASE!” Rarity’s voice shrieked.

“Alright, gonna have to bust the door!” Dash decided, but Tom just opened the door to see Rarity behind an overturned couch while a green pegasus with a man-bun, who he presumed was Fluttershy’s brother, haphazardly stitching fabric together.

“Hee-yaaah!” Dash shouted, but as the door was already opened, she just shot through the doorway and out another window. “Hey! I said I was gonna bust the door! Not cool!” Dash yelled as she came back moments later.

“ZEPHYR BREEZE!” Fluttershy loudly stated. “What do you think you’re doing to my friend!?”

“Look! I’m making all these clothes!” Zephyr excitedly proclaimed. “I can feel it- I gotta do more!” He said, shooting out of the boutique to find another task.

“...Rarity, are you okay?” Tom knelt down to the terrified tailor.

“...my apologies, dear Thomas, but I suggest you cover your ears.” Rarity calmly suggested. “You too, Fluttershy.”

The two of them just nodded as they covered their ears, as it appeared to them that Rarity was rampaging and angrily exclaiming her feelings, most likely including things she wouldn’t want them to hear. After a bit, she calmed down and gave a thumbs up to Tom and Fluttershy to uncover their ears. Rainbow Dash’s jaw was agape.

“Whoa, Rarity…I’m pretty sure I’ve heard drunken guards that cursed less than that.” She said, in shock.

“Ahem, yes, well…I knew I wouldn’t be able to retain my composure.” She sighed. “But Fluttershy, look at what he did to my shop! All my fabrics, stitched together in such…horrendous fashion!”

“I’m very sorry, Rarity- we think he’s being controlled by a RideWatch.” Fluttershy explained.

“If he is, then you better get after him before he causes any more problems!” Rarity ushered Tom and Fluttershy away. “As for you, Rainbow Dash- you’ll be helping me clean up.”

“What!? Why do I have to clean up after HIM!?” She roared, but Rarity simply pointed to the now obliterated window that Dash had passed through.

“...oh, yeah.” Dash just deflated and grabbed a broom. But both of them paused for a moment.

“...do you hear drums?” Rarity asked.

Rainbow listened closely. “Yeah, I do…it’s making me…kinda tired…” She and Rarity both felt as if all the energy and motivation had left their bodies.


Tom and Fluttershy rushed after Zephyr, but had suddenly found themselves being pushed back by a harsh rainstorm!

“AGH!” Tom cried out. “What…why is there a typhoon in the middle of Ponyville all of a sudden!?”

Fluttershy squinted her eyes, and then just sighed in frustration. “Just a moment, please.” She said gently as she flew in the direction she was looking. After a moment, the storm cleared away, revealing Zephyr standing on top of a cloud, with a very angry looking Fluttershy staring him down.

“Ooogh…” A groan came from a nearby Spike, having been knocked into a nearby wall by the storm.

“Spike, you okay?” Tom went over and helped his friend up.

“Yeah, I think so… but I’m never asking Fluttershy’s brother for help ever again! I mean, I asked him if he wanted to help me clean the windows and he carts in a bunch of storm clouds!?” Spike complained.

“Wait, are Twilight and Starlight okay?” Tom realized they were still in the castle.

“Yeah, they’re fine- Twilight puts up shielding on her castle for occasions such as this,” Spike replied. “Seriously, this kind of thing happens a lot around here, the Another Riders are just the worst of it.”

Meanwhile, Zephyr didn’t say a word while his sister kept her gaze transfixed on him. However, he then started hearing drums…and in that moment, he felt as though he had the confidence of 10 stallions!

“YO!!!” He yelled as he stood up and roared. “You wanna say somethin’ to me?”

Zephyr had practically growled this out at Fluttershy, currently in shock that her stare failed. Not to mention now her brother was saying very harsh and uncharacteristic things towards her. He jumped up and stomped on the ground, then looked back at his sister with a smug grin.

“Sorry, sis, but I’mma go find my Rainbow!” He dashed off.

“Zephyr, wait!” Fluttershy called after him, but the stallion was too far gone in his ego to notice. She sighed. “...Definitely an Another Rider. Has to be. My brother suddenly becoming like this… There’s no other explanation.”

She shook her head, and he was usually bad enough on a normal day.

“Tom!” Fluttershy called down to the ground. “My brother’s headed back towards my cottage! We have to stop him before he gets hurt!”

“Oh great…” Tom muttered. “Good grief. Is he always like this? This…”

He searched for the right word, trying not to offend her.

“Aggravating? Stupid?” Fluttershy said with a deadpan stare. “Yes. Yes he is. But today he seems be like extra-stupid. And worse, he’s motivated. Like he thinks he can do anything.”

“Motivated?” Tom questioned. “Like how motivated?”

“He’s giving Bulk Biceps a run for his money in sheer enthusiasm,” Fluttershy said. “I’m honestly worried about what he might do.”

Tom sighed before deadpanning: “Hibiki then… Here come the drums, here come the drums, baby, baby, baby. You are my voodoo child, my voodoo child.”

“I.. I’m worried about what he might do, and not just that… I… I…” Fluttershy stammered, wings puffing up in embarrassment.

“Go on, you can say it. It’s just a word.”

“I’m so PEEVED he’s become such a moron in order to prove himself,” Fluttershy said, a passing mare covering her niece’s ears. She flushed. “...excuse me.”

Tom just blinked. “Lotta questions, but first things first, let’s go wrangle your brother before does something REALLY dumb.”

Then they heard a shout.

“Alright furball, I have to wrestle you to prove my worth to my Rainbow! Come at me!”

Tom sighed, running a hand down his face. “...What’s that about tempting fate and all? I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut.”

He wondered for a brief moment if it would have just been better to actually let Zephyr do himself in due to his own stupidity. But of course, morals and Rider teachings prevailed.

“Let’s get this over with.” Tom held his belt up and pre-installed the RideWatch, not wanting to waste any more time than he had to.


Meanwhile, in the area of the Everfree where Anton had set up camp, Lyra tiptoed to a nearby stump with another basket full of supplies.

But as she crept along, she heard someone clear their throat behind her.

“EEEP!” She squeaked as she turned around to see the human, his arms crossed and looking rather annoyed.

“So, you’re the one who’s been leaving me stuff?” Anton asked grumpily.

“Um…well, you did help us in town, I just-” Lyra started.

“Nah, I appreciate the supplies and all, but I really would prefer to keep my distance from you guys.” Anton explained. Lyra frowned.

“Oh…well, here’s some more food and stuff anyway.” She handed the basket to the human.

Anton took the basket, and nodded. “Thanks.”

As he started to walk back to the ruins he was parked in, he heard what sounded like an angry animal and a stallion shouting insults.

“Oh, for Gaim’s sake…” Anton rolled his eyes. “Listen, lady, I suggest you go back to your town, things are gonna get dicey around here.”

“But-” Lyra was about to protest but a harsh glare from Anton stopped her.

“Um…okay.” She muttered as she hastily retreated.

“Now, let’s see what all the noise is about.” He inserted his RideWatch into his Driver before slapping it around his waist.


Anton, now Kamen Rider Geiz once again, swiftly made his way to the source of the noise. It was an angry bear being goaded by what appeared to be some sort of obnoxious hipster pegasus. Said pegasus was covered in slashes and bruises.

“Come on, Teddy! I can do this all day!” The bear roared at the insult, and without thinking, Geiz jumped in and grabbed the bear before it could attack!

“What is WRONG WITH YOU!?” Geiz yelled, visibly straining to hold the bear back. “You’re trying to fight a bear!? Why!?”

“Butt out, Red!” The pegasus replied, trying to pull him away. “I’m gonna take this rug on legs down! Then I’ll finally be worth a damn!”

“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard!” Geiz yelled back, as he knocked the bear, and then the pegasus down to the ground. “Dude, the only thing this is gonna get you is a one way trip to the morgue!”

“But-” Zephyr started.

“I’ll fight, so we can BOTH survive!” Geiz pulled out another watch and pressed the button.

“KNIGHT!” The watch announced as Geiz inserted it into the empty slot on his belt and spun it.

“ARMOR TIME!” The belt announced, followed by a series of bat-like shrieks as the armor appeared from ripples in a nearby puddle. Forming from a reflection, and snapping into place. “ADVENT, KNIGHT!”

“Awww come on dude, why do you have to get the cool armor?” Zephyr complained, as Geiz’s cape blew in the wind, billowing behind him.

“Quit complaining and get out of here!” Geiz replied as he held the bear back with a large ax-sword. But as he did, he was knocked away by a fireball.

“ARGH!” Geiz yelled as he fell to the ground, his cape being burnt by the attack. His armor smoking, he craned his neck to see his attacker. It was a strange demon-like figure holding a pair of giant drumsticks.

“Another Hibiki?” Geiz questioned.

“YoU’Re a NuIsAnCe, BaT-bRaIn!” Another Hibiki growled as it turned to Zephyr.

“What are you…!?” Zephyr asked, genuinely confused while Geiz hit his watch.

“Dead, when I get through with it,” Geiz said, a screech filling the air as a massive mechanical bat flew out of the treeline. Flapping its wings, generating gusts of wind, the mirror monster threatened to blow the Another Rider away.

“tHiS iS nOtHiNg!” The monster retorted as it blew a stream of fire at the bat, which used its wings to protect itself.

“Oh yeah… well in a minute you’ll be nothing,” Geiz said, taking a chance to kick the monster square in the gut.

Then, a slithering sound before out of nowhere a truly massive snake leaped out of a nearby puddle tackling Darkwing into the ground. Singing filled the air.

“Everything’s spinnin’ around, I’m gettin’ high in my mind, nobody’s hands can change this. Everything’s spinnin’ around. I’m gettin’ high in my mind! Even I… cannot stop it!” ‘Ouja’ proclaimed as he walked up, twirling in place with sword in hand.

“Ugh, not you again!” Geiz groaned.

“I said I’d be back when you least expected it, and I never break a promise, kiddo,” ‘Ouja’ said.

“So I take it you’re the one behind the little ugly drummer boy here?” Geiz asked.

“BZZZZT! Wrong! I’m just here to cause trouble for you!” ‘Ouja’ said, slinging an arm around Another Hibiki. “Well that, and I can’t count on a certain apple-loving Queen to do shit. This time, edgelord, this time neither you nor that self-proclaimed legacy of all Riders can us this time.”

Another Hibiki took the chance to flee the scene, Geiz swearing and spitting at his luck.

“Now then…here comes a snakebite!” ‘Ouja’ proclaimed as the giant snake coiled near him. But as the snake darted at the downed Rider, it was suddenly kicked away!

“What!?” ‘Ouja’ growled. He turned to the one who attacked his Mirror Monster. It was a Rider wearing bronze armor, resembling crocodile jaws of various sizes.

“Wait, Gaoh?” Geiz wondered. “I thought you were supposed to be completely gone from time!”

Gaoh didn’t respond, and just stared down ‘Ouja’.

“I don’t know who you are, but you’ve got a lot of nerve butting in!” He roared as he sicced Venosnaker on the interloper with a snap of his fingers.

“...have a taste of despair, your time is over,” Gaoh said leaping over the attack, the voice sounding less masculine than Geiz anticipated. Indeed, her figure was quite feminine.

“Forget that, I do things on my own time!” ‘Ouja’ barked back, drawing his sword. Gaoh stood there, unflinching as the snake Rider rushed her. He slashed and slashed, but nothing happened.

“Is this the best you can do? How sad…” Gaoh taunted. “Allow me to show you what a REAL slash is like!”

She pulled a pair of handles from her belt, which reshaped into a serrated sword. Gaoh deftly swung at ‘Ouja’ repeatedly, the evil Rider yelping in pain at each hit.

“It’s not your loss, Ouja… it’s just how it is,” Gaoh produced a golden train pass and held it in front of her belt. “It’s the way of things, all things end in time. It’s the natural order.”

“FULL CHARGE!” The belt announced mechanically. The blade of Gaoh’s sword shot out, crackling with orange energy and was bound to its handle by lightning.

“...NOPE!” ‘Ouja’ quickly dived into a nearby puddle as Venosnaker was cleanly carved in half!

The monster roared in pain as it split and exploded into flame. Under his helmet, Geiz’s eyes widened in horror.

“...hey, boy,” Gaoh turned to Geiz, implanting her blade into the ground. “Get up, I’ve got stuff to talk to you about.”

“...you’re not Gaoh, are you?” Geiz asked. “Well, not the same Gaoh from the history books.”

“...I am Gaoh now, that’s all that matters,” the mysterious Rider replied. “But you…you and I share a common interest.”

“What do you mean?” The red Rider questioned.

“You’re here to find out what happened to your world,” Gaoh started. “And so am I.”

Obviously she was lying. She had to be… right?

“You’re right about me not being the same Gaoh,” she continued, “But I do have a vested interest in the fate of the Kamen Riders.”

She turned away from Geiz. “If you want to know the truth, meet me here in three days.”

“Three days…?” Geiz whispered.

“In the meantime,” here Gaoh chuckled at her own pun. “The Another Rider is getting away, you might want to go after it before it does.”

“Alright, if you’re so interested in winning my trust, maybe a favor then,” Geiz said, knowing he was playing a risky game. “Who’s the poor fool who got turned into Another Hibiki?”

“Well, I can’t give you all of the answers, that’d make things too easy now wouldn’t it?” Gaoh said, wagging her finger. “All I can say is, she’s someone close to your newfound friends.”

“I don’t have friends,” Geiz said, filing the pronoun use away for later.

“Mhmmm, you’d be surprised. Ponies… they’re pretty friendly, and if you just let them in… well, I bet you’ll find something that you’re sorely missing. Ponies being friendly, that’s just the way of things. Constants and variables and all,” Gaoh said. “Constants… and variables.”

Geiz just turned and ran after the Another Rider, unwilling to concede the point to his mysterious new ally. If that’s what she even was.

Hook, line and sinker…even the turtle jerk never did it this well..” Gaoh thought to herself. “Some people are just way too easy to sucker, that’s all. Sad truth of the matter.”

As Geiz ran, he ended up running into Tom and Fluttershy.

“Geiz?” Tom asked. “Did… did you see him? Fluttershy’s brother?”

“Yeah, I did, along with that jerk Ouja,” Geiz said. “I also saw someone else.”


“I saw a friend. That’s all you need to know. In the meantime, by and by, your Another Rider isn’t Buttershy’s brother. Can’t be, he was in the same place as Another Hibiki,” Geiz said. “I think Another Hibiki… she’s got her own agenda than proving a point and winning a mare’s favor.”

“Wait… How do you know?” Tom asked, blinking.

Geiz struggled to answer before finally replying: “Call it instinct.”

“Whatever you say, man.” Tom deadpanned as the group gave chase to the monster.

Author's Note:

This chapter is another two-parter, there might be more of them in the near future as well.

But if Zephyr isn't Another Hibiki, then who is? And what does this new Gaoh want with Geiz?

Special thanks to The Bricklayer for helping get this chapter out!