• Published 26th Sep 2018
  • 5,332 Views, 182 Comments


The last survivor of a world of Kamen Riders lands in Equestria, and vows to protect it from evil.

  • ...

Chapter 12: A Family Show

Tom sat near the train window, listening to the clacking of the vehicle as it ran on the tracks. The map decided to send him, Fluttershy, Applejack, Trixie and Starlight together to a city called Las Pegasus.

Horse puns. Horse puns everywhere.” He thought to himself. “And yet…I’ve kind of gotten used to it.” He glanced over at his companions. Applejack, Trixie and Starlight were all playing cards, while Fluttershy was asleep, gently snoring.

This is the second time I’ve been asked to go on one of these “friendship missions”. And it seems Another Riders are popping up in places other than Ponyville now…knowing my luck, there’s going to be an Another Rider involved,” Tom sighed. “I just hope things turn out okay…”

He then leered over at the table the others were playing cards at. “All things considered.”

Trixie looked out at the table from behind a large pile of poker chips. “Alright, cards on the table.” She exclaimed as she displayed her hand.

Starlight rolled her eyes as she put her cards in front of a more modest pile of chips. Applejack then groaned as she placed her cards on the table, unimpeded by any chips… because she didn’t have any.

“It’s a good thing this ain’t fer money,” The farmer just sighed.

“Or strip poker,” Trixie replied teasingly. Starlight lightly swatted her on the back of the head as Applejack blushed. “Oh, is that a blush I see? Are you hoping, wishing Dash was here?”

“Knock it off, Trixie.” Starlight groused.

“Still, why do ya think we’re goin’ to Las Pegasus anyway?” Applejack asked. “You don’t think it’s one of them monsters again, do you?”

“Considering our current party,” Starlight motioned her head towards Tom, “that seems rather likely.”

Tom just scowled a bit.

“Of all the ponies to be accompanying, it just HAD to be them. I know Applejack means well, was trying to protect her family and all… and Starlight wasn’t INTENDING to enable those monsters…and Trixie’s just trying to defend her friend… but I still can’t help but feel uncomfortable in this situation,” He thought. He shook his head, this wasn’t the time to let his own feelings get in the way of what needed to be done. And the sooner he did so, the sooner he could go back to Ponyville.

“Are you okay, Tom?” Fluttershy spoke, having woken up.

“Honestly? I just want to get this mission over with, then go home,” the Rider replied. “And…well, I don’t want to speak badly of your friends, but those three and I are not exactly the best match.”

Fluttershy just patted him on the shoulder. “You have your own reasons to feel that way, I’m sure,” she said comfortingly. “And I’m aware that Trixie’s personality can be… not for everyone. But please at least try to be civil with them, they’re not infallible.”

“...and neither am I,” Tom admitted with a sigh. “Even if it feels like I have to be, sometimes. It feels like I have to be this perfect role model for everyone. Superhero and all. That’s how Kamen Rider Ichigo, and Nigo and V3, and Amazon and Kuuga all were. Role models to children and adults.”

“But you’re not them, are you? My suggestion is to stop trying to imitate the past, and look forwards to the future,” Fluttershy said kindly. “Stop trying to be someone you’re not. You’re not them. You’re you.”

“...thanks, Fluttershy. You’re really smart, you know that?” Tom replied. Fluttershy couldn’t help but blush at the compliment hiding slightly behind her wings.

“Um…well, thank you for the compliment…I just said what came to mind, that’s all…” She squeaked as she hid her face completely.

“Attention passengers - we will be arriving at the Las Pegasus station shortly. Departing passengers should prepare for disembarking. Please check your belongings before leaving the train.”

“Looks like this is our stop,” Starlight said. “You two coming?”

Applejack nodded, and Trixie stood with a slight flourish of her cape. “Trixie thinks she will do quite nicely in this endeavor.”

“...right,” Starlight sighed a bit. “Hey! Fluttershy and Rider boy! We’re here!”

“Yeah, yeah, I heard the announcement,” Tom groaned as he and Fluttershy stood.
The group felt the train come to a stop, as other passengers began filing out.

“Well, let’s go!” Starlight said, attempting to emulate a leadership role.

“You can get through this, Tom…you’ve been through worse…” Tom thought to himself as they made their way to the exit.


After a few minutes of walking, the group found themselves in the busy center of the city.

“It’s certainly fancy enough,” Applejack said, “but a bit too much for a country gal like me.”

Tom was covering his ears. “It’s also loud as all hell - where are we supposed to be going?”

“Anyone else feel like we’re underdressed?” Starlight said, tugging on her leather jacket. “Like… I feel like I’m a bit underdressed…”

“Now that ya mention it…” Applejack said.

“One sec,” Starlight said, snapping her fingers and everyone was soon dressed in nicer clothes with the mares in shiny cocktail gowns and Tom in a tuxedo. “There we go, we’re dressed to impress and we all look like we actually belong!”

Applejack, with a ruby resembling an apple in her blonde mane, said: “Not a fan of the heels, if I’m bein’ honest. I can barely move in these lady stilts. I sure wish you’d at least let me keep my trusty boots instead of these here flimsy shoes I’ll only likely be usin’ once.”

Starlight snapped her fingers again and Applejack let out a sigh of relief.

“Not very fashionable, Rares would probably have a conniption but I don’t rightly care for what’s fashionable only what’s practical to wear.”

“Trixie thinks we should go there!” Trixie pointed to a large casino.

“And pray tell, what makes you think that?” Tom snarked.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie sees and knows all!” Trixie barked back as she started heading towards the casino.

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going!?” Starlight yelped as she ran after her friend.

Applejack and Fluttershy just shrugged and followed, Tom following himself.

You can do this… just keep reminding yourself of that.”

As they walked around, they were taking note of any behavior that might indicate a friendship problem or the presence of an Another Rider, but they weren’t seeing anything.

“Seems like everypony’s getting along just fine,” Applejack noted.

“Just wait a moment, someone’s probably going to accuse someone of stealing their chips or cheating,” Starlight drawled. “Places like this, I’m reminded why I tried to take everyone’s cutie marks and make everyone equal, so they all have equal skill and equal chance at getting broke. Getting rich and then getting busted. Viva Las Pegasus… black jack and poker and the roulette wheel with a fortune won and lost on every deal…”

“Alright, oh princess of Communism, let’s not go there,” Tom retorted.

“And just what do you mean by that?” Starlight growled back.

“Nyet! I do not speak badly of the people’s leader, komrade Glimmer!” Tom said in a horribly bad version of a Russian accent. “Please don’t send me to the gulags! I didn’t pack any long underwear!”

“Alright, break it up, you two,” Applejack said, getting in between the two. “We’re here to find a friendship problem, not MAKE one.”

Tom and Starlight just grumbled and looked away from each other, Tom muttering: “...I wasn’t aware we were friends to begin with…”

Applejack kicked him in the shin none too gently for that sour remark. Tom winced a bit, but decided to not poke the bear any further.

“...ladies and gentleponies, despite what my competition might say, I know you’ve come to this fair city to be entertained!” The group heard a stallion announcing something. “And I assure you, there is nothing more entertaining than the astounding acrobatics in Gladmane’s Pony Fantastique!”

“Now I suppose that might be true,” A similar voice rang out, “if it weren’t for the existence and far superiorly entertaining presence of the showstopping exotic animal act that Pony Fantastique includes!”

Fluttershy turned in the direction of the voices. “Those voices sound familiar…” Tom just looked confused.

“They sure do,” Applejack said angrily, stomping forwards and if she had sleeves she’d probably be rolling them up. “Flim and Flam…”

“Wait wait wait, weren’t they…” Starlight started, pulling out her reading glasses and checking her journal rapidly flipping through it.

“...the guys who tried to con you out of your family orchard?” Tom remembered. “Trying to make faster, better cider?”

As much as Tom wasn’t a fan of Applejack, he did like the Apple Family and would probably have intervened himself had he been there. Even just listening to the two fast-talking conmen…he could feel the sleaze dripping off their every word.

“You know, I really shouldn’t be that surprised,” Starlight mused aloud. “Las Pegasus is perfect for these two. Lot of people wanting to get rich quick and all.”

The group noticed that not only were Flim and Flam operating separately, but their pitches also seemed to contain more than a few barbs at each other.

“Don’t let this price gouging charlatan take you for a ride!” Flim announced. Flam just gasped dramatically.

“Charletan!? How dare you!” Flam replied dramatically.

“View must be nice from that glass house of theirs…” Starlight snarked bedore she sighed in resignation and realization. “...wait, don’t tell me…”

Applejack sighed as well. “As my brother might say… E’yup.”

“Can we just like…” Starlight made a gesture with her hand. “...ignore the friendship problem, just this once?”

“Starlight!” Fluttershy gasped, a hand over her mouth with the mare in question looking unrepentant.

“Don’t wag your finger at me Shy. Like… come on, don’t tell me you’re all thinking it!”

“I’m still gonna try to help. Call it my duty as a Kamen Rider,” Tom replied. “...Not to mention one or both of them might be Another Riders.”

“Whatever rubs your rhubarb, Dudley Do-Right,” Applejack sighed. “You sound like such a colt scout. Though, I admit, when you put it that way… you have a point.”

“...hey, wait… anyone seen Trixie?” Fluttershy piped up.

“Is she gambling? She did say she needed a new wagon. Is she asking if Lady Luck might make the dice stay hot?” Starlight asked, looking around.

Only to see Trixie looking longingly up at a poster of a strangely familiar looking stallion in a top hat, reaching out as if to touch him.

“So you were here… if Trixie can solve this friendship problem, might she able to see you again?” Tom heard her ask, sadly.

“You know him?” Tom asked. Trixie just yelped, hiding herself in her cape.

“Uh, well…he’s a fellow practitioner of the arcane arts! Trixie was just sizing him up!”

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached peak tsundere…” Tom rolled his eyes.

“...now, the Great and Powerful Trixie and her entourage will solve this friendship problem!” Trixie boasted, somehow lit by a holy backlight with Tom covering his ears again. “Trixie will get rich off your applause and the feeling of being a good pony or get busted!”

“Argh! The only thing you’re gonna be busting is my eardrums at this rate!”

“Tell you what, I think we should split up to cover more ground,” Starlight suggested.

“Great idea.” Tom said. “You take Trixie and go over there. Far, FAR over there. And over there has to stand for itself and speak for itself.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “Come on, Trixie.”

Trixie simply flourished her cape and followed Starlight.

“Thank Gaim…” Tom grumbled. “So, looks like it’s up to us to solve the problem and get those two to mend their relationship.”

”Are you sure you didn’t have any ulterior motives? Now I’m not exactly the Princess of Love, but even I can tell those two have a little thing for each other,” Applejack said. “Are you playing matchmaker, Tom?”

“Er…actually I kinda just wanted to get away from those two for a bit, any potential face-sucking between them is a coincidence.”

“...so, what do you think we should do first?” Fluttershy said. “I mean, I’m okay with whatever you two decide…”

“I think the best approach is to go talk to them directly and get the story.” Tom said.

“In that case, I think I’ll go mosey around the casino myself,” Applejack said. “No offense, sugarcube, but if I’m around those two much longer I may do something all of us’d regret.”

“Hey, if you see anyone handing out lotus flowers… don’t take them no matter how purdy they make your mane look!” Tom said.

Applejack rolled her eyes as she took off in another direction away from the Flim-Flam brothers. Tom and Fluttershy both looked at where the two were arguing and noticed a third stallion, an older one with a large coif and a fancy suit, standing in the middle.

“You think that guy might know something?” Tom asked. Fluttershy nodded as they began to approach, clutching onto his arm nervously. “I dunno, I’m going to take a wild guess, and I’m just spitballing here but a guy in a fancy suit looking all important is usually pretty important. Must be the owner of this place.”

The two approached the well-dressed stallion. “Excuse me, sir - do you mind if we ask you a few questions?” Tom asked politely.

“Hm?” The stallion faced the two. “Well, well, if it isn’t the famous Kamen Rider himself!”

“Wait, you know who I am?” Tom asked.

“Of course! You’ve been all over the papers! Oh, but where are my manners? I’m Gladmane, the owner of this fine establishment,” Gladmane said, rapidly shaking his hand. “And you and this well-dressed lady on your arm must be your heroes’ reward. After all, every knight in shining armor has to have a princess on his arm!”

Fluttershy let out an ‘eep’ and pulled herself away, hiding herself in her wings.

“Now now, don’t be so shy,” Gladmane said. “You should be proud of yourself, young lady, for snagging such an impressive specimen of heroism. And they say chivalry is dead, because you Mr. Rider have been offering your jacket to this young mare, holding the door for her! Welcome, to my fine establishment. I can set you up with the best room in the hotel, the lovers suite with an all access obsidian card to keep you entertained for days! That is… if you’re even interested in leaving your room with how in love you two seem to be!”

“She’s not my girlfriend,” Tom said. “I’m dating someone else.”

“Well, now, I would advise you young man for this not to get back to your real girlfriend. It’s okay, we all succumb to temptation, and I can’t blame you with how pretty this mare is! Like an angel from heaven!”

Tom just looked ill at the thought and Fluttershy looked actually pretty angry at the thought of him cheating on Twilight.

“I’d never cheat on-”

“Exactly,” Fluttershy said, calmly. “Tom is very happy with his marefriend and I would never dare come between the two of them. Please don’t imply otherwise.”

Gladmane flinched a little from how harshly she was staring was at him, tugging at his tie nervously.

“My deepest apologies to you both, I never meant to offend,” Gladmane quickly backpedaled. “So what can I do for you today?”

“Those two who were fighting in front of you, you know them?” Tom asked. Gladmane sighed sadly.

“The Flim Flam brothers? I sure do. Started working here not too long ago,” the older stallion started explaining. “But to see those two at each others’ throats like this… it breaks my heart.”

“I’m sure,” Tom deadpanned. “Do you know why they started fighting?”

“I can’t rightfully say.” Gladmane replied rubbing his chin in thought. “They may be brothers, but even brothers fight. I think you better get the story from them honestly.”

“Right then… thanks,” Tom said as he and Fluttershy turned away.

“You know what happens in Las Pegasus stays in Las Pegasus!” Gladmane called out, but Fluttershy turned and glared at him. Nervously, he said: “Kidding! Only kidding!”


“Alright, spill,” Starlight said. “You’re way too eager to be here. You picked out this casino specifically. You don’t care about Flim and Flam, you’re here for another reason.”

“You’re right, Trixie does have her reasons but Trixie isn’t obligated to share them with you.”

“I’m still new to this friendship thing and all, but I’m pretty sure friends share whatever’s bothering them,” Starlight said. “I mean, I’m asking nicely and I’m sure Twilight’s happy I’m asking at all, and y’know not just pulling it out of your mind like I would have used to.”

“Would you really do that to Trixie?”

“Well, Twilight’s not around to lecture me and I’m actually kinda concerned about you Trix…” Starlight trailed off, leaving the threat hanging in the air.

“Trixie thinks you’re a terrible friendship student,” Trixie said. “Trixie thinks you’ve still got a lot to learn about being a better pony.”

“You’re right, I still do have a lot to learn,” Starlight admitted with a shrug. “That’s why I’m still a work in progress.”

“Alright, as Trixie doesn’t want you reading her mind and learning all of the secrets behind her tricks…” the mare said before taking a deep breath and sighing. “Well, Trixie supposes she’ll explain. Trixie has never known her father, Trixie’s never seen him once, not even on her birthdays.”

Starlight winced and squeezed her hand. “Yikes, that’s uh… and I thought I had issues. At least I knew my parents.”

“Trixie’s mom refuses to talk about him, says he’s a stallion of poor character and clams up whenever I ask about him. But Trixie knows who her father is,” the mare said, gesturing to a nearby poster. “He’s in every town I go to. He’s famous. Trixie’s father used to be her idol and the reason Trixie got into stage magic, until I worked out what a poor excuse for a stallion he is.”

“...so you’re here to confront him, no wonder you leaped at the chance to go to Las Pegasus once you found out,” Starlight said, with a sympathetic smile. “Alright, I suppose Flim and Flam can wait.”

“Like Trixie said, you’re a terrible student and Trixie wonders if she’s a terrible influence,” the mare replied. “Trixie says you shouldn’t be such a busybody and mind your own business and focus on the real reason you’re here which are those two characters, those two charlatans.”

“Perhaps,” Starlight said. “But as your friend, I’m thinking I should be supporting you when you need it.”

“Trixie does love loopholes!”

As they walked towards the backstage areas, the dressing rooms and the like they could hear arguing.

“Oh come on, Jack Pot!” the two could hear another stallion complaining. “Look, if you play for another night, I’ll hit you up with the finest suite in my hotel. You’ll basically have your own apartment, it’ll be like living here!”

“I already practically live here, you have me playing a show five nights a week,” Jack Pot said and as Starlight peered around a corner she could really see the resemblance. “I’m tired and what’s worse I don’t get that much time to myself. I need to think up new tricks, folks have seen it all from me. I need to add something new to my act!”

“If it weren’t for me, Jack Pot, you’d still be traveling around the country, playing in carnivals and whatever school would take you to show off to the colts and fillies,” and Starlight could guess this was Gladmane given his logo was everywhere. “I discovered you, Jack Pot. I made you, I can unmake you as well. I could throw you out on the street, there’s always someone wanting to be next in line!”

“Trixie may not like her father,” Trixie whispered. “But Trixie is getting to detest this Gladmane character even more. Thinking of new tricks for your act is half of the fun! You can’t give the crowd the same old same old and expect them to be impressed. Trixie knows they always need the new razzle dazzle!”

“It’s a shame this guy isn’t the friendship problem we came here to solve,” Starlight sighed. “Because I’d looooovee to give this guy the boot. Down with capitalism, down with fat cats. Eat the rich! Everyone should be equal! Nopony should have a higher status than anypony else!”

Trixie was giving her an odd look.

“...sorry, I forgot I’m not that pony anymore. But remembering how corporations tend to control everything was the reason I went into my goth phase. The world seemed so pointless back then, I just wanted to look as depressed on the outside as I was on the inside.”

“That’s not goth, Starlight,” Trixie said. “That’s just being nihilistic. As someone who had her goth phase as well-”

“You had a goth phase?” Starlight blinked in disbelief.

“Trixie made a beautiful pastel goth, if Trixie says so herself,” the mare said. “Trixie, while she didn’t crowd around in graveyards or anything but she wrote poetry and leaned towards dark characters. …actually Trixie thinks she still has some of that poetry at home.”

“You’ll…” Starlight started. “I’d actually like to hear some of it sometime. I’ve always loved poetry, though this really isn’t the time for me suddenly starting to develop a keen interest in you.”

“Keen interest?” Trixie leaned in curiously.

“I’m pan,” Starlight admitted. “And the idea of you reading really dark beautiful gothic poetry to me is making me crush on you so hard right now…”

“...just curious, but did your idea of everyone being equal to you involve equally shared relationships?”

“That’s not communism, that’s just community,” Starlight said with a drawl in her voice. “Now hush, I’m trying to listen to what else they’re saying!”

“I don’t rightly care if you fire me. Actually, you can’t fire me, I QUIT!” Jack Pot thundered. “Find someone else to be your star attraction, I’ve got a family waiting for me back home that I haven’t seen in years!”

Trixie’s jaw dropped, her eyes growing misty. “He… he remembers me?”

“What’s this now? A family?”

“I have a daughter out there, I’ve been sending her money, keeping her afloat so she can follow in my hoofsteps. I’ve never officially claimed her as my own, I didn’t want her to be in my shadow,” Jack Pot said. “I know I’ve been a terrible father, but I intend on fixing it. Consider this my last greatest trick, my final disappearing act!”

“Oh no, you’re my literal Jack Pot,” Gladmane said, as his body became consumed by a familiar dark energy. “You’re making me richer every day, I can’t let you leave just yet. Forget six nights a week, you’ll be here for eternity!”

“Wizard!” the dark ridewatch growled as Gladmane morphed into a twisted parody of the Rider, flames burning away to reveal his form.

“Run, go get Tom, go find him,” Starlight said, shoving her friend away as her horn started to glow. “I’ll hold him off.”

“Hell no, you go get Tom,” Trixie said. “Trixie is going to protect her daddy!”


“Look, Trixie is unhappy with her daddy leaving her but she’s not particularly happy with Gladmane either. Trixie just has some anger issues to work out okay?”

“I’m sorry Trixie, but…” Starlight said teleporting her away as the mare yelped in shock. “You’re only a stage magician. I’m Twilight Sparkle’s student, and the mare who changed time and made it bow down to my will. Now stand aside, please.”


Unaware of what was starting to unfold, Fluttershy sobbed into the sink and wasn’t aware she was being pulled into Applejack’s arms until she heard the mare’s voice.

“Hey, you… no, I’m being silly, of course you’re not alright,” Applejack said with a sigh. “Now what’s reduced you to tears, ‘Shy?”

“Gladmane,” Fluttershy said with a whisper, wiping her red eyes. “He… implied me and Tom were in a relationship. We’re not, he’s with Twilight and I’m very happy he is but-”

“I understand, ‘Shy…” Applejack said. “You wish he was with you, right?”

“Y-Yes…” Fluttershy nodded weakly looking up at her, more tears in her eyes. “Is that so wrong?”

Before AJ could answer, she heard the sounds of screams.

“Hold that thought, ‘Shy will you for a moment? From the sounds of it, it’s a good thing we came along. Sounds like somepony’s going to have to be introduced to Kicks McGee.”

Never a dull moment, the mare thought to herself.


Starlight threw up a shield even as the Another Rider conjured a series of burning knives, letting the storm of blades bounce off her shield. Then she saw it, a rising wave rushing through the room washing away anyone in its path.

The shield cracked but didn’t shatter under the tsunami, only for the ring bearing wizard to scan one of his rings on his belt.

“Explosion, please!”

Starlight felt the shield shatter and felt herself thrown backwards into the theater, seats crushed underneath her. The dragonic Another Rider chuckled, scanning two more spells.

“Portal, please! Big, please!”

A portal opened underneath her, and the Another Rider sent his foot through it even as his foot grew to an impossible size. Starlight rolled out of the way even as a bright light filled the room.

As the light faded, she saw the same rider from before, G-Den-O holding up the massive foot.

“Explosion, please!” and as the spell erupted all around them, G-Den-O tackled Starlight out of the way.

Their helmet shattered and Starlight’s eyes widened.

“No… it can’t be you…” she whispered in horror. “But you’re…”

Even as the helmet repaired itself, Starlight’s eyes stayed wide and almost blank in shock.


“TOM!” Trixie said, being teleported right on top of the man. “Oh, Trixie is so sorry, but you need to transform now! Gladmane… he’s one of them!”

“One of what?” Tom said, able to barely hear.

“YOU KNOW WHAT!” Trixie barked. “Starlight teleported me away, just because she thought I can’t protect myself from a ring bearing magician! Oh, when I get my hands on her…”

“Wait, ring bearing magician?” Tom asked before his eyes narrowed and he said: “Another Wizard.”

“He certainly is, and a shoddy one at that!” Trixie said indignantly.

“Just…show me where they are. Preferably with your inside voice.”

The two ran towards the backstage areas, but as they did, they saw mobs of ponies fleeing for their lives from something.

“Another Wizard’s probably going on a rampage!” Tom shouted, as he produced his Driver and RideWatch. “Trixie, you stay back and-”

“No! The Great and Powerful Trixie has too much stake to just sit out!” Trixie yelled back.

Just then, Applejack and Fluttershy came running towards them.

“What the hay is goin’ on?” Applejack asked.

“Another Wizard’s going nuts backstage,” Tom explained. “Gonna go fix that. HENSHIN!”

Tom quickly transformed into his Rider form as he ran backstage to see Another Wizard corralling the performers with fiery sigils all over the ground.

“Now you all BELONG TO ME FOREVER!!” Another Wizard snarled.

“Holy crap, man, haven’t you ever heard of fire safety before?” Zi-O quipped as he quickly shot the overhead sprinklers to make them start spraying everywhere. “Smokey would be ashamed!”

“Ah, the Rider… I wish it didn’t have to come to this, you know. Having the Kamen Rider enjoy his time at my lovely establishment would have been such a good draw.” Another Wizard said with another growl.

“...you’re that asshat with no sense of relationship boundaries from earlier!” Tom said, firing his gun only for the Another Rider to send the shots flying every which way with gusts of wind.

“Hey now, this place ain’t quite right for a big show like this… let’s make things more interesting!” Another Wizard said and placed his hand over the skeletal hand on his belt.

“ENGAGE, PLEASE!” The Another Rider’s belt announced as a large portal appeared under not just him, but Tom, the trapped performers, and Tom’s approaching friends as well.

“What!?” Tom couldn’t react fast enough before he was dragged through.


When the group came to their senses, they found themselves on what appeared to be a giant casino table.

“Okay, this is getting weird, even for my standards,” Tom said. “Is this supposed to be his Underworld or something?”

“The… The underworld? Are we dead?” Trixie squeaked, spinning on a wheel even as knives began embedding themselves all around her. “Trixie’s still too young and too pretty to die! Not to mention too mad at her father!”

“Will you hush?” Applejack said. “We’re probably just in his personal dimension or something.”

“Oh, you could say it’s the Underworld alright…ha ha ha…” Another Wizard’s voice came from everywhere.

More light filtered in as they saw the performers being tortured on various casino themed traps.

“Father!!! Starlight!!!” Trixie shrieked as she saw both her father and Starlight tied up above a giant pit of sharks, with a roulette wheel above being the only thing keeping them tethered.

“Cliche as shit,” Tom said with a sigh, feeling so exhausted from the events of today. “Let them go, Gladmane!”

“Oh come on, the fun’s only just started! Let’s spin the wheel and see which of them gets to live, and which of them gets to be shark food!” Gladmane said with a laugh.

“Stop!” Tom said as he ran towards the shark tank only to be repelled by a blast.

“Oh, did I forget to mention our special guest performers tonight? Give it up for Kamen Rider Lupin!”

Tom’s assailant showed himself, blowing smoke off his golden gun. His outfit was like a stereotypical phantom thief, only covered in gold and gems. Bowing, the rider flourished his billowing black cape.

“Aren’t you supposed to be robbing this place?” Tom said, tilting his head. “Stealing his heart? …no wait that sounds like you’re making him fall in love with you. You’re supposed to be stealing from this place, not playing assistant. What next, are you going to get put in a bunny outfit?”

“But that’s not all, we’ve got the ninja knowhow from Kamen Rider Fuuma!” The twisted pony-turned-monster announced loudly as a series of kunai flew towards Tom. Tom quickly rolled out of the way, drawing his gun again.

“And last but certainly not least, riding the rails in from who-knows-when is Nega Den-O!”

A sword slashed Tom across the stomach, and he gasped in pain as the purple rider stepped forwards, looking like the original Den-O but covered in light blue flame artwork.

“So…a hat trick of Dark Riders…” Tom groaned.

“Play fair, ya creep!” Applejack yelled.

“Ah, ah, ah!” Another Wizard chided as he snapped his fingers.

“BIND, PLEASE!” A sigil appeared beneath Applejack, and she was rooted to the spot by black chains.

“The audience shouldn’t be participating in this…you can just watch the great show I’ve prepared! It’ll be your last, after all!”

Another Wizard conjured rocks and threw them at Tom only for a blue glowing bubble to step between him and Another Wizard. Inside the blue bubble, G-Den-O.

“What do you want…?” Tom groaned in pain as the dark riders gathered around them. “Can’t you see I’m already having a terrible enough day? I can’t deal with you right now.”

“The same thing you want, I imagine. His watch. And a terrible day you say? Then help me deal with them instead.” G-Den-O said. “Don’t kid yourself though, kid. This is only temporary.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know how this whole bit works.” Tom said as he got to his feet.

“Well, it seems our show has met an unexpected interruption, but the show must go on! Let’s see if you two can handle my Dark Riders all at the same time!”

“We can’t fight him here,” G-Den-O said. “This is his world.”

“But we can’t just leave everyone else here to be tortured either,” Tom said back. “We need a strategy… A plan of attack!”

“Relax kid, once he’s dealt with, everyone will be put back to where they were,” G-Den-O said. “I have a plan of attack. It’s called attack.”

“You think so, huh?” Another Wizard interrupted. “Well, let’s see how you fare when your precious friends become a shark snack!”

Another Wizard cut the rope holding Jack Pot, as he fell to the tank where the sharks happily jumped for joy…

“No! Father!!!” Trixie said, unable to look.

“And now, your friend here is next…wait, what!?” Another Wizard looked only to see Starlight was already gone.

Starlight had teleported, grabbing ahold of Jack Pot and then teleported him next to Trixie.

“Reminder, Princess Twilght’s personal student, dumbass,” Starlight said to the Another Rider.

“Enough! I’m the magician here!” Another Wizard yelled back as a series of fiery sigils formed around him.

“You… you dare to call yourself a magician?” Jack Pot said angrily. “Magicians put on a show to make people smile! All you’re doing is making them cry in fear. You bring shame to our craft!”

“Oh, wah wah,” Another Wizard snarked. “Just shut up and die!”

Then G-Den-O kicked Nega Den-O mid sword swing into the Another Rider, even as Applejack broke free of her chains. Frustrated, Another Wizard fired off all his fireballs, but Tom jumped forth, having used the HibikiWatch to transform into Hibiki Armor. He somehow managed to absorb all the fireballs, drawing them inwards to him.

“Now that’s a spicy meatball!” He said, mimicking a chef’s kiss, before suddenly spitting them all back at Another Wizard.

“ARRGH!!!” The magical monster roared in pain, as he fell to the ground and Tom and G-Den-O launched themselves into a twin rider kick.

The walls between worlds shattered, and they were back in the casino. Them and the Dark Riders.

“Get them!” Another Wizard snarled.

The trio of Dark Riders charged the two heroic Riders, and Tom pulled out a pair of large clubs only for AJ to slam her hoof into the phantom thief-themed rider.

“Now don’t you worry about us Tom, like I said I needed to introduce someone to Kicks McGee!” AJ said, kicking away Nega Den-O as well. “Now they ain’t Another Riders, meaning they’re not bound by their fancy smancy time rules. Meaning… Well, shucks, they’re nothin’ to worry about.”

“Fine, but leave the big boss to me!” Tom said as he used his clubs to launch a large stream of fire at Another Wizard, the bestial Rider countering with his own flame.

Nearby, out of the corner of his eye, Tom saw Fluttershy reappear with white lions and tigers which pounced upon Nega Den-O ripping into his armor with their claws.

“Thank you for your help, my lovely new friends.” Fluttershy said softly, petting a tiger’s head as it let out a loud purr.

Nearby, Tom was locked in a literal fire fight with Another Wizard, both of them spewing intense fire!

“Well, good thing I know a thing or two about sleight of hand!” Another Wizard said as a series of kunai came flying towards Tom’s blind spot. But just as they were about to land, they suddenly stopped in midair.

“Wait, what?” Another Wizard and Tom said in unison. They stopped and noted the kunai were embedded in a dark block.

“Magic 101: Misdirection!” Trixie and Jack Pot said at the same time.

“Y-you!!!” Another Wizard growled but lost his focus enough for Tom to start overpowering him. The Another Rider growled, blowing Tom backwards into some poker tables with a gust of wind.

“Time to bring the house down!” the Another Rider said, causing an earthquake with his ring as rubble fell all around Tom.

The true Rider summoned his bike, letting it expand and started blasting his way through to Another Wizard, finally knocking him to the floor.

“Let’s turn the tables!” He replaced the HibikiWatch with the Ex-AidWatch, transforming quickly.
He then quickly leapt towards the slot machines and tagged them, the machines suddenly pointing towards Another Wizard.

“I always bet on black… no wait, that's roulette,” Tom said with a sigh. “But… Jackpot!”

“Who, me?” the stallion asked even as golden coins belted Another Wizard, flying from the slot machines.

“Ow-ow-ow-ow!” Another Wizard winced under the assault. “You little weasel!”

“Hey, I thought you wanted to rake in the big bucks?” Tom taunted. “Either way, your time’s up! Now let’s bring this little show of yours to a close!”

“FINISH TIME! EX-AID!” Tom’s belt announced as a series of word bubble-like projections appeared. Tom repeatedly slammed them with his armor’s hammer fists as he moved quickly towards Another Wizard.

“No, no, no, no, no, NO!!” Another Wizard screamed as he was bombarded by blindingly fast blows.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” Tom said.

With one last uppercut, and an announcement of “PERFECT!”,the Another Rider fell to the ground, his transformation disappearing.

“Game, set, match,” Tom said, snapping his fingers. As Another Wizard’s transformation disappeared, the Dark Riders he summoned went with it.

Tom walked over to the WizardWatch and grabbed it, but G-Den-O pointed her weapon at Tom. She said: “That’s mine. Hand it over.”

“Not happening, lady!” Tom said back. “I don’t know what you want with them, but these are too risky to just let anyone handle!”

“In that case, I don’t have a choice. Apologies, kid.” G-Den-O rushed over to Tom and sucker-punched him in the stomach, making him drop the watch as he doubled over coughing.

Both Starlight and Applejack ran to grab it from the Rider, who vanished as a train rushed past horn blaring.

“Damn it, she got away with another one.” Tom grumbled. “Who even is she anyway?”

After a short while, the casino floor was swarming with police and emergency workers. A familiar face walked over to the group.

“Kamen Rider, I presume?” The officer was yet another of Officer Rights’ many identical siblings.

“Let me guess, your sisters told you about me,” Tom said back.

“Hey, when you’ve got a family in law enforcement, you share info,” The officer shrugged. “We’ve taken Gladmane into custody, and the performers are being looked over by the medics. It’s a good thing no one was hurt very badly.”

“...wait, the staff…” Starlight said, facepalming. “Crapbaskets, like oh cheese and crackers we forgot all about Flim and Flam.”


“...can we just like…” Starlight started. “Forget about them?”

“Starlight…” AJ glared at her.

“Fine… fine…” the mare sighed. “But I’m using my Twilight’s personal student credentials to check us all in for a nice massage after this.”

“Well, brother, that was a fine how-do-you-do…” Flim groaned.

“I agree…but did you see that fella in the armor?” Flam replied.

“...you thinking what I’m thinking?” Flim said smiling.

“We make a killing off of Kamen Rider merchandise?” Flam replied, smiling back.

“I’m sorry, brother of mine.” Flim said.

“I’m sorry too…from now on, we’ll make the big bucks the way we know how!” Flam said back as the brothers embraced. The group’s bodies (and Tom’s watch) all glowed, signifying a successful mission.

“Well, mission complete, so sayeth the map,” Starlight said, relief evident in her tone. “Now, who’s up for that massage?”

Tom could only moan in pain, which Starlight took as a yes.

“...Trixie needs a moment, you go ahead.” Trixie said as she looked over to Jack Pot, sitting on a stretcher. The group just nodded, as they grabbed hold of Tom and walked off. Trixie then approached her father.

“...father…I-” Trixie started, but Jack Pot held a finger to her mouth.

“I’m sorry, Trixie. I didn’t want to abandon you like I did…and I don’t have any excuse. I’m a horrible father.” Jack Pot said.

“...daddy…” Trixie sobbed. “I missed you!”

She hugged her father tightly.

“I missed you too, my little showstopper,” Jack Pot said, returning the embrace. “We’ve got some catching up to do.”

Just then, a piece of paper fell from Jack Pot’s pocket. Trixie recognized it.

“That…that’s one of my flyers,” Trixie said.

“I make sure I keep one for all of your shows. Even if I can’t be there, I know you’re doing great as the Great and Powerful Trixie. You’re my daughter, after all!”

Trixie smiled, tears still in her eyes. Just then, another stallion in a magician’s outfit came up.

“Jack, are you okay?” The other stallion asked.

“Wait, uncle Bucks?” Trixie asked.

“That’s right, Trixie.” Jack Pot said as Big Bucks put his hand on his shoulder.

“...ohhhhh… guess that’s another thing we have in common then…”


Back in Ponyville, Spoiled Rich was pacing around in her room. She couldn’t get the Riders out of her mind.

“Those two menaces have done nothing but cause trouble since they arrived! What’s more, they’ve corrupted my little Diamond, too! How am I supposed to make her into a respectable member of high society? And how am I supposed to get her married off to a rich noble if she keeps rebelling against me?”

“Of all the candidates for Another Riders I’ve met, you have to be one of the worst,” A voice came out of nowhere.

“Who-” But before she could say anything else, she saw a black and green masked figure, followed by a sharp stabbing pain in her stomach. She looked down and saw that the masked cretin had somehow shoved something inside her via a dark portal.

“Show everyone the meaning of true betrayal, Another Blade.” The masked figure said as he disappeared as quickly as he arrived. Spoiled fell to her knees as she groaned in pain…but the pain soon turned to a sense of euphoria.

“I see now… if there is a way to get those filthy monkeys out of our town, then I will have to do it myself!” She said, starting to laugh madly…

Just outside the window, on a branch, a familiar human with a camera observed, as he snapped a picture.

“Looks like it’s time for the kid to get an upgrade…” He pulled a strange, elongated RideWatch from his pocket…

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait, Chapter 12 is now out.

Special thanks to the Bricklayer for their amazing assistance!